@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ module.exports = function (Topics) {
posts . getVoteStatusByPostIDs ( pids , uid ) ,
getPostUserData ( 'uid' , async uids => await posts . getUserInfoForPosts ( uids , uid ) ) ,
getPostUserData ( 'editor' , async uids => await user . getUsersFields ( uids , [ 'uid' , 'username' , 'userslug' ] ) ) ,
getPostReplies ( p ids , uid ) ,
getPostReplies ( p ostData , uid ) ,
Topics . addParentPosts ( postData ) ,
] ) ;
@ -314,14 +314,15 @@ module.exports = function (Topics) {
return await db . getObjectField ( ` topic: ${ tid } ` , 'postcount' ) ;
} ;
async function getPostReplies ( pids , callerUid ) {
async function getPostReplies ( postData , callerUid ) {
const pids = postData . map ( p => p && p . pid ) ;
const keys = pids . map ( pid => ` pid: ${ pid } :replies ` ) ;
const arrayOfReplyPids = await db . getSortedSetsMembers ( keys ) ;
const [ arrayOfReplyPids , userSettings ] = await Promise . all ( [
db . getSortedSetsMembers ( keys ) ,
user . getSettings ( callerUid ) ,
] ) ;
const uniquePids = _ . uniq ( _ . flatten ( arrayOfReplyPids ) ) ;
const someTid = await posts . getPostField ( pids [ 0 ] , 'tid' ) ; // the particular tid doesn't matter; used in getPostIndices but does not affect output
const pidIndices = await posts . getPostIndices ( pids . map ( pid => ( { pid , tid : someTid } ) ) ) ;
const replyIndices = await posts . getPostIndices ( uniquePids . map ( pid => ( { pid , tid : someTid } ) ) ) ;
let replyData = await posts . getPostsFields ( uniquePids , [ 'pid' , 'uid' , 'timestamp' ] ) ;
const result = await plugins . hooks . fire ( 'filter:topics.getPostReplies' , {
@ -338,15 +339,15 @@ module.exports = function (Topics) {
const uidMap = _ . zipObject ( uniqueUids , userData ) ;
const pidMap = _ . zipObject ( replyData . map ( r => r . pid ) , replyData ) ;
const indicesMap = _ . zipObject ( replyData . map ( r => r . pid ) , replyIndices ) ;
const postDataMap = _ . zipObject ( pids , postData ) ;
const returnData = arrayOfReplyPids . map ( ( replyPids , idx ) => {
const returnData = await Promise . all ( arrayOfReplyPids . map ( async ( replyPids , idx ) => {
const currentPid = pids [ idx ] ;
replyPids = replyPids . filter ( pid => pidMap [ pid ] ) ;
const currentIndex = pidIndices [ idx ] ;
const uidsUsed = { } ;
const currentData = {
hasMore : false ,
hasSingleImmediateReply : replyPids . length === 1 && Math . abs ( currentIndex - indicesMap [ replyPids [ 0 ] ] ) === 1 ,
hasSingleImmediateReply : false ,
users : [ ] ,
text : replyPids . length > 1 ? ` [[topic:replies_to_this_post, ${ replyPids . length } ]] ` : '[[topic:one_reply_to_this_post]]' ,
count : replyPids . length ,
@ -368,8 +369,22 @@ module.exports = function (Topics) {
currentData . hasMore = true ;
if ( replyPids . length === 1 ) {
const currentIndex = postDataMap [ currentPid ] ? postDataMap [ currentPid ] . index : null ;
const replyPid = replyPids [ 0 ] ;
// only load index of nested reply if we can't find it in the postDataMap
let replyPost = postDataMap [ replyPid ] ;
if ( ! replyPost ) {
const tid = await posts . getPostField ( replyPid , 'tid' ) ;
replyPost = {
index : await posts . getPidIndex ( replyPid , tid , userSettings . topicPostSort ) ,
} ;
currentData . hasSingleImmediateReply = Math . abs ( currentIndex - replyPost . index ) === 1 ;
return currentData ;
} ) ;
} ) ) ;
return returnData ;