Latest translations and fallbacks

Misty (Bot)
parent 877cdfb9ad
commit 1101fa3394

@ -39,14 +39,14 @@
"admin-users": "Kullanıcılar",
"admin-settings": "Ayarlar",
"alert.confirm-moderate": "<strong>Are you sure you wish to grant the moderation privilege to this user group?</strong> This group is public, and any users can join at will.",
"alert.confirm-save": "Please confirm your intention to save these privileges",
"alert.saved": "Privilege changes saved and applied",
"alert.confirm-discard": "Are you sure you wish to discard your privilege changes?",
"alert.discarded": "Privilege changes discarded",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll": "Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup": "Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren": "Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup": "Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"": "<em>This action cannot be undone.</em>"
"alert.confirm-moderate": "<strong>Bu gruba yönetim ayrıcalıkları vermek istediğinize emin misiniz?</strong> Bu grup genele açık olduğundan her kullanıcı gruba katılabilir. ",
"alert.confirm-save": "Lütfen ayrıcalıkları kaydetme isteğinizi onaylayınız",
"alert.saved": "Ayrıcalık değişiklikleri kaydedildi ve uygulandı",
"alert.confirm-discard": "Ayrıcalık değişikliklerini iptal etmek istediğinize emin misiniz?",
"alert.discarded": "Ayrıcalık değişiklikleri iptal edildi",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll": "Bu ayrıcalıkları <strong>tüm kategoriler</strong> için uygulamaya emin misiniz?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup": "Bu grup ayrıcalıklarını <strong>tüm kategoriler</strong> için uygulamaya emin misiniz?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren": "Bu ayrıcalıkları <strong>tüm alt (aşağı) kategoriler</strong> için uygulamaya emin misiniz?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup": "Bu grup ayrıcalıklarını <strong>tüm alt (aşağı) kategoriler</strong> uygulamaya emin misiniz?",
"": "<em>Bu işlem geri alınamaz.</em>"

@ -39,14 +39,14 @@
"admin-users": "用户",
"admin-settings": "设置",
"alert.confirm-moderate": "<strong>Are you sure you wish to grant the moderation privilege to this user group?</strong> This group is public, and any users can join at will.",
"alert.confirm-moderate": "<strong>您确定要将审核权限授予此用户组吗?</strong>此用户组是公开的,任何用户都可以随意加入。",
"alert.confirm-save": "请验证您保存这些权限的目的",
"alert.saved": "权限修改已保存并应用",
"alert.confirm-discard": "您确定要取消权限修改吗?",
"alert.discarded": "权限修改已被丢弃",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll": "Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup": "Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren": "Are you sure you wish to apply this privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup": "Are you sure you wish to apply this group's privilege set to <strong>all descendant (child) categories</strong>?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAll": "您确定要将此权限应用于<strong>所有类别</strong>吗?",
"alert.confirm-copyToAllGroup": "您确定要将此用户组权限应用于<strong>所有类别</strong>吗?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildren": "您确定要将此权限应用于<strong>所有子类别</strong>吗?",
"alert.confirm-copyToChildrenGroup": "您确定要将此用户组权限应用于<strong>所有子类别</strong>吗?",
"": "此操作无法撤消。"

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
"settings/general": "通用",
"settings/homepage": "主页",
"settings/navigation": "导航",
"settings/reputation": "Reputation & Flags",
"settings/reputation": "声望 & 举报",
"settings/email": "邮件",
"settings/user": "用户",
"settings/group": "群组",

@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
"votes-are-public": "公开所有投票",
"thresholds": "操作限制",
"min-rep-downvote": "踩帖子 需要的最低声望",
"downvotes-per-day": "Downvotes per day (set to 0 for unlimited downvotes)",
"downvotes-per-user-per-day": "Downvotes per user per day (set to 0 for unlimited downvotes)",
"downvotes-per-day": "每天踩的次数设置为0则表示无限制",
"downvotes-per-user-per-day": "每位用户每天踩的次数设置为0则表示无限制",
"min-rep-flag": "举报帖子 需要的最低声望",
"min-rep-website": "添加 个人网站 需要的最低声望",
"min-rep-aboutme": "添加 个人 “关于我”页 需要的最低声望",

