'use strict' ;
/*global define, app, socket, ajaxify */
define ( 'admin/settings' , [ 'uploader' ] , function ( uploader ) {
var Settings = { } ;
Settings . init = function ( ) {
console . warn ( '[deprecation] require(\'admin/settings\').init() has been deprecated, please call require(\'admin/settings\').prepare() directly instead.' ) ;
Settings . prepare ( ) ;
} ;
Settings . populateTOC = function ( ) {
$ ( '.settings-header' ) . each ( function ( ) {
var header = $ ( this ) . text ( ) ,
anchor = header . toLowerCase ( ) . replace ( / /g , '-' ) . trim ( ) ;
$ ( this ) . prepend ( '<a name="' + anchor + '"></a>' ) ;
$ ( '.section-content ul' ) . append ( '<li><a href="#' + anchor + '">' + header + '</a></li>' ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
Settings . prepare = function ( callback ) {
// Populate the fields on the page from the config
var fields = $ ( '#content [data-field]' ) ,
numFields = fields . length ,
saveBtn = $ ( '#save' ) ,
revertBtn = $ ( '#revert' ) ,
x , key , inputType , field ;
for ( x = 0 ; x < numFields ; x ++ ) {
field = fields . eq ( x ) ;
key = field . attr ( 'data-field' ) ;
inputType = field . attr ( 'type' ) ;
if ( field . is ( 'input' ) ) {
if ( app . config [ key ] ) {
switch ( inputType ) {
case 'text' :
case 'hidden' :
case 'password' :
case 'textarea' :
case 'number' :
field . val ( app . config [ key ] ) ;
break ;
case 'checkbox' :
var checked = parseInt ( app . config [ key ] , 10 ) === 1 ;
field . prop ( 'checked' , checked ) ;
field . parents ( '.mdl-switch' ) . toggleClass ( 'is-checked' , checked ) ;
break ;
} else if ( field . is ( 'textarea' ) ) {
if ( app . config . hasOwnProperty ( key ) ) {
field . val ( app . config [ key ] ) ;
} else if ( field . is ( 'select' ) ) {
if ( app . config . hasOwnProperty ( key ) ) {
field . val ( app . config [ key ] ) ;
revertBtn . off ( 'click' ) . on ( 'click' , function ( ) {
ajaxify . refresh ( ) ;
} ) ;
saveBtn . off ( 'click' ) . on ( 'click' , function ( e ) {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
saveFields ( fields , function onFieldsSaved ( err ) {
if ( err ) {
return app . alert ( {
alert _id : 'config_status' ,
timeout : 2500 ,
title : 'Changes Not Saved' ,
message : 'NodeBB encountered a problem saving your changes' ,
type : 'danger'
} ) ;
app . alert ( {
alert _id : 'config_status' ,
timeout : 2500 ,
title : 'Changes Saved' ,
message : 'Your changes to the NodeBB configuration have been saved.' ,
type : 'success'
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
handleUploads ( ) ;
$ ( '#clear-sitemap-cache' ) . off ( 'click' ) . on ( 'click' , function ( ) {
socket . emit ( 'admin.settings.clearSitemapCache' , function ( ) {
app . alertSuccess ( 'Sitemap Cache Cleared!' ) ;
} ) ;
return false ;
} ) ;
if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) {
callback ( ) ;
$ ( window ) . trigger ( 'action:admin.settingsLoaded' ) ;
} ;
function handleUploads ( ) {
$ ( '#content input[data-action="upload"]' ) . each ( function ( ) {
var uploadBtn = $ ( this ) ;
uploadBtn . on ( 'click' , function ( ) {
uploader . show ( {
title : uploadBtn . attr ( 'data-title' ) ,
description : uploadBtn . attr ( 'data-description' ) ,
route : uploadBtn . attr ( 'data-route' ) ,
params : { } ,
showHelp : uploadBtn . attr ( 'data-help' ) ? uploadBtn . attr ( 'data-help' ) === 1 : undefined ,
accept : uploadBtn . attr ( 'data-accept' )
} , function ( image ) {
// need to move these into template, ex data-callback
if ( ajaxify . currentPage === 'admin/general/sounds' ) {
ajaxify . refresh ( ) ;
} else {
$ ( '#' + uploadBtn . attr ( 'data-target' ) ) . val ( image ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
Settings . remove = function ( key ) {
socket . emit ( 'admin.config.remove' , key ) ;
} ;
function saveFields ( fields , callback ) {
var data = { } ;
fields . each ( function ( ) {
var field = $ ( this ) ;
var key = field . attr ( 'data-field' ) ,
value , inputType ;
if ( field . is ( 'input' ) ) {
inputType = field . attr ( 'type' ) ;
switch ( inputType ) {
case 'text' :
case 'password' :
case 'hidden' :
case 'textarea' :
case 'number' :
value = field . val ( ) ;
break ;
case 'checkbox' :
value = field . prop ( 'checked' ) ? '1' : '0' ;
break ;
} else if ( field . is ( 'textarea' ) || field . is ( 'select' ) ) {
value = field . val ( ) ;
data [ key ] = value ;
} ) ;
socket . emit ( 'admin.config.setMultiple' , data , function ( err ) {
if ( err ) {
return callback ( err ) ;
for ( var field in data ) {
if ( data . hasOwnProperty ( field ) ) {
app . config [ field ] = data [ field ] ;
callback ( ) ;
} ) ;
return Settings ;
} ) ;