Merge commit 'a0f0dd021b6b275d377aec83956a8fc0a0e7aa52' into v1.18.x

Misty (Bot) 3 years ago
commit 27acf19325

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ jobs:
fail-fast: false
os: [ubuntu-latest]
node: [12, 14]
node: [12, 14, 16]
database: [mongo-dev, mongo, redis, postgres]
# only run coverage once

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
"indent_size": 4,
"indent_char": " ",
"indent_level": 0,
"indent_with_tabs": true,
"preserve_newlines": true,
"max_preserve_newlines": 10,
"jslint_happy": true,
"brace_style": "collapse",
"keep_array_indentation": false,
"keep_function_indentation": false,
"space_before_conditional": true,
"break_chained_methods": false,
"eval_code": false,
"unescape_strings": false,
"wrap_line_length": 0

@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
// JSHint Default Configuration File (as on JSHint website)
// See for more details
"maxerr" : 50, // {int} Maximum error before stopping
"esversion": 9,
// Enforcing
"bitwise" : true, // true: Prohibit bitwise operators (&, |, ^, etc.)
"camelcase" : false, // true: Identifiers must be in camelCase
"curly" : true, // true: Require {} for every new block or scope
"eqeqeq" : true, // true: Require triple equals (===) for comparison
"forin" : true, // true: Require filtering loops with obj.hasOwnProperty()
"immed" : false, // true: Require immediate invocations to be wrapped in parens e.g. `(function () { } ());`
"indent" : 4, // {int} Number of spaces to use for indentation
"latedef" : false, // true: Require variables/functions to be defined before being used
"newcap" : false, // true: Require capitalization of all constructor functions e.g. `new F()`
"noarg" : true, // true: Prohibit use of `arguments.caller` and `arguments.callee`
"noempty" : true, // true: Prohibit use of empty blocks
"nonew" : false, // true: Prohibit use of constructors for side-effects (without assignment)
"plusplus" : false, // true: Prohibit use of `++` & `--`
"quotmark" : false, // Quotation mark consistency:
// false : do nothing (default)
// true : ensure whatever is used is consistent
// "single" : require single quotes
// "double" : require double quotes
"undef" : true, // true: Require all non-global variables to be declared (prevents global leaks)
"unused" : true, // true: Require all defined variables be used
"strict" : true, // true: Requires all functions run in ES5 Strict Mode
"trailing" : false, // true: Prohibit trailing whitespaces
"maxparams" : false, // {int} Max number of formal params allowed per function
"maxdepth" : false, // {int} Max depth of nested blocks (within functions)
"maxstatements" : false, // {int} Max number statements per function
"maxcomplexity" : false, // {int} Max cyclomatic complexity per function
"maxlen" : false, // {int} Max number of characters per line
// Relaxing
"asi" : false, // true: Tolerate Automatic Semicolon Insertion (no semicolons)
"boss" : false, // true: Tolerate assignments where comparisons would be expected
"debug" : false, // true: Allow debugger statements e.g. browser breakpoints.
"eqnull" : false, // true: Tolerate use of `== null`
"es5" : false, // true: Allow ES5 syntax (ex: getters and setters)
"esnext" : false, // true: Allow (ES6) syntax (ex: `const`)
"moz" : false, // true: Allow Mozilla specific syntax (extends and overrides esnext features)
// (ex: `for each`, multiple try/catch, function expression…)
"evil" : false, // true: Tolerate use of `eval` and `new Function()`
"expr" : false, // true: Tolerate `ExpressionStatement` as Programs
"funcscope" : false, // true: Tolerate defining variables inside control statements"
"globalstrict" : false, // true: Allow global "use strict" (also enables 'strict')
"iterator" : false, // true: Tolerate using the `__iterator__` property
"lastsemic" : false, // true: Tolerate omitting a semicolon for the last statement of a 1-line block
"laxbreak" : false, // true: Tolerate possibly unsafe line breakings
"laxcomma" : false, // true: Tolerate comma-first style coding
"loopfunc" : false, // true: Tolerate functions being defined in loops
"multistr" : false, // true: Tolerate multi-line strings
"proto" : false, // true: Tolerate using the `__proto__` property
"scripturl" : false, // true: Tolerate script-targeted URLs
"smarttabs" : false, // true: Tolerate mixed tabs/spaces when used for alignment
"shadow" : false, // true: Allows re-define variables later in code e.g. `var x=1; x=2;`
"sub" : false, // true: Tolerate using `[]` notation when it can still be expressed in dot notation
"supernew" : false, // true: Tolerate `new function () { ... };` and `new Object;`
"validthis" : false, // true: Tolerate using this in a non-constructor function
// Environments
"browser" : true, // Web Browser (window, document, etc)
"couch" : false, // CouchDB
"devel" : true, // Development/debugging (alert, confirm, etc)
"dojo" : false, // Dojo Toolkit
"jquery" : true, // jQuery
"mootools" : false, // MooTools
"node" : true, // Node.js
"nonstandard" : false, // Widely adopted globals (escape, unescape, etc)
"prototypejs" : false, // Prototype and Scriptaculous
"rhino" : false, // Rhino
"worker" : false, // Web Workers
"wsh" : false, // Windows Scripting Host
"yui" : false, // Yahoo User Interface
"mocha": true,
// Legacy
"nomen" : false, // true: Prohibit dangling `_` in variables
"onevar" : false, // true: Allow only one `var` statement per function
"passfail" : false, // true: Stop on first error
"white" : false, // true: Check against strict whitespace and indentation rules
// Custom Globals
"globals" : {
"Promise": true
} // additional predefined global variables

