Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into search-cid-uid

Barış Soner Uşaklı
commit 0bbebbe4b1

@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ process.on('message', function(msg) {
if (msg.type === 'hash') {
hashPassword(msg.password, msg.rounds);
} else if (msg.type === 'compare') {
compare(msg.password, msg.hash);, msg.hash, done);
function hashPassword(password, rounds) {
function(next) {
@ -22,23 +21,14 @@ function hashPassword(password, rounds) {
function(salt, next) {
bcrypt.hash(password, salt, next);
], function(err, hash) {
if (err) {
process.send({err: err.message});
return process.disconnect();
process.send({result: hash});
], done);
function compare(password, hash) {, hash, function(err, res) {
if (err) {
process.send({err: err.message});
return process.disconnect();
process.send({result: res});
function done(err, result) {
if (err) {
process.send({err: err.message});
return process.disconnect();
process.send({result: result});

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
"": "^0.1.3",
"socketio-wildcard": "~0.1.1",
"string": "^3.0.0",
"templates.js": "^0.1.28",
"templates.js": "^0.1.30",
"uglify-js": "git+",
"underscore": "~1.7.0",
"validator": "^3.30.0",

@ -18,5 +18,6 @@
"composer.user_said_in": "%1 said in %2:",
"composer.user_said": "%1 said:",
"composer.discard": "Are you sure you wish to discard this post?"
"composer.discard": "Are you sure you wish to discard this post?",
"composer.submit_and_lock": "Submit and Lock"

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"reset.cta": "Clicca qui per resettare la tua password",
"reset.notify.subject": "Possword modificata con successo.",
"reset.notify.text1": "Ti informiamo che in data %1, la password è stata cambiata con successo.",
"reset.notify.text2": "If you did not authorise this, please notify an administrator immediately.",
"reset.notify.text2": "Se non hai autorizzato questo, per favore notifica immediatamente un amministratore.",
"digest.notifications": "Hai una notifica non letta da %1:",
"digest.latest_topics": "Ultimi argomenti su %1",
"digest.cta": "Clicca qui per visitare %1",
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
"": "Clicca qui per continuare la conversazione",
"": "Questa notifica di chat ti è stata inviata perché l'hai scelta nelle impostazioni.",
"": "Clicca qui per leggere il topic completo.",
"": "This post notification was sent to you due to your subscription settings.",
"": "Questo post ti è stato notificato in base alle tue impostazioni di sottoscrizione.",
"test.text1": "Questa è una email di test per verificare che il servizio di invio email è configurato correttamente sul tuo NodeBB.",
"unsub.cta": "Clicca qui per modificare queste impostazioni",
"closing": "Grazie!"

@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
"email-taken": "Email già esistente",
"email-not-confirmed": "La tua Email deve essere ancora confermata, per favore clicca qui per confermare la tua Email.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat": "Non potrai chattare finchè non avrai confermato la tua email",
"no-email-to-confirm": "This forum requires email confirmation, please click here to enter an email",
"email-confirm-failed": "We could not confirm your email, please try again later.",
"no-email-to-confirm": "Questo forum richiede la conferma dell'indirizzo email, per favore clicca qui per inserirne uno",
"email-confirm-failed": "Non possiamo confermare la tua email, per favore prova ancora più tardi.",
"username-too-short": "Nome utente troppo corto",
"username-too-long": "Nome utente troppo lungo",
"user-banned": "Utente bannato",
@ -77,5 +77,5 @@
"registration-error": "Errore nella registrazione",
"parse-error": "Qualcosa è andato storto durante l'analisi della risposta proveniente dal server",
"wrong-login-type-email": "Please use your email to login",
"wrong-login-type-username": "Please use your username to login"
"wrong-login-type-username": "Per favore usa il tuo nome utente per accedere"

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"title": "Notifiche",
"no_notifs": "Non hai nuove notifiche",
"see_all": "Vedi tutte le Notifiche",
"mark_all_read": "Mark all notifications read",
"mark_all_read": "Segna tutte le notifiche come già lette",
"back_to_home": "Indietro a %1",
"outgoing_link": "Link in uscita",
"outgoing_link_message": "Stai lasciando %1.",

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"user.followers": "Persone che seguono %1",
"user.posts": "Post creati da %1",
"user.topics": "Discussioni create da %1",
"user.groups": "%1's Groups",
"user.groups": "%1's Gruppi",
"user.favourites": "Post Favoriti da %1",
"user.settings": "Impostazioni Utente",
"maintenance.text": "%1 è attualmente in manutenzione. Per favore ritorna più tardi.",

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"new_topic_button": "Nauja tema",
"guest-login-post": "Log in to post",
"guest-login-post": "Prisijungti įrašų paskelbimui",
"no_topics": "<strong>Šioje kategorijoje temų nėra.</strong><br/>Kodėl gi jums nesukūrus naujos?",
"browsing": "naršo",
"no_replies": "Niekas dar neatsakė",
"share_this_category": "Pasidalinti šią kategoriją",
"ignore": "Ignore"
"ignore": "Nepaisyti"

@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
"password-reset-requested": "Password Reset Requested - %1!",
"welcome-to": "Welcome to %1",
"greeting_no_name": "Hello",
"greeting_with_name": "Hello %1",
"welcome-to": "Sveiki atvykę į %1",
"greeting_no_name": "Sveiki",
"greeting_with_name": "Sveiki %1",
"welcome.text1": "Thank you for registering with %1!",
"welcome.text2": "To fully activate your account, we need to verify that you own the email address you registered with.",
"welcome.cta": "Click here to confirm your email address",
"welcome.cta": "El. adreso patvirtinimui spauskite čia",
"reset.text1": "We received a request to reset your password, possibly because you have forgotten it. If this is not the case, please ignore this email.",
"reset.text2": "To continue with the password reset, please click on the following link:",
"reset.cta": "Click here to reset your password",
"reset.notify.subject": "Password successfully changed",
"reset.cta": "Slaptažodžio atstatymui spauskite čia",
"reset.notify.subject": "Slaptažodis sėkmingai pakeistas",
"reset.notify.text1": "We are notifying you that on %1, your password was changed successfully.",
"reset.notify.text2": "If you did not authorise this, please notify an administrator immediately.",
"digest.notifications": "You have unread notifications from %1:",
"digest.notifications": "Turite neskaitytų pranešimų nuo %1:",
"digest.latest_topics": "Latest topics from %1",
"digest.cta": "Click here to visit %1",
"digest.cta": "Kad aplankyti %1, spauskite čia",
"": "This digest was sent to you due to your subscription settings.",
"digest.no_topics": "There have been no active topics in the past %1",
"": "New chat message received from %1",
"": "Click here to continue the conversation",
"": "Pokalbio pratęsimui spauskite čia",
"": "This chat notification was sent to you due to your subscription settings.",
"": "Click here to read the full topic",
"": "Spauskite čia norėdami skaityti visą temą",
"": "This post notification was sent to you due to your subscription settings.",
"test.text1": "This is a test email to verify that the emailer is set up correctly for your NodeBB.",
"unsub.cta": "Click here to alter those settings",
"closing": "Thanks!"
"unsub.cta": "Spauskite čia norėdami pakeisti šiuos nustatymus",
"closing": "Ačiū!"

@ -12,26 +12,26 @@
"invalid-title": "Neteisingas pavadinimas!",
"invalid-user-data": "Klaidingi vartotojo duomenys",
"invalid-password": "Klaidingas slaptažodis",
"invalid-username-or-password": "Please specify both a username and password",
"invalid-search-term": "Invalid search term",
"invalid-username-or-password": "Prašome nurodyti tiek vartotojo vardą, tiek ir slaptažodį",
"invalid-search-term": "Neteisingas paieškos terminas",
"invalid-pagination-value": "Klaidinga puslapiavimo reikšmė",
"username-taken": "Vartotojo vardas jau užimtas",
"email-taken": "El. pašto adresas jau užimtas",
"email-not-confirmed": "Your email has not been confirmed yet, please click here to confirm your email.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat": "You are unable to chat until your email is confirmed",
"no-email-to-confirm": "This forum requires email confirmation, please click here to enter an email",
"email-confirm-failed": "We could not confirm your email, please try again later.",
"email-not-confirmed": "Jūsų el. paštas nepatvirtintas, prašome paspausti čia norint jį patvirtinti.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat": "Jūs negalite kalbėtis, kol el. adresas nepatvirtintas",
"no-email-to-confirm": "Šis forumas reikalauja patvirtinimo el. paštu prašome spausti čia el. adreso įrašymui",
"email-confirm-failed": "Negalime patvirtinti jūsų el. adreso, prašom bandyti vėliau.",
"username-too-short": "Slapyvardis per trumpas",
"username-too-long": "Username too long",
"username-too-long": "Vartotojo vardas per ilgas",
"user-banned": "Vartotojas užblokuotas",
"user-too-new": "Sorry, you are required to wait %1 seconds before making your first post",
"no-category": "Category does not exist",
"no-topic": "Topic does not exist",
"no-post": "Post does not exist",
"no-group": "Group does not exist",
"no-user": "User does not exist",
"user-too-new": "Atsiprašome, bet jums reikia laukti 1% sekundes prieš patalpinant savo pirmąjį įrašą",
"no-category": "Tokios kategorijos nėra",
"no-topic": "Tokios temos nėra",
"no-post": "Tokio įrašo nėra",
"no-group": "Grupė neegzistuoja",
"no-user": "Tokio vartotojo nėra",
"no-teaser": "Teaser does not exist",
"no-privileges": "You do not have enough privileges for this action.",
"no-privileges": "Šiam veiksmui jūs neturite pakankamų privilegijų.",
"no-emailers-configured": "No email plugins were loaded, so a test email could not be sent",
"category-disabled": "Kategorija išjungta",
"topic-locked": "Tema užrakinta",
@ -50,32 +50,32 @@
"already-favourited": "You have already favourited this post",
"already-unfavourited": "You have already unfavourited this post",
"cant-ban-other-admins": "Jūs negalite užblokuoti kitų administratorių!",
"invalid-image-type": "Invalid image type. Allowed types are: %1",
"invalid-image-extension": "Invalid image extension",
"invalid-file-type": "Invalid file type. Allowed types are: %1",
"invalid-image-type": "Neteisingas vaizdo tipas. Leidžiami tipai :%1",
"invalid-image-extension": "Neteisingas vaizdo plėtinys",
"invalid-file-type": "Neteisingas failo tipas. Leidžiami tipai: %1",
"group-name-too-short": "Grupės pavadinimas per trumpas",
"group-already-exists": "Tokia grupė jau egzistuoja",
"group-name-change-not-allowed": "Grupės pavadinimas keitimas neleidžiamas",
"group-already-member": "You are already part of this group",
"group-already-member": "Jūs jau priklausote šiai grupei",
"group-needs-owner": "This group requires at least one owner",
"post-already-deleted": "This post has already been deleted",
"post-already-restored": "This post has already been restored",
"topic-already-deleted": "This topic has already been deleted",
"topic-already-restored": "This topic has already been restored",
"post-already-deleted": "Šis įrašas jau buvo ištrintas",
"post-already-restored": "Šis įrašas jau atstatytas",
"topic-already-deleted": "Ši tema jau ištrinta",
"topic-already-restored": "Ši tema jau atkurta",
"topic-thumbnails-are-disabled": "Temos paveikslėliai neleidžiami.",
"invalid-file": "Klaidingas failas",
"uploads-are-disabled": "Įkėlimai neleidžiami",
"signature-too-long": "Sorry, your signature cannot be longer than %1 characters.",
"cant-chat-with-yourself": "Jūs negalite susirašinėti su savimi!",
"chat-restricted": "This user has restricted their chat messages. They must follow you before you can chat with them",
"too-many-messages": "You have sent too many messages, please wait awhile.",
"reputation-system-disabled": "Reputation system is disabled.",
"too-many-messages": "Išsiuntėte per daug pranešimų, kurį laiką prašome palaukti.",
"reputation-system-disabled": "Reputacijos sistema išjungta.",
"downvoting-disabled": "Downvoting is disabled",
"not-enough-reputation-to-downvote": "Jūs neturite pakankamai reputacijos balsuoti prieš šį pranešimą",
"not-enough-reputation-to-flag": "You do not have enough reputation to flag this post",
"reload-failed": "NodeBB encountered a problem while reloading: \"%1\". NodeBB will continue to serve the existing client-side assets, although you should undo what you did just prior to reloading.",
"registration-error": "Registration Error",
"registration-error": "Registracijos klaida",
"parse-error": "Something went wrong while parsing server response",
"wrong-login-type-email": "Please use your email to login",
"wrong-login-type-username": "Please use your username to login"
"wrong-login-type-email": "Prisijungimui prašom naudoti jūsų el. adresą",
"wrong-login-type-username": "Prisijungimui prašome naudoti vartotojo vardą"

