chore: update changelog for v1.18.0

Misty (Bot) 4 years ago
parent 4ddc26fc08
commit 2fd9c09544

@ -1,3 +1,171 @@
#### v1.18.0 (2021-08-25)
##### Breaking Changes
* **emails:** restore ability for admins to edit a user's email address [breaking] (c4e3362b)
* #9670 return 4xx errors instead of 5xx on flag routes, when unauthenticated or not privileged [breaking] (d1959a25)
* made TopicList.onTopicsLoaded private [breaking] (07f25d8c)
* return proper API-style response if exception caught by error handler on v3 routes [breaking] (a54a3ee1)
##### Chores
* **deps:**
* update dependency husky to v7.0.2 (324c7d48)
* update dependency eslint-plugin-import to v2.24.2 (9a34fe18)
* update dependency eslint-config-nodebb to v0.0.2 (cd85a55d)
* update dependency mocha to v9.1.0 (c5a42273)
* update dependency eslint-plugin-import to v2.24.1 (daca09d4)
* update dependency @apidevtools/swagger-parser to v10.0.3 (ffdf61b8)
* update dependency jsdom to v17 (#9700) (41855375)
* update dependency eslint-plugin-import to v2.24.0 (23dafa20)
* update dependency lint-staged to v11.1.2 (d47bdde2)
* update dependency jsdom to v16.7.0 (9db28b4b)
* update dependency eslint to v7.32.0 (03a98f4d)
* update dependency mocha to v9.0.3 (40384fcb)
* update dependency lint-staged to v11.1.1 (7588aae1)
* update dependency lint-staged to v11.1.0 (cb5fe271)
* update dependency mocha to v9 (f43291f5)
* update dependency husky to v7 (702290c4)
* update dependency eslint to v7.31.0 (f5a53b7f)
* update dependency lint-staged to v11.0.1 (02101315)
* up markdown/composer-default, fixes: #9708 (b74eefac)
* incrementing version number - v1.17.2 (46be2046)
* update changelog for v1.17.2 (5c9c0605)
##### Documentation Changes
* some hook deprecation notices (6bc090f8)
##### New Features
* add confirmation modal to topic event deletion (e803737a)
* allow changing default search in (794bf01b)
* #9705, use radio buttons for flag reasons (382a4c27)
* Client-side hooks - replace window.trigger (#9679) (342503e0)
* closes #9684, allow event deletion (358ad740)
* replace eslint configs on server and client side to inherit rules from eslint-config-nodebb (f653a6ff)
* re-add FontAwesome font for compatibility (a370c26f)
* update to FontAwesome 5.15, resolve #6976 (41762e66)
* removed registerAndLoginUserCallback local helper, added handling if a bad interstitial doesn't go away nor throw errors (70a04bc1)
* updated email confirmation alert to more closely reflect email usage, remembering dismissal (bbbacd86)
* allow requirejs modules to be awaited (58adb762)
* show instructional modal after email change request (0e05cbe1)
* return back to profile after editing email (324a12b6)
* allow registration interstitial abort to also follow returnTo (b3c91641)
* plumb current session id into email removal/confirmation flow, so all other sessions are revoked except for the current session (96398faa)
* allow revokeAllSessions method to revoke all sessions except that which is passed in (new arg) (b0a4a1d3)
* return generic 404 on invalid confirm code (f53fc1ad)
* invites no longer require email (a917210c)
* show different registration intersitial lead text on new account vs. existing (74aaa0a9)
* removal of emailExists socket listener (12b2a979)
* add loggedin/guest class to body (04b1f702)
* convert _fireStaticHook to async function (auto-refactor by vscode) (21359eab)
* store topic tags in topic hash (#9656) (4a56388e)
* new hook `action:topics.loading` (in the same format as `action:posts.loading`) (e0db904b)
* schedule deprecation for `action:category.loaded` and `action:category.loading`. Use `action:topics.loaded/ing` instead (8ae4c300)
* internationalize API error messages (7036c375)
* #9651, change category desc to multiline (5fd190f7)
* **emails:**
* pass req in to filter:registration.interstitial (afd2d8da)
* display current email in interstitial form (f5291999)
* upgrade script for includeUnverifiedEmails (50517020)
* +includeUnverifiedEmails ACP setting (be97aa6f)
##### Bug Fixes
* lint (55693ec1)
* topic event deletion (1ee92c28)
* pluginPaths (0743554d)
* #9730, show warning if plugin is active but not installed (13878e9f)
* #9729, insert new posts after topic events (60bf5643)
* #9719, only apply to non https (c354cde3)
* #9727, addHandlers after hooks (77c3085a)