@ -1,3 +1,162 @@
#### v1.18.5 (2021-10-27)
##### Breaking Changes
* disable javascript in custom less tab (719cfc0d)
##### Chores
* remove .opacity() mixin as it is supported cross-browser (28efcb59)
* up themes (463b2076)
* up persona (1438f409)
* incrementing version number - v1.18.4 (945c2b0b)
* update changelog for v1.18.4 (7cbcb521)
* **deps:**
* update dependency lint-staged to v11.2.6 (8d4bb8bb)
* update dependency lint-staged to v11.2.5 (0728a994)
* update dependency lint-staged to v11.2.4 (f76a7882)
* update dependency husky to v7.0.4 (2a3e13f3)
* update dependency mocha to v9.1.3 (4784f016)
* update dependency eslint-plugin-import to v2.25.2 (3c3f45d9)
* update dependency jsdom to v18 (4b8dcd4c)
* update dependency eslint-plugin-import to v2.25.1 (7c4aebbd)
* update dependency lint-staged to v11.2.3 (288b5456)
* update dependency lint-staged to v11.2.2 (f96c8c4d)
* update dependency @commitlint/cli to v13.2.1 (52c38a1d)
* update dependency lint-staged to v11.2.1 (022e8df0)
* update dependency eslint-config-nodebb to v0.0.3 (4b92df82)
* **i18n:**
* fallback strings for new resources: nodebb.admin-settings-email, nodebb.error (9b68dc37)
* fallback strings for new resources: nodebb.admin-dashboard (ff962b5d)
* fallback strings for new resources: nodebb.admin-dashboard, nodebb.admin-menu (abe59131)
* fallback strings for new resources: nodebb.admin-manage-digest, nodebb.admin-settings-user, nodebb.user (2bed40be)
##### Documentation Changes
* update verbiage re: login API route (94c4f87b)
##### New Features
* new ACP option `emailPrompt` ... which allows administrators to disable the client-side prompt to encourage users to enter or confirm their email addresses (80ea12c1)
* show popular searches (f4cf482a)
* new plugin hook to allow plugins to reject email address on new registration or email change (6b4f35c2)
* utilities login API route now starts an actual login session, if requested (806a1e50)
* add method name to deprecation message (b91ae088)
* quote tooltip (66fca4e0)
* additional quality options for jpeg uploads, added quality and compression settings for png uploads (d22b076b)
* #8053, biweekly digest option (f7967bdf)
* core submit button dropdown (605a5381)
* added failing i18n tests (35af7634)
* confirm before deleting all events (#9875) (56d05b4e)
##### Bug Fixes
* **deps:**
* update dependency nodebb-theme-vanilla to v12.1.7 (#9944) (bf20965f)
* update dependency nodebb-theme-persona to v11.2.19 (#9943) (bcf85fcf)
* update dependency nodebb-rewards-essentials to v0.2.0 (7c2ecb12)
* update dependency nodebb-theme-vanilla to v12.1.6 (49b8b983)
* update dependency nodebb-theme-persona to v11.2.18 (ed0adf2c)
* update dependency nodebb-theme-persona to v11.2.17 (78661079)
* update dependency postcss to v8.3.11 (a5f4e206)
* update dependency nodebb-theme-vanilla to v12.1.5 (d74a6bd3)
* update dependency sharp to v0.29.2 (8b8fe393)
* update dependency postcss to v8.3.10 (b18a24e9)
* update dependency nodebb-theme-persona to v11.2.15 (f3c8d7da)
* update dependency nodebb-theme-persona to v11.2.14 (#9919) (5e08e67b)
* update dependency to v4.3.2 (deba3e27)
* update dependency to v4.3.1 (e1554f61)
* update packages (ce5a0a21)
* update dependency nodebb-plugin-spam-be-gone to v0.7.10 (600a8720)
* update dependency nodebb-plugin-composer-default to v7.0.10 (b0128f85)
* update dependency nodebb-plugin-markdown to v8.14.4 (f8f35d7e)
* update dependency nodebb-plugin-composer-default to v7.0.9 (ed874662)
* update dependency nodebb-theme-persona to v11.2.13 (1dba75e9)
* update dependency ioredis to v4.28.0 (4ff5452d)
* update dependency nodebb-theme-persona to v11.2.12 (fe9f82f6)
* update dependency ioredis to v4.27.11 (6d2e0aa9)
* update dependency nodebb-plugin-mentions to v2.14.1 (820f8cdf)
* update dependency jquery-ui to v1.13.0 (b0eb2aed)
* remove loading="lazy", fixes inf. scroll loaded images (01572785)
* windows tests (25ebbd65)
* undefined query showing in searches (6cfaea06)
* don't repeat search if on same page (89f5e06b)
* api session revoke test (0926ae6e)
* crash (da64810a)
* add missing translation (eb075c73)
* move record to controller (ee8e0480)
* profile edit fields showing translated values (63572c23)
* #9934, fix translator test (8d316d18)
* token verify (04dab1d5)
* guard against prototype pollution (1783f918)
* translator path traversal (c8b2fc46)
* there is no alltime digest, fixes translation in test email (e62948f7)
* clicking outside postContainer should close tooltip (47df62e7)
* minification regression (998b9e79)
* tooltip (fec7ebed)
* biweekly digest #8053 (9cb4de50)
* restore plugin upgrade checking logic (44687394)
* fallbacks for new langauge key (ed4ebd22)
* #9917, show topics as unread for guests (4333d217)
* clarify site settings urls vs config.json url (#9912) (6436aa65)
* clarify SMTP enable toggle (#9911) (09f198fc)
* don't overwrite reloadRequired with false (9e0ce027)
* delete translations in admin/general folder (since general was removed and relocated elsewhere) (b460e590)
* pushed missing key to tx and pulled fallbacks (21b61082)
* adding missing language namespace "top" (0f9b0b78)
* extra debug log (bd893cda)
* have renovate add `dependencies` label to its PRs (eddb9868)
* no global bootbox (#9879) (227456fb)
* #9872 update app badge with notification count if applicable (3e69bcdf)
* better nomenclature (c1149d04)
* html attributes (#9877) (3acaac4c)
* escape thumbs, allow robots meta tag (4f9717fb)
* missing translations (#9876) (7935bd9e)
##### Performance Improvements
* dont if plugin doesnt have language namespace (#9893) (1feb111a)
##### Refactors
* wider value field (c428ba80)
* dont save partial searches (c7e078d4)
* use search api for topic search (64192731)
* slowdown quick search (19ee7174)
* typo (a5287906)
* add callback to loadNotifications (f02fba29)
* simplified utilities API > login rout (506c34a8)
* log error as well (1d62bd6d)
* catch errors from buildHeader in error handler :fire: (73a9ca09)
* add missing helpers.tryRoute (d4da9840)
* shorter middleware (ee0282f5)
* meta/minifier use async/await (b2429ef0)
* remove unused var (90b81262)
* catch errors from digest (8e319a9b)
* less.render returns promise (14bc83a8)
* less.render already returns promise (6da32392)
* prompt.get already returns promise (c70eaa0a)
* no need for async/callbacks (057d1d58)
* no more :cow: (38756a0c)
* allow array of uids for (a9bc6a09)
* show full url on error log (8e6bd7e9)
* var to const and let (#9885) (b0a24d6d)
* remove unused code (997fb2b3)
* remove unused colorpicker (543d8521)
##### Reverts
* lazy load (3d1cf168)
##### Tests
* fix broken openapi3 schema (7ef5214e)
* restore commented-out i18n test (fa1afbcf)
* moved topic event and topic thumb tests to subfolder for better organisation (154ffea0)
* remove escape (6c25b9db)
* possible fix to timeout (63109c07)
* increase timeout (8654a996)
#### v1.18.4 (2021-10-06)
##### Chores

@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
# ![NodeBB](public/images/logo.svg)
[![Build Status](](
[![Coverage Status](](
[![Dependency Status](](
[![Code Climate](](
[**NodeBB Forum Software**]( is powered by Node.js and supports either Redis, MongoDB, or a PostgreSQL database. It utilizes web sockets for instant interactions and real-time notifications. NodeBB has many modern features out of the box such as social network integration and streaming discussions, while still making sure to be compatible with older browsers.

@ -69,6 +69,7 @@
"gdpr_enabled": 1,
"allowProfileImageUploads": 1,
"teaserPost": "last-reply",
"showPostPreviewsOnHover": 1,
"allowPrivateGroups": 1,
"unreadCutoff": 2,
"bookmarkThreshold": 5,

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
"ace-builds": "^1.4.12",
"archiver": "^5.2.0",
"async": "^3.2.0",
"autoprefixer": "10.3.7",
"autoprefixer": "10.4.0",
"bcryptjs": "2.4.3",
"benchpressjs": "2.4.3",
"body-parser": "^1.19.0",
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
"express-useragent": "^1.0.15",
"graceful-fs": "^4.2.6",
"helmet": "^4.4.1",
"html-to-text": "8.0.0",
"html-to-text": "8.1.0",
"ipaddr.js": "^2.0.0",
"jquery": "3.6.0",
"jquery-deserialize": "2.0.0",
@ -78,24 +78,24 @@
"material-design-lite": "^1.3.0",
"mime": "^2.5.2",
"mkdirp": "^1.0.4",
"mongodb": "4.1.3",
"mongodb": "4.1.4",
"morgan": "^1.10.0",
"mousetrap": "^1.6.5",
"multiparty": "4.2.2",
"@nodebb/bootswatch": "3.4.2",
"nconf": "^0.11.2",
"nodebb-plugin-composer-default": "7.0.11",
"nodebb-plugin-dbsearch": "5.0.5",
"nodebb-plugin-composer-default": "7.0.14",
"nodebb-plugin-dbsearch": "5.1.0",
"nodebb-plugin-emoji": "^3.5.0",
"nodebb-plugin-emoji-android": "2.0.5",
"nodebb-plugin-markdown": "8.14.4",
"nodebb-plugin-mentions": "2.14.1",
"nodebb-plugin-spam-be-gone": "0.7.10",
"nodebb-plugin-mentions": "3.0.2",
"nodebb-plugin-spam-be-gone": "0.7.11",
"nodebb-rewards-essentials": "0.2.0",
"nodebb-theme-lavender": "5.2.1",
"nodebb-theme-persona": "11.2.19",
"nodebb-theme-slick": "1.4.14",
"nodebb-theme-vanilla": "12.1.7",
"nodebb-theme-lavender": "5.3.1",
"nodebb-theme-persona": "11.2.21",
"nodebb-theme-slick": "1.4.16",
"nodebb-theme-vanilla": "12.1.9",
"nodebb-widget-essentials": "5.0.4",
"nodemailer": "^6.5.0",
"nprogress": "0.2.0",
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
"sharp": "0.29.2",
"sitemap": "^7.0.0",
"slideout": "1.0.1",
"": "4.3.1",
"": "4.3.2",
"": "^1.0.1",
"": "4.3.2",
"": "7.0.0",
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
"tinycon": "0.6.8",
"toobusy-js": "^0.5.1",
"uglify-es": "^3.3.9",
"validator": "13.6.0",
"validator": "13.7.0",
"visibilityjs": "2.0.2",
"winston": "3.3.3",
"xml": "^1.0.1",
@ -142,16 +142,16 @@
"devDependencies": {
"@apidevtools/swagger-parser": "10.0.3",
"@commitlint/cli": "13.2.1",
"@commitlint/config-angular": "13.2.0",
"@commitlint/cli": "14.1.0",
"@commitlint/config-angular": "14.1.0",
"coveralls": "3.1.1",
"eslint": "7.32.0",
"eslint-config-nodebb": "0.0.3",
"eslint-plugin-import": "2.25.2",
"eslint-plugin-import": "2.25.3",
"grunt": "1.4.1",
"grunt-contrib-watch": "1.1.0",
"husky": "7.0.4",
"jsdom": "18.0.0",
"jsdom": "18.0.1",
"lint-staged": "11.2.6",
"mocha": "9.1.3",
"mocha-lcov-reporter": "1.3.0",

@ -8,7 +8,11 @@
"nodejs": "nodejs",
"online": "online",
"git": "git",
"memory": "memory",
"process-memory": "process memory",
"system-memory": "system memory",
"used-memory-process": "Used memory by process",
"used-memory-os": "Used system memory",
"total-memory-os": "Total system memory",
"load": "system load",
"cpu-usage": "cpu usage",
"uptime": "uptime",