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
"header.tags": "Žymos",
"header.popular": "Populiarūs",
"header.users": "Vartotojai",
"header.groups": "Groups",
"header.groups": "Grupės",
"header.chats": "Susirašinėjimai",
"header.notifications": "Pranešimai",
"": "Ieškoti",
@ -74,8 +74,8 @@
"guests": "Svečiai",
"updated.title": "Forumas atnaujintas",
"updated.message": "Forumas buvo atnaujintas iki naujausios versijos. Paspauskite čia norėdami perkrauti puslapį.",
"privacy": "Privacy",
"follow": "Follow",
"unfollow": "Unfollow",
"delete_all": "Delete All"
"privacy": "Privatumas",
"follow": "Sekti",
"unfollow": "Nebesekti",
"delete_all": "Viską ištrinti"

@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
"groups": "Groups",
"view_group": "View Group",
"owner": "Group Owner",
"new_group": "Create New Group",
"groups": "Grupės",
"view_group": "Grupės peržiūra",
"owner": "Grupės savininkas",
"new_group": "Kurti naują grupę",
"no_groups_found": "There are no groups to see",
"pending.accept": "Accept",
"pending.reject": "Reject",
"cover-instructions": "Drag and Drop a photo, drag to position, and hit <strong>Save</strong>",
"cover-change": "Change",
"cover-save": "Save",
"cover-saving": "Saving",
"details.title": "Group Details",
"details.members": "Member List",
"details.pending": "Pending Members",
"details.has_no_posts": "This group's members have not made any posts.",
"details.latest_posts": "Latest Posts",
"details.private": "Private",
"pending.accept": "Priimti",
"pending.reject": "Atmesti",
"cover-instructions": "Vilkite čia nuotrauką, perkelkite į reikalingą poziciją ir spauskite <strong>Save</strong>",
"cover-change": "Keisti",
"cover-save": "Saugoti",
"cover-saving": "Išsaugoma",
"details.title": "Grupės detalės",
"details.members": "Narių sąrašas",
"details.pending": "Laukiantys nariai",
"details.has_no_posts": "Šios grupės nariai neatliko jokių įrašų.",
"details.latest_posts": "Vėliausi įrašai",
"details.private": "Asmeniška",
"details.grant": "Grant/Rescind Ownership",
"details.kick": "Kick",
"details.owner_options": "Group Administration",
"details.group_name": "Group Name",
"details.description": "Description",
"details.group_name": "Grupės pavadinimas",
"details.description": "Aprašymas",
"details.badge_preview": "Badge Preview",
"details.change_icon": "Change Icon",
"details.change_colour": "Change Colour",
"details.change_icon": "Pakeisti paveikslėlį",
"details.change_colour": "Pakeisti spalvą",
"details.badge_text": "Badge Text",
"details.userTitleEnabled": "Show Badge",
"details.private_help": "If enabled, joining of groups requires approval from a group owner",
"details.hidden": "Hidden",
"details.hidden": "Paslėptas",
"details.hidden_help": "If enabled, this group will not be found in the groups listing, and users will have to be invited manually",
"event.updated": "Group details have been updated",
"event.deleted": "The group \"%1\" has been deleted"
"event.updated": "Grupės informacija atnaujinta",
"event.deleted": "Grupė \"%1\" pašalinta"

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"username-email": "Username / Email",
"username": "Username",
"email": "Email",
"username-email": "Vartotojo vardas / El. paštas",
"username": "Vartotojo vardas",
"email": "El. paštas",
"remember_me": "Prisiminti?",
"forgot_password": "Užmiršote slaptažodį?",
"alternative_logins": "Alternatyvūs prisijungimo būdai",

@ -12,9 +12,9 @@
"chat.message-history": "Žinučių istorija",
"chat.pop-out": "Iššokančio lango pokalbiai",
"chat.maximize": "Padininti",
"chat.seven_days": "7 Days",
"chat.thirty_days": "30 Days",
"chat.three_months": "3 Months",
"chat.seven_days": "7 dienos",
"chat.thirty_days": "30 dienų",
"chat.three_months": "3 mėnesiai",
"composer.user_said_in": "%1 parašė į %2:",
"composer.user_said": "%1 parašė:",
"composer.discard": "Ar tikrai norite sunaikinti šį pranešimą?"

@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
"title": "Pranešimai",
"no_notifs": "Jūs neturite naujų pranešimų",
"see_all": "Peržiūrėti visus pranešimus",
"mark_all_read": "Mark all notifications read",
"mark_all_read": "Žymėti visus perspėjimus kaip skaitytus",
"back_to_home": "Atgal į %1",
"outgoing_link": "Išeinanti nuoroda",
"outgoing_link_message": "You are now leaving %1.",
"continue_to": "Continue to %1",
"return_to": "Return to %1",
"return_to": "Grįžti į %1",
"new_notification": "Naujas pranešimas",
"you_have_unread_notifications": "Jūs turite neperskaitytų pranešimų.",
"new_message_from": "Nauja žinutė nuo <strong>%1</strong>",
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
"favourited_your_post_in": "<strong>%1</strong> has favourited your post in <strong>%2</strong>.",
"user_flagged_post_in": "<strong>%1</strong> flagged a post in <strong>%2</strong>",
"user_posted_to": "<strong>%1</strong> parašė atsaką <strong>%2</strong>",
"user_posted_topic": "<strong>%1</strong> has posted a new topic: <strong>%2</strong>",
"user_posted_topic": "<strong>%1</strong> paskelbė naują temą: <strong>%2</strong>",
"user_mentioned_you_in": "<strong>%1</strong> paminėjo Jus <strong>%2</strong>",
"user_started_following_you": "<strong>%1</strong> started following you.",
"email-confirmed": "El. paštas patvirtintas",

@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
"user.followers": "Žmonės, kurie seka %1",
"user.posts": "Pranešimai, kuriuos parašė %1",
"user.topics": "Temos, kurias sukūrė %1",
"user.groups": "%1's Groups",
"user.groups": "%1's grupės",
"user.favourites": "Vartotojo %1 mėgstami pranešimai",
"user.settings": "Vartotojo nustatymai",
"maintenance.text": "%1 is currently undergoing maintenance. Please come back another time.",
"maintenance.messageIntro": "Additionally, the administrator has left this message:"
"maintenance.messageIntro": "Be to, administratorius paliko šį pranešimą:"

@ -4,16 +4,16 @@
"week": "Savaitė",
"month": "Mėnesis",
"year": "Metai",
"alltime": "All Time",
"alltime": "Per visą laiką",
"no_recent_topics": "Paskutinių temų nėra",
"no_popular_topics": "There are no popular topics.",
"there-is-a-new-topic": "There is a new topic.",
"there-is-a-new-topic-and-a-new-post": "There is a new topic and a new post.",
"there-is-a-new-topic-and-new-posts": "There is a new topic and %1 new posts.",
"there-are-new-topics": "There are %1 new topics.",
"there-are-new-topics-and-a-new-post": "There are %1 new topics and a new post.",
"there-are-new-topics-and-new-posts": "There are %1 new topics and %2 new posts.",
"there-is-a-new-post": "There is a new post.",
"there-are-new-posts": "There are %1 new posts.",
"click-here-to-reload": "Click here to reload."
"no_popular_topics": "Populiarių temų nėra.",
"there-is-a-new-topic": "Yra nauja tema.",
"there-is-a-new-topic-and-a-new-post": "Yra nauja tema ir naujas įrašas.",
"there-is-a-new-topic-and-new-posts": "Yra nauja tema ir %1 nauji įrašai.",
"there-are-new-topics": "Yra %1 naujos temos.",
"there-are-new-topics-and-a-new-post": "Yra %1 naujos temos ir naujas įrašas.",
"there-are-new-topics-and-new-posts": "Yra %1 naujos temos ir %2 nauji įrašai.",
"there-is-a-new-post": "Yra naujas įrašas.",
"there-are-new-posts": "Yra %1 naujas pranešimas.",
"click-here-to-reload": "Spauskite čia norėdami perkrauti."

@ -11,6 +11,6 @@
"enter_email_address": "Įrašykite el. pašto adresą",
"password_reset_sent": "Slaptažodžio atstatymas išsiųstas",
"invalid_email": "Klaidingas arba neegzistuojantis el. pašto adresas!",
"password_too_short": "The password entered is too short, please pick a different password.",
"passwords_do_not_match": "The two passwords you've entered do not match."
"password_too_short": "Įvestas slaptažodis yra per trumpas, prašome pasirinkti kitą slaptažodį.",
"passwords_do_not_match": "Du slaptažodžiai, kuriuos įvedėte, nesutampa."

@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
"results_matching": "%1 result(s) matching \"%2\", (%3 seconds)",
"no-matches": "No matches found",
"no-matches": "Atitikmenų nerasta",
"in": "In",
"by": "By",
"titles": "Titles",
"titles-posts": "Titles and Posts",
"posted-by": "Posted by",
"in-categories": "In Categories",
"titles": "Antraštės",
"titles-posts": "Antraštės ir įrašai",
"posted-by": "Parašė",
"in-categories": "Kategorijose",
"search-child-categories": "Search child categories",
"reply-count": "Reply Count",
"at-least": "At least",
"at-most": "At most",
"post-time": "Post time",
"newer-than": "Newer than",
"older-than": "Older than",
"any-date": "Any date",
"yesterday": "Yesterday",
"one-week": "One week",
"two-weeks": "Two weeks",
"one-month": "One month",
"three-months": "Three months",
"six-months": "Six months",
"one-year": "One year",
"sort-by": "Sort by",
"at-least": "Mažiausiai",
"at-most": "Daugiausia",
"post-time": "Įrašo laikas",
"newer-than": "Naujesni kaip",
"older-than": "Senesni kaip",
"any-date": "Bet kokia data",
"yesterday": "Vakar",
"one-week": "Viena savaitė",
"two-weeks": "Dvi savaitės",
"one-month": "Mėnuo",
"three-months": "Trys mėnesiai",
"six-months": "Šeši mėnesiai",
"one-year": "Vieneri metai",
"sort-by": "Rūšiuoti pagal",
"last-reply-time": "Last reply time",
"topic-title": "Topic title",
"number-of-replies": "Number of replies",
"number-of-views": "Number of views",
"topic-start-date": "Topic start date",
"username": "Username",
"category": "Category",
"descending": "In descending order",
"ascending": "In ascending order",
"save-preferences": "Save preferences",
"clear-preferences": "Clear preferences",
"search-preferences-saved": "Search preferences saved",
"search-preferences-cleared": "Search preferences cleared",
"show-results-as": "Show results as"
"topic-title": "Temos pavadinimas",
"number-of-replies": "Atsakymų skaičius",
"number-of-views": "Peržiūrų skaičius",
"topic-start-date": "Temos pradžia",
"username": "Vartotojo vardas",
"category": "Kategorija",
"descending": "Mažėjančia tvarka",
"ascending": "Didėjančia tvarka",
"save-preferences": "Išsaugoti nustatymus",
"clear-preferences": "Išvalyti nustatymus",
"search-preferences-saved": "Paieškos nustatymai išsaugoti",
"search-preferences-cleared": "Paieškos nuostatos išvalytos",
"show-results-as": "Rodyti rezultatus kaip"

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
"notify_me": "Gauti pranešimus apie naujus atsakymus šioje temoje",
"quote": "Cituoti",
"reply": "Atsakyti",
"guest-login-reply": "Log in to reply",
"guest-login-reply": "Norėdami atsakyti, prisijunkite",
"edit": "Redaguoti",
"delete": "Ištrinti",
"purge": "Išvalyti",
@ -34,11 +34,11 @@
"login_to_subscribe": "Norėdami prenumeruoti šią temą, prašome prisiregistruoti arba prisijungti.",
"markAsUnreadForAll.success": "Tema visiems vartotojams pažymėta kaip neskaityta.",
"watch": "Žiūrėti",
"unwatch": "Unwatch",
"unwatch": "Nebesekti",
"watch.title": "Gauti pranešimą apie naujus įrašus šioje temoje",
"unwatch.title": "Stop watching this topic",
"unwatch.title": "Baigti šios temos stebėjimą",
"share_this_post": "Dalintis šiuo įrašu",
"thread_tools.title": "Topic Tools",
"thread_tools.title": "Temos priemonės",
"thread_tools.markAsUnreadForAll": "Pažymėti kaip neskaitytą",
"": "Prisegti temą",
"thread_tools.unpin": "Atsegti temą",
@ -48,11 +48,11 @@
"thread_tools.move_all": "Perkelti visus",
"thread_tools.fork": "Išskaidyti temą",
"thread_tools.delete": "Ištrinti temą",
"thread_tools.delete_confirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this topic?",
"thread_tools.delete_confirm": "Ar jūs tikrai norite ištrinti šią temą?",
"thread_tools.restore": "Atkurti temą",
"thread_tools.restore_confirm": "Are you sure you want to restore this topic?",
"thread_tools.restore_confirm": "Ar jūs tikrai norite atkurti šią temą?",
"thread_tools.purge": "Išvalyti temą",
"thread_tools.purge_confirm": "Are you sure you want to purge this topic?",
"thread_tools.purge_confirm": "Ar tikrai norite išvalyti šią temą?",
"topic_move_success": "Ši tema buvo sėkmingai perkelta į %1",
"post_delete_confirm": "Ar jūs tikrai norite ištrinti šį įrašą?",
"post_restore_confirm": "Ar jūs tikrai norite atkurti šį įrašą?",
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
"fork_no_pids": "Nepasirinktas joks įrašas!",
"fork_success": "Successfully forked topic! Click here to go to the forked topic.",
"composer.title_placeholder": "Įrašykite temos pavadinimą...",
"composer.handle_placeholder": "Name",
"composer.handle_placeholder": "Vardas ir pavardė",
"composer.discard": "Atšaukti",
"composer.submit": "Patvirtinti",
"composer.replying_to": "Atsakymas %1",
@ -90,10 +90,10 @@
"more_users_and_guests": "dar %1 vartotojai(-ų) ir %2 svečiai(-ių)",
"more_users": "dar %1 vartotojai(-ų)",
"more_guests": "dar %1 svečiai(-ių)",
"users_and_others": "%1 and %2 others",
"users_and_others": "%1 ir kiti %2",
"sort_by": "Rūšiuoti pagal",
"oldest_to_newest": "Nuo seniausių iki naujausių",
"newest_to_oldest": "Nuo naujausių iki seniausių",
"most_votes": "Daugiausiai balsų",
"most_posts": "Most posts"
"most_posts": "Daugiausia įrašų"

