'use strict';
const assert = require('assert');
const async = require('async');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const nconf = require('nconf');
const validator = require('validator');
const request = require('request');
const requestAsync = require('request-promise-native');
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
const db = require('./mocks/databasemock');
const User = require('../src/user');
const Topics = require('../src/topics');
const Categories = require('../src/categories');
const Posts = require('../src/posts');
const groups = require('../src/groups');
const messaging = require('../src/messaging');
const helpers = require('./helpers');
const meta = require('../src/meta');
const file = require('../src/file');
const socketUser = require('../src/socket.io/user');
const apiUser = require('../src/api/users');
const utils = require('../src/utils');
const privileges = require('../src/privileges');
describe('User', () => {
let userData;
let testUid;
let testCid;
const plugins = require('../src/plugins');
async function dummyEmailerHook(data) {
// pretend to handle sending emails
before((done) => {
// Attach an emailer hook so related requests do not error
plugins.hooks.register('emailer-test', {
hook: 'filter:email.send',
method: dummyEmailerHook,
name: 'Test Category',
description: 'A test',
order: 1,
}, (err, categoryObj) => {
if (err) {
return done(err);
testCid = categoryObj.cid;
after(() => {
plugins.hooks.unregister('emailer-test', 'filter:email.send');
beforeEach(() => {
userData = {
username: 'John Smith',
fullname: 'John Smith McNamara',
password: 'swordfish',
email: 'john@example.com',
callback: undefined,
const goodImage = '
describe('.create(), when created', () => {
it('should be created properly', async () => {
testUid = await User.create({ username: userData.username, password: userData.password });
await User.setUserField(testUid, 'email', userData.email);
await User.email.confirmByUid(testUid);
it('should be created properly', async () => {
const email = '<h1>test</h1>@gmail.com';
const uid = await User.create({ username: 'weirdemail', email: email });
const data = await User.getUserData(uid);
const validationPending = await User.email.isValidationPending(uid, email);
assert.strictEqual(validationPending, true);
Bootstrap5 (#10894)
* chore: up deps
* chore: up composer
* fix(deps): bump 2factor to v7
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* fix: missing await
* feat: allow middlewares to pass in template values via res.locals
* feat: buildAccountData middleware automatically added ot all account routes
* fix: properly allow values in res.locals.templateValues to be added to the template data
* refactor: user/blocks
* refactor(accounts): categories and consent
* feat: automatically 404 if exposeUid or exposeGroupName come up empty
* refactor: remove calls to getUserDataByUserSlug for most account routes, since it is populated via middleware now
* fix: allow exposeUid and exposeGroupName to work with slugs with mixed capitalization
* fix: move reputation removal check to accountHelpers method
* test: skip i18n tests if ref branch when present is not develop
* fix(deps): bump theme versions
* fix(deps): bump ntfy and 2factor
* chore: up harmony
* fix: add missing return
* fix: #11191, only focus on search input on md environments and up
* feat: allow file uploads on mobile chat
closes https://github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB/issues/11217
* chore: up themes
* chore: add lang string
* fix(deps): bump ntfy to 1.0.15
* refactor: use new if/each syntax
* chore: up composer
* fix: regression from user helper refactor
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up composer
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: fix composer version
* feat: add increment helper
* chore: up harmony
* fix: #11228 no timestamps in future :hourglass:
* chore: up harmony
* check config.theme as well
fire action:posts.loaded after processing dom
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up themes
* chore: up harmony
* remove extra class
* refactor: move these to core from harmony
* chore: up widgets
* chore: up widgets
* height auto
* fix: closes #11238
* dont focus inputs, annoying on mobile
* fix: dont focus twice, only focus on chat input on desktop
dont wrap widget footer in row
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* update chat window
* chore: up themes
* fix cache buster for skins
* chat fixes
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up composer
* refactor: change hook logs to debug
* fix: scroll to post right after adding to dom
* fix: hash scrolling and highlighting correct post
* test: re-enable read API schema tests
* fix: add back schema changes for 179faa2270f2ad955dcc4a7b04755acce59e6ffd and c3920ccb10d8ead2dcd9914bb1784bed3f6adfd4
* fix: schema changes from 488f0978a4aa1ca1e4d2a1f2e8c7ef7a681f2f27
* fix: schema changes for f4cf482a874701ce80c0f306c49d8788cec66f87
* fix: schema update for be6bbabd0e2551fbe9571dcf3ee40ad721764543
* fix: schema changes for 69c96078ea78ee2c45885a90a6f6a59f9042a33c
* fix: schema changes for d1364c313021e48a879a818b24947e1457c062f7
* fix: schema changes for 84ff1152f7552dd866e25a90972d970b9861107e
* fix: schema changes for b860c2605c209e0650ef98f4c80d842ea23a51ce
* fix: schema changes for 23cb67a1126481848fac39aafd1e253441e76d7f
* fix: schema changes for b916e42f400dac8aa51670b15e439f87f0eb8939
* fix: schema change for a9bbb586fcb3a1c61b5fb69052236e78cdf7d743
* fix: schema changes for 4b738c8cd36c936a1dbe2bb900c694bf6c5520ec
* fix: schema changes for 58b5781cea9acb129e6604a82ab5a5bfc0d8394d
* fix: schema changes for 794bf01b21709c4be06584d576d706b3d6342057
* fix: schema changes for 80ea12c1c1963f5b39fb64841e4f3c8da3c87af2, e368feef51e0766f119c9710fb4db8f64724725c, and 52ead114bec961c62fa2eb0786540e229f6e4873
* fix: composer-default object in config?
* fix: schema changes for 9acdc6808c070555352951c651921df181b10993 and 093093420027999df3c67bf0ea6024f6dbf81d2d
* fix: schema changes for c0a52924f1f7ef8caeaacda67363ac269b56042c
* fix: schema change for aba420a3f3b774e949c2539c73f3dc0e1ae79a38, move loggedInUser to optional props
* fix: schema changes for 8c67031609da30d788561459f8bb76e9a69253de
* fix: schema changes for 27e53b42f3ce48fa61d3754375715cd41ffe808d
* fix: schema changes for 28359665187b0a3b9ec6226dca1234ebdbd725a5
* fix: breaking test for email confirmation API call
* fix: schema changes for refactored search page
* fix: schema changes for user object
* fix: schema changes for 9f531f957e08eabb4bae844ddd67bde14d9b59f0
* fix: schema changes for c4042c70decd628e5b880bd109515b47e4e16164 and 23175110a29640e6fa052db1079bfedb34a61055
* fix: schema changes for 9b3616b10392e247974eb0c1e6225a1582bf6c69
* fix: schema changes for 5afd5de07d42fd33f039a6f85ded3b4992200e5a
* fix: schema change for 1d7baf12171cffbd3af8914bef4e6297d1160d49
* fix: schema changes for 57bfb37c55a839662144e684875003ab52315ecc and be6bbabd0e2551fbe9571dcf3ee40ad721764543
* fix: schema changes for 6e86b4afa20d662af8b9f1c07518df2d8c258105 and 3efad2e13b7319eb9a1f4fda7af047be43ebc11f and 68f66223e73a72f378f193c83a9b5546bede2cda
* fix: allowing optional qs prop in pagination keys (not sure why this didn't break before)
* fix: re-login on email change
* fix: schema changes for c926358d734a2fa410de87f4e4a91744215fc14a
* fix: schema changes for 388a8270c9882892bad5c8141f65da8d59eac0fd
* fix: schema change for 2658bcc821c22e137a6eeb9bb74098856a642eaf
* fix: no need to call account middlewares for chats routes
* fix: schema changes for 71743affc3e58dc85d4ffa15ce043d4d9ddd3d67
* fix: final schema changes
* test: support for anyOf and oneOf
* fix: check thumb
* dont scroll to top on back press
* remove group log
* fix: add top margin to merged and deleted alerts
* chore: up widgets
* fix: improve fix-lists mixin
* chore: up harmony/composer
* feat: allow hiding quicksearch results during search
* dont record searches made by composer
* chore: up 54
* chore: up spam be gone
* feat: add prev/next page and page count into mobile paginator
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* use old style for IS
* fix: hide entire toolbar row if no posts or not singlePost
* fix: updated messaging for post-queue template, #11206
* fix: btn-sm on post queue back button
* fix: bump harmony, closes #11206
* fix: remove unused alert module import
* fix: bump harmony
* fix: bump harmony
* chore: up harmony
* refactor: IS scrolltop
* fix: update users:search-user-for-chat source string
* feat: support for mark-read toggle on chats dropdown and recent chats list
* feat: api v3 calls to mark chat read/unread
* feat: send event:chats.mark socket event on mark read or unread
* refactor: allow frontend to mark chats as unread, use new API v3 routes instead of socket calls, better frontend event handling
* docs: openapi schema updates for chat marking
* fix: allow unread state toggling in chats dropdown too
* fix: issue where repeated openings of the chats dropdown would continually add events for mark-read/unread
* fix: debug log
* refactor: move userSearch filter to a module
* feat(routes): allow remounting /categories (#11230)
* feat: send flags count to frontend on flags list page
* refactor: filter form client-side js to extract out some logic
* fix: applyFilters to not take any arguments, update selectedCids in updateButton instead of onHidden
* fix: use userFilter module for assignee, reporterId, targetUid
* fix(openapi): schema changes for updated flags page
* fix: dont allow adding duplicates to userFilter
* use same var
* remove log
* fix: closes #11282
* feat: lang key for x-topics
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up emoji
* chore: up harmony
* fix: update userFilter to allow new option `selectedBlock`
* fix: wrong block name passed to userFilter
* fix: https://github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB/issues/11283
* fix: chats, allow multiple dropdowns like in harmony
* chore: up harmony
* refactor: flag note adding/editing, closes #11285
* fix: remove old prepareEdit logic
* chore: add caveat about hacky code block in userFilter module
* fix: placeholders for userFilter module
* refactor: navigator so it works with multiple thumbs/navigators
* chore: up harmony
* fix: closes #11287, destroy quick reply autocomplete
on navigation
* fix: filter disabled categories on user categories page count
* chore: up harmony
* docs: update openapi spec to include info about passing in timestamps for topic creation, removing timestamp as valid request param for topic replying
* fix: send back null values on ACP search dashboard for startDate and endDate if not expicitly passed in, fix tests
* fix: tweak table order in ACP dash searches
* fix: only invoke navigator click drag on left mouse button
* feat: add back unread indicator to navigator
* clear bookmark on mark unread
* fix: navigator crash on ajaxify
* better thumb top calculation
* fix: reset user bookmark when topic is marked unread
* Revert "fix: reset user bookmark when topic is marked unread"
This reverts commit 9bcd85c2c6848c3d325d32027261809da6e11c9e.
* fix: update unread indicator on scroll, add unread count
* chore: bump harmony
* fix: crash on navigator unread update when backing out of a topic
* fix: closes #11183
* fix: update topics:recent zset when rescheduling a topic
* fix: dupe quote button, increase delay, hide immediately on empty selection
* fix: navigator not showing up on first load
* refactor: remove glance
assorted fixes to navigator
dont reduce remaning count if user scrolls down and up quickly
only call topic.navigatorCallback when index changes
* more sanity checks for bookmark
dont allow setting bookmark higher than topic postcount
* closes #11218, :train:
* Revert "fix: update topics:recent zset when rescheduling a topic"
This reverts commit 737973cca9e94b6cb3867492a09e1e0b1af391d5.
* fix: #11306, show proper error if queued post doesn't exist
was showing no-privileges if someone else accepted the post
* https://github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB/issues/11307
dont use li
* chore: up harmony
* chore: bump version string
* fix: copy paste fail
* feat: closes #7382, tag filtering
add client side support for filtering by tags on /category, /recent and /unread
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* Revert "fix: add back req.query fallback for backwards compatibility" [breaking]
This reverts commit cf6cc2c454dc35c330393c62ee8ce67b42d8eefb.
This commit is no longer required as passing in a CSRF token via query parameter is no longer supported as of NodeBB v3.x
This is a breaking change.