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
"properties": "Properties:",
"groups": "Groups:",
"open-new-window": "Open in a new window",
"dropdown": "Dropdown",
"dropdown-placeholder": "Place your dropdown menu items below, ie: <br/>&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href&#x3D;&quot;;&gt;Link 1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;",
"btn.delete": "Delete",
"btn.disable": "Disable",
@ -20,4 +22,4 @@
"custom-route": "Custom Route",
"core": "core",
"plugin": "plugin"

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
"teaser.last-post": "Last &ndash; Show the latest post, including the original post, if no replies",
"teaser.last-reply": "Last &ndash; Show the latest reply, or a \"No replies\" placeholder if no replies",
"teaser.first": "First",
"showPostPreviewsOnHover": "Show a preview of posts when mouse overed",
"unread": "Unread Settings",
"unread.cutoff": "Unread cutoff days",
"unread.min-track-last": "Minimum posts in topic before tracking last read",

@ -8,7 +8,11 @@
"nodejs": "nodejs",
"online": "на линия",
"git": "git",
"memory": "памет",
"process-memory": "памет на процеса",
"system-memory": "системна памет",
"used-memory-process": "Използвана памет от процеса",
"used-memory-os": "Използвана системна памет",
"total-memory-os": "Обща системна памет",
"load": "натоварване на системата",
"cpu-usage": "използване на процесора",
"uptime": "активно време",

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
"properties": "Свойства:",
"groups": "Групи:",
"open-new-window": "Отваряне в нов прозорец",
"dropdown": "Падащо меню",
"dropdown-placeholder": "Въведете елементите на падащото меню по-долу. Пример: <br/>&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href&#x3D;&quot;;&gt;Връзка 1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;",
"btn.delete": "Изтриване",
"btn.disable": "Изключване",
@ -20,4 +22,4 @@
"custom-route": "Персонализиран маршрут",
"core": "ядро",
"plugin": "добавка"

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
"teaser.last-post": "Последната &ndash; Показване на последната публикация, или първоначалната такава, ако няма отговори.",
"teaser.last-reply": "Последната &ndash; Показване на последния отговор, или „Няма отговори“, ако все още няма такива.",
"teaser.first": "Първата",
"showPostPreviewsOnHover": "Показване на кратък преглед на публикациите при посочване с мишката",
"unread": "Настройки за непрочетените",
"unread.cutoff": "Възраст на публикациите, след която те не се показват в непрочетените (в брой дни)",
"unread.min-track-last": "Минимален брой публикации в темата, след което да започва следене на последно прочетената",

@ -8,7 +8,11 @@
"nodejs": "nodejs",
"online": "online",
"git": "git",
"memory": "memory",
"process-memory": "process memory",
"system-memory": "system memory",
"used-memory-process": "Used memory by process",
"used-memory-os": "Used system memory",
"total-memory-os": "Total system memory",
"load": "system load",
"cpu-usage": "cpu usage",
"uptime": "uptime",

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
"properties": "Properties:",
"groups": "Groups:",
"open-new-window": "Open in a new window",
"dropdown": "Dropdown",
"dropdown-placeholder": "Place your dropdown menu items below, ie: <br/>&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href&#x3D;&quot;;&gt;Link 1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;",
"btn.delete": "Delete",
"btn.disable": "Disable",
@ -20,4 +22,4 @@
"custom-route": "Custom Route",
"core": "core",
"plugin": "plugin"

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
"teaser.last-post": "Last &ndash; Show the latest post, including the original post, if no replies",
"teaser.last-reply": "Last &ndash; Show the latest reply, or a \"No replies\" placeholder if no replies",
"teaser.first": "First",
"showPostPreviewsOnHover": "Show a preview of posts when mouse overed",
"unread": "Unread Settings",
"unread.cutoff": "Unread cutoff days",
"unread.min-track-last": "Minimum posts in topic before tracking last read",

@ -8,7 +8,11 @@
"nodejs": "nodejs",
"online": "připojen",
"git": "git",
"memory": "paměť",
"process-memory": "process memory",
"system-memory": "system memory",
"used-memory-process": "Used memory by process",
"used-memory-os": "Used system memory",
"total-memory-os": "Total system memory",
"load": "zatížení systému",
"cpu-usage": "využití CPU",
"uptime": "čas spuštění",

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
"properties": "Vlastnosti:",
"groups": "Skupiny:",
"open-new-window": "Otevřít v novém okně",
"dropdown": "Dropdown",
"dropdown-placeholder": "Place your dropdown menu items below, ie: <br/>&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href&#x3D;&quot;;&gt;Link 1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;",
"btn.delete": "Odstranit",
"btn.disable": "Zakázat",
@ -20,4 +22,4 @@
"custom-route": "Upravit cestu",
"core": "jádro",
"plugin": "rozšíření"

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
"teaser.last-post": "Poslední zobrazení posledního příspěvku, včetně hlavního příspěvku, nejsou-li odpovědi",
"teaser.last-reply": "Poslední zobrazení poslední odpovědi, nebo nejsou-li žádné odpovědi textu „Bez odpovědi”",
"teaser.first": "První",
"showPostPreviewsOnHover": "Show a preview of posts when mouse overed",
"unread": "Nastavení nepřečtených",
"unread.cutoff": "Dny ukončení nepřečtených",
"unread.min-track-last": "Minimální počet příspěvků v tématu před posledním čtením",

@ -8,7 +8,11 @@
"nodejs": "nodejs",
"online": "online",
"git": "git",
"memory": "memory",
"process-memory": "process memory",
"system-memory": "system memory",
"used-memory-process": "Used memory by process",
"used-memory-os": "Used system memory",
"total-memory-os": "Total system memory",
"load": "system load",
"cpu-usage": "cpu usage",
"uptime": "uptime",

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
"properties": "Properties:",
"groups": "Groups:",
"open-new-window": "Open in a new window",
"dropdown": "Dropdown",
"dropdown-placeholder": "Place your dropdown menu items below, ie: <br/>&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href&#x3D;&quot;;&gt;Link 1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;",
"btn.delete": "Delete",
"btn.disable": "Disable",
@ -20,4 +22,4 @@
"custom-route": "Custom Route",
"core": "core",
"plugin": "plugin"

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
"teaser.last-post": "Last &ndash; Show the latest post, including the original post, if no replies",
"teaser.last-reply": "Last &ndash; Show the latest reply, or a \"No replies\" placeholder if no replies",
"teaser.first": "First",
"showPostPreviewsOnHover": "Show a preview of posts when mouse overed",
"unread": "Unread Settings",
"unread.cutoff": "Unread cutoff days",
"unread.min-track-last": "Minimum posts in topic before tracking last read",

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"no-events": "Es gibt keine Ereignisse",
"control-panel": "Ereignis-Steuerung",
"delete-events": "Ereignisse löschen",
"confirm-delete-all-events": "Are you sure you want to delete all logged events?",
"confirm-delete-all-events": "Bist du sicher, dass du alle gespeicherten Events löschen möchtest?",
"filters": "Filter",
"filters-apply": "Filter anwenden",
"filter-type": "Ereignistyp",

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"logs": "Protokoll",
"logs": "Protokolle",
"control-panel": "Protokoll Steuerung",
"reload": "Protokoll neu laden",
"clear": "Protokoll leeren",
"clear-success": "Protokoll geleert"
"reload": "Protokolle neu laden",
"clear": "Protokolle löschen",
"clear-success": "Protokolle gelöscht"

@ -8,7 +8,11 @@
"nodejs": "Node.js Version",
"online": "Online",
"git": "git",
"memory": "Speicher",
"process-memory": "process memory",
"system-memory": "system memory",
"used-memory-process": "Used memory by process",
"used-memory-os": "Used system memory",
"total-memory-os": "Total system memory",
"load": "Systemlast",
"cpu-usage": "CPU Benutzung",
"uptime": "Uptime",

@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
"user": "Benutzer",
"subscription": "Subscription Type",
"last-delivery": "Last successful delivery",
"default": "System default",
"last-delivery": "Letzte erfolgreiche Zustellung",
"default": "System Standard",
"default-help": "<em>System default</em> means the user has not explicitly overridden the global forum setting for digests, which is currently: &quot;<strong>%1</strong>&quot;",
"resend": "Resend Digest",
"resend-all-confirm": "Are you sure you wish to manually execute this digest run?",

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
"properties": "Eigenschaften:",
"groups": "Gruppen:",
"open-new-window": "In neuem Fenster öffnen",
"dropdown": "Dropdown",
"dropdown-placeholder": "Place your dropdown menu items below, ie: <br/>&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href&#x3D;&quot;;&gt;Link 1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;",
"btn.delete": "Löschen",
"btn.disable": "Deaktivieren",
@ -20,4 +22,4 @@
"custom-route": "Benutzerdefinierter Pfad",
"core": "Kern",
"plugin": "Plugin"

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
"teaser.last-post": "Letzter - Den neuesten Beitrag anzeigen, den originalen Beitrag innbegriffen, wenn es keine Antworten gibt",
"teaser.last-reply": "Letzter - Den neuesten Beitrag oder einen \"Keine Antworten\" Platzhalter, wenn es keine Antworten gibt anzeigen",
"teaser.first": "Erster",
"showPostPreviewsOnHover": "Show a preview of posts when mouse overed",
"unread": "Ungelesen-Einstellungen",
"unread.cutoff": "Ungelesen-Limit (in Tagen)",
"unread.min-track-last": "Minimale Anzahl an Beiträgen pro Thema bevor die letzte Sichtung mitgeschrieben wird",