@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
"banned": "Užblokuotas",
"offline": "Atsijungęs",
"username": "Vartotojo vardas",
"joindate": "Join Date",
"postcount": "Post Count",
"joindate": "Prisijungimo data",
"postcount": "Įrašų kiekis",
"email": "El. paštas",
"confirm_email": "Patvirtinti el. paštą",
"delete_account": "Delete Account",
"delete_account_confirm": "Are you sure you want to delete your account? <br /><strong>This action is irreversible and you will not be able to recover any of your data</strong><br /><br />Enter your username to confirm that you wish to destroy this account.",
"delete_account": "Ištrinti paskyrą",
"delete_account_confirm": "Ar tikrai norite ištrinti savo paskyrą? <br /> <strong> Šis veiksmas yra negrįžtamas, ir jūs negalėsite susigrąžinti jokių duomenų </ strong> <br /> <br /> Įveskite savo vardą, kad patvirtintumėte, jog norite panaikinti šią paskyrą.",
"fullname": "Vardas ir pavardė",
"website": "Tinklalapis",
"location": "Vieta",
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
"edit": "Redaguoti",
"uploaded_picture": "Įkeltas paveikslėlis",
"upload_new_picture": "Įkelti naują paveikslėlį",
"upload_new_picture_from_url": "Upload New Picture From URL",
"upload_new_picture_from_url": "Įkelti naują paveikslėlį iš URL",
"current_password": "Dabartinis slaptažodis",
"change_password": "Pakeisti slaptažodį",
"change_password_error": "Negalimas slaptažodis!",
@ -50,21 +50,21 @@
"max": "maks.",
"settings": "Nustatymai",
"show_email": "Rodyti mano el. paštą viešai",
"show_fullname": "Show My Full Name",
"restrict_chats": "Only allow chat messages from users I follow",
"show_fullname": "Rodyti mano vardą ir pavardę",
"restrict_chats": "Gauti pokalbių žinutes tik iš tų narių, kuriuos seku",
"digest_label": "Prenumeruoti įvykių santrauką",
"digest_description": "Gauti naujienas apie naujus pranešimus ir temas į el. paštą pagal nustatytą grafiką",
"digest_off": "Išjungta",
"digest_daily": "Kas dieną",
"digest_weekly": "Kas savaitę",
"digest_monthly": "Kas mėnesį",
"send_chat_notifications": "Send an email if a new chat message arrives and I am not online",
"send_post_notifications": "Send an email when replies are made to topics I am subscribed to",
"send_chat_notifications": "Jeigu gaunama nauja pokalbių žinutė ir aš neprisijungęs, siųsti el. laišką",
"send_post_notifications": "Atsiųsti el. laišką kai parašomi atsakymai į mano prenumeruojamas temas",
"has_no_follower": "Šis vartotojas neturi jokių sekėjų :(",
"follows_no_one": "Šis vartotojas nieko neseka :(",
"has_no_posts": "Šis vartotojas dar neparašė nė vieno pranešimo.",
"has_no_topics": "Šis vartotojas dar nesukūrė nė vienos temos.",
"has_no_watched_topics": "This user didn't watch any topics yet.",
"has_no_watched_topics": "Šis vartotojas dar neseka jokių temų",
"email_hidden": "El. paštas paslėptas",
"hidden": "paslėptas",
"paginate_description": "Temose ir kategorijose naudoti numeraciją puslapiams vietoje begalinės slinkties.",
@ -75,6 +75,6 @@
"open_links_in_new_tab": "Atidaryti nuorodas naujame skirtuke?",
"enable_topic_searching": "Enable In-Topic Searching",
"topic_search_help": "If enabled, in-topic searching will override the browser's default page search behaviour and allow you to search through the entire topic, instead of what is only shown on screen.",
"follow_topics_you_reply_to": "Follow topics that you reply to.",
"follow_topics_you_create": "Follow topics you create."
"follow_topics_you_reply_to": "Sekite temas, į kurias jūs atsakėte.",
"follow_topics_you_create": "Sekite jūsų sukurtas temas."

@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
"search": "Ieškoti",
"enter_username": "Įrašykite vartotojo vardą paieškai",
"load_more": "Įkelti daugiau",
"users-found-search-took": "%1 user(s) found! Search took %2 seconds.",
"filter-by": "Filter By",
"users-found-search-took": "Rasta %1 vartotojas(-ai)! Paieška užtruko %2 sekundes.",
"filter-by": "Filtruoti pagal",
"online-only": "Online only",
"picture-only": "Picture only"
"picture-only": "Tik paveikslėlis"

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"new_topic_button": "Nytt emne",
"guest-login-post": "Log in to post",
"guest-login-post": "Logg inn til innlegg",
"no_topics": "<strong>Det er ingen emner i denne kategorien</strong><br />Hvorfor ikke lage ett?",
"browsing": "leser",
"no_replies": "Ingen har svart",

@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
"reset.text1": "Vi har blir bedt om å tilbakestille passordet ditt, muligens fordi du har glemt det. Hvis dette ikke stemmer kan du ignorere denne eposten.",
"reset.text2": "For å fortsette med tilbakestillingen, vennligst klikk på følgende lenke:",
"reset.cta": "Klikk her for å tilbakestille passordet ditt",
"reset.notify.subject": "Password successfully changed",
"reset.notify.text1": "We are notifying you that on %1, your password was changed successfully.",
"reset.notify.text2": "If you did not authorise this, please notify an administrator immediately.",
"reset.notify.subject": "Passordet ble endret",
"reset.notify.text1": "Vi gir deg beskjed om at du endret passordet ditt den %1.",
"reset.notify.text2": "Hvis du ikke godkjenner dette, vennligst gi beskjed til en administrator omgående.",
"digest.notifications": "Du har uleste varsler fra %1:",
"digest.latest_topics": "Siste emner fra %1",
"digest.cta": "Klikk her for å besøke %1",

@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
"email-taken": "E-post opptatt",
"email-not-confirmed": "E-posten din har ikke blitt bekreftet enda, vennligst klikk for å bekrefte din e-post.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat": "Du kan ikke chatte før e-posten din har blitt bekreftet",
"no-email-to-confirm": "This forum requires email confirmation, please click here to enter an email",
"email-confirm-failed": "We could not confirm your email, please try again later.",
"no-email-to-confirm": "Dette forumet krever at e-postbekreftelse, vennligst klikk her for å skrive inn en e-post",
"email-confirm-failed": "Vi kunne ikke godkjenne e-posten din, vennligst prøv igjen senere.",
"username-too-short": "Brukernavnet er for kort",
"username-too-long": "Brukernavnet er for langt",
"user-banned": "Bruker utestengt",
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
"no-emailers-configured": "Ingen e-post-tillegg er lastet, så ingen test e-post kunne bli sendt",
"category-disabled": "Kategori deaktivert",
"topic-locked": "Emne låst",
"post-edit-duration-expired": "You are only allowed to edit posts for %1 seconds after posting",
"post-edit-duration-expired": "Du har bare lov til å endre innlegg i %1 sekunder etter at det ble skrevet",
"still-uploading": "Vennligst vent til opplastingene blir fullført.",
"content-too-short": "Vennligst skriv et lengere innlegg. Innlegg må inneholde minst %1 tegn.",
"content-too-long": "Please enter a shorter post. Posts can't be longer than %1 characters.",

@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
"owner": "Gruppe-eier",
"new_group": "Opprett ny gruppe",
"no_groups_found": "Det er ingen grupper å se",
"pending.accept": "Accept",
"pending.reject": "Reject",
"pending.accept": "Aksepter",
"pending.reject": "Avslå",
"cover-instructions": "Dra og slipp et bilde, dra til posisjon, og trykk <strong>Lagre</strong>",
"cover-change": "Endre",
"cover-save": "Lagre",
@ -15,20 +15,20 @@
"details.pending": "Ventende meldemmer",
"details.has_no_posts": "Medlemmene i denne gruppen har ikke skrevet noen innlegg.",
"details.latest_posts": "Seneste innlegg",
"details.private": "Private",
"details.grant": "Grant/Rescind Ownership",
"details.kick": "Kick",
"details.private": "Privat",
"details.grant": "Gi/Opphev Eierskap",
"details.kick": "Kast ut",
"details.owner_options": "Gruppeadministrasjon",
"details.group_name": "Group Name",
"details.description": "Description",
"details.badge_preview": "Badge Preview",
"details.change_icon": "Change Icon",
"details.change_colour": "Change Colour",
"details.badge_text": "Badge Text",
"details.userTitleEnabled": "Show Badge",
"details.private_help": "If enabled, joining of groups requires approval from a group owner",
"details.hidden": "Hidden",
"details.hidden_help": "If enabled, this group will not be found in the groups listing, and users will have to be invited manually",
"details.group_name": "Gruppenavn",
"details.description": "Beskrivelse",
"details.badge_preview": "Forhåndsvisning av skilt",
"details.change_icon": "Endre ikon",
"details.change_colour": "Endre farge",
"details.badge_text": "Skilt-tekst",
"details.userTitleEnabled": "Vis skilt",
"details.private_help": "Hvis aktivert, vil medlemskap i grupper kreve godkjennelse fra en gruppe-eier",
"details.hidden": "Skjult",
"details.hidden_help": "vis aktivert, vil denne gruppen ikke bli funnet i gruppelista, og brukere må inviteres manuellt",
"event.updated": "Gruppedetaljer har blitt oppgradert",
"event.deleted": "Gruppen \"%1\" har blitt slettet"

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"username-email": "Username / Email",
"username": "Username",
"email": "Email",
"username-email": "Brukernavn / E-post",
"username": "Brukernavn",
"email": "E-post",
"remember_me": "Husk meg?",
"forgot_password": "Glemt passord?",
"alternative_logins": "Alternativ innlogging",

@ -3,38 +3,38 @@
"no-matches": "Ingen matcher funnet",
"in": "I",
"by": "Av",
"titles": "Titles",
"titles-posts": "Titles and Posts",
"titles": "Titler",
"titles-posts": "Titler og innlegg",
"posted-by": "Skapt av",
"in-categories": "In Categories",
"search-child-categories": "Search child categories",
"reply-count": "Reply Count",
"at-least": "At least",
"at-most": "At most",
"post-time": "Post time",
"newer-than": "Newer than",
"older-than": "Older than",
"any-date": "Any date",
"yesterday": "Yesterday",
"one-week": "One week",
"two-weeks": "Two weeks",
"one-month": "One month",
"three-months": "Three months",
"six-months": "Six months",
"one-year": "One year",
"sort-by": "Sort by",
"last-reply-time": "Last reply time",
"topic-title": "Topic title",
"number-of-replies": "Number of replies",
"number-of-views": "Number of views",
"topic-start-date": "Topic start date",
"username": "Username",
"category": "Category",
"in-categories": "I kategorier",
"search-child-categories": "Søk underkategorier",
"reply-count": "Mengde svar",
"at-least": "Minst",
"at-most": "Maks",
"post-time": "Innlegg-tid",
"newer-than": "Nyere enn",
"older-than": "Eldre en",
"any-date": "Alle datoer",
"yesterday": "I går",
"one-week": "En uke",
"two-weeks": "To uker",
"one-month": "En måned ",
"three-months": "Tre måneder",
"six-months": "Seks måneder",
"one-year": "Ett år",
"sort-by": "Sorter etter",
"last-reply-time": "Sise svartid",
"topic-title": "Emne-tittel",
"number-of-replies": "Antall svar",
"number-of-views": "Antall visninger",
"topic-start-date": "Starttid for emne",
"username": "Brukernavn",
"category": "Kategori",
"descending": "In descending order",
"ascending": "In ascending order",
"save-preferences": "Save preferences",
"clear-preferences": "Clear preferences",
"search-preferences-saved": "Search preferences saved",
"search-preferences-cleared": "Search preferences cleared",
"show-results-as": "Show results as"
"save-preferences": "Lagre innstillinger",
"clear-preferences": "Tøm innstillinnger",
"search-preferences-saved": "Søkeinnstillinger lagret",
"search-preferences-cleared": "Søkeinnstillinger tømt",
"show-results-as": "Vis resultateter som"

