You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

417 lines
12 KiB

/* global define, jQuery, config, RELATIVE_PATH, utils, window, Promise, winston */
12 years ago
(function (factory) {
'use strict';
function loadClient(language, filename) {
return Promise.resolve(jQuery.getJSON(config.relative_path + '/language/' + language + '/' + (filename + '.json?v=' + config['cache-buster'])));
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as a named module
define('translator', ['string'], function (string) {
return factory(string, loadClient);
} else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
// Node
(function () {
var languages = require('../../../src/languages');
function loadServer(language, filename) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
languages.get(language, filename + '.json', function (err, data) {
if (err) {
} else {
module.exports = factory(require('string'), loadServer);
} else {
window.translator = factory(window.string, loadClient);
})(function (string, load) {
'use strict';
var assign = Object.assign || jQuery.extend;
function classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
var Translator = function () {
* Construct a new Translator object
* @param {string} language - Language code for this translator instance
function Translator(language) {
classCallCheck(this, Translator);
if (!language) {
throw new TypeError('Parameter `language` must be a language string. Received ' + language + (language === '' ? '(empty string)' : ''));
this.lang = language;
this.translations = {};
9 years ago
Translator.prototype.load = load;
* Parse the translation instructions into the language of the Translator instance
* @param {string} str - Source string
* @returns {Promise<string>}
Translator.prototype.translate = function translate(str) {
// current cursor position
var cursor = 0;
// last break of the input string
var lastBreak = 0;
// length of the input string
var len = str.length;
// array to hold the promises for the translations
// and the strings of untranslated text in between
var toTranslate = [];
// split a translator string into an array of tokens
// but don't split by commas inside other translator strings
function split(text) {
var len = text.length;
var arr = [];
var i = 0;
var brk = 0;
var level = 0;
while (i + 2 <= len) {
if (text.slice(i, i + 2) === '[[') {
level += 1;
i += 1;
} else if (text.slice(i, i + 2) === ']]') {
level -= 1;
i += 1;
} else if (level === 0 && text[i] === ',') {
arr.push(text.slice(brk, i).trim());
i += 1;
brk = i;
i += 1;
9 years ago
arr.push(text.slice(brk, i + 1).trim());
return arr;
9 years ago
// the loooop, we'll go to where the cursor
// is equal to the length of the string since
// slice doesn't include the ending index
while (cursor + 2 <= len) {
// if the current position in the string looks
// like the beginning of a translation string
if (str.slice(cursor, cursor + 2) === '[[') {
// split the string from the last break
// to the character before the cursor
// add that to the result array
toTranslate.push(str.slice(lastBreak, cursor));
// set the cursor position past the beginning
// brackets of the translation string
cursor += 2;
// set the last break to our current
// spot since we just broke the string
lastBreak = cursor;
// the current level of nesting of the translation strings
var level = 0;
var sliced;
while (cursor + 2 <= len) {
sliced = str.slice(cursor, cursor + 2);
// if we're at the beginning of another translation string,
// we're nested, so add to our level
if (sliced === '[[') {
level += 1;
cursor += 2;
// if we're at the end of a translation string
} else if (sliced === ']]') {
// if we're at the base level, then this is the end
if (level === 0) {
// so grab the name and args
var result = split(str.slice(lastBreak, cursor));
var name = result[0];
var args = result.slice(1);
// add the translation promise to the array
toTranslate.push(this.translateKey(name, args));
// skip past the ending brackets
cursor += 2;
// set this as our last break
lastBreak = cursor;
// and we're no longer in a translation string,
// so continue with the main loop
// otherwise we lower the level
level -= 1;
// and skip past the ending brackets
cursor += 2;
} else {
// otherwise just move to the next character
cursor += 1;
// move to the next character
cursor += 1;
10 years ago
// add the remaining text after the last translation string
toTranslate.push(str.slice(lastBreak, cursor + 2));
// and return a promise for the concatenated translated string
return Promise.all(toTranslate).then(function (translated) {
return translated.join('');
* Translates a specific key and array of arguments
* @param {string} name - Translation key (ex. 'global:home')
* @param {string[]} args - Arguments for `%1`, `%2`, etc
* @returns {Promise<string>}
Translator.prototype.translateKey = function translateKey(name, args) {
var self = this;
var result = name.split(':', 2);
var namespace = result[0];
var key = result[1];
var translation = this.getTranslation(namespace, key);
var argsToTranslate = (arg) {
return string(arg).collapseWhitespace().decodeHTMLEntities().escapeHTML().s;