@ -8,7 +8,11 @@
"nodejs": "nodejs",
"online": "online",
"git": "git",
"memory": "memory",
"process-memory": "process memory",
"system-memory": "system memory",
"used-memory-process": "Used memory by process",
"used-memory-os": "Used system memory",
"total-memory-os": "Total system memory",
"load": "system load",
"cpu-usage": "cpu usage",
"uptime": "uptime",

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
"properties": "Properties:",
"groups": "Groups:",
"open-new-window": "Open in a new window",
"dropdown": "Dropdown",
"dropdown-placeholder": "Place your dropdown menu items below, ie: <br/>&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href&#x3D;&quot;;&gt;Link 1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;",
"btn.delete": "Delete",
"btn.disable": "Disable",
@ -20,4 +22,4 @@
"custom-route": "Custom Route",
"core": "core",
"plugin": "plugin"

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
"teaser.last-post": "Last &ndash; Show the latest post, including the original post, if no replies",
"teaser.last-reply": "Last &ndash; Show the latest reply, or a \"No replies\" placeholder if no replies",
"teaser.first": "First",
"showPostPreviewsOnHover": "Show a preview of posts when mouse overed",
"unread": "Unread Settings",
"unread.cutoff": "Unread cutoff days",
"unread.min-track-last": "Minimum posts in topic before tracking last read",

@ -8,7 +8,11 @@
"nodejs": "nodejs",
"online": "online",
"git": "git",
"memory": "memory",
"process-memory": "process memory",
"system-memory": "system memory",
"used-memory-process": "Used memory by process",
"used-memory-os": "Used system memory",
"total-memory-os": "Total system memory",
"load": "system load",
"cpu-usage": "cpu usage",
"uptime": "uptime",

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
"properties": "Properties:",
"groups": "Groups:",
"open-new-window": "Open in a new window",
"dropdown": "Dropdown",
"dropdown-placeholder": "Place your dropdown menu items below, ie: <br/>&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href&#x3D;&quot;;&gt;Link 1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;",
"btn.delete": "Delete",
"btn.disable": "Disable",
@ -20,4 +22,4 @@
"custom-route": "Custom Route",
"core": "core",
"plugin": "plugin"

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
"teaser.last-post": "Last &ndash; Show the latest post, including the original post, if no replies",
"teaser.last-reply": "Last &ndash; Show the latest reply, or a \"No replies\" placeholder if no replies",
"teaser.first": "First",
"showPostPreviewsOnHover": "Show a preview of posts when mouse overed",
"unread": "Unread Settings",
"unread.cutoff": "Unread cutoff days",
"unread.min-track-last": "Minimum posts in topic before tracking last read",

@ -8,7 +8,11 @@
"nodejs": "nodejs",
"online": "online",
"git": "git",
"memory": "memory",
"process-memory": "process memory",
"system-memory": "system memory",
"used-memory-process": "Used memory by process",
"used-memory-os": "Used system memory",
"total-memory-os": "Total system memory",
"load": "system load",
"cpu-usage": "cpu usage",
"uptime": "uptime",

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
"properties": "Properties:",
"groups": "Groups:",
"open-new-window": "Open in a new window",
"dropdown": "Dropdown",
"dropdown-placeholder": "Place your dropdown menu items below, ie: <br/>&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href&#x3D;&quot;;&gt;Link 1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;",
"btn.delete": "Delete",
"btn.disable": "Disable",
@ -20,4 +22,4 @@
"custom-route": "Custom Route",
"core": "core",
"plugin": "plugin"

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
"teaser.last-post": "Last &ndash; Show the latest post, including the original post, if no replies",
"teaser.last-reply": "Last &ndash; Show the latest reply, or a \"No replies\" placeholder if no replies",
"teaser.first": "First",
"showPostPreviewsOnHover": "Show a preview of posts when mouse overed",
"unread": "Unread Settings",
"unread.cutoff": "Unread cutoff days",
"unread.min-track-last": "Minimum posts in topic before tracking last read",

@ -8,7 +8,11 @@
"nodejs": "nodejs",
"online": "online",
"git": "git",
"memory": "memory",
"process-memory": "process memory",
"system-memory": "system memory",
"used-memory-process": "Used memory by process",
"used-memory-os": "Used system memory",
"total-memory-os": "Total system memory",
"load": "system load",
"cpu-usage": "cpu usage",
"uptime": "uptime",

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
"properties": "Properties:",
"groups": "Groups:",
"open-new-window": "Open in a new window",
"dropdown": "Dropdown",
"dropdown-placeholder": "Place your dropdown menu items below, ie: <br/>&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href&#x3D;&quot;;&gt;Link 1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;",
"btn.delete": "Delete",
"btn.disable": "Disable",
@ -20,4 +22,4 @@
"custom-route": "Custom Route",
"core": "core",
"plugin": "plugin"

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
"teaser.last-post": "Last &ndash; Show the latest post, including the original post, if no replies",
"teaser.last-reply": "Last &ndash; Show the latest reply, or a \"No replies\" placeholder if no replies",
"teaser.first": "First",
"showPostPreviewsOnHover": "Show a preview of posts when mouse overed",
"unread": "Unread Settings",
"unread.cutoff": "Unread cutoff days",
"unread.min-track-last": "Minimum posts in topic before tracking last read",

@ -8,7 +8,11 @@
"nodejs": "nodejs",
"online": "en-linea",
"git": "git",
"memory": "memoria",
"process-memory": "process memory",
"system-memory": "system memory",
"used-memory-process": "Used memory by process",
"used-memory-os": "Used system memory",
"total-memory-os": "Total system memory",
"load": "carga del sistema",
"cpu-usage": "uso del cpu",
"uptime": "tiempo de actividad",

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
"properties": "Propiedades:",
"groups": "Grupos:",
"open-new-window": "Abrir en una ventana nueva",
"dropdown": "Dropdown",
"dropdown-placeholder": "Place your dropdown menu items below, ie: <br/>&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href&#x3D;&quot;;&gt;Link 1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;",
"btn.delete": "Borrar",
"btn.disable": "Deshabilitar",
@ -20,4 +22,4 @@
"custom-route": "Ruta Personalizada:",
"core": "núcleo",
"plugin": "plugin"

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
"teaser.last-post": "Último &ndash; Muestra la última entrada, incluyendo la entrada original, si no hay respuestas.",
"teaser.last-reply": "Última &ndash; Muestra la última respuesta, o un texto \"No hay respuestas\" si no hay respuestas.",
"teaser.first": "Primera",
"showPostPreviewsOnHover": "Show a preview of posts when mouse overed",
"unread": "Configuraciones sin leer",
"unread.cutoff": "Días límite sin leer",
"unread.min-track-last": "Entradas mínimas en un tema antes de indicar la última leída.",

@ -8,7 +8,11 @@
"nodejs": "nodejs",
"online": "online",
"git": "git",
"memory": "memory",
"process-memory": "process memory",
"system-memory": "system memory",
"used-memory-process": "Used memory by process",
"used-memory-os": "Used system memory",
"total-memory-os": "Total system memory",
"load": "system load",
"cpu-usage": "cpu usage",
"uptime": "uptime",

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
"properties": "Properties:",
"groups": "Groups:",
"open-new-window": "Open in a new window",
"dropdown": "Dropdown",
"dropdown-placeholder": "Place your dropdown menu items below, ie: <br/>&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href&#x3D;&quot;;&gt;Link 1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;",
"btn.delete": "Delete",
"btn.disable": "Disable",
@ -20,4 +22,4 @@
"custom-route": "Custom Route",
"core": "core",
"plugin": "plugin"

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
"teaser.last-post": "Last &ndash; Show the latest post, including the original post, if no replies",
"teaser.last-reply": "Last &ndash; Show the latest reply, or a \"No replies\" placeholder if no replies",
"teaser.first": "First",
"showPostPreviewsOnHover": "Show a preview of posts when mouse overed",
"unread": "Unread Settings",
"unread.cutoff": "Unread cutoff days",
"unread.min-track-last": "Minimum posts in topic before tracking last read",

@ -8,7 +8,11 @@
"nodejs": "nodejs",
"online": "online",
"git": "git",
"memory": "memory",
"process-memory": "process memory",
"system-memory": "system memory",
"used-memory-process": "Used memory by process",
"used-memory-os": "Used system memory",
"total-memory-os": "Total system memory",
"load": "system load",
"cpu-usage": "cpu usage",
"uptime": "uptime",

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
"properties": "Properties:",
"groups": "Groups:",
"open-new-window": "Open in a new window",
"dropdown": "Dropdown",
"dropdown-placeholder": "Place your dropdown menu items below, ie: <br/>&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href&#x3D;&quot;;&gt;Link 1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;",
"btn.delete": "Delete",
"btn.disable": "Disable",
@ -20,4 +22,4 @@
"custom-route": "Custom Route",
"core": "core",
"plugin": "plugin"