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"new_topic_button": "กระทู้",
"guest-login-post": "Log in to post",
"guest-login-post": "เข้าสู่ระบบเพื่อโพส",
"no_topics": "<strong>ยังไม่มีกระทู้ในหมวดนี้</strong><br />โพสต์กระทู้แรก?",
"browsing": "เรียกดู",
"no_replies": "ยังไม่มีใครตอบ",
"share_this_category": "Share this category",
"ignore": "Ignore"
"share_this_category": "แชร์ Category นี้",
"ignore": "ไม่ต้องสนใจอีก"

@ -3,37 +3,37 @@
"not-logged-in": "คุณยังไม่ได้ลงชื่อเข้าระบบ",
"account-locked": "บัญชีของคุณถูกระงับการใช้งานชั่วคราว",
"search-requires-login": "ต้องลงทะเบียนบัญชีผู้ใช้สำหรับการค้นหา! โปรดลงชื่อเข้าระบบ หรือ ลงทะเบียน!",
"invalid-cid": "Invalid Category ID",
"invalid-tid": "Invalid Topic ID",
"invalid-pid": "Invalid Post ID",
"invalid-uid": "Invalid User ID",
"invalid-username": "Invalid Username",
"invalid-email": "Invalid Email",
"invalid-title": "Invalid title!",
"invalid-user-data": "Invalid User Data",
"invalid-password": "Invalid Password",
"invalid-username-or-password": "Please specify both a username and password",
"invalid-search-term": "Invalid search term",
"invalid-cid": "Category ID ไม่ถูกต้อง",
"invalid-tid": "Topic ID ไม่ถูกต้อง",
"invalid-pid": "Post ID ไม่ถูกต้อง",
"invalid-uid": "User ID ไม่ถูกต้อง",
"invalid-username": "ชื่อผู้ใช้ไม่ถูกต้อง",
"invalid-email": "อีเมลไม่ถูกต้อง",
"invalid-title": "คำนำหน้าชื่อไม่ถูกต้อง",
"invalid-user-data": "User Data ไม่ถูกต้อง",
"invalid-password": "รหัสผ่านไม่ถูกต้อง",
"invalid-username-or-password": "กรุณาระบุชื่อผู้ใช้และรหัสผ่าน",
"invalid-search-term": "ข้อความค้นหาไม่ถูกต้อง",
"invalid-pagination-value": "Invalid pagination value",
"username-taken": "ชื่อผู้ใช้นี้มีการใช้แล้ว",
"email-taken": "อีเมลนี้มีการใช้แล้ว",
"email-not-confirmed": "ยังไม่มีการยืนยันอีเมลของคุณ, โปรดกดยืนยันอีเมลของคุณตรงนี้",
"email-not-confirmed-chat": "You are unable to chat until your email is confirmed",
"no-email-to-confirm": "This forum requires email confirmation, please click here to enter an email",
"email-confirm-failed": "We could not confirm your email, please try again later.",
"email-not-confirmed-chat": "คุณไม่สามารถแชทได้ จนกว่าจะได้รับการยืนยันอีเมล",
"no-email-to-confirm": "Forum นี้ต้องการการยืนยันอีเมล กรุณากดที่นี่เพื่อระบุอีเมล",
"email-confirm-failed": "เราไม่สามารถยืนยันอีเมลของคุณ ณ ขณะนี้ กรุณาลองใหม่อีกครั้งภายหลัง",
"username-too-short": "ชื่อบัญชีผู้ใช้ สั้นเกินไป",
"username-too-long": "ชื่อบัญชีผู้ใช้ ยาวเกินไป",
"user-banned": "User banned",
"user-too-new": "Sorry, you are required to wait %1 seconds before making your first post",
"no-category": "Category does not exist",
"no-topic": "Topic does not exist",
"no-post": "Post does not exist",
"no-group": "Group does not exist",
"no-user": "User does not exist",
"no-category": "ยังไม่มี Category นี้",
"no-topic": "ยังไม่มี Topic นี้",
"no-post": "ยังไม่มี Post นี้",
"no-group": "ยังไม่มี Group นี้",
"no-user": "ยังไม่มีผู้ใช้งานนี้",
"no-teaser": "Teaser does not exist",
"no-privileges": "You do not have enough privileges for this action.",
"no-privileges": "คุณมีสิทธิ์ไม่เพียงพอที่จะทำรายการนี้",
"no-emailers-configured": "No email plugins were loaded, so a test email could not be sent",
"category-disabled": "Category disabled",
"category-disabled": "Category นี้ถูกปิดการใช้งานแล้ว",
"topic-locked": "Topic Locked",
"post-edit-duration-expired": "You are only allowed to edit posts for %1 seconds after posting",
"still-uploading": "Please wait for uploads to complete.",

@ -14,20 +14,20 @@
"please_log_in": "กรุณาเข้าสู่ระบบ",
"logout": "ออกจากระบบ",
"posting_restriction_info": "คุณต้องต้องเป็นสมาชิกเพื่อทำการโพสต์ คลิกที่นี่เพื่อเข้าสู่ระบบ",
"welcome_back": "Welcome Back",
"welcome_back": "ยินดีต้อนรับ",
"you_have_successfully_logged_in": "คุณได้เข้าสู่ระบบแล้ว",
"save_changes": "บันทึกการเปลี่ยนแปลง",
"close": "ปิด",
"pagination": "ให้เลขหน้า",
"pagination.out_of": "%1 out of %2",
"pagination.out_of": "%1 จาก %2",
"pagination.enter_index": "Enter index",
"header.admin": "ผู้ดูแลระบบ",
"header.recent": "ล่าสุด",
"header.unread": "ไม่ได้อ่าน",
"header.tags": "Tags",
"header.tags": "Tag",
"header.popular": "ฮิต",
"header.users": "ผู้ใช้",
"header.groups": "Groups",
"header.groups": "Group",
"header.chats": "สนทนา",
"header.notifications": "แจ้งเตือน",
"": "ค้นหา",

@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
"groups": "Groups",
"view_group": "View Group",
"owner": "Group Owner",
"new_group": "Create New Group",
"no_groups_found": "There are no groups to see",
"pending.accept": "Accept",
"pending.reject": "Reject",
"cover-instructions": "Drag and Drop a photo, drag to position, and hit <strong>Save</strong>",
"cover-change": "Change",
"cover-save": "Save",
"cover-saving": "Saving",
"details.title": "Group Details",
"details.members": "Member List",
"details.pending": "Pending Members",
"details.has_no_posts": "This group's members have not made any posts.",
"details.latest_posts": "Latest Posts",
"details.private": "Private",
"groups": "Group",
"view_group": "ดู Group",
"owner": "เจ้าของ Group",
"new_group": "สร้าง Group ใหม่",
"no_groups_found": "ยังไม่มี Group",
"pending.accept": "ยอมรับ",
"pending.reject": "ไม่ยอมรับ",
"cover-instructions": "ลากรูปภาพไปวางยังตำแหน่งที่ต้องการแล้วกดที่ปุ่ม <strong>บันทึก</strong>",
"cover-change": "ปรับปรุง",
"cover-save": "บันทึก",
"cover-saving": "กำลังบันทึก",
"details.title": "ข้อมูล Group",
"details.members": "รายชื่อสมาชิก",
"details.pending": "สมาชิกที่กำลังรอการตอบรับ",
"details.has_no_posts": "Group นี้ยังไม่มีโพสจากสมาชิก",
"details.latest_posts": "โพสล่าสุด",
"details.private": "ส่วนตัว",
"details.grant": "Grant/Rescind Ownership",
"details.kick": "Kick",
"details.owner_options": "Group Administration",
"details.group_name": "Group Name",
"details.description": "Description",
"details.kick": "เตะออก",
"details.owner_options": "การจัดการ Group",
"details.group_name": "ชื่อ Group",
"details.description": "คำอธิบาย",
"details.badge_preview": "Badge Preview",
"details.change_icon": "Change Icon",
"details.change_colour": "Change Colour",
"details.change_icon": "เปลี่ยนไอคอน",
"details.change_colour": "เปลี่ยนสี",
"details.badge_text": "Badge Text",
"details.userTitleEnabled": "Show Badge",
"details.userTitleEnabled": "แสดง Badge",
"details.private_help": "If enabled, joining of groups requires approval from a group owner",
"details.hidden": "Hidden",
"details.hidden": "ซ่อน",
"details.hidden_help": "If enabled, this group will not be found in the groups listing, and users will have to be invited manually",
"event.updated": "Group details have been updated",
"event.updated": "ข้อมูล Group ได้รับการบันทึกแล้ว",
"event.deleted": "The group \"%1\" has been deleted"

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"username-email": "Username / Email",
"username": "Username",
"email": "Email",
"username-email": "ชื่อผู้ใช้ / อีเมล",
"username": "ชื่อผู้ใช้",
"email": "อีเมล",
"remember_me": "จำไว้ในระบบ?",
"forgot_password": "ลืมรหัสผ่าน?",
"alternative_logins": "เข้าสู่ระบบโดยทางอื่น",

@ -5,15 +5,15 @@
"recent": "กระทู้ล่าสุด",
"users": "ผู้ใช้ที่ลงทะเบียน",
"notifications": "แจ้งเตือน",
"tags": "Topics tagged under \"%1\"",
"tags": "หัวข้อที่ถูก Tag อยู่ภายใต้ \"%1\"",
"user.edit": "แก้ไข \"%1\"",
"user.following": "ผู้ใช้ที่ %1 ติดตาม",
"user.followers": "ผู้ใช้ที่ติดตาม %1",
"user.posts": "กระทู้โดย %1",
"user.topics": "Topics created by %1",
"user.groups": "%1's Groups",
"user.topics": "หัวข้อที่ถูกสร้างโดย %1",
"user.groups": "กลุ่มของ %1",
"user.favourites": "กระทู้ที่ %1 ชอบ",
"user.settings": "ตั้งค่าผู้ใช้",
"maintenance.text": "%1 is currently undergoing maintenance. Please come back another time.",
"maintenance.messageIntro": "Additionally, the administrator has left this message:"
"maintenance.text": "%1 กำลังอยู่ระหว่างการปิดปรับปรุงชั่วคราว กรุณาลองใหม่อีกครั้งในภายหลัง",
"maintenance.messageIntro": "ผู้ดูแลระบบได้ฝากข้อความต่อไปนี้เอาไว้"

@ -11,6 +11,6 @@
"enter_email_address": "ใส่อีเมล์",
"password_reset_sent": "รหัสรีเซ็ตถูกส่งออกไปแล้ว",
"invalid_email": "อีเมล์ไม่ถูกต้อง / อีเมล์ไม่มีอยู่!",
"password_too_short": "The password entered is too short, please pick a different password.",
"passwords_do_not_match": "The two passwords you've entered do not match."
"password_too_short": "รหัสผ่านที่คุณกำหนดยังสั้นเกินไป กรุณากำหนดรหัสผ่านของคุณใหม่",
"passwords_do_not_match": "รหัสผ่านทั้ง 2 ที่ใส่ไม่ตรงกัน"

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"no_tag_topics": "ไม่มีหัวข้อสนทนาที่เกี่ยวข้องกับป้ายคำศัพท์นี้",
"tags": "ป้ายคำศัพท์",
"enter_tags_here": "Enter tags here. %1-%2 characters. Press enter after each tag.",
"enter_tags_here": "ใส่ Tags ตรงนี้ได้ทั้งหมด %1-%2 ตัวอักษร และกรุณากดปุ่ม Enter ทุกครั้งเมื่อต้องการเพิ่ม Tag ใหม่",
"enter_tags_here_short": "ใส่ป้ายคำศัพท์ ...",
"no_tags": "ยังไม่มีป้ายคำศัพท์"