* fix: pass csrf token in form data, re: NodeBB/NodeBB#11309
* chore: up deps
* fix: tests, use x-csrf-token query param removed
* test: fix csrf_token
* lint: remove unused
* feat: add itemprop="image" to avatar helper
* fix: get chat upload button in chat modal
* breaking: remove deprecated socket.io methods
* test: update messaging tests to not use sockets
* fix: parent post links
* fix: prevent post tooltip if mouse leaves before data/tpl is loaded
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* fix: nested replies indices
* fix(deps): bump 2factor
* feat: add loggedIn user to all api routes
* chore: up themes
* refactor: audit admin v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit category v3 write api routes as per #11321 [breaking]
docs: fix open api spec for #11321
* refactor: audit chat v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit files v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit flags v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit posts v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit topics v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit users v3 write api routes as per #11321
* fix: lang string
* remove min height
* fix: empty topic/labels taking up space
* fix: tag filtering when changing filter to watched topics
or changing popular time limit to month
* chore: up harmony
* fix: closes #11354, show no post error if queued post already accepted/rejected
* test: #11354
* test: #11354
* fix(deps): bump 2factor
* fix: #11357 clear cache on thumb remove
* fix: thumb remove on windows, closes #11357
* test: openapi for thumbs
* test: fix openapi
Co-authored-by: Julian Lam <julian@nodebb.org>
Co-authored-by: Opliko <opliko.reg@protonmail.com>
2 years ago
assert.equal(data.email, '');
assert.strictEqual(data.profileviews, 0);
assert.strictEqual(data.reputation, 0);
assert.strictEqual(data.postcount, 0);
assert.strictEqual(data.topiccount, 0);
assert.strictEqual(data.lastposttime, 0);
assert.strictEqual(data.banned, false);
it('should have a valid email, if using an email', (done) => {
User.create({ username: userData.username, password: userData.password, email: 'fakeMail' }, (err) => {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:invalid-email]]');
it('should error with invalid password', (done) => {
User.create({ username: 'test', password: '1' }, (err) => {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[reset_password:password_too_short]]');
it('should error with invalid password', (done) => {
User.create({ username: 'test', password: {} }, (err) => {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:invalid-password]]');
it('should error with a too long password', (done) => {
let toolong = '';
for (let i = 0; i < 5000; i++) {
toolong += 'a';
User.create({ username: 'test', password: toolong }, (err) => {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:password-too-long]]');
it('should error if username is already taken or rename user', async () => {
let err;
async function tryCreate(data) {
try {
return await User.create(data);
} catch (_err) {
err = _err;
const [uid1, uid2] = await Promise.all([
tryCreate({ username: 'dupe1' }),
tryCreate({ username: 'dupe1' }),
if (err) {
assert.strictEqual(err.message, '[[error:username-taken]]');
} else {
const userData = await User.getUsersFields([uid1, uid2], ['username']);
const userNames = userData.map(u => u.username);
// make sure only 1 dupe1 is created
assert.equal(userNames.filter(username => username === 'dupe1').length, 1);
assert.equal(userNames.filter(username => username === 'dupe1 0').length, 1);
it('should error if email is already taken', async () => {
let err;
async function tryCreate(data) {
try {
return await User.create(data);
} catch (_err) {
err = _err;
await Promise.all([
tryCreate({ username: 'notdupe1', email: 'dupe@dupe.com' }),
tryCreate({ username: 'notdupe2', email: 'dupe@dupe.com' }),
assert.strictEqual(err.message, '[[error:email-taken]]');
describe('.uniqueUsername()', () => {
it('should deal with collisions', (done) => {
const users = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i += 1) {
username: 'Jane Doe',
email: `jane.doe${i}@example.com`,
function (next) {
async.eachSeries(users, (user, next) => {
User.create(user, next);
}, next);
function (next) {
username: 'Jane Doe',
userslug: 'jane-doe',
}, (err, username) => {
assert.strictEqual(username, 'Jane Doe 9');
], done);
describe('.isModerator()', () => {
it('should return false', (done) => {
User.isModerator(testUid, testCid, (err, isModerator) => {
assert.equal(err, null);
assert.equal(isModerator, false);
it('should return two false results', (done) => {
User.isModerator([testUid, testUid], testCid, (err, isModerator) => {
assert.equal(err, null);
assert.equal(isModerator[0], false);
assert.equal(isModerator[1], false);
it('should return two false results', (done) => {
User.isModerator(testUid, [testCid, testCid], (err, isModerator) => {
assert.equal(err, null);
assert.equal(isModerator[0], false);
assert.equal(isModerator[1], false);
describe('.getModeratorUids()', () => {
before((done) => {
groups.join('cid:1:privileges:moderate', 1, done);
it('should retrieve all users with moderator bit in category privilege', (done) => {
User.getModeratorUids((err, uids) => {
assert.strictEqual(1, uids.length);
assert.strictEqual(1, parseInt(uids[0], 10));
after((done) => {
groups.leave('cid:1:privileges:moderate', 1, done);
describe('.getModeratorUids()', () => {
before((done) => {
async.apply(groups.create, { name: 'testGroup' }),
async.apply(groups.join, 'cid:1:privileges:groups:moderate', 'testGroup'),
async.apply(groups.join, 'testGroup', 1),
], done);
it('should retrieve all users with moderator bit in category privilege', (done) => {
User.getModeratorUids((err, uids) => {
assert.strictEqual(1, uids.length);
assert.strictEqual(1, parseInt(uids[0], 10));
after((done) => {
async.apply(groups.leave, 'cid:1:privileges:groups:moderate', 'testGroup'),
async.apply(groups.destroy, 'testGroup'),
], done);
describe('.isReadyToPost()', () => {
it('should error when a user makes two posts in quick succession', (done) => {
meta.config = meta.config || {};
meta.config.postDelay = '10';
async.apply(Topics.post, {
uid: testUid,
title: 'Topic 1',
content: 'lorem ipsum',
cid: testCid,
async.apply(Topics.post, {
uid: testUid,
title: 'Topic 2',
content: 'lorem ipsum',
cid: testCid,
], (err) => {
it('should allow a post if the last post time is > 10 seconds', (done) => {
User.setUserField(testUid, 'lastposttime', +new Date() - (11 * 1000), () => {
uid: testUid,
title: 'Topic 3',
content: 'lorem ipsum',
cid: testCid,
}, (err) => {
it('should error when a new user posts if the last post time is 10 < 30 seconds', (done) => {
meta.config.newbiePostDelay = 30;
meta.config.newbiePostDelayThreshold = 3;
User.setUserField(testUid, 'lastposttime', +new Date() - (20 * 1000), () => {
uid: testUid,
title: 'Topic 4',
content: 'lorem ipsum',
cid: testCid,
}, (err) => {
it('should not error if a non-newbie user posts if the last post time is 10 < 30 seconds', (done) => {
User.setUserFields(testUid, {
lastposttime: +new Date() - (20 * 1000),
reputation: 10,
}, () => {
uid: testUid,
title: 'Topic 5',
content: 'lorem ipsum',
cid: testCid,
}, (err) => {
it('should only post 1 topic out of 10', async () => {
await User.create({ username: 'flooder', password: '123456' });
const { jar } = await helpers.loginUser('flooder', '123456');
const titles = new Array(10).fill('topic title');
const res = await Promise.allSettled(titles.map(async (title) => {
const { body } = await helpers.request('post', '/api/v3/topics', {
form: {
cid: testCid,
title: title,
content: 'the content',
jar: jar,
json: true,
return body.status;
const failed = res.filter(res => res.value.code === 'bad-request');
const success = res.filter(res => res.value.code === 'ok');
assert.strictEqual(failed.length, 9);
assert.strictEqual(success.length, 1);
describe('.search()', () => {
let adminUid;
let uid;
before(async () => {
adminUid = await User.create({ username: 'noteadmin' });
await groups.join('administrators', adminUid);
it('should return an object containing an array of matching users', (done) => {
User.search({ query: 'john' }, (err, searchData) => {
uid = searchData.users[0].uid;
assert.equal(Array.isArray(searchData.users) && searchData.users.length > 0, true);
assert.equal(searchData.users[0].username, 'John Smith');
it('should search user', async () => {
const searchData = await apiUser.search({ uid: testUid }, { query: 'john' });
assert.equal(searchData.users[0].username, 'John Smith');
it('should error for guest', async () => {
try {
await apiUser.search({ uid: 0 }, { query: 'john' });
} catch (err) {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:no-privileges]]');
it('should error with invalid data', async () => {
try {
await apiUser.search({ uid: testUid }, null);
} catch (err) {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:invalid-data]]');
it('should error for unprivileged user', async () => {
try {
await apiUser.search({ uid: testUid }, { searchBy: 'ip', query: '123' });
} catch (err) {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:no-privileges]]');
it('should error for unprivileged user', async () => {
try {
await apiUser.search({ uid: testUid }, { filters: ['banned'], query: '123' });
} catch (err) {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:no-privileges]]');
it('should error for unprivileged user', async () => {
try {
await apiUser.search({ uid: testUid }, { filters: ['flagged'], query: '123' });
} catch (err) {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:no-privileges]]');
it('should search users by ip', async () => {
const uid = await User.create({ username: 'ipsearch' });
await db.sortedSetAdd('ip:', [1, 1], [testUid, uid]);
const data = await apiUser.search({ uid: adminUid }, { query: '', searchBy: 'ip' });
assert.equal(data.users.length, 2);
it('should search users by uid', async () => {
const data = await apiUser.search({ uid: testUid }, { query: uid, searchBy: 'uid' });
assert.equal(data.users[0].uid, uid);
it('should search users by fullname', async () => {
const uid = await User.create({ username: 'fullnamesearch1', fullname: 'Mr. Fullname' });
const data = await apiUser.search({ uid: adminUid }, { query: 'mr', searchBy: 'fullname' });
assert.equal(data.users.length, 1);
assert.equal(uid, data.users[0].uid);
it('should search users by fullname', async () => {
const uid = await User.create({ username: 'fullnamesearch2', fullname: 'Baris:Usakli' });
const data = await apiUser.search({ uid: adminUid }, { query: 'baris:', searchBy: 'fullname' });
assert.equal(data.users.length, 1);
assert.equal(uid, data.users[0].uid);
it('should return empty array if query is empty', async () => {
const data = await apiUser.search({ uid: testUid }, { query: '' });
assert.equal(data.users.length, 0);
it('should filter users', async () => {
const uid = await User.create({ username: 'ipsearch_filter' });
await User.bans.ban(uid, 0, '');
await User.setUserFields(uid, { flags: 10 });
const data = await apiUser.search({ uid: adminUid }, {
query: 'ipsearch',
filters: ['online', 'banned', 'flagged'],
assert.equal(data.users[0].username, 'ipsearch_filter');
it('should sort results by username', (done) => {
function (next) {
User.create({ username: 'brian' }, next);
function (uid, next) {
User.create({ username: 'baris' }, next);
function (uid, next) {
User.create({ username: 'bzari' }, next);
function (uid, next) {
uid: testUid,
query: 'b',
sortBy: 'username',
paginate: false,
}, next);
], (err, data) => {
assert.equal(data.users[0].username, 'baris');
assert.equal(data.users[1].username, 'brian');
assert.equal(data.users[2].username, 'bzari');
describe('.delete()', () => {
let uid;
before((done) => {
User.create({ username: 'usertodelete', password: '123456', email: 'delete@me.com' }, (err, newUid) => {
uid = newUid;
it('should delete a user account', (done) => {
User.delete(1, uid, (err) => {
User.existsBySlug('usertodelete', (err, exists) => {
assert.equal(exists, false);
it('should not re-add user to users:postcount if post is purged after user account deletion', async () => {
const uid = await User.create({ username: 'olduserwithposts' });
assert(await db.isSortedSetMember('users:postcount', uid));
const result = await Topics.post({
uid: uid,
title: 'old user topic',
content: 'old user topic post content',
cid: testCid,
assert.equal(await db.sortedSetScore('users:postcount', uid), 1);
await User.deleteAccount(uid);
assert(!await db.isSortedSetMember('users:postcount', uid));
await Posts.purge(result.postData.pid, 1);
assert(!await db.isSortedSetMember('users:postcount', uid));
it('should not re-add user to users:reputation if post is upvoted after user account deletion', async () => {
const uid = await User.create({ username: 'olduserwithpostsupvote' });
assert(await db.isSortedSetMember('users:reputation', uid));
const result = await Topics.post({
uid: uid,
title: 'old user topic',
content: 'old user topic post content',
cid: testCid,
assert.equal(await db.sortedSetScore('users:reputation', uid), 0);
await User.deleteAccount(uid);
assert(!await db.isSortedSetMember('users:reputation', uid));
await Posts.upvote(result.postData.pid, 1);
assert(!await db.isSortedSetMember('users:reputation', uid));
it('should delete user even if they started a chat', async () => {
const socketModules = require('../src/socket.io/modules');
const uid1 = await User.create({ username: 'chatuserdelete1' });
const uid2 = await User.create({ username: 'chatuserdelete2' });
const roomId = await messaging.newRoom(uid1, [uid2]);
await messaging.addMessage({
uid: uid1,
content: 'hello',
await messaging.leaveRoom([uid2], roomId);
await User.delete(1, uid1);
assert.strictEqual(await User.exists(uid1), false);
describe('hash methods', () => {
it('should return uid from email', (done) => {
User.getUidByEmail('john@example.com', (err, uid) => {
assert.equal(parseInt(uid, 10), parseInt(testUid, 10));
it('should return uid from username', (done) => {
User.getUidByUsername('John Smith', (err, uid) => {
assert.equal(parseInt(uid, 10), parseInt(testUid, 10));
it('should return uid from userslug', (done) => {
User.getUidByUserslug('john-smith', (err, uid) => {
assert.equal(parseInt(uid, 10), parseInt(testUid, 10));
it('should get user data even if one uid is NaN', (done) => {
User.getUsersData([NaN, testUid], (err, data) => {
assert.equal(data[0].username, '[[global:guest]]');
assert.equal(data[1].username, userData.username);
it('should not return private user data', (done) => {
User.setUserFields(testUid, {
fb_token: '123123123',
another_secret: 'abcde',
postcount: '123',
}, (err) => {
User.getUserData(testUid, (err, userData) => {
assert.strictEqual(userData.postcount, 123);
assert.strictEqual(userData.uid, testUid);
it('should not return password even if explicitly requested', (done) => {
User.getUserFields(testUid, ['password'], (err, payload) => {
it('should not modify the fields array passed in', async () => {
const fields = ['username', 'email'];
await User.getUserFields(testUid, fields);
assert.deepStrictEqual(fields, ['username', 'email']);
it('should return an icon text and valid background if username and picture is explicitly requested', async () => {
const payload = await User.getUserFields(testUid, ['username', 'picture']);
const validBackgrounds = await User.getIconBackgrounds(testUid);
assert.strictEqual(payload['icon:text'], userData.username.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase());
it('should return a valid background, even if an invalid background colour is set', async () => {
await User.setUserField(testUid, 'icon:bgColor', 'teal');
const payload = await User.getUserFields(testUid, ['username', 'picture']);
const validBackgrounds = await User.getIconBackgrounds(testUid);
it('should return private data if field is whitelisted', (done) => {
function filterMethod(data, callback) {
callback(null, data);
plugins.hooks.register('test-plugin', { hook: 'filter:user.whitelistFields', method: filterMethod });
User.getUserData(testUid, (err, userData) => {
assert.equal(userData.another_secret, 'abcde');
plugins.hooks.unregister('test-plugin', 'filter:user.whitelistFields', filterMethod);
it('should return 0 as uid if username is falsy', (done) => {
User.getUidByUsername('', (err, uid) => {
assert.strictEqual(uid, 0);
it('should get username by userslug', (done) => {
User.getUsernameByUserslug('john-smith', (err, username) => {
assert.strictEqual('John Smith', username);
it('should get uids by emails', (done) => {
User.getUidsByEmails(['john@example.com'], (err, uids) => {
assert.equal(uids[0], testUid);
it('should not get groupTitle for guests', (done) => {
User.getUserData(0, (err, userData) => {
assert.strictEqual(userData.groupTitle, '');
assert.deepStrictEqual(userData.groupTitleArray, []);
it('should load guest data', (done) => {
User.getUsersData([1, 0], (err, data) => {
assert.strictEqual(data[1].username, '[[global:guest]]');
assert.strictEqual(data[1].userslug, '');
assert.strictEqual(data[1].uid, 0);
describe('profile methods', () => {
let uid;
let jar;
let csrf_token;
before(async () => {
const newUid = await User.create({ username: 'updateprofile', email: 'update@me.com', password: '123456' });
uid = newUid;
await User.setUserField(uid, 'email', 'update@me.com');
await User.email.confirmByUid(uid);
({ jar, csrf_token } = await helpers.loginUser('updateprofile', '123456'));
it('should return error if not logged in', async () => {
try {
await apiUser.update({ uid: 0 }, { uid: 1 });
} catch (err) {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:invalid-uid]]');
it('should return error if data is invalid', async () => {
try {
await apiUser.update({ uid: uid }, null);
} catch (err) {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:invalid-data]]');
it('should return error if data is missing uid', async () => {
try {
await apiUser.update({ uid: uid }, { username: 'bip', email: 'bop' });
} catch (err) {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:invalid-data]]');
describe('.updateProfile()', () => {
let uid;
it('should update a user\'s profile', async () => {
uid = await User.create({ username: 'justforupdate', email: 'just@for.updated', password: '123456' });
await User.setUserField(uid, 'email', 'just@for.updated');
await User.email.confirmByUid(uid);
const data = {
uid: uid,
username: 'updatedUserName',
email: 'updatedEmail@me.com',
fullname: 'updatedFullname',
website: 'http://nodebb.org',
location: 'izmir',
groupTitle: 'testGroup',
birthday: '01/01/1980',
signature: 'nodebb is good',
password: '123456',
const result = await apiUser.update({ uid: uid }, { ...data, password: '123456', invalid: 'field' });
assert.equal(result.username, 'updatedUserName');
assert.equal(result.userslug, 'updatedusername');
assert.equal(result.location, 'izmir');
const userData = await db.getObject(`user:${uid}`);
Object.keys(data).forEach((key) => {
if (key === 'email') {
assert.strictEqual(userData.email, 'just@for.updated'); // email remains the same until confirmed
} else if (key !== 'password') {
assert.equal(data[key], userData[key]);
} else {
// updateProfile only saves valid fields
assert.strictEqual(userData.invalid, undefined);
it('should also generate an email confirmation code for the changed email', async () => {
const confirmSent = await User.email.isValidationPending(uid, 'updatedemail@me.com');