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
"teaser.last-post": "Last &ndash; Show the latest post, including the original post, if no replies",
"teaser.last-reply": "Last &ndash; Show the latest reply, or a \"No replies\" placeholder if no replies",
"teaser.first": "First",
"showPostPreviewsOnHover": "Show a preview of posts when mouse overed",
"unread": "Unread Settings",
"unread.cutoff": "Unread cutoff days",
"unread.min-track-last": "Minimum posts in topic before tracking last read",

@ -8,7 +8,11 @@
"nodejs": "nodejs",
"online": "online",
"git": "git",
"memory": "memory",
"process-memory": "process memory",
"system-memory": "system memory",
"used-memory-process": "Used memory by process",
"used-memory-os": "Used system memory",
"total-memory-os": "Total system memory",
"load": "system load",
"cpu-usage": "cpu usage",
"uptime": "uptime",

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
"properties": "Properties:",
"groups": "Groups:",
"open-new-window": "Open in a new window",
"dropdown": "Dropdown",
"dropdown-placeholder": "Place your dropdown menu items below, ie: <br/>&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href&#x3D;&quot;;&gt;Link 1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;",
"btn.delete": "Delete",
"btn.disable": "Disable",
@ -20,4 +22,4 @@
"custom-route": "Custom Route",
"core": "core",
"plugin": "plugin"

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
"teaser.last-post": "Last &ndash; Show the latest post, including the original post, if no replies",
"teaser.last-reply": "Last &ndash; Show the latest reply, or a \"No replies\" placeholder if no replies",
"teaser.first": "First",
"showPostPreviewsOnHover": "Show a preview of posts when mouse overed",
"unread": "Unread Settings",
"unread.cutoff": "Unread cutoff days",
"unread.min-track-last": "Minimum posts in topic before tracking last read",

@ -56,8 +56,8 @@
"": "Total",
"active-users.connections": "Connexions",
"guest-registered-users": "Guest vs Registered Users",
"guest": "Guest",
"guest-registered-users": "Utilisateurs invités vs enregistrés",
"guest": "Invité",
"registered": "Enregistrés",
"user-presence": "Présence des utilisateurs",
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
"unread": "Non lus",
"high-presence-topics": "Sujets populaires",
"popular-searches": "Popular Searches",
"popular-searches": "Recherches populaires",
"": "Pages vues",
"": "Membres",
@ -76,14 +76,14 @@
"": "Robots",
"graphs.unique-visitors": "Visiteurs uniques",
"graphs.registered-users": "Utilisateurs enregistrés",
"graphs.guest-users": "Guest Users",
"graphs.guest-users": "Utilisateurs invités",
"last-restarted-by": "Redémarré par",
"no-users-browsing": "Aucun utilisateur connecté",
"back-to-dashboard": "Retour au Tableau de bord",
"": "Aucun utilisateur ne s'est joint dans le délai sélectionné",
"": "Aucun sujet n'a été publié dans la période sélectionnée",
"": "No searches have been made yet",
"": "Aucune recherche n'a encore été effectuée",
"": "Aucune connexion n'a été enregistrée dans le délai sélectionné",
"details.logins-static": "NodeBB n'enregistre que les données de session pendant %1 jours, et le tableau ci-dessous n'affichera donc que les dernières sessions actives",
"details.logins-login-time": "Heure de connexion"

@ -8,7 +8,11 @@
"nodejs": "nodejs",
"online": "en ligne",
"git": "git",
"memory": "mémoire",
"process-memory": "mémoire de processus",
"system-memory": "mémoire système",
"used-memory-process": "Mémoire utilisée par processus",
"used-memory-os": "Mémoire système utilisée",
"total-memory-os": "Mémoire système totale",
"load": "Charge du système",
"cpu-usage": "Utilisation du processeur",
"uptime": "disponibilité",

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"resent-single": "Lettre d'activité envoyée",
"resent-day": "Lettre d'activités quotidienne envoyée",
"resent-week": "Lettre d'activité hebdomadaire envoyée",
"resent-biweek": "Bi-Weekly digest resent",
"resent-biweek": "Lettre d'activité envoyée deux fois par semaine",
"resent-month": "Lettre d'activité mensuel envoyé",
"null": "<em>Jamais</em>",
"manual-run": "Lancer manuellement l'envoi:",

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"dashboard/logins": "Connexions",
"dashboard/users": "Utilisateurs",
"dashboard/topics": "Sujets",
"dashboard/searches": "Searches",
"dashboard/searches": "Recherches",
"section-general": "Général",
"section-manage": "Gestion",

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"consent.message": "Message de notification",
"consent.acceptance": "Message d'acceptation",
"": "Texte du lien vers la politique de confidentialité",
"": "Policy Link URL",
"": "URL du lien Policy",
"consent.blank-localised-default": "Laisser vide pour utiliser les textes localisés par défaut de NodeBB",
"settings": "Réglages",
"cookie-domain": "Domaine de session du cookie",

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
"from-help": "Le nom de lexpéditeur à afficher dans l'e-mail",
"smtp-transport": "Protocole SMTP",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Enable SMTP Transport",
"smtp-transport.enabled": "Activer l'envoi via SMTP",
"smtp-transport-help": "Vous pouvez sélectionner depuis une liste de services ou entrer un service personnalisé.",
"smtp-transport.service": "Sélectionner un service",
"smtp-transport.service-custom": "Service personnalisé",
@ -41,6 +41,6 @@
"require-email-address-warning": "Par défaut, les utilisateurs peuvent refuser de saisir une adresse e-mail. L'activation de cette option oblige de renseigner une une adresse e-mail lors de l'inscription. <strong>Ne garantit pas que l'utilisateur entrera adresse e-mail valide, ni même une adresse qu'il possède.</strong>",
"include-unverified-emails": "Envoyer des mails aux destinataires qui n'ont pas explicitement confirmé leurs mails",
"include-unverified-warning": "Par défaut, les utilisateurs dont les mails sont associés à leur compte ont déjà été vérifiés, mais il existe des situations où ce n'est pas le cas (par exemple, les connexions SSO, les utilisateurs bénéficiant de droits acquis, etc.). <strong>Activez ce paramètre à vos risques et périls </strong>&ndash; l'envoi de mails à des adresses non vérifiées peut constituer une violation des lois anti-spam régionales.",
"prompt": "Prompt users to enter or confirm their emails",
"prompt-help": "If a user does not have an email set, or their email is not confirmed, a warning will be shown on screen."
"prompt": "Inviter les utilisateurs à saisir ou à confirmer leurs emails",
"prompt-help": "Si un utilisateur n'a pas défini d'email ou si son email n'est pas confirmé, un avertissement s'affichera à l'écran."

@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
"title": "Titre du site",
"title.short": "Titre court",
"title.short-placeholder": "Si aucun titre court n'est spécifié, le titre du site sera utilisé",
"title.url": "Title Link URL",
"title.url": "URL du lien du titre",
"title.url-placeholder": "URL du titre du site",
"title.url-help": "When the title is clicked, send users to this address. If left blank, user will be sent to the forum index. <br> Note: This is not the external URL used in emails, etc. That is set by the <code>url</code> property in config.json",
"title.url-help": "Lorsque le titre est cliqué, il renvoi les utilisateurs à cette adresse. Si laissé vide, l'utilisateur sera envoyé à l'index du forum. <br>Remarque : il ne s'agit pas de l'URL externe utilisée dans les e-mails, etc. Elle est définie par la propriété <code>url</code> dans config.json",
"": "Nom de votre communauté",
"": "Afficher le titre du site dans l'en-tête",
"browser-title": "Titre dans le navigateur",
@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
"logo.image": "Image",
"logo.image-placeholder": "Chemin vers un logo à afficher dans l'en-tête du site",
"logo.upload": "Télécharger",
"logo.url": "Logo Link URL",
"logo.url": "URL du lien du logo",
"logo.url-placeholder": "L'URL du logo du site",
"logo.url-help": "When the logo is clicked, send users to this address. If left blank, user will be sent to the forum index. <br> Note: This is not the external URL used in emails, etc. That is set by the <code>url</code> property in config.json",
"logo.url-help": "Lorsque le logo est cliqué, il renvoi les utilisateurs à cette adresse. Si laissé vide, l'utilisateur sera envoyé à l'index du forum. <br>Remarque : il ne s'agit pas de l'URL externe utilisée dans les e-mails, etc. Elle est définie par la propriété <code>url</code> dans config.json",
"logo.alt-text": "Texte alternatif (alt)",
"log.alt-text-placeholder": "Texte alternatif pour l'accessibilité",
"favicon": "Favicon",

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
"properties": "Propriétés :",
"groups": "Groupes:",
"open-new-window": "Ouvrir dans une nouvelle fenêtre",
"dropdown": "Menu déroulant",
"dropdown-placeholder": "Placez vos éléments de menu déroulant ci-dessous, par exemple : <br/>&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href&#x3D;&quot;;&gt;Link 1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;",
"btn.delete": "Supprimer",
"btn.disable": "Désactiver",
@ -20,4 +22,4 @@
"custom-route": "Route personnalisée",
"core": "cœur",
"plugin": "plugin"