@ -4,15 +4,15 @@
"topic_id_placeholder": "Enter topic ID",
"no_topics_found": "ไม่พบกระทู้",
"no_posts_found": "ไม่พบโพส",
"post_is_deleted": "This post is deleted!",
"post_is_deleted": "ลบ Post นี้เรียบร้อยแล้ว!",
"profile": "รายละเอียด",
"posted_by": "Posted by %1",
"posted_by_guest": "Posted by Guest",
"posted_by": "โพสโดย %1",
"posted_by_guest": "โพสโดย Guest",
"chat": "แชท",
"notify_me": "แจ้งเตือนเมื่อการตอบใหม่ในกระทู้นี้",
"quote": "คำอ้างอิง",
"reply": "ตอบ",
"guest-login-reply": "Log in to reply",
"guest-login-reply": "เข้าสู่ระบบเพื่อตอบกลับ",
"edit": "แก้ไข",
"delete": "ลบ",
"purge": "Purge",
@ -26,31 +26,31 @@
"locked": "Locked",
"bookmark_instructions": "คลิกที่นี่เพื่อกลับคืนสู่ฐานะสุดท้าย หรือ คลิกปิดเพื่อยกเลิก",
"flag_title": "ปักธงโพสต์นี้เพื่อดำเนินการ",
"flag_confirm": "Are you sure you want to flag this post?",
"flag_confirm": "มั่นใจแล้วหรือไม่ที่จะ Flag Post นี้?",
"flag_success": "This post has been flagged for moderation.",
"deleted_message": "This topic has been deleted. Only users with topic management privileges can see it.",
"deleted_message": "Topic นี้ถูกลบไปแล้ว เฉพาะผู้ใช้งานที่มีสิทธิ์ในการจัดการ Topic เท่านั้นที่จะมีสิทธิ์ในการเข้าชม",
"following_topic.message": "คุณจะได้รับการแจ้งเตือนเมื่อมีคนโพสต์ในกระทู้นี้",
"not_following_topic.message": "คุณจะไม่รับการแจ้งเตือนจากกระทู้นี้",
"login_to_subscribe": "กรุณาลงทะเบียนหรือเข้าสู่ระบบเพื่อที่จะติดตามกระทู้นี้",
"markAsUnreadForAll.success": "ทำเครื่องหมายว่ายังไม่ได้อ่านทั้งหมด",
"watch": "ติดตาม",
"unwatch": "Unwatch",
"watch.title": "Be notified of new replies in this topic",
"unwatch.title": "Stop watching this topic",
"unwatch": "ยังไม่ได้ติดตาม",
"watch.title": "ให้แจ้งเตือนเมื่อมีการตอบกลับ Topic นี้",
"unwatch.title": "ยกเลิกการติดตาม Topic นี้",
"share_this_post": "แชร์โพสต์นี้",
"thread_tools.title": "Topic Tools",
"thread_tools.title": "เครื่องมือช่วยจัดการ Topic",
"thread_tools.markAsUnreadForAll": "ทำหมายว่ายังไม่ได้อ่าน",
"": "ปักหมุดกระทู้",
"thread_tools.unpin": "เลิกปักหมุดกระทู้",
"thread_tools.lock": "ล็อคกระทู้",
"thread_tools.unlock": "ปลดล็อคกระทู้",
"thread_tools.move": "ย้ายกระทู้",
"thread_tools.move_all": "Move All",
"thread_tools.move_all": "ย้ายทั้งหมด",
"thread_tools.fork": "แยกกระทู้",
"thread_tools.delete": "ลบกระทู้",
"thread_tools.delete_confirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this topic?",
"thread_tools.delete_confirm": "มั่นใจแล้วหรือไม่ที่จะลบ Topic นี้?",
"thread_tools.restore": "กู้กระทู้",
"thread_tools.restore_confirm": "Are you sure you want to restore this topic?",
"thread_tools.restore_confirm": "มั่นใจแล้วหรือไม่ที่จะกู้คืน Topic นี้?",
"thread_tools.purge": "Purge Topic",
"thread_tools.purge_confirm": "Are you sure you want to purge this topic?",
"topic_move_success": "This topic has been successfully moved to %1",

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
"title": "ไม่ได้อ่าน",
"no_unread_topics": "ไม่มีกระทู้ที่ยังไม่ได้อ่านเป็น",
"load_more": "โหลดเพิ่มเติม",
"mark_as_read": "Mark as Read",
"selected": "Selected",
"all": "All",
"topics_marked_as_read.success": "Topics marked as read!"
"mark_as_read": "ทำเครื่องหมายว่าอ่านแล้ว",
"selected": "เลือก",
"all": "ทั้งหมด",
"topics_marked_as_read.success": "Topic ถูกทำเครื่องหมายว่าอ่านแล้วเรียบร้อย"

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
"banned": "เเบน",
"offline": "ออฟไลน์",
"username": "ชื่อผู้ใช้",
"joindate": "Join Date",
"postcount": "Post Count",
"joindate": "วันที่เข้าร่วม",
"postcount": "จำนวนโพส",
"email": "อีเมล์",
"confirm_email": "ยืนยันอีเมล",
"delete_account": "ลบบัญชี",
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"profile_views": "ดูข้อมูลส่วนตัว",
"reputation": "ชื่อเสียง",
"favourites": "ชอบ",
"watched": "Watched",
"watched": "ดูแล้ว",
"followers": "คนติดตาม",
"following": "ติดตาม",
"signature": "ลายเซ็น",
@ -59,12 +59,12 @@
"digest_weekly": "รายสัปดาห์",
"digest_monthly": "รายเดือน",
"send_chat_notifications": "ส่งอีเมลเมื่อมีข้อความใหม่เข้ามาขณะที่ฉันไม่ได้ออนไลน์",
"send_post_notifications": "Send an email when replies are made to topics I am subscribed to",
"send_post_notifications": "ส่งอีเมลให้ฉันเมื่อมีการตอบกลับในหัวข้อที่ฉันเคยบอกรับเป็นสมาชิกไว้",
"has_no_follower": "ผู้ใช้รายนี้ไม่มีใครติดตาม :(",
"follows_no_one": "ผู้ใช้รายนี้ไม่ติดตามใคร :(",
"has_no_posts": "ผู้ใช้รายนี้ไม่ได้โพสต์อะไรเลย",
"has_no_topics": "สมาชิกรายนี้ยังไม่ได้มีการโพสต์ข้อความ",
"has_no_watched_topics": "This user didn't watch any topics yet.",
"has_no_watched_topics": "ผู้ใช้นี้ยังไม่เคยเข้าชมในหัวข้อใดๆ",
"email_hidden": "ซ่อนอีเมล์",
"hidden": "ซ่อน",
"paginate_description": "ให้เลขหน้ากระทู้และโพสต์แทนการใช้สกรอลล์ที่ไม่สิ้นสุด",
@ -73,8 +73,8 @@
"notification_sounds": "เตือนด้วยเสียงเมื่อมีข้อความแจ้งเตือน",
"browsing": "เปิดดูการตั้งค่า",
"open_links_in_new_tab": "เปิดลิงค์ในแท็บใหม่",
"enable_topic_searching": "Enable In-Topic Searching",
"topic_search_help": "If enabled, in-topic searching will override the browser's default page search behaviour and allow you to search through the entire topic, instead of what is only shown on screen.",
"enable_topic_searching": "เปิดใช้การค้นหาแบบ In-Topic",
"topic_search_help": "เมื่อการค้นหาแบบ In-Topic ถูกเปิดใช้งาน การค้นหาแบบ In-Topic จะทำงานแทนการค้นหาในรูปแบบเดิม ซึ่งช่วยให้คุณสามารถทำการค้นหาจาก Topic ทั้งหมด เพิ่มเติมจากที่คุณกำลังเห็นอยู่บนหน้าจอ",
"follow_topics_you_reply_to": "ติดตามกระทู้ที่คุณตอบ",
"follow_topics_you_create": "ติดตามกระทู้ที่คุณตั้ง"

@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
"owner": "用户组组长",
"new_group": "创建新用户组",
"no_groups_found": "还没有用户组",
"pending.accept": "Accept",
"pending.reject": "Reject",
"pending.accept": "接受",
"pending.reject": "取消",
"cover-instructions": "拖放照片,拖动位置,然后点击 <strong>保存</strong>",
"cover-change": "变更",
"cover-save": "保存",
@ -15,19 +15,19 @@
"details.pending": "预备成员",
"details.has_no_posts": "此用户组的会员尚未发表任何帖子。",
"details.latest_posts": "最新帖子",
"details.private": "Private",
"details.private": "私有",
"details.grant": "授予/取消所有权",
"details.kick": "踢",
"details.owner_options": "用户组管理",
"details.group_name": "Group Name",
"details.group_name": "用户组名",
"details.description": "Description",
"details.badge_preview": "Badge Preview",
"details.change_icon": "Change Icon",
"details.change_icon": "更改图标",
"details.change_colour": "Change Colour",
"details.badge_text": "Badge Text",
"details.userTitleEnabled": "Show Badge",
"details.private_help": "If enabled, joining of groups requires approval from a group owner",
"details.hidden": "Hidden",
"details.hidden": "隐藏",
"details.hidden_help": "If enabled, this group will not be found in the groups listing, and users will have to be invited manually",
"event.updated": "用户组信息已更新",
"event.deleted": "用户组 \"%1\" 已被删除"

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"username-email": "Username / Email",
"username": "Username",
"email": "Email",
"username": "用户名",
"email": "邮件",
"remember_me": "记住我?",
"forgot_password": "忘记密码?",
"alternative_logins": "使用合作网站帐号登录",

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"title": "通知",
"no_notifs": "您没有新的通知",
"see_all": "查看全部通知",
"mark_all_read": "Mark all notifications read",
"mark_all_read": "标记全部为已读",
"back_to_home": "返回 %1",
"outgoing_link": "站外链接",
"outgoing_link_message": "您正在离开 %1。",

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@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ define('forum/chats', ['string', 'sounds', 'forum/infinitescroll'], function(S,
function onMessagesParsed(html) {
var newMessage = $(html);
Chats.scrollToBottom($('.expanded-chat .chat-content'));

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ define('forum/notifications', function() {
$('.notifications .delete').on('click', function() {
socket.emit('notifications.markAllRead', function(err) {

@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ define('forum/recent', ['forum/infinitescroll', 'composer'], function(infinitesc

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ define('forum/reset', function() {
return false;

@ -31,22 +31,8 @@ define('forum/reset_code', function() {
window.location.href = RELATIVE_PATH + '/login';
return false;
// socket.emit('user.reset.valid', reset_code, function(err, valid) {
// if(err) {
// return app.alertError(err.message);
// }
// if (valid) {
// resetEl.prop('disabled', false);
// } else {
// var formEl = $('#reset-form');
// // Show error message
// $('#error').show();
// formEl.remove();
// }
// });
return ResetCode;

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
'use strict';
/* globals define, app, templates, translator, socket, bootbox, config, ajaxify, RELATIVE_PATH, utils */
/* globals define, app, components, templates, translator, socket, bootbox, config, ajaxify, RELATIVE_PATH, utils */
define('forum/topic', [
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ define('forum/topic', [
$(window).on('action:ajaxify.start', function(ev, data) {
if (ajaxify.currentPage !== data.url) {
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ define('forum/topic', [
navigator.init('.posts > .post-row', ajaxify.variables.get('postcount'), Topic.toTop, Topic.toBottom, Topic.navigatorCallback, Topic.calculateIndex);
navigator.init(components.get('post'), ajaxify.variables.get('postcount'), Topic.toTop, Topic.toBottom, Topic.navigatorCallback, Topic.calculateIndex);
$(window).on('scroll', updateTopicTitle);
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ define('forum/topic', [
function addBlockQuoteHandler() {
$('#post-container').on('click', 'blockquote .toggle', function() {
components.get('topic').on('click', 'blockquote .toggle', function() {
var blockQuote = $(this).parent('blockquote');
var toggle = $(this);
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ define('forum/topic', [
function enableInfiniteLoadingOrPagination() {
if(!config.usePagination) {
infinitescroll.init(posts.loadMorePosts, $('#post-container .post-row[data-index="0"]').height());
infinitescroll.init(posts.loadMorePosts, components.get('post', 'index', 0).height());
} else {
@ -135,9 +135,9 @@ define('forum/topic', [
function updateTopicTitle() {
if($(window).scrollTop() > 50) {
} else {

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ define('forum/topic/browsing', function() {
Browsing.onUpdateUsersInRoom = function(data) {
if (data &&'topic_' + ajaxify.variables.get('topic_id')) !== -1) {
$('.browsing-users').toggleClass('hidden', !data.users.length);
$('[component="topic/browsing/list"]').parent().toggleClass('hidden', !data.users.length);
for(var i=0; i<data.users.length; ++i) {
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ define('forum/topic/browsing', function() {
Browsing.onUserEnter = function(data) {
var activeEl = $('.thread_active_users');
var activeEl = $('[component="topic/browsing/list"]');
var user = activeEl.find('a[data-uid="' + data.uid + '"]');
if (!user.length && activeEl.first().children().length < 10) {
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ define('forum/topic/browsing', function() {
if (app.user.uid === parseInt(uid, 10)) {
var user = $('.thread_active_users').find('a[data-uid="' + uid + '"]');
var user = $('[component="topic/browsing/list"]').find('a[data-uid="' + uid + '"]');
if (user.length) {
var count = Math.max(0, parseInt(user.attr('data-count'), 10) - 1);
user.attr('data-count', count);
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ define('forum/topic/browsing', function() {
function updateBrowsingUsers(data) {
var activeEl = $('.thread_active_users');
var activeEl = $('[component="topic/browsing/list"]');
var user = activeEl.find('a[data-uid="'+ data.uid + '"]');
if (user.length && data.status === 'offline') {
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ define('forum/topic/browsing', function() {
if (!user.userslug) {
var activeEl = $('.thread_active_users');
var activeEl = $('[component="topic/browsing/list"]');
var userEl = createUserIcon(user.uid, user.picture, user.userslug, user.username);
var isSelf = parseInt(user.uid, 10) === parseInt(app.user.uid, 10);
if (isSelf) {
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ define('forum/topic/browsing', function() {
function createUserIcon(uid, picture, userslug, username) {
if(!$('.thread_active_users').find('[data-uid="' + uid + '"]').length) {
if(!$('[component="topic/browsing/list"]').find('[data-uid="' + uid + '"]').length) {
return $('<div class="inline-block"><a data-uid="' + uid + '" data-count="1" href="' + config.relative_path + '/user/' + userslug + '"><img title="' + username + '" src="'+ picture +'"/></a></div>');
@ -99,11 +99,11 @@ define('forum/topic/browsing', function() {
if (!count || count < 0) {
count = 0;
$('.user-count').text(count).parent().toggleClass('hidden', count === 0);
$('[component="topic/browsing/count"]').text(count).parent().toggleClass('hidden', count === 0);
function increaseUserCount(incr) {
updateUserCount(parseInt($('.user-count').first().text(), 10) + incr);
updateUserCount(parseInt($('[component="topic/browsing/count"]').first().text(), 10) + incr);
return Browsing;