assert.strictEqual(confirmSent, true);
it('should change a user\'s password', async () => {
const uid = await User.create({ username: 'changepassword', password: '123456' });
await apiUser.changePassword({ uid: uid }, { uid: uid, newPassword: '654321', currentPassword: '123456' });
const correct = await User.isPasswordCorrect(uid, '654321', '');
it('should not let user change another user\'s password', async () => {
const regularUserUid = await User.create({ username: 'regularuserpwdchange', password: 'regularuser1234' });
const uid = await User.create({ username: 'changeadminpwd1', password: '123456' });
try {
await apiUser.changePassword({ uid: uid }, { uid: regularUserUid, newPassword: '654321', currentPassword: '123456' });
} catch (err) {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[user:change_password_error_privileges]]');
it('should not let user change admin\'s password', async () => {
const adminUid = await User.create({ username: 'adminpwdchange', password: 'admin1234' });
await groups.join('administrators', adminUid);
const uid = await User.create({ username: 'changeadminpwd2', password: '123456' });
try {
await apiUser.changePassword({ uid: uid }, { uid: adminUid, newPassword: '654321', currentPassword: '123456' });
} catch (err) {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[user:change_password_error_privileges]]');
it('should let admin change another users password', async () => {
const adminUid = await User.create({ username: 'adminpwdchange2', password: 'admin1234' });
await groups.join('administrators', adminUid);
const uid = await User.create({ username: 'forgotmypassword', password: '123456' });
await apiUser.changePassword({ uid: adminUid }, { uid: uid, newPassword: '654321' });
const correct = await User.isPasswordCorrect(uid, '654321', '');
it('should not let admin change their password if current password is incorrect', async () => {
const adminUid = await User.create({ username: 'adminforgotpwd', password: 'admin1234' });
await groups.join('administrators', adminUid);
try {
await apiUser.changePassword({ uid: adminUid }, { uid: adminUid, newPassword: '654321', currentPassword: 'wrongpwd' });
} catch (err) {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[user:change_password_error_wrong_current]]');
it('should change username', async () => {
await apiUser.update({ uid: uid }, { uid: uid, username: 'updatedAgain', password: '123456' });
const username = await db.getObjectField(`user:${uid}`, 'username');
assert.equal(username, 'updatedAgain');
it('should not let setting an empty username', async () => {
await apiUser.update({ uid: uid }, { uid: uid, username: '', password: '123456' });
const username = await db.getObjectField(`user:${uid}`, 'username');
assert.strictEqual(username, 'updatedAgain');
it('should let updating profile if current username is above max length and it is not being changed', async () => {
const maxLength = meta.config.maximumUsernameLength + 1;
const longName = new Array(maxLength).fill('a').join('');
const uid = await User.create({ username: longName });
await apiUser.update({ uid: uid }, { uid: uid, username: longName, email: 'verylong@name.com' });
const userData = await db.getObject(`user:${uid}`);
const awaitingValidation = await User.email.isValidationPending(uid, 'verylong@name.com');
assert.strictEqual(userData.username, longName);
assert.strictEqual(awaitingValidation, true);
it('should not update a user\'s username if it did not change', async () => {
await apiUser.update({ uid: uid }, { uid: uid, username: 'updatedAgain', password: '123456' });
const data = await db.getSortedSetRevRange(`user:${uid}:usernames`, 0, -1);
assert.equal(data.length, 2);
it('should not update a user\'s username if a password is not supplied', async () => {
try {
await apiUser.update({ uid: uid }, { uid: uid, username: 'updatedAgain', password: '' });
} catch (err) {
assert.strictEqual(err.message, '[[error:invalid-password]]');
it('should properly change username and clean up old sorted sets', async () => {
const uid = await User.create({ username: 'DennyO', password: '123456' });
let usernames = await db.getSortedSetRevRangeWithScores('username:uid', 0, -1);
usernames = usernames.filter(d => d.score === uid);
assert.deepStrictEqual(usernames, [{ value: 'DennyO', score: uid }]);
await apiUser.update({ uid: uid }, { uid: uid, username: 'DennyO\'s', password: '123456' });
usernames = await db.getSortedSetRevRangeWithScores('username:uid', 0, -1);
usernames = usernames.filter(d => d.score === uid);
assert.deepStrictEqual(usernames, [{ value: 'DennyO\'s', score: uid }]);
await apiUser.update({ uid: uid }, { uid: uid, username: 'Denny O', password: '123456' });
usernames = await db.getSortedSetRevRangeWithScores('username:uid', 0, -1);
usernames = usernames.filter(d => d.score === uid);
assert.deepStrictEqual(usernames, [{ value: 'Denny O', score: uid }]);
it('should send validation email', async () => {
const uid = await User.create({ username: 'pooremailupdate', email: 'poor@update.me', password: '123456' });
await User.email.expireValidation(uid);
await apiUser.update({ uid: uid }, { uid: uid, email: 'updatedAgain@me.com', password: '123456' });
assert.strictEqual(await User.email.isValidationPending(uid, 'updatedAgain@me.com'.toLowerCase()), true);
it('should update cover image', (done) => {
const position = '50.0301% 19.2464%';
socketUser.updateCover({ uid: uid }, { uid: uid, imageData: goodImage, position: position }, (err, result) => {
db.getObjectFields(`user:${uid}`, ['cover:url', 'cover:position'], (err, data) => {
assert.equal(data['cover:url'], result.url);
assert.equal(data['cover:position'], position);
it('should remove cover image', async () => {
const coverPath = await User.getLocalCoverPath(uid);
await socketUser.removeCover({ uid: uid }, { uid: uid });
const coverUrlNow = await db.getObjectField(`user:${uid}`, 'cover:url');
assert.strictEqual(coverUrlNow, null);
assert.strictEqual(fs.existsSync(coverPath), false);
it('should set user status', (done) => {
socketUser.setStatus({ uid: uid }, 'away', (err, data) => {
assert.equal(data.uid, uid);
assert.equal(data.status, 'away');
it('should fail for invalid status', (done) => {
socketUser.setStatus({ uid: uid }, '12345', (err) => {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:invalid-user-status]]');
it('should get user status', (done) => {
socketUser.checkStatus({ uid: uid }, uid, (err, status) => {
assert.equal(status, 'away');
it('should change user picture', async () => {
await apiUser.changePicture({ uid: uid }, { type: 'default', uid: uid });
const picture = await User.getUserField(uid, 'picture');
assert.equal(picture, '');
it('should let you set an external image', async () => {
const token = await helpers.getCsrfToken(jar);
const body = await requestAsync(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/v3/users/${uid}/picture`, {
method: 'put',
json: true,
headers: {
'x-csrf-token': token,
body: {
type: 'external',
url: 'https://example.org/picture.jpg',
assert(body && body.status && body.response);
assert.strictEqual(body.status.code, 'ok');
const picture = await User.getUserField(uid, 'picture');
assert.strictEqual(picture, validator.escape('https://example.org/picture.jpg'));
it('should fail to change user picture with invalid data', async () => {
try {
await apiUser.changePicture({ uid: uid }, null);
} catch (err) {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:invalid-data]]');
it('should fail to change user picture with invalid uid', async () => {
try {
await apiUser.changePicture({ uid: 0 }, { uid: 1 });
} catch (err) {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:no-privileges]]');
it('should set user picture to uploaded', async () => {
await User.setUserField(uid, 'uploadedpicture', '/test');
await apiUser.changePicture({ uid: uid }, { type: 'uploaded', uid: uid });
const picture = await User.getUserField(uid, 'picture');
assert.equal(picture, `${nconf.get('relative_path')}/test`);
it('should return error if profile image uploads disabled', (done) => {
meta.config.allowProfileImageUploads = 0;
const picture = {
path: path.join(nconf.get('base_dir'), 'test/files/test_copy.png'),
size: 7189,
name: 'test.png',
type: 'image/png',
callerUid: uid,
uid: uid,
file: picture,
}, (err) => {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:profile-image-uploads-disabled]]');
meta.config.allowProfileImageUploads = 1;
it('should return error if profile image has no mime type', (done) => {
callerUid: uid,
uid: uid,
imageData: '',
}, (err) => {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:invalid-image]]');
describe('user.uploadCroppedPicture', () => {
it('should upload cropped profile picture', async () => {
const result = await socketUser.uploadCroppedPicture({ uid: uid }, { uid: uid, imageData: goodImage });
const data = await db.getObjectFields(`user:${uid}`, ['uploadedpicture', 'picture']);
assert.strictEqual(result.url, data.uploadedpicture);
assert.strictEqual(result.url, data.picture);
it('should upload cropped profile picture in chunks', async () => {
const socketUploads = require('../src/socket.io/uploads');
const socketData = {
method: 'user.uploadCroppedPicture',
size: goodImage.length,
progress: 0,
const chunkSize = 1000;
let result;
do {
const chunk = goodImage.slice(socketData.progress, socketData.progress + chunkSize);
socketData.progress += chunk.length;
// eslint-disable-next-line
result = await socketUploads.upload({ uid: uid }, {
chunk: chunk,
params: socketData,
} while (socketData.progress < socketData.size);
const data = await db.getObjectFields(`user:${uid}`, ['uploadedpicture', 'picture']);
assert.strictEqual(result.url, data.uploadedpicture);
assert.strictEqual(result.url, data.picture);
it('should error if both file and imageData are missing', (done) => {
User.uploadCroppedPicture({}, (err) => {
assert.equal('[[error:invalid-data]]', err.message);
it('should error if file size is too big', (done) => {
const temp = meta.config.maximumProfileImageSize;
meta.config.maximumProfileImageSize = 1;
callerUid: uid,
uid: 1,
imageData: goodImage,
}, (err) => {
assert.equal('[[error:file-too-big, 1]]', err.message);
// Restore old value
meta.config.maximumProfileImageSize = temp;
it('should not allow image data with bad MIME type to be passed in', (done) => {
callerUid: uid,
uid: 1,
imageData: badImage,
}, (err) => {
assert.equal('[[error:invalid-image]]', err.message);
it('should get profile pictures', (done) => {
socketUser.getProfilePictures({ uid: uid }, { uid: uid }, (err, data) => {
Bootstrap5 (#10894)
* chore: up deps
* chore: up composer
* fix(deps): bump 2factor to v7
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* fix: missing await
* feat: allow middlewares to pass in template values via res.locals
* feat: buildAccountData middleware automatically added ot all account routes
* fix: properly allow values in res.locals.templateValues to be added to the template data
* refactor: user/blocks
* refactor(accounts): categories and consent
* feat: automatically 404 if exposeUid or exposeGroupName come up empty
* refactor: remove calls to getUserDataByUserSlug for most account routes, since it is populated via middleware now
* fix: allow exposeUid and exposeGroupName to work with slugs with mixed capitalization
* fix: move reputation removal check to accountHelpers method
* test: skip i18n tests if ref branch when present is not develop
* fix(deps): bump theme versions
* fix(deps): bump ntfy and 2factor
* chore: up harmony
* fix: add missing return
* fix: #11191, only focus on search input on md environments and up
* feat: allow file uploads on mobile chat
closes https://github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB/issues/11217
* chore: up themes
* chore: add lang string
* fix(deps): bump ntfy to 1.0.15
* refactor: use new if/each syntax
* chore: up composer
* fix: regression from user helper refactor
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up composer
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: fix composer version
* feat: add increment helper
* chore: up harmony
* fix: #11228 no timestamps in future :hourglass:
* chore: up harmony
* check config.theme as well
fire action:posts.loaded after processing dom
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up themes
* chore: up harmony
* remove extra class
* refactor: move these to core from harmony
* chore: up widgets
* chore: up widgets
* height auto
* fix: closes #11238
* dont focus inputs, annoying on mobile
* fix: dont focus twice, only focus on chat input on desktop
dont wrap widget footer in row
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* update chat window
* chore: up themes
* fix cache buster for skins
* chat fixes
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up composer
* refactor: change hook logs to debug
* fix: scroll to post right after adding to dom
* fix: hash scrolling and highlighting correct post
* test: re-enable read API schema tests
* fix: add back schema changes for 179faa2270f2ad955dcc4a7b04755acce59e6ffd and c3920ccb10d8ead2dcd9914bb1784bed3f6adfd4
* fix: schema changes from 488f0978a4aa1ca1e4d2a1f2e8c7ef7a681f2f27
* fix: schema changes for f4cf482a874701ce80c0f306c49d8788cec66f87
* fix: schema update for be6bbabd0e2551fbe9571dcf3ee40ad721764543
* fix: schema changes for 69c96078ea78ee2c45885a90a6f6a59f9042a33c
* fix: schema changes for d1364c313021e48a879a818b24947e1457c062f7
* fix: schema changes for 84ff1152f7552dd866e25a90972d970b9861107e
* fix: schema changes for b860c2605c209e0650ef98f4c80d842ea23a51ce
* fix: schema changes for 23cb67a1126481848fac39aafd1e253441e76d7f
* fix: schema changes for b916e42f400dac8aa51670b15e439f87f0eb8939
* fix: schema change for a9bbb586fcb3a1c61b5fb69052236e78cdf7d743
* fix: schema changes for 4b738c8cd36c936a1dbe2bb900c694bf6c5520ec
* fix: schema changes for 58b5781cea9acb129e6604a82ab5a5bfc0d8394d
* fix: schema changes for 794bf01b21709c4be06584d576d706b3d6342057
* fix: schema changes for 80ea12c1c1963f5b39fb64841e4f3c8da3c87af2, e368feef51e0766f119c9710fb4db8f64724725c, and 52ead114bec961c62fa2eb0786540e229f6e4873
* fix: composer-default object in config?
* fix: schema changes for 9acdc6808c070555352951c651921df181b10993 and 093093420027999df3c67bf0ea6024f6dbf81d2d
* fix: schema changes for c0a52924f1f7ef8caeaacda67363ac269b56042c
* fix: schema change for aba420a3f3b774e949c2539c73f3dc0e1ae79a38, move loggedInUser to optional props
* fix: schema changes for 8c67031609da30d788561459f8bb76e9a69253de
* fix: schema changes for 27e53b42f3ce48fa61d3754375715cd41ffe808d
* fix: schema changes for 28359665187b0a3b9ec6226dca1234ebdbd725a5
* fix: breaking test for email confirmation API call
* fix: schema changes for refactored search page
* fix: schema changes for user object
* fix: schema changes for 9f531f957e08eabb4bae844ddd67bde14d9b59f0
* fix: schema changes for c4042c70decd628e5b880bd109515b47e4e16164 and 23175110a29640e6fa052db1079bfedb34a61055
* fix: schema changes for 9b3616b10392e247974eb0c1e6225a1582bf6c69
* fix: schema changes for 5afd5de07d42fd33f039a6f85ded3b4992200e5a
* fix: schema change for 1d7baf12171cffbd3af8914bef4e6297d1160d49
* fix: schema changes for 57bfb37c55a839662144e684875003ab52315ecc and be6bbabd0e2551fbe9571dcf3ee40ad721764543
* fix: schema changes for 6e86b4afa20d662af8b9f1c07518df2d8c258105 and 3efad2e13b7319eb9a1f4fda7af047be43ebc11f and 68f66223e73a72f378f193c83a9b5546bede2cda
* fix: allowing optional qs prop in pagination keys (not sure why this didn't break before)
* fix: re-login on email change
* fix: schema changes for c926358d734a2fa410de87f4e4a91744215fc14a
* fix: schema changes for 388a8270c9882892bad5c8141f65da8d59eac0fd
* fix: schema change for 2658bcc821c22e137a6eeb9bb74098856a642eaf
* fix: no need to call account middlewares for chats routes
* fix: schema changes for 71743affc3e58dc85d4ffa15ce043d4d9ddd3d67
* fix: final schema changes
* test: support for anyOf and oneOf
* fix: check thumb
* dont scroll to top on back press
* remove group log
* fix: add top margin to merged and deleted alerts
* chore: up widgets
* fix: improve fix-lists mixin
* chore: up harmony/composer
* feat: allow hiding quicksearch results during search
* dont record searches made by composer
* chore: up 54
* chore: up spam be gone
* feat: add prev/next page and page count into mobile paginator
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* use old style for IS
* fix: hide entire toolbar row if no posts or not singlePost
* fix: updated messaging for post-queue template, #11206
* fix: btn-sm on post queue back button
* fix: bump harmony, closes #11206
* fix: remove unused alert module import
* fix: bump harmony
* fix: bump harmony
* chore: up harmony
* refactor: IS scrolltop
* fix: update users:search-user-for-chat source string
* feat: support for mark-read toggle on chats dropdown and recent chats list
* feat: api v3 calls to mark chat read/unread
* feat: send event:chats.mark socket event on mark read or unread
* refactor: allow frontend to mark chats as unread, use new API v3 routes instead of socket calls, better frontend event handling
* docs: openapi schema updates for chat marking
* fix: allow unread state toggling in chats dropdown too
* fix: issue where repeated openings of the chats dropdown would continually add events for mark-read/unread
* fix: debug log
* refactor: move userSearch filter to a module
* feat(routes): allow remounting /categories (#11230)
* feat: send flags count to frontend on flags list page
* refactor: filter form client-side js to extract out some logic
* fix: applyFilters to not take any arguments, update selectedCids in updateButton instead of onHidden
* fix: use userFilter module for assignee, reporterId, targetUid
* fix(openapi): schema changes for updated flags page
* fix: dont allow adding duplicates to userFilter
* use same var
* remove log
* fix: closes #11282
* feat: lang key for x-topics
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up emoji
* chore: up harmony
* fix: update userFilter to allow new option `selectedBlock`
* fix: wrong block name passed to userFilter
* fix: https://github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB/issues/11283
* fix: chats, allow multiple dropdowns like in harmony
* chore: up harmony
* refactor: flag note adding/editing, closes #11285
* fix: remove old prepareEdit logic
* chore: add caveat about hacky code block in userFilter module
* fix: placeholders for userFilter module
* refactor: navigator so it works with multiple thumbs/navigators
* chore: up harmony
* fix: closes #11287, destroy quick reply autocomplete
on navigation
* fix: filter disabled categories on user categories page count
* chore: up harmony
* docs: update openapi spec to include info about passing in timestamps for topic creation, removing timestamp as valid request param for topic replying
* fix: send back null values on ACP search dashboard for startDate and endDate if not expicitly passed in, fix tests
* fix: tweak table order in ACP dash searches
* fix: only invoke navigator click drag on left mouse button
* feat: add back unread indicator to navigator
* clear bookmark on mark unread
* fix: navigator crash on ajaxify
* better thumb top calculation
* fix: reset user bookmark when topic is marked unread
* Revert "fix: reset user bookmark when topic is marked unread"
This reverts commit 9bcd85c2c6848c3d325d32027261809da6e11c9e.
