@ -155,7 +155,33 @@ define('forum/chats', ['components', 'string', 'sounds', 'forum/infinitescroll',
data.message.newSet = lastSpeaker !== data.message.fromuid;
Chats.parseMessage(data.message, onMessagesParsed);
} else {
$('.chats-list li[data-uid="' + data.withUid + '"]').addClass('unread');
var contactEl = $('.chats-list li[data-uid="' + data.withUid + '"]'),
userKey = data.withUid === data.message.fromuid ? 'fromUser' : 'toUser';
// Spawn a new contact if required
if (!contactEl.length) {
templates.parse('partials/chat_contact', {
uid: data.withUid,
username: data.message[userKey].username,
status: data.message[userKey].status,
picture: data.message[userKey].picture,
teaser: {
content: data.message.cleanedContent,
timestampISO: new Date(Date.now()).toISOString()
}, function(html) {
translator.translate(html, function(translatedHTML) {
// Mark that contact list entry unread
$('.chats-list li[data-uid="' + data.withUid + '"]').addClass('unread').find('.timeago').timeago();
} else {
// Mark that contact list entry unread
$('.chats-list li[data-uid="' + data.withUid + '"]').addClass('unread');
app.alternatingTitle('[[modules:chat.user_has_messaged_you, ' + data.message.fromUser.username + ']]');