perf: make digests a little bit faster

and use batch.processArray
dont load data for users who have no email or have not confirmed their emails
Barış Soner Uşaklı
parent b6493f896f
commit 0185ea1b4f

@ -216,22 +216,22 @@ Emailer.send = async (template, uid, params) => {
throw Error('[emailer] App not ready!');
const [userData, userSettings] = await Promise.all([
User.getUserFields(uid, ['email', 'username', 'email:confirmed']),
const userData = await User.getUserFields(uid, ['email', 'username', 'email:confirmed']);
if (!userData || ! {
winston.warn(`uid : ${uid} has no email, not sending "${template}" email.`);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
winston.warn(`uid : ${uid} has no email, not sending "${template}" email.`);
const allowedTpls = ['verify_email', 'welcome', 'registration_accepted'];
if (meta.config.requireEmailConfirmation && !userData['email:confirmed'] && !allowedTpls.includes(template)) {
winston.warn(`uid : ${uid} (${}) has not confirmed email, not sending "${template}" email.`);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
winston.warn(`uid : ${uid} (${}) has not confirmed email, not sending "${template}" email.`);
const userSettings = await User.getSettings(uid);
// Combined passed-in payload with default values
params = { ...Emailer._defaultPayload, ...params };
params.uid = uid;

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
'use strict';
const async = require('async');
const winston = require('winston');
const nconf = require('nconf');
@ -29,7 +28,7 @@ Digest.execute = async function (payload) {
try {`[user/jobs] Digest (${payload.interval}) scheduling completed. Sending emails; this may take some time...`);`[user/jobs] Digest (${payload.interval}) scheduling completed (${subscribers.length} subscribers). Sending emails; this may take some time...`);
await Digest.send({
interval: payload.interval,
subscribers: subscribers,
@ -100,46 +99,55 @@ Digest.send = async function (data) {
return emailsSent;
await async.eachLimit(data.subscribers, 100, async (uid) => {
const userObj = await user.getUserFields(uid, ['uid', 'username', 'userslug', 'lastonline']);
const [notifications, topTopics, popularTopics, recentTopics] = await Promise.all([
user.notifications.getUnreadInterval(userObj.uid, data.interval),
getTermTopics(data.interval, userObj.uid, 0, 9, 'votes'),
getTermTopics(data.interval, userObj.uid, 0, 9, 'posts'),
getTermTopics(data.interval, userObj.uid, 0, 9, 'recent'),
const unreadNotifs = notifications.filter(Boolean);
// If there are no notifications and no new topics, don't bother sending a digest
if (!unreadNotifs.length && !topTopics.length && !popularTopics.length && !recentTopics.length) {
await batch.processArray(data.subscribers, async (uids) => {
let userData = await user.getUsersFields(uids, ['uid', 'email', 'email:confirmed', 'username', 'userslug', 'lastonline']);
userData = userData.filter(u => u && && (!meta.config.requireEmailConfirmation || userData['email:confirmed']));
if (!userData.length) {
unreadNotifs.forEach((n) => {
if (n.image && !n.image.startsWith('http')) {
n.image = nconf.get('base_url') + n.image;
if (n.path) {
n.notification_url = n.path.startsWith('http') ? n.path : nconf.get('base_url') + n.path;
await Promise.all( (userObj) => {
const [notifications, topTopics, popularTopics, recentTopics] = await Promise.all([
user.notifications.getUnreadInterval(userObj.uid, data.interval),
getTermTopics(data.interval, userObj.uid, 0, 9, 'votes'),
getTermTopics(data.interval, userObj.uid, 0, 9, 'posts'),
getTermTopics(data.interval, userObj.uid, 0, 9, 'recent'),
const unreadNotifs = notifications.filter(Boolean);
// If there are no notifications and no new topics, don't bother sending a digest
if (!unreadNotifs.length && !topTopics.length && !popularTopics.length && !recentTopics.length) {
emailsSent += 1;
const now = new Date();
await emailer.send('digest', userObj.uid, {
subject: `[[email:digest.subject, ${now.getFullYear()}/${now.getMonth() + 1}/${now.getDate()}]]`,
username: userObj.username,
userslug: userObj.userslug,
notifications: unreadNotifs,
recent: recentTopics,
topTopics: topTopics,
popularTopics: popularTopics,
interval: data.interval,
showUnsubscribe: true,
}).catch(err => winston.error(`[user/jobs] Could not send digest email\n[emailer.send] ${err.stack}`));
if (data.interval !== 'alltime') {
await db.sortedSetAdd('digest:delivery', now.getTime(), userObj.uid);
unreadNotifs.forEach((n) => {
if (n.image && !n.image.startsWith('http')) {
n.image = nconf.get('base_url') + n.image;
if (n.path) {
n.notification_url = n.path.startsWith('http') ? n.path : nconf.get('base_url') + n.path;
emailsSent += 1;
const now = new Date();
await emailer.send('digest', userObj.uid, {
subject: `[[email:digest.subject, ${now.getFullYear()}/${now.getMonth() + 1}/${now.getDate()}]]`,
username: userObj.username,
userslug: userObj.userslug,
notifications: unreadNotifs,
recent: recentTopics,
topTopics: topTopics,
popularTopics: popularTopics,
interval: data.interval,
showUnsubscribe: true,
}).catch(err => winston.error(`[user/jobs] Could not send digest email\n[emailer.send] ${err.stack}`));
if (data.interval !== 'alltime') {
await db.sortedSetAdd('digest:delivery', now.getTime(), userObj.uid);
}, {
interval: 1000,
batch: 100,
});`[user/jobs] Digest (${data.interval}) sending completed. ${emailsSent} emails sent.`);