* fix: update unread indicator on scroll, add unread count
* chore: bump harmony
* fix: crash on navigator unread update when backing out of a topic
* fix: closes #11183
* fix: update topics:recent zset when rescheduling a topic
* fix: dupe quote button, increase delay, hide immediately on empty selection
* fix: navigator not showing up on first load
* refactor: remove glance
assorted fixes to navigator
dont reduce remaning count if user scrolls down and up quickly
only call topic.navigatorCallback when index changes
* more sanity checks for bookmark
dont allow setting bookmark higher than topic postcount
* closes #11218, :train:
* Revert "fix: update topics:recent zset when rescheduling a topic"
This reverts commit 737973cca9e94b6cb3867492a09e1e0b1af391d5.
* fix: #11306, show proper error if queued post doesn't exist
was showing no-privileges if someone else accepted the post
* https://github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB/issues/11307
dont use li
* chore: up harmony
* chore: bump version string
* fix: copy paste fail
* feat: closes #7382, tag filtering
add client side support for filtering by tags on /category, /recent and /unread
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* Revert "fix: add back req.query fallback for backwards compatibility" [breaking]
This reverts commit cf6cc2c454dc35c330393c62ee8ce67b42d8eefb.
This commit is no longer required as passing in a CSRF token via query parameter is no longer supported as of NodeBB v3.x
This is a breaking change.
* fix: pass csrf token in form data, re: NodeBB/NodeBB#11309
* chore: up deps
* fix: tests, use x-csrf-token query param removed
* test: fix csrf_token
* lint: remove unused
* feat: add itemprop="image" to avatar helper
* fix: get chat upload button in chat modal
* breaking: remove deprecated socket.io methods
* test: update messaging tests to not use sockets
* fix: parent post links
* fix: prevent post tooltip if mouse leaves before data/tpl is loaded
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* fix: nested replies indices
* fix(deps): bump 2factor
* feat: add loggedIn user to all api routes
* chore: up themes
* refactor: audit admin v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit category v3 write api routes as per #11321 [breaking]
docs: fix open api spec for #11321
* refactor: audit chat v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit files v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit flags v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit posts v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit topics v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit users v3 write api routes as per #11321
* fix: lang string
* remove min height
* fix: empty topic/labels taking up space
* fix: tag filtering when changing filter to watched topics
or changing popular time limit to month
* chore: up harmony
* fix: closes #11354, show no post error if queued post already accepted/rejected
* test: #11354
* test: #11354
* fix(deps): bump 2factor
* fix: #11357 clear cache on thumb remove
* fix: thumb remove on windows, closes #11357
* test: openapi for thumbs
* test: fix openapi
Co-authored-by: Julian Lam <julian@nodebb.org>
Co-authored-by: Opliko <opliko.reg@protonmail.com>
2 years ago
assert.equal(data[0].type, 'default');
assert.equal(data[0].username, '[[user:default_picture]]');
assert.equal(data[1].type, 'uploaded');
assert.equal(data[1].username, '[[user:uploaded_picture]]');
it('should get default profile avatar', (done) => {
assert.strictEqual(User.getDefaultAvatar(), '');
meta.config.defaultAvatar = 'https://path/to/default/avatar';
assert.strictEqual(User.getDefaultAvatar(), meta.config.defaultAvatar);
meta.config.defaultAvatar = '/path/to/default/avatar';
assert.strictEqual(User.getDefaultAvatar(), nconf.get('relative_path') + meta.config.defaultAvatar);
meta.config.defaultAvatar = '';
it('should fail to get profile pictures with invalid data', (done) => {
socketUser.getProfilePictures({ uid: uid }, null, (err) => {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:invalid-data]]');
socketUser.getProfilePictures({ uid: uid }, { uid: null }, (err) => {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:invalid-data]]');
it('should remove uploaded picture', async () => {
const avatarPath = await User.getLocalAvatarPath(uid);
assert.notStrictEqual(avatarPath, false);
await socketUser.removeUploadedPicture({ uid: uid }, { uid: uid });
const uploadedPicture = await User.getUserField(uid, 'uploadedpicture');
assert.strictEqual(uploadedPicture, '');
assert.strictEqual(fs.existsSync(avatarPath), false);
it('should fail to remove uploaded picture with invalid-data', (done) => {
socketUser.removeUploadedPicture({ uid: uid }, null, (err) => {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:invalid-data]]');
socketUser.removeUploadedPicture({ uid: uid }, { }, (err) => {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:invalid-data]]');
socketUser.removeUploadedPicture({ uid: null }, { }, (err) => {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:invalid-data]]');
it('should load profile page', (done) => {
request(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/user/updatedagain`, { jar: jar, json: true }, (err, res, body) => {
assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200);
it('should load settings page', (done) => {
request(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/user/updatedagain/settings`, { jar: jar, json: true }, (err, res, body) => {
assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200);
it('should load edit page', (done) => {
request(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/user/updatedagain/edit`, { jar: jar, json: true }, (err, res, body) => {
assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200);
it('should load edit/email page', async () => {
const res = await requestAsync(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/user/updatedagain/edit/email`, { jar: jar, json: true, resolveWithFullResponse: true });
assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 200);
// Accessing this page will mark the user's account as needing an updated email, below code undo's.
await requestAsync({
Bootstrap5 (#10894)
* chore: up deps
* chore: up composer
* fix(deps): bump 2factor to v7
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* fix: missing await
* feat: allow middlewares to pass in template values via res.locals
* feat: buildAccountData middleware automatically added ot all account routes
* fix: properly allow values in res.locals.templateValues to be added to the template data
* refactor: user/blocks
* refactor(accounts): categories and consent
* feat: automatically 404 if exposeUid or exposeGroupName come up empty
* refactor: remove calls to getUserDataByUserSlug for most account routes, since it is populated via middleware now
* fix: allow exposeUid and exposeGroupName to work with slugs with mixed capitalization
* fix: move reputation removal check to accountHelpers method
* test: skip i18n tests if ref branch when present is not develop
* fix(deps): bump theme versions
* fix(deps): bump ntfy and 2factor
* chore: up harmony
* fix: add missing return
* fix: #11191, only focus on search input on md environments and up
* feat: allow file uploads on mobile chat
closes https://github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB/issues/11217
* chore: up themes
* chore: add lang string
* fix(deps): bump ntfy to 1.0.15
* refactor: use new if/each syntax
* chore: up composer
* fix: regression from user helper refactor
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up composer
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: fix composer version
* feat: add increment helper
* chore: up harmony
* fix: #11228 no timestamps in future :hourglass:
* chore: up harmony
* check config.theme as well
fire action:posts.loaded after processing dom
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up themes
* chore: up harmony
* remove extra class
* refactor: move these to core from harmony
* chore: up widgets
* chore: up widgets
* height auto
* fix: closes #11238
* dont focus inputs, annoying on mobile
* fix: dont focus twice, only focus on chat input on desktop
dont wrap widget footer in row
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* update chat window
* chore: up themes
* fix cache buster for skins
* chat fixes
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up composer
* refactor: change hook logs to debug
* fix: scroll to post right after adding to dom
* fix: hash scrolling and highlighting correct post
* test: re-enable read API schema tests
* fix: add back schema changes for 179faa2270f2ad955dcc4a7b04755acce59e6ffd and c3920ccb10d8ead2dcd9914bb1784bed3f6adfd4
* fix: schema changes from 488f0978a4aa1ca1e4d2a1f2e8c7ef7a681f2f27
* fix: schema changes for f4cf482a874701ce80c0f306c49d8788cec66f87
* fix: schema update for be6bbabd0e2551fbe9571dcf3ee40ad721764543
* fix: schema changes for 69c96078ea78ee2c45885a90a6f6a59f9042a33c
* fix: schema changes for d1364c313021e48a879a818b24947e1457c062f7
* fix: schema changes for 84ff1152f7552dd866e25a90972d970b9861107e
* fix: schema changes for b860c2605c209e0650ef98f4c80d842ea23a51ce
* fix: schema changes for 23cb67a1126481848fac39aafd1e253441e76d7f
* fix: schema changes for b916e42f400dac8aa51670b15e439f87f0eb8939
* fix: schema change for a9bbb586fcb3a1c61b5fb69052236e78cdf7d743
* fix: schema changes for 4b738c8cd36c936a1dbe2bb900c694bf6c5520ec
* fix: schema changes for 58b5781cea9acb129e6604a82ab5a5bfc0d8394d
* fix: schema changes for 794bf01b21709c4be06584d576d706b3d6342057
* fix: schema changes for 80ea12c1c1963f5b39fb64841e4f3c8da3c87af2, e368feef51e0766f119c9710fb4db8f64724725c, and 52ead114bec961c62fa2eb0786540e229f6e4873
* fix: composer-default object in config?
* fix: schema changes for 9acdc6808c070555352951c651921df181b10993 and 093093420027999df3c67bf0ea6024f6dbf81d2d
* fix: schema changes for c0a52924f1f7ef8caeaacda67363ac269b56042c
* fix: schema change for aba420a3f3b774e949c2539c73f3dc0e1ae79a38, move loggedInUser to optional props
* fix: schema changes for 8c67031609da30d788561459f8bb76e9a69253de
* fix: schema changes for 27e53b42f3ce48fa61d3754375715cd41ffe808d
* fix: schema changes for 28359665187b0a3b9ec6226dca1234ebdbd725a5
* fix: breaking test for email confirmation API call
* fix: schema changes for refactored search page
* fix: schema changes for user object
* fix: schema changes for 9f531f957e08eabb4bae844ddd67bde14d9b59f0
* fix: schema changes for c4042c70decd628e5b880bd109515b47e4e16164 and 23175110a29640e6fa052db1079bfedb34a61055
* fix: schema changes for 9b3616b10392e247974eb0c1e6225a1582bf6c69
* fix: schema changes for 5afd5de07d42fd33f039a6f85ded3b4992200e5a
* fix: schema change for 1d7baf12171cffbd3af8914bef4e6297d1160d49
* fix: schema changes for 57bfb37c55a839662144e684875003ab52315ecc and be6bbabd0e2551fbe9571dcf3ee40ad721764543
* fix: schema changes for 6e86b4afa20d662af8b9f1c07518df2d8c258105 and 3efad2e13b7319eb9a1f4fda7af047be43ebc11f and 68f66223e73a72f378f193c83a9b5546bede2cda
* fix: allowing optional qs prop in pagination keys (not sure why this didn't break before)
* fix: re-login on email change
* fix: schema changes for c926358d734a2fa410de87f4e4a91744215fc14a
* fix: schema changes for 388a8270c9882892bad5c8141f65da8d59eac0fd
* fix: schema change for 2658bcc821c22e137a6eeb9bb74098856a642eaf
* fix: no need to call account middlewares for chats routes
* fix: schema changes for 71743affc3e58dc85d4ffa15ce043d4d9ddd3d67
* fix: final schema changes
* test: support for anyOf and oneOf
* fix: check thumb
* dont scroll to top on back press
* remove group log
* fix: add top margin to merged and deleted alerts
* chore: up widgets
* fix: improve fix-lists mixin
* chore: up harmony/composer
* feat: allow hiding quicksearch results during search
* dont record searches made by composer
* chore: up 54
* chore: up spam be gone
* feat: add prev/next page and page count into mobile paginator
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* use old style for IS
* fix: hide entire toolbar row if no posts or not singlePost
* fix: updated messaging for post-queue template, #11206
* fix: btn-sm on post queue back button
* fix: bump harmony, closes #11206
* fix: remove unused alert module import
* fix: bump harmony
* fix: bump harmony
* chore: up harmony
* refactor: IS scrolltop
* fix: update users:search-user-for-chat source string
* feat: support for mark-read toggle on chats dropdown and recent chats list
* feat: api v3 calls to mark chat read/unread
* feat: send event:chats.mark socket event on mark read or unread
* refactor: allow frontend to mark chats as unread, use new API v3 routes instead of socket calls, better frontend event handling
* docs: openapi schema updates for chat marking
* fix: allow unread state toggling in chats dropdown too
* fix: issue where repeated openings of the chats dropdown would continually add events for mark-read/unread
* fix: debug log
* refactor: move userSearch filter to a module
* feat(routes): allow remounting /categories (#11230)
* feat: send flags count to frontend on flags list page
* refactor: filter form client-side js to extract out some logic
* fix: applyFilters to not take any arguments, update selectedCids in updateButton instead of onHidden
* fix: use userFilter module for assignee, reporterId, targetUid
* fix(openapi): schema changes for updated flags page
* fix: dont allow adding duplicates to userFilter
* use same var
* remove log
* fix: closes #11282
* feat: lang key for x-topics
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up emoji
* chore: up harmony
* fix: update userFilter to allow new option `selectedBlock`
* fix: wrong block name passed to userFilter
* fix: https://github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB/issues/11283
* fix: chats, allow multiple dropdowns like in harmony
* chore: up harmony
* refactor: flag note adding/editing, closes #11285
* fix: remove old prepareEdit logic
* chore: add caveat about hacky code block in userFilter module
* fix: placeholders for userFilter module
* refactor: navigator so it works with multiple thumbs/navigators
* chore: up harmony
* fix: closes #11287, destroy quick reply autocomplete
on navigation
* fix: filter disabled categories on user categories page count
* chore: up harmony
* docs: update openapi spec to include info about passing in timestamps for topic creation, removing timestamp as valid request param for topic replying
* fix: send back null values on ACP search dashboard for startDate and endDate if not expicitly passed in, fix tests
* fix: tweak table order in ACP dash searches
* fix: only invoke navigator click drag on left mouse button
* feat: add back unread indicator to navigator
* clear bookmark on mark unread
* fix: navigator crash on ajaxify
* better thumb top calculation
* fix: reset user bookmark when topic is marked unread
* Revert "fix: reset user bookmark when topic is marked unread"
This reverts commit 9bcd85c2c6848c3d325d32027261809da6e11c9e.