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
'use strict';
/* globals app, ajaxify, define, socket, translator, templates */
/* globals app, ajaxify, components, define, socket, translator, templates */
define('forum/topic/events', [
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ define('forum/topic/events', [
function updatePostVotesAndUserReputation(data) {
var votes = $('[data-pid="' + + '"] .votes'),
var votes = components.get('post/vote-count',,
reputationElements = $('.reputation[data-uid="' + + '"]');
@ -96,12 +96,12 @@ define('forum/topic/events', [
function onPostEdited(data) {
var editedPostEl = $('#content_' +,
editedPostTitle = $('#topic_title_' +;
var editedPostEl = components.get('post/content',,
editedPostHeader = components.get('post/header',;
if (editedPostTitle.length) {
editedPostTitle.fadeOut(250, function() {
if (editedPostHeader.length) {
editedPostHeader.fadeOut(250, function() {
@ -139,14 +139,15 @@ define('forum/topic/events', [
function onPostPurged(pid) {
$('#post-container [data-pid="' + pid + '"]').fadeOut(500, function() {
components.get('post', 'pid', pid).fadeOut(500, function() {
function togglePostDeleteState(data) {
var postEl = $('#post-container [data-pid="' + + '"]');
var postEl = components.get('post', 'pid',;
if (!postEl.length) {
@ -158,9 +159,9 @@ define('forum/topic/events', [
if (!app.user.isAdmin && parseInt(data.uid, 10) !== parseInt(app.user.uid, 10)) {
if (isDeleted) {
} else {

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
'use strict';
/* globals define, app, ajaxify, translator, socket */
/* globals define, app, ajaxify, components, translator, socket */
define('forum/topic/fork', function() {
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ define('forum/topic/fork', function() {
pids = [];
Fork.init = function() {
$('.fork_thread').on('click', onForkThreadClicked);
components.get('topic/fork').on('click', onForkThreadClicked);
function disableClicks() {
@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ define('forum/topic/fork', function() {
function disableClicksOnPosts() {
$('.post-row').on('click', 'button,a', disableClicks);
components.get('post').on('click', 'button,a', disableClicks);
function enableClicksOnPosts() {
$('.post-row').off('click', 'button,a', disableClicks);
components.get('post').off('click', 'button,a', disableClicks);
function onForkThreadClicked() {
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ define('forum/topic/fork', function() {
forkModal.find('.close,#fork_thread_cancel').on('click', closeForkModal);
forkModal.find('#fork-title').on('change', checkForkButtonEnable);
$('#post-container').on('click', '[data-pid]', function() {
components.get('topic').on('click', '[data-pid]', function() {
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ define('forum/topic/fork', function() {
pids: pids
}, function(err, newTopic) {
function fadeOutAndRemove(pid) {
$('#post-container [data-pid="' + pid + '"]').fadeOut(500, function() {
components.get('post', 'pid', pid).fadeOut(500, function() {
@ -125,10 +125,11 @@ define('forum/topic/fork', function() {
function closeForkModal() {
for(var i=0; i<pids.length; ++i) {
$('#post-container [data-pid="' + pids[i] + '"]').css('opacity', 1);
components.get('post', 'pid', pids[i]).css('opacity', 1);
$('#post-container').off('click', '[data-pid]');
components.get('topic').off('click', '[data-pid]');

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
'use strict';
/* globals define, app, utils, templates, translator, ajaxify, socket, bootbox */
/* globals define, app, ajaxify, bootbox, components, socket, templates, translator, utils */
define('forum/topic/postTools', ['composer', 'share', 'navigator'], function(composer, share, navigator) {
@ -18,12 +18,14 @@ define('forum/topic/postTools', ['composer', 'share', 'navigator'], function(com
PostTools.toggle = function(pid, isDeleted) {
var postEl = $('#post-container li[data-pid="' + pid + '"]');
var postEl = components.get('post', 'pid', pid);
postEl.find('.quote, .favourite, .post_reply, .chat, .flag').toggleClass('hidden', isDeleted);
postEl.find('.purge').toggleClass('hidden', !isDeleted);
postEl.find('.delete .i').toggleClass('fa-trash-o', !isDeleted).toggleClass('fa-history', isDeleted);
postEl.find('.delete span').translateHtml(isDeleted ? ' [[topic:restore]]' : ' [[topic:delete]]');
postEl.find('[component="post/quote"], [component="post/favourite"], [component="post/reply"], [component="post/flag"], [component="user/chat"]')
.toggleClass('hidden', isDeleted);
postEl.find('[component="post/purge"]').toggleClass('hidden', !isDeleted);
postEl.find('[component="post/delete"] .i').toggleClass('fa-trash-o', !isDeleted).toggleClass('fa-history', isDeleted);
postEl.find('[component="post/delete"] span').translateHtml(isDeleted ? ' [[topic:restore]]' : ' [[topic:delete]]');
PostTools.updatePostCount = function() {
@ -38,13 +40,13 @@ define('forum/topic/postTools', ['composer', 'share', 'navigator'], function(com
function addVoteHandler() {
$('#post-container').on('mouseenter', '.post-row .votes', function() {
components.get('topic').on('mouseenter', '[data-pid] .votes', function() {
function loadDataAndCreateTooltip(el) {
var pid = el.parents('.post-row').attr('data-pid');
var pid = el.parents('[data-pid]').attr('data-pid');
socket.emit('posts.getUpvoters', [pid], function(err, data) {
if (!err && data.length) {
createTooltip(el, data[0]);
@ -70,66 +72,72 @@ define('forum/topic/postTools', ['composer', 'share', 'navigator'], function(com
function addPostHandlers(tid, threadState) {
$('.topic').on('click', '.post_reply', function() {
var postContainer = components.get('topic');
postContainer.on('click', '[component="post/quote"]', function() {
if (!threadState.locked) {
onReplyClicked($(this), tid, topicName);
onQuoteClicked($(this), tid, topicName);
var postContainer = $('#post-container');
postContainer.on('click', '.quote', function() {
postContainer.on('click', '[component="post/reply"]', function() {
if (!threadState.locked) {
onQuoteClicked($(this), tid, topicName);
onReplyClicked($(this), tid, topicName);
postContainer.on('click', '.favourite', function() {
postContainer.on('click', '[component="post/favourite"]', function() {
favouritePost($(this), getData($(this), 'data-pid'));
postContainer.on('click', '.upvote', function() {
postContainer.on('click', '[component="post/upvote"]', function() {
return toggleVote($(this), '.upvoted', 'posts.upvote');
postContainer.on('click', '.downvote', function() {
postContainer.on('click', '[component="post/downvote"]', function() {
return toggleVote($(this), '.downvoted', 'posts.downvote');
postContainer.on('click', '.votes', function() {
postContainer.on('click', '[component="post/vote-count"]', function() {
showVotes(getData($(this), 'data-pid'));
postContainer.on('click', '.flag', function() {
postContainer.on('click', '[component="post/flag"]', function() {
flagPost(getData($(this), 'data-pid'));
postContainer.on('click', '.edit', function(e) {
postContainer.on('click', '[component="post/edit"]', function(e) {
composer.editPost(getData($(this), 'data-pid'));
postContainer.on('click', '.delete', function(e) {
postContainer.on('click', '[component="post/delete"]', function(e) {
deletePost($(this), tid);
postContainer.on('click', '.purge', function(e) {
postContainer.on('click', '[component="post/purge"]', function(e) {
purgePost($(this), tid);
postContainer.on('click', '.move', function(e) {
postContainer.on('click', '[component="post/move"]', function(e) {
postContainer.on('click', '.chat', function(e) {
postContainer.on('click', '[component="user/chat"]', function(e) {
$('#content').on('click', '[component="topic/reply"]', function() {
if (!threadState.locked) {
onReplyClicked($(this), tid, topicName);
function onReplyClicked(button, tid, topicName) {
var selectionText = '',
selection = window.getSelection ? window.getSelection() : document.selection.createRange();
if ($(selection.baseNode).parents('.post-content').length > 0) {
if ($(selection.baseNode).parents('[component="post/content"]').length > 0) {
var snippet = selection.toString();
if (snippet.length) {
selectionText = '> ' + snippet.replace(/\n/g, '\n> ') + '\n\n';
@ -185,7 +193,7 @@ define('forum/topic/postTools', ['composer', 'share', 'navigator'], function(com
function toggleVote(button, className, method) {
var post = button.parents('.post-row'),
var post = button.parents('[data-pid]'),
currentState = post.find(className).length;
socket.emit(currentState ? 'posts.unvote' : method , {
@ -222,7 +230,7 @@ define('forum/topic/postTools', ['composer', 'share', 'navigator'], function(com
function getData(button, data) {
return button.parents('.post-row').attr(data);
return button.parents('[data-pid]').attr(data);
function getUserName(button) {
@ -241,7 +249,7 @@ define('forum/topic/postTools', ['composer', 'share', 'navigator'], function(com
function deletePost(button, tid) {
var pid = getData(button, 'data-pid'),
postEl = $('#post-container li[data-pid="' + pid + '"]'),
postEl = components.get('post', 'pid', pid),
action = !postEl.hasClass('deleted') ? 'delete' : 'restore';
postAction(action, pid, tid);
@ -290,7 +298,7 @@ define('forum/topic/postTools', ['composer', 'share', 'navigator'], function(com
moveBtn.on('click', function() {
movePost(button.parents('.post-row'), getData(button, 'data-pid'), topicId.val());
movePost(button.parents('[data-pid]'), getData(button, 'data-pid'), topicId.val());
@ -338,7 +346,7 @@ define('forum/topic/postTools', ['composer', 'share', 'navigator'], function(com
function openChat(button) {
var post = button.parents('');
var post = button.parents('data-pid');
app.openChat(post.attr('data-username'), post.attr('data-uid'));

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
'use strict';
/* globals config, app, ajaxify, define, socket, utils */
/* globals config, app, ajaxify, components, define, socket, utils */
define('forum/topic/posts', [
@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ define('forum/topic/posts', [
for (var i=0; i<data.posts.length; ++i) {
var postcount = $('.user_postcount_' + data.posts[i].uid);
var postcount = components.get('user/postcount', data.posts[i].uid);
postcount.html(parseInt(postcount.html(), 10) + 1);
createNewPosts(data, '.post-row[data-index!="0"]', function(html) {
createNewPosts(data, components.get('post').not('[data-index=0]'), function(html) {
if (html) {
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ define('forum/topic/posts', [
pagination.pageCount = Math.max(1, Math.ceil((posts[0].topic.postcount - 1) / config.postsPerPage));
if (pagination.currentPage === pagination.pageCount) {
createNewPosts(data, '.post-row[data-index!="0"]', scrollToPost);
createNewPosts(data, components.get('post').not('[data-index=0]'), scrollToPost);
} else if (parseInt(posts[0].uid, 10) === parseInt(app.user.uid, 10)) {
pagination.loadPage(pagination.pageCount, scrollToPost);
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ define('forum/topic/posts', [
function removeAlreadyAddedPosts() {
data.posts = data.posts.filter(function(post) {
return $('#post-container [data-pid="' + +'"]').length === 0;
return components.get('post', 'pid', === 0;
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ define('forum/topic/posts', [
// Save document height and position for future reference (about 5 lines down)
var height = $(document).height(),
scrollTop = $(document).scrollTop(),
originalPostEl = $('.post-row[data-index="0"]');
originalPostEl = components.get('post', 'index', 0);
// Insert the new post
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ define('forum/topic/posts', [
$(document).scrollTop(scrollTop + ($(document).height() - height));
} else {
@ -164,34 +164,35 @@ define('forum/topic/posts', [
function toggleModTools(pid, privileges) {
var postEl = $('.post-row[data-pid="' + pid + '"]');
var postEl = components.get('post', 'pid', pid),
isSelfPost = parseInt(postEl.attr('data-uid'), 10) === parseInt(app.user.uid, 10);
if (!privileges.editable) {
postEl.find('.edit, .delete, .purge').remove();
postEl.find('[component="post/edit"], [component="post/delete"], [component="post/purge"]').remove();
if (!privileges.move) {
postEl.find('.reply, .quote').toggleClass('hidden', !$('.post_reply').length);
var isSelfPost = parseInt(postEl.attr('data-uid'), 10) === parseInt(app.user.uid, 10);
postEl.find('.chat, .flag').toggleClass('hidden', isSelfPost || !app.user.uid);
postEl.find('[component="user/chat"], [component="post/flag"]').toggleClass('hidden', isSelfPost || !app.user.uid);
Posts.loadMorePosts = function(direction) {
if (!$('#post-container').length || navigator.scrollActive) {
if (!components.get('topic').length || navigator.scrollActive) {
var reverse = config.topicPostSort === 'newest_to_oldest' || config.topicPostSort === 'most_votes';
infinitescroll.calculateAfter(direction, '#post-container .post-row[data-index!="0"]:not(.new)', config.postsPerPage, reverse, function(after, offset, el) {
infinitescroll.calculateAfter(direction, components.get('topic').find('[data-index][data-index!="0"]:not(.new)'), config.postsPerPage, reverse, function(after, offset, el) {
function loadPostsAfter(after) {
var tid = ajaxify.variables.get('topic_id');
if (!utils.isNumber(tid) || !utils.isNumber(after) || (after === 0 && $('#post-container .post-row[data-index="1"]').length)) {
if (!utils.isNumber(tid) || !utils.isNumber(after) || (after === 0 && components.get('post', 'index', 1).length)) {
@ -208,7 +209,7 @@ define('forum/topic/posts', [
if (data && data.posts && data.posts.length) {
createNewPosts(data, '.post-row[data-index!="0"]:not(.new)', done);
createNewPosts(data, components.get('post').not('[data-index=0]').not('.new'), done);
} else {
if (app.user.uid) {
socket.emit('topics.markAsRead', [tid]);
@ -224,27 +225,27 @@ define('forum/topic/posts', [
element.find('.post-content img:not(.emoji)').addClass('img-responsive').each(function() {
element.find('[component="post/content"] img:not(.emoji)').addClass('img-responsive').each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
if (!$this.parent().is('a')) {
$this.wrap('<a href="' + $this.attr('src') + '" target="_blank">');
addBlockquoteEllipses(element.find('.post-content > blockquote'));
addBlockquoteEllipses(element.find('[component="post/content"] > blockquote'));
function showBottomPostBar() {
if($('#post-container .post-row').length > 1 || !$('#post-container [data-index="0"]').length) {
if(components.get('post').length > 1 || !components.get('post', 'index', 0).length) {
function hidePostToolsForDeletedPosts(element) {
element.find('.post-row.deleted').each(function() {
element.find('[data-pid].deleted').each(function() {
postTools.toggle($(this).attr('data-pid'), true);

