Latest translations and fallbacks

Misty (Bot) 3 years ago
parent 81c8d70c51
commit 1fce1056c5

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
"teaser.last-post": "Последната – Показване на последната публикация, или първоначалната такава, ако няма отговори.",
"teaser.last-reply": "Последната – Показване на последния отговор, или „Няма отговори“, ако все още няма такива.",
"teaser.first": "Първата",
"showPostPreviewsOnHover": "Show a preview of posts when mouse overed",
"showPostPreviewsOnHover": "Показване на кратък преглед на публикациите при посочване с мишката",
"unread": "Настройки за непрочетените",
"unread.cutoff": "Възраст на публикациите, след която те не се показват в непрочетените (в брой дни)",
"unread.min-track-last": "Минимален брой публикации в темата, след което да започва следене на последно прочетената",

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
"active-users.connections": "חיבורים",
"guest-registered-users": "Guest vs Registered Users",
"guest": "Guest",
"guest": "אורח",
"registered": "רשומים",
"user-presence": "נוכחות משתמשים",
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
"unread": "לא נקראו",
"high-presence-topics": "פוסטים עם הכי הרבה נוכחות",
"popular-searches": "Popular Searches",
"popular-searches": "חיפושים פופולריים",
"": "צפיות בדפים",
"": "צפיות בדפים-רשומים",
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
"": "צפיות בדפים-בוטים",
"graphs.unique-visitors": "מבקרים ייחודיים",
"graphs.registered-users": "משתמשים רשומים",
"graphs.guest-users": "Guest Users",
"graphs.guest-users": "משתמשים אורחים",
"last-restarted-by": "אותחל לארונה על ידי",
"no-users-browsing": "אין גולשים",

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"dashboard/logins": "כניסות",
"dashboard/users": "משתמשים",
"dashboard/topics": "נושאים",
"dashboard/searches": "Searches",
"dashboard/searches": "חיפושים",
"section-general": "כללי",
"section-manage": "ניהול",

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"subscriptions.hour": "שעת תקציר",
"subscriptions.hour-help": "Please enter a number representing the hour to send scheduled email digests (e.g. <code>0</code> for midnight, <code>17</code> for 5:00pm). Keep in mind that this is the hour according to the server itself, and may not exactly match your system clock.<br /> The approximate server time is: <span id=\"serverTime\"></span><br /> The next daily digest is scheduled to be sent <span id=\"nextDigestTime\"></span>",
"notifications.remove-images": "הסר תמונות מהודעות דוא\"ל",
"require-email-address": "Require new users to specify an email address",
"require-email-address": "דרוש ממשתמשים חדשים כתובת אימייל",
"require-email-address-warning": "By default, users can opt-out of entering an email address. Enabling this option means they have to enter an email address in order to proceed with registration. <strong>It does not ensure user will enter a real email address, nor even an address they own.</strong>",
"include-unverified-emails": "Send emails to recipients who have not explicitly confirmed their emails",
"include-unverified-warning": "By default, users with emails associated with their account have already been verified, but there are situations where this is not the case (e.g. SSO logins, grandfathered users, etc). <strong>Enable this setting at your own risk</strong> &ndash; sending emails to unverified addresses may be a violation of regional anti-spam laws.",

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
"teaser.last-post": "Last &ndash; הצג את הפוסט האחרון, כולל הפוסט המקורי, אם אין תגובות",
"teaser.last-reply": "Last &ndash; הצג את התשובה האחרונה, או ציין \"ללא תשובות\" אם אין תשובות",
"teaser.first": "ראשון",
"showPostPreviewsOnHover": "Show a preview of posts when mouse overed",
"showPostPreviewsOnHover": "הצג תצוגה מקדימה בריחוף על פוסט",
"unread": "הגדרות \"שלא נקראו\"",
"unread.cutoff": "ימי ניתוק שלא נקראו",
"unread.min-track-last": "פוסטים מינימליים בנושא לפני מעקב אחר קריאה אחרונה",

@ -34,8 +34,8 @@
"email-invited": "כבר נשלחה הזמנה לדוא\"ל זה",
"email-not-confirmed": "פרסום בקטגוריות או בנושאים מסוימים מופעל רק לאחר אישור הדוא\"ל שלך, אנא לחץ כאן כדי לשלוח אימות לדוא\"ל שלך.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat": "אין באפשרותך לשוחח עד שהדוא\"ל שלך יאושר, אנא לחץ כאן כדי לאשר את הדוא\"ל שלך.",
"email-not-confirmed-email-sent": "Your email has not been confirmed yet, please check your inbox for the confirmation email. You may not be able to post in some categories or chat until your email is confirmed.",
"no-email-to-confirm": "Your account does not have an email set. An email is necessary for account recovery, and may be necessary for chatting and posting in some categories. Please click here to enter an email.",
"email-not-confirmed-email-sent": "הדוא\"ל שלך עדין לא אושר. אנא בדוק בתיבת הדואר בנוגע לאישור הדוא\"ל שנשלח לך על ידינו. לא תוכל לכתוב פוסטים ולהשתמש בצ'אט לפני אימות הדוא\"ל שלך.",
"no-email-to-confirm": "בחשבונך לא הוגדר דוא\"ל. כתובת דוא\"ל נחוץ לשחזור חשבון. אנא לחץ כאן כדי להכניס דוא\"ל.",
"user-doesnt-have-email": "למשתמש \"%1\" לא הוגדר כתובת דוא\"ל.",
"email-confirm-failed": "לא הצלחנו לאשר את הדוא\"ל שלך, תנסה שוב אחר כך",
"confirm-email-already-sent": "דוא\"ל האישור כבר נשלח, אנא המתן %1 דקות כדי לשלוח דוא\"ל נוסף.",

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
"composer.formatting.strikethrough": "קו פוסל",
"composer.formatting.code": "קוד",
"": "לינק",
"composer.formatting.picture": "Image Link",
"composer.formatting.picture": "קישור תמונה",
"composer.upload-picture": "העלה תמונה",
"composer.upload-file": "העלה קובץ",
"composer.zen_mode": "מסך מלא",

@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
"composer.handle_placeholder": "הזן את שמך / כינוי שלך כאן",
"composer.discard": "ביטול",
"composer.submit": "שלח",
"composer.additional-options": "Additional Options",
"composer.additional-options": "אפשרויות נוספות",
"composer.schedule": "תזמן",
"composer.replying_to": "מגיב ל%1",
"composer.new_topic": "נושא חדש",

@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
"login-to-view": "🔒登录查看",
"edit": "编辑",
"delete": "删除",
"delete-event": "Delete Event",
"delete-event-confirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this event?",
"delete-event": "删除元素",
"delete-event-confirm": "您确定要删除此元素吗?",
"purge": "清除",
"restore": "恢复",
"move": "移动",
@ -39,8 +39,8 @@
"copy-ip": "复制IP",
"ban-ip": "封禁IP",
"view-history": "编辑历史",
"locked-by": "Locked by",
"unlocked-by": "Unlocked by",
"locked-by": "锁定自",
"unlocked-by": "解锁自",
"pinned-by": "Pinned by",
"unpinned-by": "Unpinned by",
"deleted-by": "Deleted by",