@ -43,9 +43,9 @@
"notes": "举报备注",
"add-note": "添加备注",
"no-notes": "没有共享的备注内容。",
"delete-note-confirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this flag note?",
"delete-note-confirm": "您确定要删除此举报备注吗?",
"note-added": "备注已添加",
"note-deleted": "Note Deleted",
"note-deleted": "备注已删除",
"history": "账号 &amp; 举报历史",
"no-history": "没有举报历史。",

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"chat.chatting_with": "与<span id=\"chat-with-name\"></span>聊天",
"chat.placeholder": "在这里输入聊天消息,按回车键发送",
"chat.scroll-up-alert": "You are looking at older messages, click here to go to most recent message.",
"chat.scroll-up-alert": "您正在查看较旧的消息,点击此处转到最新消息。",
"chat.send": "发送",
"chat.no_active": "暂无聊天",
"chat.user_typing": "%1 正在输入……",

@ -43,9 +43,9 @@
"new_register_multiple": "有 <strong>%1</strong> 条注册申请等待批准。",
"flag_assigned_to_you": "<strong>举报 %1</strong> 已经被指派给您",
"post_awaiting_review": "请求查验帖子",
"profile-exported": "<strong>%1</strong> profile exported, click to download",
"posts-exported": "<strong>%1</strong> posts exported, click to download",
"uploads-exported": "<strong>%1</strong> uploads exported, click to download",
"profile-exported": "<strong>%1</strong>资料已导出,点击下载",
"posts-exported": "<strong>%1</strong>帖子已导出,点击下载",
"uploads-exported": "<strong>%1</strong>上传已导出,点击下载",
"email-confirmed": "电子邮箱已确认",
"email-confirmed-message": "感谢您验证您的电子邮箱。您的帐户现已完全激活。",
"email-confirm-error-message": "验证的您电子邮箱地址时出现了问题。可能是因为验证码无效或已过期。",

@ -105,8 +105,8 @@
"merge_topics_instruction": "点击您想合并或搜索的主题",
"merge-topic-list-title": "要合并的主题列表",
"merge-options": "合并选项",
"merge-select-main-topic": "Select the main topic",
"merge-new-title-for-topic": "New title for topic",
"merge-select-main-topic": "选择首要主题",
"merge-new-title-for-topic": "主题的新标题",
"move_posts_instruction": "点击您想要移动的帖子",
"change_owner_instruction": "点击您想转移给其他用户的帖子",
"composer.title_placeholder": "在此输入您主题的标题...",
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
"diffs.current-revision": "当前版本",
"diffs.original-revision": "原始版本",
"diffs.restore": "恢复到此修订",
"diffs.restore-description": "A new revision will be appended to this post's edit history.",
"diffs.restore-description": "新的修订版本将被添加到此帖子的编辑历史记录中。",
"": "帖子成功恢复到更早的修订版本",
"timeago_later": "%1 后",
"timeago_earlier": "%1 前"

@ -179,9 +179,9 @@
"consent.right_to_data_portability": "您拥有数据转移权",
"consent.right_to_data_portability_description": "您也许想导出有关您和您的账号的机器可读副本。您可以点击下方的按钮来获取它们。",
"consent.export_profile": "导出个人资料 (.json)",
"consent.export-profile-success": "Exporting profile, you will get a notification when it is complete.",
"consent.export-profile-success": "资料导出完成后,您将会收到一条通知。",
"consent.export_uploads": "导出上传文件 (.zip)",
"consent.export-uploads-success": "Exporting uploads, you will get a notification when it is complete.",
"consent.export-uploads-success": "上传导出完成后,您将会收到一条通知。",
"consent.export_posts": "导出帖子 (.csv)",
"consent.export-posts-success": "Exporting posts, you will get a notification when it is complete."
"consent.export-posts-success": "帖子导出完成后,您将会收到一条通知。"