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
'use strict';
/* globals define, app, translator, ajaxify, socket, bootbox */
/* globals define, app, components, translator, ajaxify, socket, bootbox */
define('forum/topic/threadTools', ['forum/topic/fork', 'forum/topic/move'], function(fork, move) {
@ -21,27 +21,27 @@ define('forum/topic/threadTools', ['forum/topic/fork', 'forum/topic/move'], func
ThreadTools.setPinnedState({tid: tid, isPinned: true});
$('.delete_thread').on('click', function() {
components.get('topic/delete').on('click', function() {
topicCommand(threadState.deleted ? 'restore' : 'delete', tid);
return false;
$('.purge_thread').on('click', function() {
components.get('topic/purge').on('click', function() {
topicCommand('purge', tid);
return false;
$('.lock_thread').on('click', function() {
components.get('topic/lock').on('click', function() {
socket.emit(threadState.locked ? 'topics.unlock' : 'topics.lock', {tids: [tid], cid: ajaxify.variables.get('category_id')});
return false;
$('.pin_thread').on('click', function() {
components.get('topic/pin').on('click', function() {
socket.emit(threadState.pinned ? 'topics.unpin' : '', {tids: [tid], cid: ajaxify.variables.get('category_id')});
return false;
$('.markAsUnreadForAll').on('click', function() {
components.get('topic/mark-unread-for-all').on('click', function() {
var btn = $(this);
socket.emit('topics.markAsUnreadForAll', [tid], function(err) {
if(err) {
@ -53,14 +53,14 @@ define('forum/topic/threadTools', ['forum/topic/fork', 'forum/topic/move'], func
return false;
$('.move_thread').on('click', function(e) {
components.get('topic/move').on('click', function(e) {
move.init([tid], ajaxify.variables.get('category_id'));
return false;
$('.posts').on('click', '.follow', function() {
components.get('topic').on('click', '[component="topic/follow"]', function() {
socket.emit('topics.toggleFollow', tid, function(err, state) {
if(err) {
return app.alert({
@ -97,35 +97,36 @@ define('forum/topic/threadTools', ['forum/topic/fork', 'forum/topic/move'], func
ThreadTools.setLockedState = function(data) {
var threadEl = $('#post-container');
var threadEl = components.get('topic');
if (parseInt(data.tid, 10) === parseInt(threadEl.attr('data-tid'), 10)) {
var isLocked = data.isLocked && !app.user.isAdmin;
$('.lock_thread').translateHtml('<i class="fa fa-fw fa-' + (data.isLocked ? 'un': '') + 'lock"></i> [[topic:thread_tools.' + (data.isLocked ? 'un': '') + 'lock]]');
components.get('topic/lock').translateHtml('<i class="fa fa-fw fa-' + (data.isLocked ? 'un': '') + 'lock"></i> [[topic:thread_tools.' + (data.isLocked ? 'un': '') + 'lock]]');
translator.translate(isLocked ? '[[topic:locked]]' : '[[topic:reply]]', function(translated) {
var className = isLocked ? 'fa-lock' : 'fa-reply';
threadEl.find('.post_reply').html('<i class="fa ' + className + '"></i> ' + translated);
$('.topic-main-buttons .post_reply').attr('disabled', isLocked).html(isLocked ? '<i class="fa fa-lock"></i> ' + translated : translated);
threadEl.find('[component="post/reply"]').html('<i class="fa ' + className + '"></i> ' + translated).attr('disabled', isLocked);
$('[component="topic/reply"]').attr('disabled', isLocked).html(isLocked ? '<i class="fa fa-lock"></i> ' + translated : translated);
threadEl.find('.quote, .edit, .delete').toggleClass('hidden', isLocked);
$('.topic-title i.fa-lock').toggleClass('hide', !data.isLocked);
threadEl.find('[component="post/quote"], [component="post/edit"], [component="post/delete"]').toggleClass('hidden', isLocked);
$('[component="post/header"] i.fa-lock').toggleClass('hide', !data.isLocked);
ThreadTools.threadState.locked = data.isLocked;
ThreadTools.setDeleteState = function(data) {
var threadEl = $('#post-container');
var threadEl = components.get('topic');
if (parseInt(data.tid, 10) !== parseInt(threadEl.attr('data-tid'), 10)) {
$('.delete_thread span').translateHtml('<i class="fa fa-fw ' + (data.isDelete ? 'fa-history' : 'fa-trash-o') + '"></i> [[topic:thread_tools.' + (data.isDelete ? 'restore' : 'delete') + ']]');
components.get('topic/delete').translateHtml('<i class="fa fa-fw ' + (data.isDelete ? 'fa-history' : 'fa-trash-o') + '"></i> [[topic:thread_tools.' + (data.isDelete ? 'restore' : 'delete') + ']]');
threadEl.toggleClass('deleted', data.isDelete);
ThreadTools.threadState.deleted = data.isDelete;
$('.purge_thread').toggleClass('hidden', !data.isDelete);
components.get('topic/purge').toggleClass('hidden', !data.isDelete);
if (data.isDelete) {
translator.translate('[[topic:deleted_message]]', function(translated) {
@ -137,13 +138,13 @@ define('forum/topic/threadTools', ['forum/topic/fork', 'forum/topic/move'], func
ThreadTools.setPinnedState = function(data) {
var threadEl = $('#post-container');
var threadEl = components.get('topic');
if (parseInt(data.tid, 10) === parseInt(threadEl.attr('data-tid'), 10)) {
translator.translate('<i class="fa fa-fw fa-thumb-tack"></i> [[topic:thread_tools.' + (data.isPinned ? 'unpin' : 'pin') + ']]', function(translated) {
ThreadTools.threadState.pinned = data.isPinned;
$('.topic-title i.fa-thumb-tack').toggleClass('hide', !data.isPinned);
$('[component="post/header"] i.fa-thumb-tack').toggleClass('hide', !data.isPinned);
@ -152,7 +153,7 @@ define('forum/topic/threadTools', ['forum/topic/fork', 'forum/topic/move'], func
var iconClass = state ? 'fa fa-eye-slash' : 'fa fa-eye';
var text = state ? '[[topic:unwatch]]' : '[[topic:watch]]';
var followEl = $('.posts .follow');
var followEl = components.get('topic/follow');
translator.translate(title, function(titleTranslated) {
followEl.attr('title', titleTranslated).find('i').attr('class', iconClass);

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
"use strict";
var components = components || {};
(function() {
components.core = {
'post': function(name, value) {
return $('[data-' + name + '="' + value + '"]');
'post/content': function(pid) {
return'pid', pid).find('[component="post/content"]');
'post/header': function(pid) {
return'pid', pid).find('[component="post/header"]');
'post/anchor': function(index) {
return'index', index).find('[component="post/anchor"]');
'post/vote-count': function(pid) {
return'pid', pid).find('[component="post/vote-count"]');
'post/favourite-count': function(pid) {
return'pid', pid).find('[component="post/favourite-count"]');
'user/postcount': function(uid) {
return $('[component="user/postcount"][data-uid="' + uid + '"]');
'user/reputation': function(uid) {
return $('[component="user/reputation"][data-uid="' + uid + '"]');
components.get = function() {
var args =, 1);
if (components.core[arguments[0]] && args.length) {
return components.core[arguments[0]].apply(this, args);
} else {
return $('[component="' + arguments[0] + '"]');

@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ define('chat', ['taskbar', 'string', 'sounds', 'forum/chats'], function(taskbar,
Chats.parseMessage(data, function(html) {
var message = $(html);

@ -43,6 +43,12 @@ define('composer', [
$(window).on('', function(ev, data) {
localStorage.removeItem('category:' + + ':bookmark');
localStorage.removeItem('category:' + + ':bookmark:clicked');
ajaxify.go('topic/' +;
// Query server for formatting options
socket.emit('modules.composer.getFormattingOptions', function(err, options) {
composer.formatting = options;
@ -131,12 +137,18 @@ define('composer', [
composer.newTopic = function(cid) {
cid: cid,
title: '',
body: '',
modified: false,
isMain: true
socket.emit('categories.isModerator', cid, function(err, isMod) {
if (err) {
return app.alertError(err.message);
cid: cid,
title: '',
body: '',
modified: false,
isMain: true,
isMod: isMod
@ -166,14 +178,20 @@ define('composer', [
composer.newReply = function(tid, pid, title, text) {
translator.translate(text, config.defaultLang, function(translated) {
tid: tid,
toPid: pid,
title: title,
body: translated,
modified: false,
isMain: false
socket.emit('topics.isModerator', tid, function(err, isMod) {
if (err) {
return app.alertError(err.message);
translator.translate(text, config.defaultLang, function(translated) {
tid: tid,
toPid: pid,
title: title,
body: translated,
modified: false,
isMain: false,
isMod: isMod
@ -247,11 +265,13 @@ define('composer', [
function createNewComposer(post_uuid) {
var allowTopicsThumbnail = config.allowTopicsThumbnail && composer.posts[post_uuid].isMain && (config.hasImageUploadPlugin || config.allowFileUploads),
isTopic = composer.posts[post_uuid] ? !!composer.posts[post_uuid].cid : false,
isMain = composer.posts[post_uuid] ? !!composer.posts[post_uuid].isMain : false,
isEditing = composer.posts[post_uuid] ? !!composer.posts[post_uuid].pid : false,
isGuestPost = composer.posts[post_uuid] ? parseInt(composer.posts[post_uuid].uid, 10) === 0 : null;
var postData = composer.posts[post_uuid];
var allowTopicsThumbnail = config.allowTopicsThumbnail && postData.isMain && (config.hasImageUploadPlugin || config.allowFileUploads),
isTopic = postData ? !!postData.cid : false,
isMain = postData ? !!postData.isMain : false,
isEditing = postData ? !! : false,
isGuestPost = postData ? parseInt(postData.uid, 10) === 0 : false;
composer.bsEnvironment = utils.findBootstrapEnvironment();
@ -262,9 +282,11 @@ define('composer', [
minimumTagLength: config.minimumTagLength,
maximumTagLength: config.maximumTagLength,
isTopic: isTopic,
showHandleInput: (app.user.uid === 0 || (isEditing && isGuestPost && app.user.isAdmin)) && config.allowGuestHandles,
handle: composer.posts[post_uuid] ? composer.posts[post_uuid].handle || '' : undefined,
formatting: composer.formatting
isEditing: isEditing,
showHandleInput: config.allowGuestHandles && (app.user.uid === 0 || (isEditing && isGuestPost && app.user.isAdmin)),
handle: postData ? postData.handle || '' : undefined,
formatting: composer.formatting,
isAdminOrMod: app.user.isAdmin || postData.isMod
parseAndTranslate('composer', data, function(composerTemplate) {
@ -278,7 +300,6 @@ define('composer', [
var postContainer = $(composerTemplate[0]),
postData = composer.posts[post_uuid],
bodyEl = postContainer.find('textarea'),
draft = drafts.getDraft(postData.save_id);
@ -309,6 +330,11 @@ define('composer', [
postContainer.on('click', '[data-action="post-lock"]', function() {
$(this).attr('disabled', true);
post(post_uuid, {lock: true});
postContainer.on('click', '[data-action="discard"]', function() {
if (!composer.posts[post_uuid].modified) {
@ -438,7 +464,7 @@ define('composer', [
function post(post_uuid) {
function post(post_uuid, options) {
var postData = composer.posts[post_uuid],
postContainer = $('#cmp-uuid-' + post_uuid),
handleEl = postContainer.find('.handle'),
@ -446,6 +472,8 @@ define('composer', [
bodyEl = postContainer.find('textarea'),
thumbEl = postContainer.find('input#topic-thumb-url');
options = options || {};
if (thumbEl.length) {
@ -471,28 +499,27 @@ define('composer', [
var composerData = {}, action;
if (parseInt(postData.cid, 10) > 0) {
action = '';
composerData = {
handle: handleEl ? handleEl.val() : undefined,
title: titleEl.val(),
content: bodyEl.val(),
topic_thumb: thumbEl.val() || '',
category_id: postData.cid,
tags: tags.getTags(post_uuid)
tags: tags.getTags(post_uuid),
lock: options.lock || false
action = '';
socket.emit(action, composerData, done);
} else if (parseInt(postData.tid, 10) > 0) {
action = 'posts.reply';
composerData = {
tid: postData.tid,
handle: handleEl ? handleEl.val() : undefined,
content: bodyEl.val(),
toPid: postData.toPid
toPid: postData.toPid,
lock: options.lock || false
action = 'posts.reply';
socket.emit(action, composerData, done);
} else if (parseInt(, 10) > 0) {
action = 'posts.edit';
composerData = {
handle: handleEl ? handleEl.val() : undefined,
@ -501,12 +528,9 @@ define('composer', [
topic_thumb: thumbEl.val() || '',
tags: tags.getTags(post_uuid)
action = 'posts.edit';
socket.emit(action, composerData, done);
function done(err, data) {
socket.emit(action, composerData, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
if (err.message === '[[error:email-not-confirmed]]') {
@ -520,7 +544,7 @@ define('composer', [
$(window).trigger('action:composer.' + action, {composerData: composerData, data: data});
function discard(post_uuid) {