* fix: update unread indicator on scroll, add unread count
* chore: bump harmony
* fix: crash on navigator unread update when backing out of a topic
* fix: closes #11183
* fix: update topics:recent zset when rescheduling a topic
* fix: dupe quote button, increase delay, hide immediately on empty selection
* fix: navigator not showing up on first load
* refactor: remove glance
assorted fixes to navigator
dont reduce remaning count if user scrolls down and up quickly
only call topic.navigatorCallback when index changes
* more sanity checks for bookmark
dont allow setting bookmark higher than topic postcount
* closes #11218, :train:
* Revert "fix: update topics:recent zset when rescheduling a topic"
This reverts commit 737973cca9e94b6cb3867492a09e1e0b1af391d5.
* fix: #11306, show proper error if queued post doesn't exist
was showing no-privileges if someone else accepted the post
* https://github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB/issues/11307
dont use li
* chore: up harmony
* chore: bump version string
* fix: copy paste fail
* feat: closes #7382, tag filtering
add client side support for filtering by tags on /category, /recent and /unread
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* Revert "fix: add back req.query fallback for backwards compatibility" [breaking]
This reverts commit cf6cc2c454dc35c330393c62ee8ce67b42d8eefb.
This commit is no longer required as passing in a CSRF token via query parameter is no longer supported as of NodeBB v3.x
This is a breaking change.
* fix: pass csrf token in form data, re: NodeBB/NodeBB#11309
* chore: up deps
* fix: tests, use x-csrf-token query param removed
* test: fix csrf_token
* lint: remove unused
* feat: add itemprop="image" to avatar helper
* fix: get chat upload button in chat modal
* breaking: remove deprecated socket.io methods
* test: update messaging tests to not use sockets
* fix: parent post links
* fix: prevent post tooltip if mouse leaves before data/tpl is loaded
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* fix: nested replies indices
* fix(deps): bump 2factor
* feat: add loggedIn user to all api routes
* chore: up themes
* refactor: audit admin v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit category v3 write api routes as per #11321 [breaking]
docs: fix open api spec for #11321
* refactor: audit chat v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit files v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit flags v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit posts v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit topics v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit users v3 write api routes as per #11321
* fix: lang string
* remove min height
* fix: empty topic/labels taking up space
* fix: tag filtering when changing filter to watched topics
or changing popular time limit to month
* chore: up harmony
* fix: closes #11354, show no post error if queued post already accepted/rejected
* test: #11354
* test: #11354
* fix(deps): bump 2factor
* fix: #11357 clear cache on thumb remove
* fix: thumb remove on windows, closes #11357
* test: openapi for thumbs
* test: fix openapi
Co-authored-by: Julian Lam <julian@nodebb.org>
Co-authored-by: Opliko <opliko.reg@protonmail.com>
2 years ago
uri: `${nconf.get('url')}/register/abort`,
method: 'POST',
simple: false,
Bootstrap5 (#10894)
* chore: up deps
* chore: up composer
* fix(deps): bump 2factor to v7
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* fix: missing await
* feat: allow middlewares to pass in template values via res.locals
* feat: buildAccountData middleware automatically added ot all account routes
* fix: properly allow values in res.locals.templateValues to be added to the template data
* refactor: user/blocks
* refactor(accounts): categories and consent
* feat: automatically 404 if exposeUid or exposeGroupName come up empty
* refactor: remove calls to getUserDataByUserSlug for most account routes, since it is populated via middleware now
* fix: allow exposeUid and exposeGroupName to work with slugs with mixed capitalization
* fix: move reputation removal check to accountHelpers method
* test: skip i18n tests if ref branch when present is not develop
* fix(deps): bump theme versions
* fix(deps): bump ntfy and 2factor
* chore: up harmony
* fix: add missing return
* fix: #11191, only focus on search input on md environments and up
* feat: allow file uploads on mobile chat
closes https://github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB/issues/11217
* chore: up themes
* chore: add lang string
* fix(deps): bump ntfy to 1.0.15
* refactor: use new if/each syntax
* chore: up composer
* fix: regression from user helper refactor
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up composer
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: fix composer version
* feat: add increment helper
* chore: up harmony
* fix: #11228 no timestamps in future :hourglass:
* chore: up harmony
* check config.theme as well
fire action:posts.loaded after processing dom
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up themes
* chore: up harmony
* remove extra class
* refactor: move these to core from harmony
* chore: up widgets
* chore: up widgets
* height auto
* fix: closes #11238
* dont focus inputs, annoying on mobile
* fix: dont focus twice, only focus on chat input on desktop
dont wrap widget footer in row
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* update chat window
* chore: up themes
* fix cache buster for skins
* chat fixes
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up composer
* refactor: change hook logs to debug
* fix: scroll to post right after adding to dom
* fix: hash scrolling and highlighting correct post
* test: re-enable read API schema tests
* fix: add back schema changes for 179faa2270f2ad955dcc4a7b04755acce59e6ffd and c3920ccb10d8ead2dcd9914bb1784bed3f6adfd4
* fix: schema changes from 488f0978a4aa1ca1e4d2a1f2e8c7ef7a681f2f27
* fix: schema changes for f4cf482a874701ce80c0f306c49d8788cec66f87
* fix: schema update for be6bbabd0e2551fbe9571dcf3ee40ad721764543
* fix: schema changes for 69c96078ea78ee2c45885a90a6f6a59f9042a33c
* fix: schema changes for d1364c313021e48a879a818b24947e1457c062f7
* fix: schema changes for 84ff1152f7552dd866e25a90972d970b9861107e
* fix: schema changes for b860c2605c209e0650ef98f4c80d842ea23a51ce
* fix: schema changes for 23cb67a1126481848fac39aafd1e253441e76d7f
* fix: schema changes for b916e42f400dac8aa51670b15e439f87f0eb8939
* fix: schema change for a9bbb586fcb3a1c61b5fb69052236e78cdf7d743
* fix: schema changes for 4b738c8cd36c936a1dbe2bb900c694bf6c5520ec
* fix: schema changes for 58b5781cea9acb129e6604a82ab5a5bfc0d8394d
* fix: schema changes for 794bf01b21709c4be06584d576d706b3d6342057
* fix: schema changes for 80ea12c1c1963f5b39fb64841e4f3c8da3c87af2, e368feef51e0766f119c9710fb4db8f64724725c, and 52ead114bec961c62fa2eb0786540e229f6e4873
* fix: composer-default object in config?
* fix: schema changes for 9acdc6808c070555352951c651921df181b10993 and 093093420027999df3c67bf0ea6024f6dbf81d2d
* fix: schema changes for c0a52924f1f7ef8caeaacda67363ac269b56042c
* fix: schema change for aba420a3f3b774e949c2539c73f3dc0e1ae79a38, move loggedInUser to optional props
* fix: schema changes for 8c67031609da30d788561459f8bb76e9a69253de
* fix: schema changes for 27e53b42f3ce48fa61d3754375715cd41ffe808d
* fix: schema changes for 28359665187b0a3b9ec6226dca1234ebdbd725a5
* fix: breaking test for email confirmation API call
* fix: schema changes for refactored search page
* fix: schema changes for user object
* fix: schema changes for 9f531f957e08eabb4bae844ddd67bde14d9b59f0
* fix: schema changes for c4042c70decd628e5b880bd109515b47e4e16164 and 23175110a29640e6fa052db1079bfedb34a61055
* fix: schema changes for 9b3616b10392e247974eb0c1e6225a1582bf6c69
* fix: schema changes for 5afd5de07d42fd33f039a6f85ded3b4992200e5a
* fix: schema change for 1d7baf12171cffbd3af8914bef4e6297d1160d49
* fix: schema changes for 57bfb37c55a839662144e684875003ab52315ecc and be6bbabd0e2551fbe9571dcf3ee40ad721764543
* fix: schema changes for 6e86b4afa20d662af8b9f1c07518df2d8c258105 and 3efad2e13b7319eb9a1f4fda7af047be43ebc11f and 68f66223e73a72f378f193c83a9b5546bede2cda
* fix: allowing optional qs prop in pagination keys (not sure why this didn't break before)
* fix: re-login on email change
* fix: schema changes for c926358d734a2fa410de87f4e4a91744215fc14a
* fix: schema changes for 388a8270c9882892bad5c8141f65da8d59eac0fd
* fix: schema change for 2658bcc821c22e137a6eeb9bb74098856a642eaf
* fix: no need to call account middlewares for chats routes
* fix: schema changes for 71743affc3e58dc85d4ffa15ce043d4d9ddd3d67
* fix: final schema changes
* test: support for anyOf and oneOf
* fix: check thumb
* dont scroll to top on back press
* remove group log
* fix: add top margin to merged and deleted alerts
* chore: up widgets
* fix: improve fix-lists mixin
* chore: up harmony/composer
* feat: allow hiding quicksearch results during search
* dont record searches made by composer
* chore: up 54
* chore: up spam be gone
* feat: add prev/next page and page count into mobile paginator
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* use old style for IS
* fix: hide entire toolbar row if no posts or not singlePost
* fix: updated messaging for post-queue template, #11206
* fix: btn-sm on post queue back button
* fix: bump harmony, closes #11206
* fix: remove unused alert module import
* fix: bump harmony
* fix: bump harmony
* chore: up harmony
* refactor: IS scrolltop
* fix: update users:search-user-for-chat source string
* feat: support for mark-read toggle on chats dropdown and recent chats list
* feat: api v3 calls to mark chat read/unread
* feat: send event:chats.mark socket event on mark read or unread
* refactor: allow frontend to mark chats as unread, use new API v3 routes instead of socket calls, better frontend event handling
* docs: openapi schema updates for chat marking
* fix: allow unread state toggling in chats dropdown too
* fix: issue where repeated openings of the chats dropdown would continually add events for mark-read/unread
* fix: debug log
* refactor: move userSearch filter to a module
* feat(routes): allow remounting /categories (#11230)
* feat: send flags count to frontend on flags list page
* refactor: filter form client-side js to extract out some logic
* fix: applyFilters to not take any arguments, update selectedCids in updateButton instead of onHidden
* fix: use userFilter module for assignee, reporterId, targetUid
* fix(openapi): schema changes for updated flags page
* fix: dont allow adding duplicates to userFilter
* use same var
* remove log
* fix: closes #11282
* feat: lang key for x-topics
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up emoji
* chore: up harmony
* fix: update userFilter to allow new option `selectedBlock`
* fix: wrong block name passed to userFilter
* fix: https://github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB/issues/11283
* fix: chats, allow multiple dropdowns like in harmony
* chore: up harmony
* refactor: flag note adding/editing, closes #11285
* fix: remove old prepareEdit logic
* chore: add caveat about hacky code block in userFilter module
* fix: placeholders for userFilter module
* refactor: navigator so it works with multiple thumbs/navigators
* chore: up harmony
* fix: closes #11287, destroy quick reply autocomplete
on navigation
* fix: filter disabled categories on user categories page count
* chore: up harmony
* docs: update openapi spec to include info about passing in timestamps for topic creation, removing timestamp as valid request param for topic replying
* fix: send back null values on ACP search dashboard for startDate and endDate if not expicitly passed in, fix tests
* fix: tweak table order in ACP dash searches
* fix: only invoke navigator click drag on left mouse button
* feat: add back unread indicator to navigator
* clear bookmark on mark unread
* fix: navigator crash on ajaxify
* better thumb top calculation
* fix: reset user bookmark when topic is marked unread
* Revert "fix: reset user bookmark when topic is marked unread"
This reverts commit 9bcd85c2c6848c3d325d32027261809da6e11c9e.
* fix: update unread indicator on scroll, add unread count
* chore: bump harmony
* fix: crash on navigator unread update when backing out of a topic
* fix: closes #11183
* fix: update topics:recent zset when rescheduling a topic
* fix: dupe quote button, increase delay, hide immediately on empty selection
* fix: navigator not showing up on first load
* refactor: remove glance
assorted fixes to navigator
dont reduce remaning count if user scrolls down and up quickly
only call topic.navigatorCallback when index changes
* more sanity checks for bookmark
dont allow setting bookmark higher than topic postcount
* closes #11218, :train:
* Revert "fix: update topics:recent zset when rescheduling a topic"
This reverts commit 737973cca9e94b6cb3867492a09e1e0b1af391d5.
* fix: #11306, show proper error if queued post doesn't exist
was showing no-privileges if someone else accepted the post
* https://github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB/issues/11307
dont use li
* chore: up harmony
* chore: bump version string
* fix: copy paste fail
* feat: closes #7382, tag filtering
add client side support for filtering by tags on /category, /recent and /unread
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* Revert "fix: add back req.query fallback for backwards compatibility" [breaking]
This reverts commit cf6cc2c454dc35c330393c62ee8ce67b42d8eefb.
This commit is no longer required as passing in a CSRF token via query parameter is no longer supported as of NodeBB v3.x
This is a breaking change.