}).map(function (arg) {
return self.translate(arg);
// so we can await all promises at once
10 years ago
return Promise.all(argsToTranslate).then(function (result) {
var translated = result[0];
var translatedArgs = result.slice(1);
if (!translated) {
return key;
var out = translated;
translatedArgs.forEach(function (arg, i) {
out = out.replace(new RegExp('%' + (i + 1), 'g'), arg);
return out;
* Load translation file (or use a cached version), and optionally return the translation of a certain key
* @param {string} namespace - The file name of the translation namespace
* @param {string} [key] - The key of the specific translation to getJSON
* @returns {Promise<Object|string>}
Translator.prototype.getTranslation = function getTranslation(namespace, key) {
var translation;
if (!namespace) {
winston.warn('[translator] Parameter `namespace` is ' + namespace + (namespace === '' ? '(empty string)' : ''));
translation = Promise.resolve({});
} else if (this.translations[namespace]) {
translation = this.translations[namespace];
} else {
translation = this.load(this.lang, namespace);
this.translations[namespace] = translation;
10 years ago
if (key) {
return translation.then(function (x) {
return x[key];
return translation;
* Get the language of the current environment, falling back to defaults
* @returns {string}
Translator.getLanguage = function getLanguage() {
var lang;
if (typeof window === 'object' && window.config && window.utils) {
lang = utils.params().lang || config.userLang || config.defaultLang || 'en_GB';
} else {
var meta = require('../../../src/meta');
lang = meta.config.defaultLang || 'en_GB';
return lang;
* Create and cache a new Translator instance, or return a cached one
* @param {string} [language] - ('en_GB') Language string
* @returns {Translator}
Translator.create = function create(language) {
if (!language) {
language = Translator.getLanguage();
10 years ago
Translator.cache[language] = Translator.cache[language] || new Translator(language);
9 years ago
return Translator.cache[language];
Translator.cache = {};
return Translator;
var adaptor = {
* The Translator class
Translator: Translator,
* Legacy translator function for backwards compatibility
translate: function translate(text, language, callback) {
// console.warn('[translator] `translator.translate(text, [lang, ]callback)` is deprecated. ' +
// 'Use the `translator.Translator` class instead.');
var cb = callback;
var lang = language;
if (typeof language === 'function') {
cb = language;
lang = null;
Translator.create(lang).translate(text).then(function (output) {
return cb(output);
}).catch(function (err) {
console.error('Translation failed: ' + err.message);
10 years ago
* Construct a translator pattern
* @param {string} name - Translation name
* @param {string[]} args - Optional arguments for the pattern
compile: function compile() {
var args =, 0);
return '[[' + args.join(', ') + ']]';
* Escape translation patterns from text
escape: function escape(text) {
return typeof text === 'string' ? text.replace(/\[\[([\S]*?)\]\]/g, '\\[\\[$1\\]\\]') : text;
* Unescape translation patterns from text
unescape: function unescape(text) {
return typeof text === 'string' ? text.replace(/\\\[\\\[([\S]*?)\\\]\\\]/g, '[[$1]]') : text;
* Add translations to the cache
addTranslation: function addTranslation(language, filename, translation) {
Translator.create(language).getTranslation(filename).then(function (translations) {
assign(translations, translation);
9 years ago
* Get the translations object
getTranslations: function getTranslations(language, filename, callback) {
callback = callback || function () {};
* Alias of getTranslations
load: function load(language, filename, callback) {
adaptor.getTranslations(language, filename, callback);
* Get the language of the current environment, falling back to defaults
getLanguage: Translator.getLanguage,
toggleTimeagoShorthand: function toggleTimeagoShorthand() {
var tmp = assign({}, jQuery.timeago.settings.strings);
jQuery.timeago.settings.strings = assign({}, adaptor.timeagoShort);
adaptor.timeagoShort = assign({}, tmp);
prepareDOM: function prepareDOM() {
// Load the appropriate timeago locale file,
// and correct NodeBB language codes to timeago codes, if necessary
var languageCode = void 0;
switch (config.userLang) {
case 'en_GB':
case 'en_US':
languageCode = 'en';
case 'fa_IR':
languageCode = 'fa';
case 'pt_BR':
languageCode = 'pt-br';
case 'nb':
languageCode = 'no';
case 'zh_TW':
languageCode = 'zh-TW';
case 'zh_CN':
languageCode = 'zh-CN';
languageCode = config.userLang;
jQuery.getScript(RELATIVE_PATH + '/vendor/jquery/timeago/locales/jquery.timeago.' + languageCode + '.js').done(function () {
adaptor.timeagoShort = assign({}, jQuery.timeago.settings.strings);
// Retrieve the shorthand timeago values as well
jQuery.getScript(RELATIVE_PATH + '/vendor/jquery/timeago/locales/jquery.timeago.' + languageCode + '-short.js').done(function () {
// Switch back to long-form
// Add directional code if necessary
adaptor.translate('[[language:dir]]', function (value) {
if (value) {
jQuery('html').css('direction', value).attr('data-dir', value);
return adaptor;