@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ const groups = require('../src/groups');
const helpers = require ( './helpers' ) ;
const socketPosts = require ( '../src/socket.io/posts' ) ;
const socketTopics = require ( '../src/socket.io/topics' ) ;
const apiTopics = require ( '../src/api/topics' ) ;
const requestType = util . promisify ( ( type , url , opts , cb ) => {
request [ type ] ( url , opts , ( err , res , body ) => cb ( err , { res : res , body : body } ) ) ;
@ -621,62 +622,40 @@ describe('Topic\'s', () => {
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should delete the topic' , ( done ) => {
socketTopics . delete ( { uid : adminUid } , { tids : [ newTopic . tid ] , cid : categoryObj . cid } , ( err ) => {
assert . ifError ( err ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should delete the topic' , async ( ) => {
await apiTopics . delete ( { uid : adminUid } , { tids : [ newTopic . tid ] , cid : categoryObj . cid } )
const deleted = await topics . getTopicField ( newTopic . tid , 'deleted' ) ;
assert . strictEqual ( deleted , 1 ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should restore the topic' , ( done ) => {
socketTopics . restore ( { uid : adminUid } , { tids : [ newTopic . tid ] , cid : categoryObj . cid } , ( err ) => {
assert . ifError ( err ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should restore the topic' , async ( ) => {
await apiTopics . restore ( { uid : adminUid } , { tids : [ newTopic . tid ] , cid : categoryObj . cid } ) ;
const deleted = await topics . getTopicField ( newTopic . tid , 'deleted' ) ;
assert . strictEqual ( deleted , 0 ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should lock topic' , ( done ) => {
socketTopics . lock ( { uid : adminUid } , { tids : [ newTopic . tid ] , cid : categoryObj . cid } , ( err ) => {
assert . ifError ( err ) ;
topics . isLocked ( newTopic . tid , ( err , isLocked ) => {
assert . ifError ( err ) ;
assert ( isLocked ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should lock topic' , async ( ) => {
await apiTopics . lock ( { uid : adminUid } , { tids : [ newTopic . tid ] , cid : categoryObj . cid } ) ;
const isLocked = await topics . isLocked ( newTopic . tid ) ;
assert ( isLocked ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should unlock topic' , ( done ) => {
socketTopics . unlock ( { uid : adminUid } , { tids : [ newTopic . tid ] , cid : categoryObj . cid } , ( err ) => {
assert . ifError ( err ) ;
topics . isLocked ( newTopic . tid , ( err , isLocked ) => {
assert . ifError ( err ) ;
assert ( ! isLocked ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should unlock topic' , async ( ) => {
await apiTopics . unlock ( { uid : adminUid } , { tids : [ newTopic . tid ] , cid : categoryObj . cid } ) ;
const isLocked = await topics . isLocked ( newTopic . tid ) ;
assert ( ! isLocked ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should pin topic' , ( done ) => {
socketTopics . pin ( { uid : adminUid } , { tids : [ newTopic . tid ] , cid : categoryObj . cid } , ( err ) => {
assert . ifError ( err ) ;
topics . getTopicField ( newTopic . tid , 'pinned' , ( err , pinned ) => {
assert . ifError ( err ) ;
assert . strictEqual ( pinned , 1 ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should pin topic' , async ( ) => {
await apiTopics . pin ( { uid : adminUid } , { tids : [ newTopic . tid ] , cid : categoryObj . cid } ) ;
const pinned = await topics . getTopicField ( newTopic . tid , 'pinned' ) ;
assert . strictEqual ( pinned , 1 ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should unpin topic' , ( done ) => {
socketTopics . unpin ( { uid : adminUid } , { tids : [ newTopic . tid ] , cid : categoryObj . cid } , ( err ) => {
assert . ifError ( err ) ;
topics . getTopicField ( newTopic . tid , 'pinned' , ( err , pinned ) => {
assert . ifError ( err ) ;
assert . strictEqual ( pinned , 0 ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should unpin topic' , async ( ) => {
