@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ const db = require('../database');
const file = require('../file');
const plugins = require('../plugins');
const posts = require('../posts');
const meta = require('../meta');
const cache = require('../cache');
const Thumbs = {};
module.exports = Thumbs;
const Thumbs = module.exports;
Thumbs.exists = async function (tid, path) {
// TODO: tests
@ -27,18 +27,33 @@ Thumbs.get = async function (tids) {
singular = true;
if (!meta.config.allowTopicsThumbnail) {
return singular ? null : tids.map(() => []);
const upload_url = nconf.get('upload_url');
const sets = tids.map(tid => `${validator.isUUID(String(tid)) ? 'draft' : 'topic'}:${tid}:thumbs`);
const thumbs = await Promise.all(sets.map(async set => db.getSortedSetRange(set, 0, -1)));
const thumbs = await Promise.all(sets.map(set => getThumbs(set)));
let response = thumbs.map((thumbSet, idx) => thumbSet.map(thumb => ({
id: tids[idx],
name: path.basename(thumb),
url: thumb.startsWith('http') ? thumb : path.join(nconf.get('upload_url'), thumb),
url: thumb.startsWith('http') ? thumb : path.join(upload_url, thumb),
({ thumbs: response } = await plugins.hooks.fire('filter:topics.getThumbs', { tids, thumbs: response }));
return singular ? response.pop() : response;
async function getThumbs(set) {
const cached = cache.get(set);
if (cached !== undefined) {
return cached.slice();
const thumbs = await db.getSortedSetRange(set, 0, -1);
cache.set(set, thumbs, 600000);
return thumbs.slice();
Thumbs.associate = async function ({ id, path: relativePath, url }) {
// Associates a newly uploaded file as a thumb to the passed-in draft or topic
const isDraft = validator.isUUID(String(id));
@ -52,6 +67,7 @@ Thumbs.associate = async function ({ id, path: relativePath, url }) {
await db.sortedSetAdd(set, numThumbs, value);
// Associate thumbnails with the main pid (only on local upload)
if (!isDraft && relativePath) {
@ -67,6 +83,7 @@ Thumbs.migrate = async function (uuid, id) {
const thumbs = await db.getSortedSetRange(set, 0, -1);
await Promise.all(thumbs.map(async path => await Thumbs.associate({ id, path })));
await db.delete(set);
Thumbs.delete = async function (id, relativePath) {
@ -80,6 +97,7 @@ Thumbs.delete = async function (id, relativePath) {
if (associated) {
await db.sortedSetRemove(set, relativePath);
if (existsOnDisk) {
await file.delete(absolutePath);