* fix: pass csrf token in form data, re: NodeBB/NodeBB#11309
* chore: up deps
* fix: tests, use x-csrf-token query param removed
* test: fix csrf_token
* lint: remove unused
* feat: add itemprop="image" to avatar helper
* fix: get chat upload button in chat modal
* breaking: remove deprecated socket.io methods
* test: update messaging tests to not use sockets
* fix: parent post links
* fix: prevent post tooltip if mouse leaves before data/tpl is loaded
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* fix: nested replies indices
* fix(deps): bump 2factor
* feat: add loggedIn user to all api routes
* chore: up themes
* refactor: audit admin v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit category v3 write api routes as per #11321 [breaking]
docs: fix open api spec for #11321
* refactor: audit chat v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit files v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit flags v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit posts v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit topics v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit users v3 write api routes as per #11321
* fix: lang string
* remove min height
* fix: empty topic/labels taking up space
* fix: tag filtering when changing filter to watched topics
or changing popular time limit to month
* chore: up harmony
* fix: closes #11354, show no post error if queued post already accepted/rejected
* test: #11354
* test: #11354
* fix(deps): bump 2factor
* fix: #11357 clear cache on thumb remove
* fix: thumb remove on windows, closes #11357
* test: openapi for thumbs
* test: fix openapi
Co-authored-by: Julian Lam <julian@nodebb.org>
Co-authored-by: Opliko <opliko.reg@protonmail.com>
2 years ago
headers: {
'x-csrf-token': csrf_token,
it('should load user\'s groups page', async () => {
await groups.create({
name: 'Test',
description: 'Foobar!',
await groups.join('Test', uid);
const body = await requestAsync(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/user/updatedagain/groups`, { jar: jar, json: true });
assert.equal(body.groups[0].name, 'Test');
describe('user info', () => {
let testUserUid;
let verifiedTestUserUid;
before(async () => {
// Might be the first user thus a verified one if this test part is ran alone
verifiedTestUserUid = await User.create({ username: 'bannedUser', password: '123456', email: 'banneduser@example.com' });
await User.setUserField(verifiedTestUserUid, 'email:confirmed', 1);
testUserUid = await User.create({ username: 'bannedUser2', password: '123456', email: 'banneduser2@example.com' });
it('should return error if there is no ban reason', (done) => {
User.getLatestBanInfo(123, (err) => {
assert.equal(err.message, 'no-ban-info');
it('should get history from set', async () => {
const now = Date.now();
await db.sortedSetAdd(`user:${testUserUid}:usernames`, now, `derp:${now}`);
const data = await User.getHistory(`user:${testUserUid}:usernames`);
assert.equal(data[0].value, 'derp');
assert.equal(data[0].timestamp, now);
it('should return the correct ban reason', (done) => {
function (next) {
User.bans.ban(testUserUid, 0, '', (err) => {
function (next) {
User.getModerationHistory(testUserUid, (err, data) => {
assert.equal(data.bans.length, 1, 'one ban');
assert.equal(data.bans[0].reason, '[[user:info.banned-no-reason]]', 'no ban reason');
], (err) => {
User.bans.unban(testUserUid, (err) => {
it('should ban user permanently', (done) => {
User.bans.ban(testUserUid, (err) => {
User.bans.isBanned(testUserUid, (err, isBanned) => {
assert.equal(isBanned, true);
User.bans.unban(testUserUid, done);
it('should ban user temporarily', (done) => {
User.bans.ban(testUserUid, Date.now() + 2000, (err) => {
User.bans.isBanned(testUserUid, (err, isBanned) => {
assert.equal(isBanned, true);
setTimeout(() => {
User.bans.isBanned(testUserUid, (err, isBanned) => {
assert.equal(isBanned, false);
User.bans.unban(testUserUid, done);
}, 3000);
it('should error if until is NaN', (done) => {
User.bans.ban(testUserUid, 'asd', (err) => {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:ban-expiry-missing]]');
it('should be member of "banned-users" system group only after a ban', async () => {
await User.bans.ban(testUserUid);
const systemGroups = groups.systemGroups.filter(group => group !== groups.BANNED_USERS);
const isMember = await groups.isMember(testUserUid, groups.BANNED_USERS);
const isMemberOfAny = await groups.isMemberOfAny(testUserUid, systemGroups);
assert.strictEqual(isMember, true);
assert.strictEqual(isMemberOfAny, false);
it('should restore system group memberships after an unban (for an unverified user)', async () => {
await User.bans.unban(testUserUid);
const isMemberOfGroups = await groups.isMemberOfGroups(testUserUid, groups.systemGroups);
const membership = new Map(groups.systemGroups.map((item, index) => [item, isMemberOfGroups[index]]));
assert.strictEqual(membership.get('registered-users'), true);
assert.strictEqual(membership.get('verified-users'), false);
assert.strictEqual(membership.get('unverified-users'), true);
assert.strictEqual(membership.get(groups.BANNED_USERS), false);
// administrators cannot be banned
assert.strictEqual(membership.get('administrators'), false);
// This will not restored
assert.strictEqual(membership.get('Global Moderators'), false);
it('should restore system group memberships after an unban (for a verified user)', async () => {
await User.bans.ban(verifiedTestUserUid);
await User.bans.unban(verifiedTestUserUid);
const isMemberOfGroups = await groups.isMemberOfGroups(verifiedTestUserUid, groups.systemGroups);
const membership = new Map(groups.systemGroups.map((item, index) => [item, isMemberOfGroups[index]]));
assert.strictEqual(membership.get('verified-users'), true);
assert.strictEqual(membership.get('unverified-users'), false);
it('should be able to post in category for banned users', async () => {
const { cid } = await Categories.create({
name: 'Test Category',
description: 'A test',
order: 1,
const testUid = await User.create({ username: userData.username });
await User.bans.ban(testUid);
let _err;
try {
await Topics.post({ title: 'banned topic', content: 'tttttttttttt', cid: cid, uid: testUid });
} catch (err) {
_err = err;
assert.strictEqual(_err && _err.message, '[[error:no-privileges]]');
await Promise.all([
privileges.categories.give(['groups:topics:create', 'groups:topics:reply'], cid, 'banned-users'),
privileges.categories.rescind(['groups:topics:create', 'groups:topics:reply'], cid, 'registered-users'),
const result = await Topics.post({ title: 'banned topic', content: 'tttttttttttt', cid: cid, uid: testUid });
assert.strictEqual(result.topicData.title, 'banned topic');
describe('Digest.getSubscribers', () => {
const uidIndex = {};
before((done) => {
const testUsers = ['daysub', 'offsub', 'nullsub', 'weeksub'];
async.each(testUsers, (username, next) => {
async.apply(User.create, { username: username, email: `${username}@example.com` }),
function (uid, next) {
if (username === 'nullsub') {
return setImmediate(next);
uidIndex[username] = uid;
const sub = username.slice(0, -3);
async.apply(User.updateDigestSetting, uid, sub),
async.apply(User.setSetting, uid, 'dailyDigestFreq', sub),
], next);
], next);
}, done);
it('should accurately build digest list given ACP default "null" (not set)', (done) => {
User.digest.getSubscribers('day', (err, subs) => {
assert.strictEqual(subs.length, 1);
it('should accurately build digest list given ACP default "day"', (done) => {
async.apply(meta.configs.set, 'dailyDigestFreq', 'day'),
function (next) {
User.digest.getSubscribers('day', (err, subs) => {
assert.strictEqual(subs.includes(uidIndex.daysub.toString()), true); // daysub does get emailed
assert.strictEqual(subs.includes(uidIndex.weeksub.toString()), false); // weeksub does not get emailed
assert.strictEqual(subs.includes(uidIndex.offsub.toString()), false); // offsub doesn't get emailed
], done);
it('should accurately build digest list given ACP default "week"', (done) => {
async.apply(meta.configs.set, 'dailyDigestFreq', 'week'),
function (next) {
User.digest.getSubscribers('week', (err, subs) => {
assert.strictEqual(subs.includes(uidIndex.weeksub.toString()), true); // weeksub gets emailed
assert.strictEqual(subs.includes(uidIndex.daysub.toString()), false); // daysub gets emailed
assert.strictEqual(subs.includes(uidIndex.offsub.toString()), false); // offsub does not get emailed
], done);
it('should accurately build digest list given ACP default "off"', (done) => {
async.apply(meta.configs.set, 'dailyDigestFreq', 'off'),
function (next) {
User.digest.getSubscribers('day', (err, subs) => {
assert.strictEqual(subs.length, 1);
], done);
describe('digests', () => {
let uid;
before((done) => {
function (next) {
User.create({ username: 'digestuser', email: 'test@example.com' }, next);
function (_uid, next) {
uid = _uid;
User.updateDigestSetting(uid, 'day', next);
function (next) {
User.setSetting(uid, 'dailyDigestFreq', 'day', next);
function (next) {
User.setSetting(uid, 'notificationType_test', 'notificationemail', next);
], done);
it('should send digests', async () => {
const oldValue = meta.config.includeUnverifiedEmails;
meta.config.includeUnverifiedEmails = true;
const uid = await User.create({ username: 'digest' });
await User.setUserField(uid, 'email', 'email@test.com');
await User.email.confirmByUid(uid);
await User.digest.execute({
interval: 'day',
subscribers: [uid],
meta.config.includeUnverifiedEmails = oldValue;
it('should return 0', async () => {
const sent = await User.digest.send({ subscribers: [] });
assert.strictEqual(sent, 0);
it('should get users with single uid', async () => {
const res = await User.digest.getUsersInterval(1);
assert.strictEqual(res, false);
it('should not send digests', async () => {
const oldValue = meta.config.disableEmailSubsriptions;
meta.config.disableEmailSubsriptions = 1;
const res = await User.digest.execute({});
assert.strictEqual(res, false);
meta.config.disableEmailSubsriptions = oldValue;
it('should not send digests', async () => {
await User.digest.execute({ interval: 'month' });
it('should get delivery times', async () => {
const data = await User.digest.getDeliveryTimes(0, -1);
const users = data.users.filter(u => u.username === 'digestuser');
assert.strictEqual(users[0].setting, 'day');
describe('unsubscribe via POST', () => {
it('should unsubscribe from digest if one-click unsubscribe is POSTed', (done) => {
const token = jwt.sign({
template: 'digest',
uid: uid,
}, nconf.get('secret'));
method: 'post',
url: `${nconf.get('url')}/email/unsubscribe/${token}`,
}, (err, res) => {
assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 200);
db.getObjectField(`user:${uid}:settings`, 'dailyDigestFreq', (err, value) => {
assert.strictEqual(value, 'off');
it('should unsubscribe from notifications if one-click unsubscribe is POSTed', (done) => {
const token = jwt.sign({
template: 'notification',
type: 'test',
uid: uid,
}, nconf.get('secret'));
method: 'post',
url: `${nconf.get('url')}/email/unsubscribe/${token}`,
}, (err, res) => {
assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 200);
db.getObjectField(`user:${uid}:settings`, 'notificationType_test', (err, value) => {
assert.strictEqual(value, 'notification');
it('should return errors on missing template in token', (done) => {
const token = jwt.sign({
uid: uid,
}, nconf.get('secret'));
method: 'post',
url: `${nconf.get('url')}/email/unsubscribe/${token}`,
}, (err, res) => {
assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 404);
it('should return errors on wrong template in token', (done) => {
const token = jwt.sign({
template: 'user',
uid: uid,
}, nconf.get('secret'));
method: 'post',
url: `${nconf.get('url')}/email/unsubscribe/${token}`,
}, (err, res) => {
assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 404);
it('should return errors on missing token', (done) => {
method: 'post',
url: `${nconf.get('url')}/email/unsubscribe/`,
}, (err, res) => {
assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 404);
it('should return errors on token signed with wrong secret (verify-failure)', (done) => {
const token = jwt.sign({
template: 'notification',
type: 'test',
uid: uid,
}, `${nconf.get('secret')}aababacaba`);
method: 'post',
url: `${nconf.get('url')}/email/unsubscribe/${token}`,
}, (err, res) => {
assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 403);
describe('socket methods', () => {
const socketUser = require('../src/socket.io/user');
let delUid;
it('should fail with invalid data', (done) => {
meta.userOrGroupExists(null, (err) => {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:invalid-data]]');
it('should return true if user/group exists', (done) => {
meta.userOrGroupExists('registered-users', (err, exists) => {
it('should return true if user/group exists', (done) => {
meta.userOrGroupExists('John Smith', (err, exists) => {
it('should return false if user/group does not exists', (done) => {
meta.userOrGroupExists('doesnot exist', (err, exists) => {
it('should delete user', async () => {
delUid = await User.create({ username: 'willbedeleted' });
// Upload some avatars and covers before deleting
meta.config['profile:keepAllUserImages'] = 1;
let result = await socketUser.uploadCroppedPicture({ uid: delUid }, { uid: delUid, imageData: goodImage });
result = await socketUser.uploadCroppedPicture({ uid: delUid }, { uid: delUid, imageData: goodImage });
const position = '50.0301% 19.2464%';
result = await socketUser.updateCover({ uid: delUid }, { uid: delUid, imageData: goodImage, position: position });
result = await socketUser.updateCover({ uid: delUid }, { uid: delUid, imageData: goodImage, position: position });
meta.config['profile:keepAllUserImages'] = 0;
await apiUser.deleteAccount({ uid: delUid }, { uid: delUid });
const exists = await meta.userOrGroupExists('willbedeleted');
it('should clean profile images after account deletion', () => {
const allProfileFiles = fs.readdirSync(path.join(nconf.get('upload_path'), 'profile'));
const deletedUserImages = allProfileFiles.filter(
f => f.startsWith(`${delUid}-profilecover`) || f.startsWith(`${delUid}-profileavatar`)
assert.strictEqual(deletedUserImages.length, 0);
it('should fail to delete user with wrong password', async () => {
const uid = await User.create({ username: 'willbedeletedpwd', password: '123456' });
try {
await apiUser.deleteAccount({ uid: uid }, { uid: uid, password: '654321' });
} catch (err) {
assert.strictEqual(err.message, '[[error:invalid-password]]');
it('should delete user with correct password', async () => {
const uid = await User.create({ username: 'willbedeletedcorrectpwd', password: '123456' });
await apiUser.deleteAccount({ uid: uid }, { uid: uid, password: '123456' });
const exists = await User.exists(uid);
it('should fail to delete user if account deletion is not allowed', async () => {
const oldValue = meta.config.allowAccountDelete;
meta.config.allowAccountDelete = 0;
const uid = await User.create({ username: 'tobedeleted' });
try {
await apiUser.deleteAccount({ uid: uid }, { uid: uid });
} catch (err) {
assert.strictEqual(err.message, '[[error:account-deletion-disabled]]');
meta.config.allowAccountDelete = oldValue;
it('should send reset email', (done) => {
socketUser.reset.send({ uid: 0 }, 'john@example.com', (err) => {
it('should return invalid-data error', (done) => {
socketUser.reset.send({ uid: 0 }, null, (err) => {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:invalid-data]]');
it('should not error', (done) => {
socketUser.reset.send({ uid: 0 }, 'doestnot@exist.com', (err) => {