await apiTopics . unpin ( { uid : adminUid } , { tids : [ newTopic . tid ] , cid : categoryObj . cid } ) ;
const pinned = await topics . getTopicField ( newTopic . tid , 'pinned' ) ;
assert . strictEqual ( pinned , 0 ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should move all topics' , ( done ) => {
@ -815,47 +794,31 @@ describe('Topic\'s', () => {
] , done ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should fail to purge topic if user does not have privilege' , ( done ) => {
let globalModUid ;
let tid ;
async . waterfall ( [
function ( next ) {
topics . post ( {
uid : adminUid ,
title : 'topic for purge test' ,
content : 'topic content' ,
cid : categoryObj . cid ,
} , next ) ;
} ,
function ( result , next ) {
tid = result . topicData . tid ;
User . create ( { username : 'global mod' } , next ) ;
} ,
function ( uid , next ) {
globalModUid = uid ;
groups . join ( 'Global Moderators' , uid , next ) ;
} ,
function ( next ) {
privileges . categories . rescind ( [ 'groups:purge' ] , categoryObj . cid , 'Global Moderators' , next ) ;
} ,
function ( next ) {
socketTopics . purge ( { uid : globalModUid } , { tids : [ tid ] , cid : categoryObj . cid } , ( err ) => {
assert . equal ( err . message , '[[error:no-privileges]]' ) ;
privileges . categories . give ( [ 'groups:purge' ] , categoryObj . cid , 'Global Moderators' , next ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
] , done ) ;
it ( 'should fail to purge topic if user does not have privilege' , async ( ) => {
const topic1 = await topics . post ( {
uid : adminUid ,
title : 'topic for purge test' ,
content : 'topic content' ,
cid : categoryObj . cid ,
} ) ;
const tid1 = topic1 . topicData . tid ;
const globalModUid = await User . create ( { username : 'global mod' } ) ;
await groups . join ( 'Global Moderators' , globalModUid ) ;
await privileges . categories . rescind ( [ 'groups:purge' ] , categoryObj . cid , 'Global Moderators' ) ;
try {
await apiTopics . purge ( { uid : globalModUid } , { tids : [ tid1 ] , cid : categoryObj . cid } ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
assert . equal ( err . message , '[[error:no-privileges]]' ) ;
await privileges . categories . give ( [ 'groups:purge' ] , categoryObj . cid , 'Global Moderators' ) ;
return ;
assert ( false ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should purge the topic' , ( done ) => {
socketTopics . purge ( { uid : adminUid } , { tids : [ newTopic . tid ] , cid : categoryObj . cid } , ( err ) => {
assert . ifError ( err ) ;
db . isSortedSetMember ( ` uid: ${ followerUid } :followed_tids ` , newTopic . tid , ( err , isMember ) => {
assert . ifError ( err ) ;
assert . strictEqual ( false , isMember ) ;
done ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should purge the topic' , async ( ) => {
await apiTopics . purge ( { uid : adminUid } , { tids : [ newTopic . tid ] , cid : categoryObj . cid } ) ;
const isMember = await db . isSortedSetMember ( ` uid: ${ followerUid } :followed_tids ` , newTopic . tid ) ;
assert . strictEqual ( false , isMember ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should not allow user to restore their topic if it was deleted by an admin' , async ( ) => {
@ -865,12 +828,13 @@ describe('Topic\'s', () => {
content : 'topic content' ,
cid : categoryObj . cid ,
} ) ;
await socket Topics. delete ( { uid : adminUid } , { tids : [ result . topicData . tid ] , cid : categoryObj . cid } ) ;
await api Topics. delete ( { uid : adminUid } , { tids : [ result . topicData . tid ] , cid : categoryObj . cid } ) ;
try {
await socket Topics. restore ( { uid : fooUid } , { tids : [ result . topicData . tid ] , cid : categoryObj . cid } ) ;
await api Topics. restore ( { uid : fooUid } , { tids : [ result . topicData . tid ] , cid : categoryObj . cid } ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
assert . strictEqual ( err . message , '[[error:no-privileges]]' ) ;
return assert . strictEqual ( err . message , '[[error:no-privileges]]' ) ;
assert ( false ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;