@@ -77,8 +77,25 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/topics.js b/src/topics.js
index 2816609e1b..8cd14057a7 100644
--- a/src/topics.js
+++ b/src/topics.js
@@ -169,6 +169,59 @@ marked.setOptions({
+ Topics.get_topic = function(tid, uid, callback) {
+ var topicData = {};
+ async.parallel([
+ function(next) {
+ RDB.mget([
+ 'tid:' + tid + ':title',
+ 'tid:' + tid + ':uid',
+ 'tid:' + tid + ':timestamp',
+ 'tid:' + tid + ':slug',
+ 'tid:' + tid + ':postcount',
+ 'tid:' + tid + ':locked',
+ 'tid:' + tid + ':pinned',
+ 'tid:' + tid + ':deleted'
+ ], function(err, topic) {
+ topicData.title = topic[0];
+ topicData.uid = topic[1];
+ topicData.timestamp = topic[2];
+ topicData.relativeTime = utils.relativeTime(topic[2]),
+ topicData.slug = topic[3];
+ topicData.post_count = topic[4];
+ topicData.locked = topic[5];
+ topicData.pinned = topic[6];
+ topicData.deleted = topic[7];
+ user.getUserField(topic[1], 'username', function(username) {
+ topicData.username = username;
+ next(null);
+ })
+ });
+ },
+ function(next) {
+ if (uid && parseInt(uid) > 0) {
+ RDB.sismember('tid:' + tid + ':read_by_uid', uid, function(err, read) {
+ topicData.badgeclass = read ? '' : 'badge-important';
+ next(null);
+ });
+ } else next(null);
+ },
+ function(next) {
+ Topics.get_teaser(tid, function(teaser) {
+ topicData.teaser_text = teaser.text;
+ topicData.teaser_username = teaser.username;
+ next(null);
+ });
+ }
+ ], function(err) {
+ if (!err) {
+ callback(topicData);
+ }
+ });
+ }
Topics.get_cid_by_tid = function(tid, callback) {
RDB.get('tid:' + pid + ':cid', function(err, cid) {
if (cid && parseInt(cid) > 0) callback(cid);
@@ -269,7 +322,14 @@ marked.setOptions({
// Posts
posts.create(uid, tid, content, function(pid) {
- if (pid > 0) RDB.lpush('tid:' + tid + ':posts', pid);
+ if (pid > 0) {
+ RDB.lpush('tid:' + tid + ':posts', pid);
+ // Notify any users looking at the category that a new post has arrived
+ Topics.get_topic(tid, uid, function(topicData) {
+ io.sockets.in('category_' + category_id).emit('event:new_topic', topicData);
+ });
+ }
Topics.markAsRead(tid, uid);
@@ -284,7 +344,6 @@ marked.setOptions({
timeout: 2000
// in future it may be possible to add topics to several categories, so leaving the door open here.
RDB.sadd('categories:' + category_id + ':tid', tid);
RDB.set('tid:' + tid + ':cid', category_id);
diff --git a/src/webserver.js b/src/webserver.js
index 2fc48b2f9c..f9c45468c3 100644
--- a/src/webserver.js
+++ b/src/webserver.js
@@ -232,8 +232,8 @@ var express = require('express'),
app.get('/api/:method/:id*', api_method);
app.get('/test', function(req, res) {
- topics.get_teasers([1, 2, 3], function(teasers) {
- res.send(JSON.stringify(teasers));
+ topics.get_topic(3, 1, function(data) {
+ res.send(JSON.stringify(data));