* allow smaller than 5mins for admin relogin duration (a288f51f)
* taskbar icon not pushed via composer/persona (3a81c8fd)
* #9698, pass along query params in redirect (9de64bf5)
* lint (8bf2896d)
* remove unnecessary quote (093ac1c0)
* parseInt tids (162ebacf)
* #9681, update posts in queue if target tid is merged (0c816429)
* email update interstitial to not error on empty email field (on new registration) (4a521ea2)
* updated ACP > Manage > Users to handle users with no email address (824a72b2)
* allowed reset and reset_notify emails to go out to unconfirmed email addresses (d5b5b7d5)
* bug where confirmation email was sent to the old email address, not the new one (414d733d)
* email validation flow, so that it actually works, fixed event logging bug, new email verification template (3bcd1f14)
* accidental early return in confirmByCode, tests, race condition (caf89687)
* test :shipit: (2c06ac9a)
* failing test from d1959a2 (f71f2951)
* #9668, add raw info to psql database page (6c47a060)
* use hooks module instead of window trigger (acb11cc7)
* tests (0960a814)
* translate language keys if passed in to formatApiResponse (415416d2)
* lint (ff78969c)
* tests (55d7e558)
* keep query string on redirects (47c8c692)
* **deps:**
* bump persona (12e7f8d5)
* update dependency nodebb-theme-persona to v11.2.1 (#9734) (2e1562b8)
* update dependency nodebb-theme-vanilla to v12.1.2 (#9735) (4bd66a7c)
* update dependency nodebb-theme-slick to v1.4.8 (#9732) (096c5a58)
* update dependency autoprefixer to v10.3.2 (d44e3a8e)
* update dependency nodebb-theme-persona to v11.2.0 (116f9cb5)
* update dependency ioredis to v4.27.8 (8461791a)
* update dependency nodebb-theme-persona to v11.1.3 (ec103ce8)
* update dependency sharp to v0.29.0 (626d5565)
* update dependency connect-mongo to v4.5.0 (ce6039f2)
* update dependency nodebb-theme-vanilla to v12.1.1 (de83f82e)
* update dependency nodebb-theme-persona to v11.1.2 (ee10ae04)
* update dependency yargs to v17.1.1 (38e38580)
* update dependency nodebb-theme-persona to v11.1.1 (47941418)
* update dependency mongodb to v3.6.11 (a0fd0268)
* update dependency yargs to v17.1.0 (181c20ba)
* update dependency ioredis to v4.27.7 (4c9d6b62)
* update theme versions for #9607 (3b34571d)
* update dependency postcss to v8.3.6 (ebdba8f1)
* update dependency html-to-text to v8 (3f24746c)
* update dependency yargs to v17 (1b6b1fe5)
* bump composer-default to v7 (51458c75)
* update dependency autoprefixer to v10.3.1 (0d3f74b7)
* update dependency nodebb-plugin-markdown to v8.14.2 (b6a84712)
* update dependency autoprefixer to v10.3.0 (72c9650f)
* update packages to v4.1.3 (f14df0d4)
* update dependency nodebb-plugin-composer-default to v6.5.34 (31dae04f)
* update dependency nodebb-theme-persona to v11.0.26 (ae14016e)
* update dependency nodebb-plugin-markdown to v8.14.1 (8b41684e)
* **emails:**
* broken test for api/user/email/:email (81611ae1)
* dont allow retrieving user data if showemail is false @julianlam (7d115c8e)
* registration tests, email no longer passed-in, API tests (confirm email for test accounts) (6694bdd5)
* don't automatically associate email during user creation if passed in at registration (e726048e)
* remove debug log (b4b65ecd)
* broken test due to sticky registration interstitial (ab9b6716)
##### Refactors
* remove promisify from redis, ioredis supports promises nati… (#9728) (6659e95a)
* get rid of async.waterfall/each (8fb53252)
* remove unused async (42dbd402)
* remove waterfall (6b6a7d4b)
* move interstitials into its own file in `src/user/` (e95df2f0)
* added method, updated email interstitial to handle email removal (ccf004f1)
* client-side to use flag notes API (ef4e74bf)
* fix wording (6ed7e937)
* **email:** validation checking methods, +tests fix (087e6020)
* **emails:**
* more work in update email interstitial, interstitial skipping, email change on confirmation, deprecation of requireEmailConfirmation (69c96dd2)
* interstitial for adding/updating email (f365bc46)
* remove email validation on client and server side (7c1d1c77)
##### Code Style Changes
* eslint (d2492ef4)
* lint fix (340ccb24)
* lint (52229172)
##### Tests
* **emails:** fixing broken tests introduced by e5ff68acd (a3a3b10f)
#### v1.17.2 (2021-07-07)
##### Chores
