It is possible to transfer the files to your remote server using FTP, but you do require shell access to the server in order to actually "start" NodeBB. Here is `a handy guide for installing NodeBB on DigitalOcean <>`_
If you are using :doc:`nginx <../configuring/proxies/nginx>` or :doc:`Apache <../configuring/proxies/apache>` as a reverse proxy, you don't need the port to be shown. Simply run `./nodebb setup` and specify the base URL without a port number.
Alternatively, edit the ``config.json`` file using your favourite text editor and change ``use_port`` to ``false``.
Before reporting bugs, please ensure that the issue has not already been filed on our `tracker <>`_, or has already been resolved on our `support forum <>`_. If it has not been filed, feel free to create an account on GitHub and `create a new issue <>`_.
Having trouble installing NodeBB? Or did something break? Don't hesitate to `join our forum <>`_ and ask for help. Hopefully one day you'll be able to help others too :)