it('should commit reset', (done) => {
db.getObject('reset:uid', (err, data) => {
const code = Object.keys(data).find(code => parseInt(data[code], 10) === parseInt(testUid, 10));
socketUser.reset.commit({ uid: 0 }, { code: code, password: 'pwdchange' }, (err) => {
it('should save user settings', async () => {
const data = {
uid: testUid,
settings: {
bootswatchSkin: 'default',
homePageRoute: 'none',
homePageCustom: '',
openOutgoingLinksInNewTab: 0,
scrollToMyPost: 1,
userLang: 'en-GB',
usePagination: 1,
topicsPerPage: '10',
postsPerPage: '5',
showemail: 1,
showfullname: 1,
restrictChat: 0,
followTopicsOnCreate: 1,
followTopicsOnReply: 1,
await apiUser.updateSettings({ uid: testUid }, data);
const userSettings = await User.getSettings(testUid);
assert.strictEqual(userSettings.usePagination, true);
it('should properly escape homePageRoute', async () => {
const data = {
uid: testUid,
settings: {
bootswatchSkin: 'default',
homePageRoute: 'category/6/testing-ground',
homePageCustom: '',
openOutgoingLinksInNewTab: 0,
scrollToMyPost: 1,
userLang: 'en-GB',
usePagination: 1,
topicsPerPage: '10',
postsPerPage: '5',
showemail: 1,
showfullname: 1,
restrictChat: 0,
followTopicsOnCreate: 1,
followTopicsOnReply: 1,
await apiUser.updateSettings({ uid: testUid }, data);
const userSettings = await User.getSettings(testUid);
assert.strictEqual(userSettings.homePageRoute, 'category/6/testing-ground');
it('should error if language is invalid', async () => {
const data = {
uid: testUid,
settings: {
userLang: '<invalid-string>',
topicsPerPage: '10',
postsPerPage: '5',
try {
await apiUser.updateSettings({ uid: testUid }, data);
} catch (err) {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:invalid-language]]');
it('should set moderation note', (done) => {
let adminUid;
function (next) {
User.create({ username: 'noteadmin' }, next);
function (_adminUid, next) {
adminUid = _adminUid;
groups.join('administrators', adminUid, next);
function (next) {
socketUser.setModerationNote({ uid: adminUid }, { uid: testUid, note: 'this is a test user' }, next);
function (next) {
setTimeout(next, 50);
function (next) {
socketUser.setModerationNote({ uid: adminUid }, { uid: testUid, note: '<svg/onload=alert(document.location);//' }, next);
function (next) {
User.getModerationNotes(testUid, 0, -1, next);
], (err, notes) => {
assert.equal(notes[0].note, '<svg/onload=alert(document.location);//');
assert.equal(notes[0].uid, adminUid);
assert.equal(notes[1].note, 'this is a test user');
it('should get unread count 0 for guest', async () => {
const count = await socketUser.getUnreadCount({ uid: 0 });
assert.strictEqual(count, 0);
it('should get unread count for user', async () => {
const count = await socketUser.getUnreadCount({ uid: testUid });
assert.strictEqual(count, 4);
it('should get unread chat count 0 for guest', async () => {
const count = await socketUser.getUnreadChatCount({ uid: 0 });
assert.strictEqual(count, 0);
it('should get unread chat count for user', async () => {
const count = await socketUser.getUnreadChatCount({ uid: testUid });
assert.strictEqual(count, 0);
it('should get unread counts 0 for guest', async () => {
const counts = await socketUser.getUnreadCounts({ uid: 0 });
assert.deepStrictEqual(counts, {});
it('should get unread counts for user', async () => {
const counts = await socketUser.getUnreadCounts({ uid: testUid });
assert.deepStrictEqual(counts, {
unreadChatCount: 0,
unreadCounts: {
'': 4,
new: 4,
unreplied: 4,
watched: 0,
unreadNewTopicCount: 4,
unreadNotificationCount: 0,
unreadTopicCount: 4,
unreadUnrepliedTopicCount: 4,
unreadWatchedTopicCount: 0,
it('should get user data by uid', async () => {
const userData = await socketUser.getUserByUID({ uid: testUid }, testUid);
assert.strictEqual(userData.uid, testUid);
it('should get user data by username', async () => {
const userData = await socketUser.getUserByUsername({ uid: testUid }, 'John Smith');
assert.strictEqual(userData.uid, testUid);
it('should get user data by email', async () => {
const userData = await socketUser.getUserByEmail({ uid: testUid }, 'john@example.com');
assert.strictEqual(userData.uid, testUid);
it('should check/consent gdpr status', async () => {
const consent = await socketUser.gdpr.check({ uid: testUid }, { uid: testUid });
await socketUser.gdpr.consent({ uid: testUid });
const consentAfter = await socketUser.gdpr.check({ uid: testUid }, { uid: testUid });
describe('approval queue', () => {
let oldRegistrationApprovalType;
let adminUid;
before((done) => {
oldRegistrationApprovalType = meta.config.registrationApprovalType;
meta.config.registrationApprovalType = 'admin-approval';
User.create({ username: 'admin', password: '123456' }, (err, uid) => {
adminUid = uid;
groups.join('administrators', uid, done);
after((done) => {
meta.config.registrationApprovalType = oldRegistrationApprovalType;
it('should add user to approval queue', async () => {
await helpers.registerUser({
username: 'rejectme',
password: '123456',
'password-confirm': '123456',
email: '<script>alert("ok")<script>reject@me.com',
gdpr_consent: true,
const { jar } = await helpers.loginUser('admin', '123456');
const { users } = await requestAsync(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/admin/manage/registration`, { jar, json: true });
assert.equal(users[0].username, 'rejectme');
assert.equal(users[0].email, '<script>alert("ok")<script>reject@me.com');
it('should fail to add user to queue if username is taken', (done) => {
username: 'rejectme',
password: '123456',
'password-confirm': '123456',
email: '<script>alert("ok")<script>reject@me.com',
gdpr_consent: true,
}, (err, jar, res, body) => {
assert.equal(body, '[[error:username-taken]]');
it('should fail to add user to queue if email is taken', (done) => {
username: 'rejectmenew',
password: '123456',
'password-confirm': '123456',
email: '<script>alert("ok")<script>reject@me.com',
gdpr_consent: true,
}, (err, jar, res, body) => {
assert.equal(body, '[[error:email-taken]]');
it('should reject user registration', (done) => {
socketUser.rejectRegistration({ uid: adminUid }, { username: 'rejectme' }, (err) => {
User.getRegistrationQueue(0, -1, (err, users) => {
assert.equal(users.length, 0);
it('should accept user registration', (done) => {
username: 'acceptme',
password: '123456',
'password-confirm': '123456',
email: 'accept@me.com',
gdpr_consent: true,
}, (err) => {
socketUser.acceptRegistration({ uid: adminUid }, { username: 'acceptme' }, (err, uid) => {
User.exists(uid, (err, exists) => {
User.getRegistrationQueue(0, -1, (err, users) => {
assert.equal(users.length, 0);
it('should trim username and add user to registration queue', (done) => {
username: 'invalidname\r\n',
password: '123456',
'password-confirm': '123456',
email: 'invalidtest@test.com',
gdpr_consent: true,
}, (err) => {
db.getSortedSetRange('registration:queue', 0, -1, (err, data) => {
assert.equal(data[0], 'invalidname');
describe('invites', () => {
let notAnInviterUid;
let inviterUid;
let adminUid;
const PUBLIC_GROUP = 'publicGroup';
const PRIVATE_GROUP = 'privateGroup';
const OWN_PRIVATE_GROUP = 'ownPrivateGroup';
const HIDDEN_GROUP = 'hiddenGroup';
const COMMON_PW = '123456';
before(async () => {
const results = await utils.promiseParallel({
publicGroup: groups.create({ name: PUBLIC_GROUP, private: 0 }),
privateGroup: groups.create({ name: PRIVATE_GROUP, private: 1 }),
hiddenGroup: groups.create({ name: HIDDEN_GROUP, hidden: 1 }),
notAnInviter: User.create({ username: 'notAnInviter', password: COMMON_PW }),
inviter: User.create({ username: 'inviter', password: COMMON_PW }),
admin: User.create({ username: 'adminInvite', password: COMMON_PW }),
notAnInviterUid = results.notAnInviter;
inviterUid = results.inviter;
adminUid = results.admin;
await User.setUserField(inviterUid, 'email', 'inviter@nodebb.org');
await Promise.all([
groups.create({ name: OWN_PRIVATE_GROUP, ownerUid: inviterUid, private: 1 }),
groups.join('administrators', adminUid),
groups.join('cid:0:privileges:invite', inviterUid),
describe('when inviter is not an admin and does not have invite privilege', () => {
let csrf_token;
let jar;
before(async () => {
({ jar, csrf_token } = await helpers.loginUser('notAnInviter', COMMON_PW));
it('should error if user does not have invite privilege', async () => {
const { res } = await helpers.invite({ emails: 'invite1@test.com', groupsToJoin: [] }, notAnInviterUid, jar, csrf_token);
assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 403);
assert.strictEqual(res.body.status.message, 'You do not have enough privileges for this action.');
it('should error out if user tries to use an inviter\'s uid via the API', async () => {
const { res } = await helpers.invite({ emails: 'invite1@test.com', groupsToJoin: [] }, inviterUid, jar, csrf_token);
const numInvites = await User.getInvitesNumber(inviterUid);
assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 403);
assert.strictEqual(res.body.status.message, 'You do not have enough privileges for this action.');
assert.strictEqual(numInvites, 0);
describe('when inviter has invite privilege', () => {
let csrf_token;
let jar;
before(async () => {
({ jar, csrf_token } = await helpers.loginUser('inviter', COMMON_PW));
it('should error with invalid data', async () => {
const { res } = await helpers.invite({}, inviterUid, jar, csrf_token);
assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 400);
assert.strictEqual(res.body.status.message, 'Invalid Data');
it('should error if user is not admin and type is admin-invite-only', async () => {
meta.config.registrationType = 'admin-invite-only';
const { res } = await helpers.invite({ emails: 'invite1@test.com', groupsToJoin: [] }, inviterUid, jar, csrf_token);
assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 403);
assert.strictEqual(res.body.status.message, 'You do not have enough privileges for this action.');
it('should send invitation email (without groups to be joined)', async () => {
meta.config.registrationType = 'normal';
const { res } = await helpers.invite({ emails: 'invite1@test.com', groupsToJoin: [] }, inviterUid, jar, csrf_token);
assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 200);
it('should send multiple invitation emails (with a public group to be joined)', async () => {
const { res } = await helpers.invite({ emails: 'invite2@test.com,invite3@test.com', groupsToJoin: [PUBLIC_GROUP] }, inviterUid, jar, csrf_token);
assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 200);
it('should error if the user has not permission to invite to the group', async () => {
const { res } = await helpers.invite({ emails: 'invite4@test.com', groupsToJoin: [PRIVATE_GROUP] }, inviterUid, jar, csrf_token);
assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 403);
assert.strictEqual(res.body.status.message, 'You do not have enough privileges for this action.');
it('should error if a non-admin tries to invite to the administrators group', async () => {
const { res } = await helpers.invite({ emails: 'invite4@test.com', groupsToJoin: ['administrators'] }, inviterUid, jar, csrf_token);
assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 403);
assert.strictEqual(res.body.status.message, 'You do not have enough privileges for this action.');
it('should to invite to own private group', async () => {
const { res } = await helpers.invite({ emails: 'invite4@test.com', groupsToJoin: [OWN_PRIVATE_GROUP] }, inviterUid, jar, csrf_token);
assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 200);
it('should to invite to multiple groups', async () => {
const { res } = await helpers.invite({ emails: 'invite5@test.com', groupsToJoin: [PUBLIC_GROUP, OWN_PRIVATE_GROUP] }, inviterUid, jar, csrf_token);
assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 200);
it('should error if tries to invite to hidden group', async () => {
const { res } = await helpers.invite({ emails: 'invite6@test.com', groupsToJoin: [HIDDEN_GROUP] }, inviterUid, jar, csrf_token);
assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 403);
Bootstrap5 (#10894)
* chore: up deps
* chore: up composer
* fix(deps): bump 2factor to v7
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* fix: missing await
* feat: allow middlewares to pass in template values via res.locals
* feat: buildAccountData middleware automatically added ot all account routes
* fix: properly allow values in res.locals.templateValues to be added to the template data
* refactor: user/blocks
* refactor(accounts): categories and consent
* feat: automatically 404 if exposeUid or exposeGroupName come up empty
* refactor: remove calls to getUserDataByUserSlug for most account routes, since it is populated via middleware now
* fix: allow exposeUid and exposeGroupName to work with slugs with mixed capitalization
* fix: move reputation removal check to accountHelpers method
* test: skip i18n tests if ref branch when present is not develop
* fix(deps): bump theme versions
* fix(deps): bump ntfy and 2factor
* chore: up harmony
* fix: add missing return
* fix: #11191, only focus on search input on md environments and up
* feat: allow file uploads on mobile chat
closes https://github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB/issues/11217
* chore: up themes
* chore: add lang string
* fix(deps): bump ntfy to 1.0.15
* refactor: use new if/each syntax
* chore: up composer
* fix: regression from user helper refactor
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up composer
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: fix composer version
* feat: add increment helper
* chore: up harmony
* fix: #11228 no timestamps in future :hourglass:
* chore: up harmony
* check config.theme as well
fire action:posts.loaded after processing dom
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up themes
* chore: up harmony
* remove extra class
* refactor: move these to core from harmony
* chore: up widgets
* chore: up widgets
* height auto
* fix: closes #11238
* dont focus inputs, annoying on mobile
* fix: dont focus twice, only focus on chat input on desktop
dont wrap widget footer in row
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* update chat window
* chore: up themes
* fix cache buster for skins
* chat fixes
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up composer
* refactor: change hook logs to debug
* fix: scroll to post right after adding to dom
* fix: hash scrolling and highlighting correct post
* test: re-enable read API schema tests
* fix: add back schema changes for 179faa2270f2ad955dcc4a7b04755acce59e6ffd and c3920ccb10d8ead2dcd9914bb1784bed3f6adfd4
* fix: schema changes from 488f0978a4aa1ca1e4d2a1f2e8c7ef7a681f2f27
* fix: schema changes for f4cf482a874701ce80c0f306c49d8788cec66f87
* fix: schema update for be6bbabd0e2551fbe9571dcf3ee40ad721764543
* fix: schema changes for 69c96078ea78ee2c45885a90a6f6a59f9042a33c
* fix: schema changes for d1364c313021e48a879a818b24947e1457c062f7
* fix: schema changes for 84ff1152f7552dd866e25a90972d970b9861107e
* fix: schema changes for b860c2605c209e0650ef98f4c80d842ea23a51ce
* fix: schema changes for 23cb67a1126481848fac39aafd1e253441e76d7f
* fix: schema changes for b916e42f400dac8aa51670b15e439f87f0eb8939
* fix: schema change for a9bbb586fcb3a1c61b5fb69052236e78cdf7d743
* fix: schema changes for 4b738c8cd36c936a1dbe2bb900c694bf6c5520ec
* fix: schema changes for 58b5781cea9acb129e6604a82ab5a5bfc0d8394d
* fix: schema changes for 794bf01b21709c4be06584d576d706b3d6342057
* fix: schema changes for 80ea12c1c1963f5b39fb64841e4f3c8da3c87af2, e368feef51e0766f119c9710fb4db8f64724725c, and 52ead114bec961c62fa2eb0786540e229f6e4873
* fix: composer-default object in config?