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
"teaser.last-post": "Dernier &ndash; Affiche le dernier message, ou celui d'origine, si il n'y a pas de réponse",
"teaser.last-reply": "Dernier &ndash; Affiche le dernier message, ou \"Aucune réponse\" si il n'y a pas de réponse",
"teaser.first": "Premier",
"showPostPreviewsOnHover": "Afficher un aperçu des messages au survol des liens",
"unread": "Paramètres des messages non lus",
"unread.cutoff": "Nombre de jours pour les messages non-lus",
"unread.min-track-last": "Nombre minimum de messages dans le sujet avant de garder en mémoire le dernier message lu",

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
"": "Désactivé",
"digest-freq.daily": "Quotidien",
"digest-freq.weekly": "Hebdomadaire",
"digest-freq.biweekly": "Bi-Weekly",
"digest-freq.biweekly": "Deux fois par semaine",
"digest-freq.monthly": "Mensuel",
"email-chat-notifs": "Envoyer un e-mail si un nouveau message de chat arrive lorsque je ne suis pas en ligne",
"email-post-notif": "Envoyer un email lors de réponses envoyées aux sujets auxquels que je suis",

@ -34,8 +34,8 @@
"email-invited": "Cet utilisateur a déjà été invité.",
"email-not-confirmed": "La publication dans certaines catégories ou sujets sera activée après confirmation de e-mail, veuillez cliquer ici pour envoyer un e-mail de confirmation.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat": "Il ne vous est pas possible d'utiliser le chat tant que votre adresse email n'a pas été vérifiée. Veuillez cliquer ici pour confirmer votre adresse email.",
"email-not-confirmed-email-sent": "Your email has not been confirmed yet, please check your inbox for the confirmation email. You may not be able to post in some categories or chat until your email is confirmed.",
"no-email-to-confirm": "Your account does not have an email set. An email is necessary for account recovery, and may be necessary for chatting and posting in some categories. Please click here to enter an email.",
"email-not-confirmed-email-sent": "Votre email n'a pas encore été confirmé, veuillez vérifier votre boîte mail. Vous ne pourrez pas poster ou discuter avant que votre email ne soit confirmé.",
"no-email-to-confirm": "Votre compte n'a pas d'adresse mail définie. Un mail est nécessaire pour la récupération du compte. Veuillez cliquer ici pour entrer un courriel.",
"user-doesnt-have-email": "L'utilisateur « %1 » n'a pas d'adresse e-mail.",
"email-confirm-failed": "Votre adresse email n'a pas pu être vérifiée. Veuillez ré-essayer plus tard.",
"confirm-email-already-sent": "L'email de confirmation a déjà été envoyé. Veuillez attendre %1 minute(s) avant de redemander un nouvel envoi.",

@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
"composer.handle_placeholder": "Entrez votre nom/identifiant ici",
"composer.discard": "Abandonner",
"composer.submit": "Envoyer",
"composer.additional-options": "Additional Options",
"composer.additional-options": "Options additionnelles",
"composer.schedule": "Planification",
"composer.replying_to": "En réponse à %1",
"composer.new_topic": "Nouveau sujet",

@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
"digest_off": "Désactivé",
"digest_daily": "Quotidien",
"digest_weekly": "Hebdomadaire",
"digest_biweekly": "Bi-Weekly",
"digest_biweekly": "Deux fois par semaine",
"digest_monthly": "Mensuel",
"has_no_follower": "Personne n'est abonné à cet utilisateur :(",
"follows_no_one": "Cet utilisateur n'est abonné à personne :(",

@ -8,7 +8,11 @@
"nodejs": "nodejs",
"online": "online",
"git": "git",
"memory": "memory",
"process-memory": "process memory",
"system-memory": "system memory",
"used-memory-process": "Used memory by process",
"used-memory-os": "Used system memory",
"total-memory-os": "Total system memory",
"load": "system load",
"cpu-usage": "cpu usage",
"uptime": "uptime",

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
"properties": "Properties:",
"groups": "Groups:",
"open-new-window": "Open in a new window",
"dropdown": "Dropdown",
"dropdown-placeholder": "Place your dropdown menu items below, ie: <br/>&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href&#x3D;&quot;;&gt;Link 1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;",
"btn.delete": "Delete",
"btn.disable": "Disable",
@ -20,4 +22,4 @@
"custom-route": "Custom Route",
"core": "core",
"plugin": "plugin"

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
"teaser.last-post": "Last &ndash; Show the latest post, including the original post, if no replies",
"teaser.last-reply": "Last &ndash; Show the latest reply, or a \"No replies\" placeholder if no replies",
"teaser.first": "First",
"showPostPreviewsOnHover": "Show a preview of posts when mouse overed",
"unread": "Unread Settings",
"unread.cutoff": "Unread cutoff days",
"unread.min-track-last": "Minimum posts in topic before tracking last read",

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
"active-users.connections": "חיבורים",
"guest-registered-users": "Guest vs Registered Users",
"guest": "Guest",
"guest": "אורח",
"registered": "רשומים",
"user-presence": "נוכחות משתמשים",
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
"unread": "לא נקראו",
"high-presence-topics": "פוסטים עם הכי הרבה נוכחות",
"popular-searches": "Popular Searches",
"popular-searches": "חיפושים פופולריים",
"": "צפיות בדפים",
"": "צפיות בדפים-רשומים",
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
"": "צפיות בדפים-בוטים",
"graphs.unique-visitors": "מבקרים ייחודיים",
"graphs.registered-users": "משתמשים רשומים",
"graphs.guest-users": "Guest Users",
"graphs.guest-users": "משתמשים אורחים",
"last-restarted-by": "אותחל לארונה על ידי",
"no-users-browsing": "אין גולשים",

@ -8,7 +8,11 @@
"nodejs": "nodejs",
"online": "מקוון",
"git": "git",
"memory": "זיכרון",
"process-memory": "process memory",
"system-memory": "system memory",
"used-memory-process": "Used memory by process",
"used-memory-os": "Used system memory",
"total-memory-os": "Total system memory",
"load": "טעינת מערכת",
"cpu-usage": "שימוש ב-CPU",
"uptime": "משך זמן פעולת המערכת ללא השבתה",

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"dashboard/logins": "כניסות",
"dashboard/users": "משתמשים",
"dashboard/topics": "נושאים",
"dashboard/searches": "Searches",
"dashboard/searches": "חיפושים",
"section-general": "כללי",
"section-manage": "ניהול",

@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
"maintenance-mode.message": "הודעת תחזוקה",
"headers": "כותרות",
"headers.allow-from": "הגדר ALLOW-FROM למקם NodeBB ב- iFrame",
"headers.csp-frame-ancestors": "Set Content-Security-Policy frame-ancestors header to Place NodeBB in an iFrame",
"headers.csp-frame-ancestors-help": "'none', 'self'(default) or list of URIs to allow.",
"headers.csp-frame-ancestors": "הגדר את מדיניות האבטחה (Content-Security-Policy) עבור ההטמעה (frame-ancestors) של NodeBB בתוך Iframe",
"headers.csp-frame-ancestors-help": "בחר מילים שמורות כמו 'none' (ללא) 'self' (רק מהאתר שלי) או כתובת מלאה של אתר חיצוני",
"headers.powered-by": "התאם אישית את הכותרת \"מופעל ע\"י\" הברירת מחדל של נודביבי",
"headers.acao": "Access-Control-Allow-Origin",
"headers.acao-regex": "Access-Control-Allow-Origin Regular Expression",
"headers.acao": "אתרים הרשאים לקרוא לאתר זה (Access-Control-Allow-Origin)",
"headers.acao-regex": "תבנית טקסט (Regex) עבור אתרים הרשאים לקרוא לאתר זה (Access-Control-Allow-Origin)",
"headers.acao-help": "כדי למנוע גישה לכל האתרים, השאר ריק",
"headers.acao-regex-help": "Enter regular expressions here to match dynamic origins. To deny access to all sites, leave empty",
"headers.acac": "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials",
"headers.acao-regex-help": "הכנס תבנית טקסט (Regex) כאן כדי לאפשר קריאה דינאמית מאתרים חיצוניים. אם ברצונך לחסום כל גישה חיצונית, השאר ריק.",
"headers.acac": "אתרים אשר אל בקשות אליהם, יתווספו גם נתוני כניסה כגוןCookie וכו'. ( Access-Control-Allow-Credentials)",
"headers.acam": "Access-Control-Allow-Methods",
"headers.acah": "Access-Control-Allow-Headers",
"hsts": "Strict Transport Security",
@ -26,13 +26,13 @@
"traffic.enable": "Enable Traffic Management",
"traffic.event-lag": "Event Loop Lag Threshold (in milliseconds)",
"traffic.event-lag-help": "Lowering this value decreases wait times for page loads, but will also show the \"excessive load\" message to more users. (Restart required)",
"traffic.lag-check-interval": "Check Interval (in milliseconds)",
"traffic.lag-check-interval": "מרווח זמן בין בדיקות (במילישניות)",
"traffic.lag-check-interval-help": "Lowering this value causes NodeBB to become more sensitive to spikes in load, but may also cause the check to become too sensitive. (Restart required)",
"sockets.settings": "WebSocket Settings",
"sockets.max-attempts": "Max Reconnection Attempts",
"sockets.settings": "הגדרות חיבור WebSocket",
"sockets.max-attempts": "מקסימום מספר נסיונות חיבור מחדש",
"sockets.default-placeholder": "ברירת מחדל: %1",
"sockets.delay": "Reconnection Delay",
"sockets.delay": "זמן השעייה בן נסיונות חיבור מחדש",
"analytics.settings": "Analytics Settings",
"analytics.max-cache": "Analytics Cache Max Value",