@ -43,6 +43,46 @@
return JSON.stringify(obj).replace(/&/gm,"&amp;").replace(/</gm,"&lt;").replace(/>/gm,"&gt;").replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
helpers.generateCategoryBackground = function(category) {
var style = [];
if (category.backgroundImage) {
style.push('background-image: url(' + category.backgroundImage + ')');
if (category.bgColor) {
style.push('background-color: ' + category.bgColor + ';');
if (category.color) {
style.push('color: ' + category.color + ';');
return style.join(' ');
helpers.generateTopicClass = function(topic) {
var style = [];
if (topic.locked) {
if (topic.pinned) {
if (topic.deleted) {
if (topic.unread) {
return style.join(' ');
// Groups helpers
helpers.membershipBtn = function(groupObj) {
if (groupObj.isMember) {

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
'use strict';
/* globals app, define, ajaxify, utils, translator, config */
/* globals app, components, define, ajaxify, utils, translator, config */
define('navigator', ['forum/pagination'], function(pagination) {
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ define('navigator', ['forum/pagination'], function(pagination) {
navigator.scrollToPost = function(postIndex, highlight, duration, offset) {
if (!utils.isNumber(postIndex) || !$('#post-container').length) {
if (!utils.isNumber(postIndex) || !components.get('topic').length) {
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ define('navigator', ['forum/pagination'], function(pagination) {
duration = duration !== undefined ? duration : 400;
navigator.scrollActive = true;
if($('#post_anchor_' + postIndex).length) {
if(components.get('post/anchor', postIndex).length) {
return scrollToPid(postIndex, highlight, duration, offset);
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ define('navigator', ['forum/pagination'], function(pagination) {
function scrollToPid(postIndex, highlight, duration, offset) {
var scrollTo = $('#post_anchor_' + postIndex);
var scrollTo = components.get('post/anchor', postIndex);
if (!scrollTo) {
navigator.scrollActive = false;
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ define('navigator', ['forum/pagination'], function(pagination) {
if ($('#post-container').length) {
if (components.get('topic').length) {

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ define('share', function() {
function getPostUrl(clickedElement) {
var parts = window.location.pathname.split('/');
var postIndex = parseInt(clickedElement.parents('.post-row').attr('data-index'), 10);
var postIndex = parseInt(clickedElement.parents('data-index').attr('data-index'), 10);
return '/' + parts[1] + '/' + parts[2] + (parts[3] ? '/' + parts[3] : '') + (postIndex ? '/' + (postIndex + 1) : '');

@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
$.getScript(RELATIVE_PATH + '/vendor/jquery/timeago/locales/jquery.timeago.' + languageCode + '.js').success(function() {
}).fail(function() {
$.getScript(RELATIVE_PATH + '/vendor/jquery/timeago/locales/jquery.timeago.en.js');

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
var widgetAreas = $('#content [widget-area]');
widgetAreas.find('img[title].teaser-pic,img[title].user-img').each(function() {
placement: 'top',

@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ var async = require('async'),
category.nextStart = results.topics.nextStart;
category.pageCount = results.pageCount;
category.isIgnored = results.isIgnored[0];
category.topic_row_size = 'col-md-9';
plugins.fireHook('filter:category.get', {category: category, uid: data.uid}, function(err, data) {
callback(err, data ? data.category : null);

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ var categoriesController = {},
async = require('async'),
nconf = require('nconf'),
validator = require('validator'),
db = require('../database'),
privileges = require('../privileges'),
user = require('../user'),
categories = require('../categories'),
@ -249,6 +251,11 @@ categoriesController.get = function(req, res, next) {
categories.getCategoryById(payload, next);
function(categoryData, next) {
if ( {
db.incrObjectField('category:' + categoryData.cid, 'timesClicked');
return res.redirect(;
var breadcrumbs = [
@ -264,10 +271,6 @@ categoriesController.get = function(req, res, next) {
function(categoryData, next) {
if ( {
return res.redirect(;
categories.getRecentTopicReplies(categoryData.children, uid, function(err) {
next(err, categoryData);

@ -52,15 +52,18 @@ Controllers.home = function(req, res, next) {
Controllers.reset = function(req, res, next) {
if (req.params.code) {
user.reset.validate(req.params.code, function(err, valid) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
res.render('reset_code', {
valid: valid,
reset_code: req.params.code ? req.params.code : null,
code: req.params.code ? req.params.code : null,
breadcrumbs: helpers.buildBreadcrumbs([{text: '[[reset_password:reset_password]]', url: '/reset'}, {text: '[[reset_password:update_password]]'}])
} else {
res.render('reset', {
reset_code: req.params.code ? req.params.code : null,
code: req.params.code ? req.params.code : null,
breadcrumbs: helpers.buildBreadcrumbs([{text: '[[reset_password:reset_password]]'}])

@ -8,11 +8,20 @@ var fs = require('fs'),
Magic = mmmagic.Magic,
mime = require('mime'),
meta= require('./meta');
meta = require('./meta'),
utils = require('../public/src/utils');
var file = {};
file.saveFileToLocal = function(filename, folder, tempPath, callback) {
* remarkable doesn't allow spaces in hyperlinks, once that's fixed, remove this.
filename = filename.split('.');
filename.forEach(function(name, idx) {
filename[idx] = utils.slugify(name);
filename = filename.join('.');
var uploadPath = path.join(nconf.get('base_dir'), nconf.get('upload_path'), folder, filename);

@ -44,10 +44,11 @@ module.exports = function(Meta) {
rjs: []

@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ function generateForTopic(req, res, next) {
title: 'Reply to ' + topicData.title + ' on ' + dateStamp,
description: postData.content,
url: nconf.get('url') + '/topic/' + topicData.slug + '#' +,
author: postData.username,
url: nconf.get('url') + '/topic/' + topicData.slug + (postData.index ? '/' + (postData.index + 1) : ''),
author: postData.user ? postData.user.username : '',
date: dateStamp
@ -144,8 +144,8 @@ function generateForCategory(req, res, next) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
sendFeed(feed, res);
sendFeed(feed, res);
@ -183,8 +183,8 @@ function generateForPopular(req, res, next) {
return next(err);
sendFeed(feed, res);
function disabledRSS(req, res, next) {
@ -201,13 +201,13 @@ function generateForTopics(options, set, req, res, next) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
generateTopicsFeed(options, data.topics, function(err, feed) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
sendFeed(feed, res);
sendFeed(feed, res);
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ function generateTopicsFeed(feedOptions, feedTopics, callback) {
var tids = {
return topic ? topic.tid : null;
topics.getMainPids(tids, function(err, pids) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ function generateTopicsFeed(feedOptions, feedTopics, callback) {
callback(null, feed);
function generateForRecentPosts(req, res, next) {

@ -118,4 +118,8 @@ SocketCategories.ignore = function(socket, cid, callback) {
SocketCategories.isModerator = function(socket, cid, callback) {
user.isModerator(socket.uid, cid, callback);
module.exports = SocketCategories;

@ -50,6 +50,10 @@ SocketPosts.reply = function(socket, data, callback) {
socket.emit('event:new_post', result);
SocketPosts.notifyOnlineUsers(socket.uid, result);
if (data.lock) {
socketTopics.doTopicAction('lock', 'event:topic_locked', socket, {tids: [postData.topic.tid], cid: postData.topic.cid});
@ -362,9 +366,9 @@ SocketPosts.purge = function(socket, data, callback) {
if (!data || !parseInt(, 10)) {
return callback(new Error('[[error:invalid-data]]'));
@ -500,7 +504,7 @@ SocketPosts.flag = function(socket, pid, callback) {
notifications.push(notification, results.admins.concat(results.moderators), next);
], callback);

@ -41,6 +41,10 @@ = function(socket, data, callback) {
return callback(err);
if (data.lock) {
SocketTopics.doTopicAction('lock', 'event:topic_locked', socket, {tids: [result.topicData.tid], cid: result.topicData.cid});
callback(null, result.topicData);
socket.emit('event:new_post', {posts: [result.postData]});
socket.emit('event:new_topic', result.topicData);
@ -233,6 +237,7 @@ SocketTopics.unpin = function(socket, data, callback) {
SocketTopics.doTopicAction = function(action, event, socket, data, callback) {
callback = callback || function() {};
if (!socket.uid) {
@ -550,4 +555,13 @@ SocketTopics.loadMoreTags = function(socket, data, callback) {
SocketTopics.isModerator = function(socket, tid, callback) {
topics.getTopicField(tid, 'cid', function(err, cid) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
user.isModerator(socket.uid, cid, callback);
module.exports = SocketTopics;

@ -0,0 +1 @@
data-pid="{}" data-uid="{posts.uid}" data-username="{posts.user.username}" data-userslug="{posts.user.userslug}" data-index="{posts.index}" data-timestamp="{posts.timestamp}" data-votes="{posts.votes}" itemscope itemtype=""

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
<input type="hidden" template-variable="yourid" value="{yourid}" />
<input type="hidden" template-variable="theirid" value="{theirid}" />

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<input type="hidden" template-variable="userslug" value="{userslug}" />
<input type="hidden" template-variable="gravatarpicture" value="{gravatarpicture}" />
<input type="hidden" template-variable="uploadedpicture" value="{uploadedpicture}" />

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<input type="hidden" template-type="boolean" template-variable="isFollowing" value="{isFollowing}" />

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
<input type="hidden" template-variable="category_id" value="{cid}" />
<input type="hidden" template-variable="category_name" value="{name}" />
<input type="hidden" template-variable="category_slug" value="{slug}" />
<input type="hidden" template-variable="topic_count" value="{topic_count}" />
<input type="hidden" template-variable="currentPage" value="{currentPage}" />
<input type="hidden" template-variable="pageCount" value="{pageCount}" />

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
<input type="hidden" template-variable="group_name" value="{}" />
<input type="hidden" template-variable="is_owner" value="{group.isOwner}" />

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<input type="hidden" template-variable="reset_code" value="{code}" />

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<input type="hidden" template-variable="tag" value="{tag}" />

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
<input type="hidden" template-variable="topic_id" value="{tid}" />
<input type="hidden" template-variable="topic_slug" value="{slug}" />
<input type="hidden" template-variable="category_id" value="{category.cid}" />
<input type="hidden" template-variable="currentPage" value="{currentPage}" />
<input type="hidden" template-variable="pageCount" value="{pageCount}" />
<input type="hidden" template-variable="locked" template-type="boolean" value="{locked}" />
<input type="hidden" template-variable="deleted" template-type="boolean" value="{deleted}" />
<input type="hidden" template-variable="pinned" template-type="boolean" value="{pinned}" />
<input type="hidden" template-variable="topic_name" value="{title}" />
<input type="hidden" template-variable="postcount" value="{postcount}" />
<input type="hidden" template-variable="viewcount" value="{viewcount}" />