var path = require ( 'path' ) ,
fs = require ( 'fs' ) ,
nconf = require ( 'nconf' ) ,
express = require ( 'express' ) ,
express _namespace = require ( 'express-namespace' ) ,
WebServer = express ( ) ,
server ,
winston = require ( 'winston' ) ,
async = require ( 'async' ) ,
emailer = require ( './emailer' ) ,
db = require ( './database' ) ,
auth = require ( './routes/authentication' ) ,
meta = require ( './meta' ) ,
user = require ( './user' ) ,
notifications = require ( './notifications' ) ,
logger = require ( './logger' ) ,
plugins = require ( './plugins' ) ,
middleware = require ( './middleware' ) ,
routes = require ( './routes' ) ,
emitter = require ( './emitter' ) ,
helpers = require ( './../public/src/helpers' ) ( ) ;
if ( nconf . get ( 'ssl' ) ) {
server = require ( 'https' ) . createServer ( {
key : fs . readFileSync ( nconf . get ( 'ssl' ) . key ) ,
cert : fs . readFileSync ( nconf . get ( 'ssl' ) . cert )
} , WebServer ) ;
} else {
server = require ( 'http' ) . createServer ( WebServer ) ;
( function ( app ) {
"use strict" ;
var port = nconf . get ( 'PORT' ) || nconf . get ( 'port' ) ;
logger . init ( app ) ;
auth . registerApp ( app ) ;
emailer . registerApp ( app ) ;
notifications . init ( ) ;
user . startJobs ( ) ;
// Preparation dependent on plugins
plugins . ready ( function ( ) {
meta . js . minify ( app . enabled ( 'minification' ) ) ;
meta . css . minify ( ) ;
meta . sounds . init ( ) ;
} ) ;
async . series ( {
themesData : meta . themes . get ,
currentThemeData : function ( next ) {
db . getObjectFields ( 'config' , [ 'theme:type' , 'theme:id' , 'theme:staticDir' , 'theme:templates' ] , next ) ;
} , function ( err , data ) {
middleware = middleware ( app , data ) ;
routes ( app , middleware ) ;
if ( err ) {
winston . error ( 'Errors were encountered while attempting to initialise NodeBB.' ) ;
process . exit ( ) ;
} else {
if ( process . env . NODE _ENV === 'development' ) {
winston . info ( 'Middlewares loaded.' ) ;
} ) ;
// Cache static files on production
if ( global . env !== 'development' ) {
app . enable ( 'cache' ) ;
app . enable ( 'minification' ) ;
// Configure cache-buster timestamp
require ( 'child_process' ) . exec ( 'git describe --tags' , {
cwd : path . join ( _ _dirname , '../' )
} , function ( err , stdOut ) {
if ( ! err ) {
meta . config [ 'cache-buster' ] = stdOut . trim ( ) ;
} else {
fs . stat ( path . join ( _ _dirname , '../package.json' ) , function ( err , stats ) {
meta . config [ 'cache-buster' ] = new Date ( stats . mtime ) . getTime ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
if ( port !== 80 && port !== 443 && nconf . get ( 'use_port' ) === false ) {
winston . info ( 'Enabling \'trust proxy\'' ) ;
app . enable ( 'trust proxy' ) ;
if ( ( port === 80 || port === 443 ) && process . env . NODE _ENV !== 'development' ) {
winston . info ( 'Using ports 80 and 443 is not recommend; use a proxy instead. See' ) ;
module . exports . server = server ;
module . exports . init = function ( ) {
server . on ( "error" , function ( err ) {
if ( err . code === 'EADDRINUSE' ) {
winston . error ( 'NodeBB address in use, exiting...' ) ;
process . exit ( 1 ) ;
} else {
throw err ;
} ) ;
emitter . on ( 'templates:compiled' , function ( ) {
winston . info ( 'NodeBB attempting to listen on: ' + ( ( nconf . get ( 'bind_address' ) === "" || ! nconf . get ( 'bind_address' ) ) ? '' : nconf . get ( 'bind_address' ) ) + ':' + port ) ;
server . listen ( port , nconf . get ( 'bind_address' ) , function ( ) {
winston . info ( 'NodeBB Ready' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
} ( WebServer ) ) ;