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"subscriptions.hour": "שעת תקציר",
"subscriptions.hour-help": "Please enter a number representing the hour to send scheduled email digests (e.g. <code>0</code> for midnight, <code>17</code> for 5:00pm). Keep in mind that this is the hour according to the server itself, and may not exactly match your system clock.<br /> The approximate server time is: <span id=\"serverTime\"></span><br /> The next daily digest is scheduled to be sent <span id=\"nextDigestTime\"></span>",
"notifications.remove-images": "הסר תמונות מהודעות דוא\"ל",
"require-email-address": "Require new users to specify an email address",
"require-email-address": "דרוש ממשתמשים חדשים כתובת אימייל",
"require-email-address-warning": "By default, users can opt-out of entering an email address. Enabling this option means they have to enter an email address in order to proceed with registration. <strong>It does not ensure user will enter a real email address, nor even an address they own.</strong>",
"include-unverified-emails": "Send emails to recipients who have not explicitly confirmed their emails",
"include-unverified-warning": "By default, users with emails associated with their account have already been verified, but there are situations where this is not the case (e.g. SSO logins, grandfathered users, etc). <strong>Enable this setting at your own risk</strong> &ndash; sending emails to unverified addresses may be a violation of regional anti-spam laws.",

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
"properties": "הרשאות:",
"groups": "קבוצות:",
"open-new-window": "פתח בחלון חדש",
"dropdown": "Dropdown",
"dropdown-placeholder": "Place your dropdown menu items below, ie: <br/>&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href&#x3D;&quot;;&gt;Link 1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;",
"btn.delete": "מחק",
"btn.disable": "השבת",
@ -20,4 +22,4 @@
"custom-route": "נתיב מותאם אישית",
"core": "ליבה",
"plugin": "תוסף"

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
"teaser.last-post": "Last &ndash; הצג את הפוסט האחרון, כולל הפוסט המקורי, אם אין תגובות",
"teaser.last-reply": "Last &ndash; הצג את התשובה האחרונה, או ציין \"ללא תשובות\" אם אין תשובות",
"teaser.first": "ראשון",
"showPostPreviewsOnHover": "הצג תצוגה מקדימה בריחוף על פוסט",
"unread": "הגדרות \"שלא נקראו\"",
"unread.cutoff": "ימי ניתוק שלא נקראו",
"unread.min-track-last": "פוסטים מינימליים בנושא לפני מעקב אחר קריאה אחרונה",

@ -34,8 +34,8 @@
"email-invited": "כבר נשלחה הזמנה לדוא\"ל זה",
"email-not-confirmed": "פרסום בקטגוריות או בנושאים מסוימים מופעל רק לאחר אישור הדוא\"ל שלך, אנא לחץ כאן כדי לשלוח אימות לדוא\"ל שלך.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat": "אין באפשרותך לשוחח עד שהדוא\"ל שלך יאושר, אנא לחץ כאן כדי לאשר את הדוא\"ל שלך.",
"email-not-confirmed-email-sent": "Your email has not been confirmed yet, please check your inbox for the confirmation email. You may not be able to post in some categories or chat until your email is confirmed.",
"no-email-to-confirm": "Your account does not have an email set. An email is necessary for account recovery, and may be necessary for chatting and posting in some categories. Please click here to enter an email.",
"email-not-confirmed-email-sent": "הדוא\"ל שלך עדין לא אושר. אנא בדוק בתיבת הדואר בנוגע לאישור הדוא\"ל שנשלח לך על ידינו. לא תוכל לכתוב פוסטים ולהשתמש בצ'אט לפני אימות הדוא\"ל שלך.",
"no-email-to-confirm": "בחשבונך לא הוגדר דוא\"ל. כתובת דוא\"ל נחוץ לשחזור חשבון. אנא לחץ כאן כדי להכניס דוא\"ל.",
"user-doesnt-have-email": "למשתמש \"%1\" לא הוגדר כתובת דוא\"ל.",
"email-confirm-failed": "לא הצלחנו לאשר את הדוא\"ל שלך, תנסה שוב אחר כך",
"confirm-email-already-sent": "דוא\"ל האישור כבר נשלח, אנא המתן %1 דקות כדי לשלוח דוא\"ל נוסף.",

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
"composer.formatting.strikethrough": "קו פוסל",
"composer.formatting.code": "קוד",
"": "לינק",
"composer.formatting.picture": "Image Link",
"composer.formatting.picture": "קישור תמונה",
"composer.upload-picture": "העלה תמונה",
"composer.upload-file": "העלה קובץ",
"composer.zen_mode": "מסך מלא",

@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
"composer.handle_placeholder": "הזן את שמך / כינוי שלך כאן",
"composer.discard": "ביטול",
"composer.submit": "שלח",
"composer.additional-options": "Additional Options",
"composer.additional-options": "אפשרויות נוספות",
"composer.schedule": "תזמן",
"composer.replying_to": "מגיב ל%1",
"composer.new_topic": "נושא חדש",

@ -8,7 +8,11 @@
"nodejs": "nodejs",
"online": "Na mreži",
"git": "git",
"memory": "memory",
"process-memory": "process memory",
"system-memory": "system memory",
"used-memory-process": "Used memory by process",
"used-memory-os": "Used system memory",
"total-memory-os": "Total system memory",
"load": "system load",
"cpu-usage": "cpu usage",
"uptime": "uptime",

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
"properties": "Postavke",
"groups": "Groups:",
"open-new-window": "Otvori u novom prozoru",
"dropdown": "Dropdown",
"dropdown-placeholder": "Place your dropdown menu items below, ie: <br/>&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href&#x3D;&quot;;&gt;Link 1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;",
"btn.delete": "Obriši",
"btn.disable": "Onemogući",
@ -20,4 +22,4 @@
"custom-route": "Uobičajna putanja",
"core": "jezgra",
"plugin": "dodatak"

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
"teaser.last-post": "Last &ndash; Show the latest post, including the original post, if no replies",
"teaser.last-reply": "Last &ndash; Show the latest reply, or a \"No replies\" placeholder if no replies",
"teaser.first": "Prvi",
"showPostPreviewsOnHover": "Show a preview of posts when mouse overed",
"unread": "Nepročitane postavke",
"unread.cutoff": "Nepročitano dani prekinutosti",
"unread.min-track-last": "Minimalni broj objava u temi prije praćenja zadnje pročitanog",

@ -8,7 +8,11 @@
"nodejs": "nodejs",
"online": "online",
"git": "git",
"memory": "memória",
"process-memory": "process memory",
"system-memory": "system memory",
"used-memory-process": "Used memory by process",
"used-memory-os": "Used system memory",
"total-memory-os": "Total system memory",
"load": "system load",
"cpu-usage": "cpu usage",
"uptime": "üzemidő",

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
"properties": "Tulajdonságok:",
"groups": "Csoportok:",
"open-new-window": "Megnyitás új ablakban",
"dropdown": "Dropdown",
"dropdown-placeholder": "Place your dropdown menu items below, ie: <br/>&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href&#x3D;&quot;;&gt;Link 1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;",
"btn.delete": "Törlés",
"btn.disable": "Tiltás",
@ -20,4 +22,4 @@
"custom-route": "Egyéni útvonal",
"core": "alapvető",
"plugin": "beépülő"

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
"teaser.last-post": "Utolsó &ndash; Utolsó hozzászólás megjelenítése, az eredeti hozzászólást is beleértve, ha nincsenek válaszok",
"teaser.last-reply": "Utolsó &ndash; Utolsó válasz vagy, ha nincsenek válaszok, akkor \"Nincs válasz\" szöveg megjelenítése",
"teaser.first": "Első",
"showPostPreviewsOnHover": "Show a preview of posts when mouse overed",
"unread": "Olvasatlansági beállítások",
"unread.cutoff": "Hány napig legyen olvasatlan egy hozzászólás",
"unread.min-track-last": "Hozzászólások minimális száma egy témakörben, mielőtt a legutóbbi olvasás követése elkezdődik",

@ -8,7 +8,11 @@
"nodejs": "nodejs",
"online": "online",
"git": "git",
"memory": "memory",
"process-memory": "process memory",
"system-memory": "system memory",
"used-memory-process": "Used memory by process",
"used-memory-os": "Used system memory",
"total-memory-os": "Total system memory",
"load": "system load",
"cpu-usage": "cpu usage",
"uptime": "uptime",

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
"properties": "Properties:",
"groups": "Groups:",
"open-new-window": "Open in a new window",
"dropdown": "Dropdown",
"dropdown-placeholder": "Place your dropdown menu items below, ie: <br/>&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href&#x3D;&quot;;&gt;Link 1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;",
"btn.delete": "Delete",
"btn.disable": "Disable",
@ -20,4 +22,4 @@
"custom-route": "Custom Route",
"core": "core",
"plugin": "plugin"

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
"teaser.last-post": "Last &ndash; Show the latest post, including the original post, if no replies",
"teaser.last-reply": "Last &ndash; Show the latest reply, or a \"No replies\" placeholder if no replies",
"teaser.first": "First",
"showPostPreviewsOnHover": "Show a preview of posts when mouse overed",
"unread": "Unread Settings",
"unread.cutoff": "Unread cutoff days",
"unread.min-track-last": "Minimum posts in topic before tracking last read",

@ -8,7 +8,11 @@
"nodejs": "nodejs",
"online": "online",
"git": "git",
"memory": "memoria",
"process-memory": "memoria di processo",
"system-memory": "memoria di sistema",
"used-memory-process": "Memoria usata dal processo",
"used-memory-os": "Memoria di sistema usata",
"total-memory-os": "Memoria totale del sistema",
"load": "carico sistema",
"cpu-usage": "uso CPU",
"uptime": "tempo di caricamento",

@ -41,6 +41,6 @@
"require-email-address-warning": "Per impostazione predefinita, gli utenti possono rinunciare a inserire un indirizzo email. Abilitare questa opzione significa che devono inserire un indirizzo email per procedere con la registrazione. <strong>Non assicura che l'utente inserisca un indirizzo email reale, e nemmeno un indirizzo che possiede.</strong>",
"include-unverified-emails": "Invia email a destinatari che non hanno confermato esplicitamente le loro email",
"include-unverified-warning": "Per impostazione predefinita, gli utenti con email associate al loro account sono già stati verificati, ma ci sono situazioni in cui ciò non è vero (ad esempio accessi SSO, vecchi utenti, ecc.). <strong>Abilita questa impostazione a tuo rischio e pericolo</strong> &ndash; l'invio di email a indirizzi non verificati può essere una violazione delle leggi regionali anti-spam.",
"prompt": "Prompt users to enter or confirm their emails",
"prompt-help": "If a user does not have an email set, or their email is not confirmed, a warning will be shown on screen."
"prompt": "Chiedi agli utenti di inserire o confermare le loro email",
"prompt-help": "Se un utente non ha impostato un'email, o la sua email non è confermata, sarà mostrato un avviso sullo schermo."

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
"properties": "Proprietà:",
"groups": "Gruppi:",
"open-new-window": "Apri in una nuova finestra",
"dropdown": "Menu a tendina",
"dropdown-placeholder": "Posiziona le voci del tuo menu a tendina in basso, ad esempio: <br/>&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href&#x3D;&quot;;&gt;Link 1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;",
"btn.delete": "Elimina",
"btn.disable": "Disabilita",
@ -20,4 +22,4 @@
"custom-route": "Percorso personalizzato",
"core": "core",
"plugin": "plugin"

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
"teaser.last-post": "Ultimo &ndash; Mostra l'ultimo post, incluso il post originale, se non ci sono risposte",
"teaser.last-reply": "Ultimo &ndash; Mostra l'ultima risposta o un segnaposto \"Nessuna risposta\" se non risposto",
"teaser.first": "Primo",
"showPostPreviewsOnHover": "Mostra un'anteprima dei post quando il mouse ci passa sopra",
"unread": "Impostazioni non Lette",
"unread.cutoff": "Giorni di interruzione non letti",
"unread.min-track-last": "Post minimi nell'argomento prima del monitoraggio dell'ultima lettura",

@ -34,8 +34,8 @@
"email-invited": "L'email è già stata invitata",
"email-not-confirmed": "Sarai abilitato a postare in alcune categorie o discussioni una volta che la tua email sarà confermata, per favore clicca qui per inviare una email di conferma.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat": "Non puoi chattare finché non confermi la tua email, per favore clicca qui per confermare la tua email.",
"email-not-confirmed-email-sent": "Your email has not been confirmed yet, please check your inbox for the confirmation email. You may not be able to post in some categories or chat until your email is confirmed.",
"no-email-to-confirm": "Your account does not have an email set. An email is necessary for account recovery, and may be necessary for chatting and posting in some categories. Please click here to enter an email.",
"email-not-confirmed-email-sent": "La tua email non è stata ancora confermata, controlla la tua casella di posta per l'email di conferma. Potresti non essere in grado di postare in alcune categorie o chattare fino a quando la tua email non sarà confermata.",
"no-email-to-confirm": "Il tuo account non ha un'email impostata. Un'email è necessaria per il recupero dell'account, e può essere necessaria per chattare e postare in alcune categorie. Clicca qui per inserire un'email.",
"user-doesnt-have-email": "L'utente \"%1\" non ha impostato un email.",
"email-confirm-failed": "Non abbiamo potuto confermare la tua email, per favore riprovaci più tardi.",
"confirm-email-already-sent": "Email di conferma già inviata, per favore attendere %1 minuto(i) per inviarne un'altra.",

@ -8,7 +8,11 @@
"nodejs": "nodejs",
"online": "オンライン",
"git": "git",
"memory": "メモリ",
"process-memory": "process memory",
"system-memory": "system memory",
"used-memory-process": "Used memory by process",
"used-memory-os": "Used system memory",
"total-memory-os": "Total system memory",
"load": "system load",
"cpu-usage": "cpu usage",
"uptime": "稼働時間",

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
"properties": "プロパティ:",
"groups": "Groups:",
"open-new-window": "新しいウィンドウで開く",
"dropdown": "Dropdown",
"dropdown-placeholder": "Place your dropdown menu items below, ie: <br/>&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href&#x3D;&quot;;&gt;Link 1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;",
"btn.delete": "削除",
"btn.disable": "無効",
@ -20,4 +22,4 @@
"custom-route": "カスタムルート",
"core": "コア",
"plugin": "プラグイン"

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
"teaser.last-post": "最後ndash;返信がない場合は、元の投稿を含む最新の投稿を表示",
"teaser.last-reply": "最後ndash;最新の返信を表示するか、返信がない場合は「返信なし」のプレースホルダを表示する",
"teaser.first": "最初",
"showPostPreviewsOnHover": "Show a preview of posts when mouse overed",
"unread": "未読の設定",
"unread.cutoff": "未読のカットオフ日",
"unread.min-track-last": "最後に読み込みを行う前に追跡するスレッドの最小投稿数",

@ -8,7 +8,11 @@
"nodejs": "nodejs",
"online": "온라인",
"git": "git",
"memory": "메모리",
"process-memory": "process memory",
"system-memory": "system memory",
"used-memory-process": "Used memory by process",
"used-memory-os": "Used system memory",
"total-memory-os": "Total system memory",
"load": "시스템 로드",
"cpu-usage": "cpu 사용량",
"uptime": "업타임",

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
"properties": "속성:",
"groups": "그룹:",
"open-new-window": "새 창에서 열기",
"dropdown": "Dropdown",
"dropdown-placeholder": "Place your dropdown menu items below, ie: <br/>&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href&#x3D;&quot;;&gt;Link 1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;",
"btn.delete": "삭제",
"btn.disable": "비활성화",
@ -20,4 +22,4 @@
"custom-route": "사용자 정의 경로",
"core": "코어",
"plugin": "플러그인"

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
"teaser.last-post": "최근 - 최근 작성된 포스트를 보여주고 답글이 없을 경우 포스트 본문 보여주기",
"teaser.last-reply": "최근 - 최근 작성된 답글을 보여주고 답글이 없을 경우 \"답글 없음\" 표시",
"teaser.first": "첫 글",
"showPostPreviewsOnHover": "Show a preview of posts when mouse overed",
"unread": "읽지 않음 목록 설정",
"unread.cutoff": "읽지 않음 표시 기간",
"unread.min-track-last": "마지막으로 읽은 글 추적 기능을 사용할 최소 글 수",

@ -8,7 +8,11 @@
"nodejs": "nodejs",
"online": "online",
"git": "git",
"memory": "memory",
"process-memory": "process memory",
"system-memory": "system memory",
"used-memory-process": "Used memory by process",
"used-memory-os": "Used system memory",
"total-memory-os": "Total system memory",
"load": "system load",
"cpu-usage": "cpu usage",
"uptime": "uptime",

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
"properties": "Properties:",
"groups": "Groups:",
"open-new-window": "Open in a new window",
"dropdown": "Dropdown",
"dropdown-placeholder": "Place your dropdown menu items below, ie: <br/>&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href&#x3D;&quot;;&gt;Link 1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;",
"btn.delete": "Delete",
"btn.disable": "Disable",
@ -20,4 +22,4 @@
"custom-route": "Custom Route",
"core": "core",
"plugin": "plugin"

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