* fix: schema changes for 9acdc6808c070555352951c651921df181b10993 and 093093420027999df3c67bf0ea6024f6dbf81d2d
* fix: schema changes for c0a52924f1f7ef8caeaacda67363ac269b56042c
* fix: schema change for aba420a3f3b774e949c2539c73f3dc0e1ae79a38, move loggedInUser to optional props
* fix: schema changes for 8c67031609da30d788561459f8bb76e9a69253de
* fix: schema changes for 27e53b42f3ce48fa61d3754375715cd41ffe808d
* fix: schema changes for 28359665187b0a3b9ec6226dca1234ebdbd725a5
* fix: breaking test for email confirmation API call
* fix: schema changes for refactored search page
* fix: schema changes for user object
* fix: schema changes for 9f531f957e08eabb4bae844ddd67bde14d9b59f0
* fix: schema changes for c4042c70decd628e5b880bd109515b47e4e16164 and 23175110a29640e6fa052db1079bfedb34a61055
* fix: schema changes for 9b3616b10392e247974eb0c1e6225a1582bf6c69
* fix: schema changes for 5afd5de07d42fd33f039a6f85ded3b4992200e5a
* fix: schema change for 1d7baf12171cffbd3af8914bef4e6297d1160d49
* fix: schema changes for 57bfb37c55a839662144e684875003ab52315ecc and be6bbabd0e2551fbe9571dcf3ee40ad721764543
* fix: schema changes for 6e86b4afa20d662af8b9f1c07518df2d8c258105 and 3efad2e13b7319eb9a1f4fda7af047be43ebc11f and 68f66223e73a72f378f193c83a9b5546bede2cda
* fix: allowing optional qs prop in pagination keys (not sure why this didn't break before)
* fix: re-login on email change
* fix: schema changes for c926358d734a2fa410de87f4e4a91744215fc14a
* fix: schema changes for 388a8270c9882892bad5c8141f65da8d59eac0fd
* fix: schema change for 2658bcc821c22e137a6eeb9bb74098856a642eaf
* fix: no need to call account middlewares for chats routes
* fix: schema changes for 71743affc3e58dc85d4ffa15ce043d4d9ddd3d67
* fix: final schema changes
* test: support for anyOf and oneOf
* fix: check thumb
* dont scroll to top on back press
* remove group log
* fix: add top margin to merged and deleted alerts
* chore: up widgets
* fix: improve fix-lists mixin
* chore: up harmony/composer
* feat: allow hiding quicksearch results during search
* dont record searches made by composer
* chore: up 54
* chore: up spam be gone
* feat: add prev/next page and page count into mobile paginator
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* use old style for IS
* fix: hide entire toolbar row if no posts or not singlePost
* fix: updated messaging for post-queue template, #11206
* fix: btn-sm on post queue back button
* fix: bump harmony, closes #11206
* fix: remove unused alert module import
* fix: bump harmony
* fix: bump harmony
* chore: up harmony
* refactor: IS scrolltop
* fix: update users:search-user-for-chat source string
* feat: support for mark-read toggle on chats dropdown and recent chats list
* feat: api v3 calls to mark chat read/unread
* feat: send event:chats.mark socket event on mark read or unread
* refactor: allow frontend to mark chats as unread, use new API v3 routes instead of socket calls, better frontend event handling
* docs: openapi schema updates for chat marking
* fix: allow unread state toggling in chats dropdown too
* fix: issue where repeated openings of the chats dropdown would continually add events for mark-read/unread
* fix: debug log
* refactor: move userSearch filter to a module
* feat(routes): allow remounting /categories (#11230)
* feat: send flags count to frontend on flags list page
* refactor: filter form client-side js to extract out some logic
* fix: applyFilters to not take any arguments, update selectedCids in updateButton instead of onHidden
* fix: use userFilter module for assignee, reporterId, targetUid
* fix(openapi): schema changes for updated flags page
* fix: dont allow adding duplicates to userFilter
* use same var
* remove log
* fix: closes #11282
* feat: lang key for x-topics
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up emoji
* chore: up harmony
* fix: update userFilter to allow new option `selectedBlock`
* fix: wrong block name passed to userFilter
* fix: https://github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB/issues/11283
* fix: chats, allow multiple dropdowns like in harmony
* chore: up harmony
* refactor: flag note adding/editing, closes #11285
* fix: remove old prepareEdit logic
* chore: add caveat about hacky code block in userFilter module
* fix: placeholders for userFilter module
* refactor: navigator so it works with multiple thumbs/navigators
* chore: up harmony
* fix: closes #11287, destroy quick reply autocomplete
on navigation
* fix: filter disabled categories on user categories page count
* chore: up harmony
* docs: update openapi spec to include info about passing in timestamps for topic creation, removing timestamp as valid request param for topic replying
* fix: send back null values on ACP search dashboard for startDate and endDate if not expicitly passed in, fix tests
* fix: tweak table order in ACP dash searches
* fix: only invoke navigator click drag on left mouse button
* feat: add back unread indicator to navigator
* clear bookmark on mark unread
* fix: navigator crash on ajaxify
* better thumb top calculation
* fix: reset user bookmark when topic is marked unread
* Revert "fix: reset user bookmark when topic is marked unread"
This reverts commit 9bcd85c2c6848c3d325d32027261809da6e11c9e.
* fix: update unread indicator on scroll, add unread count
* chore: bump harmony
* fix: crash on navigator unread update when backing out of a topic
* fix: closes #11183
* fix: update topics:recent zset when rescheduling a topic
* fix: dupe quote button, increase delay, hide immediately on empty selection
* fix: navigator not showing up on first load
* refactor: remove glance
assorted fixes to navigator
dont reduce remaning count if user scrolls down and up quickly
only call topic.navigatorCallback when index changes
* more sanity checks for bookmark
dont allow setting bookmark higher than topic postcount
* closes #11218, :train:
* Revert "fix: update topics:recent zset when rescheduling a topic"
This reverts commit 737973cca9e94b6cb3867492a09e1e0b1af391d5.
* fix: #11306, show proper error if queued post doesn't exist
was showing no-privileges if someone else accepted the post
* https://github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB/issues/11307
dont use li
* chore: up harmony
* chore: bump version string
* fix: copy paste fail
* feat: closes #7382, tag filtering
add client side support for filtering by tags on /category, /recent and /unread
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* Revert "fix: add back req.query fallback for backwards compatibility" [breaking]
This reverts commit cf6cc2c454dc35c330393c62ee8ce67b42d8eefb.
This commit is no longer required as passing in a CSRF token via query parameter is no longer supported as of NodeBB v3.x
This is a breaking change.
* fix: pass csrf token in form data, re: NodeBB/NodeBB#11309
* chore: up deps
* fix: tests, use x-csrf-token query param removed
* test: fix csrf_token
* lint: remove unused
* feat: add itemprop="image" to avatar helper
* fix: get chat upload button in chat modal
* breaking: remove deprecated socket.io methods
* test: update messaging tests to not use sockets
* fix: parent post links
* fix: prevent post tooltip if mouse leaves before data/tpl is loaded
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* fix: nested replies indices
* fix(deps): bump 2factor
* feat: add loggedIn user to all api routes
* chore: up themes
* refactor: audit admin v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit category v3 write api routes as per #11321 [breaking]
docs: fix open api spec for #11321
* refactor: audit chat v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit files v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit flags v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit posts v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit topics v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit users v3 write api routes as per #11321
* fix: lang string
* remove min height
* fix: empty topic/labels taking up space
* fix: tag filtering when changing filter to watched topics
or changing popular time limit to month
* chore: up harmony
* fix: closes #11354, show no post error if queued post already accepted/rejected
* test: #11354
* test: #11354
* fix(deps): bump 2factor
* fix: #11357 clear cache on thumb remove
* fix: thumb remove on windows, closes #11357
* test: openapi for thumbs
* test: fix openapi
Co-authored-by: Julian Lam <julian@nodebb.org>
Co-authored-by: Opliko <opliko.reg@protonmail.com>
2 years ago
it('should error if out of invitations', async () => {
meta.config.maximumInvites = 1;
const { res } = await helpers.invite({ emails: 'invite6@test.com', groupsToJoin: [] }, inviterUid, jar, csrf_token);
assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 403);
assert.strictEqual(res.body.status.message, `You have invited the maximum amount of people (${5} out of ${1}).`);
meta.config.maximumInvites = 10;
it('should send invitation email after maximumInvites increased', async () => {
const { res } = await helpers.invite({ emails: 'invite6@test.com', groupsToJoin: [] }, inviterUid, jar, csrf_token);
assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 200);
it('should error if invite is sent via API with a different UID', async () => {
const { res } = await helpers.invite({ emails: 'inviter@nodebb.org', groupsToJoin: [] }, adminUid, jar, csrf_token);
const numInvites = await User.getInvitesNumber(adminUid);
assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 403);
assert.strictEqual(res.body.status.message, 'You do not have enough privileges for this action.');
assert.strictEqual(numInvites, 0);
it('should succeed if email exists but not actually send an invite', async () => {
const { res } = await helpers.invite({ emails: 'inviter@nodebb.org', groupsToJoin: [] }, inviterUid, jar, csrf_token);
const numInvites = await User.getInvitesNumber(adminUid);
assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 200);
assert.strictEqual(numInvites, 0);
describe('when inviter is an admin', () => {
let csrf_token;
let jar;
before(async () => {
({ jar, csrf_token } = await helpers.loginUser('adminInvite', COMMON_PW));
it('should escape email', async () => {
await helpers.invite({ emails: '<script>alert("ok");</script>', groupsToJoin: [] }, adminUid, jar, csrf_token);
const data = await User.getInvites(adminUid);
assert.strictEqual(data[0], '<script>alert("ok");</script>');
await User.deleteInvitationKey('<script>alert("ok");</script>');
it('should invite to the administrators group if inviter is an admin', async () => {
const { res } = await helpers.invite({ emails: 'invite99@test.com', groupsToJoin: ['administrators'] }, adminUid, jar, csrf_token);
assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 200);
describe('after invites checks', () => {
it('should get user\'s invites', (done) => {
User.getInvites(inviterUid, (err, data) => {
Array.from(Array(6)).forEach((_, i) => {
assert.notEqual(data.indexOf(`invite${i + 1}@test.com`), -1);
it('should get all invites', (done) => {
User.getAllInvites((err, data) => {
const adminData = data.filter(d => parseInt(d.uid, 10) === adminUid)[0];
assert.notEqual(adminData.invitations.indexOf('invite99@test.com'), -1);
const inviterData = data.filter(d => parseInt(d.uid, 10) === inviterUid)[0];
Array.from(Array(6)).forEach((_, i) => {
assert.notEqual(inviterData.invitations.indexOf(`invite${i + 1}@test.com`), -1);
it('should fail to verify invitation with invalid data', (done) => {
User.verifyInvitation({ token: '', email: '' }, (err) => {
assert.strictEqual(err.message, '[[register:invite.error-invite-only]]');
it('should fail to verify invitation with invalid email', (done) => {
User.verifyInvitation({ token: 'test', email: 'doesnotexist@test.com' }, (err) => {
assert.strictEqual(err.message, '[[register:invite.error-invalid-data]]');
it('should verify installation with no errors', (done) => {
const email = 'invite1@test.com';
db.get(`invitation:uid:${inviterUid}:invited:${email}`, 'token', (err, token) => {
User.verifyInvitation({ token: token, email: 'invite1@test.com' }, (err) => {
it('should error with invalid username', (done) => {
User.deleteInvitation('doesnotexist', 'test@test.com', (err) => {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:invalid-username]]');
it('should delete invitation', (done) => {
const socketUser = require('../src/socket.io/user');
socketUser.deleteInvitation({ uid: adminUid }, { invitedBy: 'inviter', email: 'invite1@test.com' }, (err) => {
db.isSetMember(`invitation:uid:${inviterUid}`, 'invite1@test.com', (err, isMember) => {
assert.equal(isMember, false);
it('should delete invitation key', (done) => {
User.deleteInvitationKey('invite99@test.com', (err) => {
db.isSetMember(`invitation:uid:${adminUid}`, 'invite99@test.com', (err, isMember) => {
assert.equal(isMember, false);
db.isSetMember('invitation:uids', adminUid, (err, isMember) => {
assert.equal(isMember, false);
it('should joined the groups from invitation after registration', async () => {
const email = 'invite5@test.com';
const token = await db.get(`invitation:uid:${inviterUid}:invited:${email}`);
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
username: 'invite5',
password: '123456',
'password-confirm': '123456',
email: email,
gdpr_consent: true,
token: token,
}, async (err, jar, response, body) => {
if (err) {
const memberships = await groups.isMemberOfGroups(body.uid, groupsToJoin);
const joinedToAll = memberships.filter(Boolean);
if (joinedToAll.length !== groupsToJoin.length) {
reject(new Error('Not joined to the groups'));
describe('invite groups', () => {
let csrf_token;
let jar;
before(async () => {
({ jar, csrf_token } = await helpers.loginUser('inviter', COMMON_PW));
it('should show a list of groups for adding to an invite', async () => {
const body = await requestAsync({
url: `${nconf.get('url')}/api/v3/users/${inviterUid}/invites/groups`,
json: true,
assert.strictEqual(2, body.response.length);
assert.deepStrictEqual(body.response, ['ownPrivateGroup', 'publicGroup']);
it('should error out if you request invite groups for another uid', async () => {
const res = await requestAsync({
url: `${nconf.get('url')}/api/v3/users/${adminUid}/invites/groups`,
json: true,
simple: false,
resolveWithFullResponse: true,
Bootstrap5 (#10894)
* chore: up deps
* chore: up composer
* fix(deps): bump 2factor to v7
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* fix: missing await
* feat: allow middlewares to pass in template values via res.locals
* feat: buildAccountData middleware automatically added ot all account routes
* fix: properly allow values in res.locals.templateValues to be added to the template data
* refactor: user/blocks
* refactor(accounts): categories and consent
* feat: automatically 404 if exposeUid or exposeGroupName come up empty
* refactor: remove calls to getUserDataByUserSlug for most account routes, since it is populated via middleware now
* fix: allow exposeUid and exposeGroupName to work with slugs with mixed capitalization
* fix: move reputation removal check to accountHelpers method
* test: skip i18n tests if ref branch when present is not develop
* fix(deps): bump theme versions
* fix(deps): bump ntfy and 2factor
* chore: up harmony
* fix: add missing return
* fix: #11191, only focus on search input on md environments and up
* feat: allow file uploads on mobile chat
closes https://github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB/issues/11217
* chore: up themes
* chore: add lang string
* fix(deps): bump ntfy to 1.0.15
* refactor: use new if/each syntax
* chore: up composer
* fix: regression from user helper refactor
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up composer
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: fix composer version
* feat: add increment helper
* chore: up harmony
* fix: #11228 no timestamps in future :hourglass:
* chore: up harmony
* check config.theme as well
fire action:posts.loaded after processing dom
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up themes
* chore: up harmony
* remove extra class
* refactor: move these to core from harmony
* chore: up widgets
* chore: up widgets
* height auto
* fix: closes #11238
* dont focus inputs, annoying on mobile
* fix: dont focus twice, only focus on chat input on desktop
dont wrap widget footer in row
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* update chat window
* chore: up themes
* fix cache buster for skins
* chat fixes
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up composer
* refactor: change hook logs to debug
* fix: scroll to post right after adding to dom
* fix: hash scrolling and highlighting correct post
* test: re-enable read API schema tests
* fix: add back schema changes for 179faa2270f2ad955dcc4a7b04755acce59e6ffd and c3920ccb10d8ead2dcd9914bb1784bed3f6adfd4
* fix: schema changes from 488f0978a4aa1ca1e4d2a1f2e8c7ef7a681f2f27
* fix: schema changes for f4cf482a874701ce80c0f306c49d8788cec66f87
* fix: schema update for be6bbabd0e2551fbe9571dcf3ee40ad721764543
* fix: schema changes for 69c96078ea78ee2c45885a90a6f6a59f9042a33c
* fix: schema changes for d1364c313021e48a879a818b24947e1457c062f7
* fix: schema changes for 84ff1152f7552dd866e25a90972d970b9861107e
* fix: schema changes for b860c2605c209e0650ef98f4c80d842ea23a51ce
* fix: schema changes for 23cb67a1126481848fac39aafd1e253441e76d7f
* fix: schema changes for b916e42f400dac8aa51670b15e439f87f0eb8939
* fix: schema change for a9bbb586fcb3a1c61b5fb69052236e78cdf7d743
* fix: schema changes for 4b738c8cd36c936a1dbe2bb900c694bf6c5520ec
* fix: schema changes for 58b5781cea9acb129e6604a82ab5a5bfc0d8394d
* fix: schema changes for 794bf01b21709c4be06584d576d706b3d6342057
* fix: schema changes for 80ea12c1c1963f5b39fb64841e4f3c8da3c87af2, e368feef51e0766f119c9710fb4db8f64724725c, and 52ead114bec961c62fa2eb0786540e229f6e4873
* fix: composer-default object in config?
* fix: schema changes for 9acdc6808c070555352951c651921df181b10993 and 093093420027999df3c67bf0ea6024f6dbf81d2d
* fix: schema changes for c0a52924f1f7ef8caeaacda67363ac269b56042c
* fix: schema change for aba420a3f3b774e949c2539c73f3dc0e1ae79a38, move loggedInUser to optional props
* fix: schema changes for 8c67031609da30d788561459f8bb76e9a69253de
* fix: schema changes for 27e53b42f3ce48fa61d3754375715cd41ffe808d
* fix: schema changes for 28359665187b0a3b9ec6226dca1234ebdbd725a5
* fix: breaking test for email confirmation API call
* fix: schema changes for refactored search page
* fix: schema changes for user object
* fix: schema changes for 9f531f957e08eabb4bae844ddd67bde14d9b59f0
* fix: schema changes for c4042c70decd628e5b880bd109515b47e4e16164 and 23175110a29640e6fa052db1079bfedb34a61055
* fix: schema changes for 9b3616b10392e247974eb0c1e6225a1582bf6c69
* fix: schema changes for 5afd5de07d42fd33f039a6f85ded3b4992200e5a
* fix: schema change for 1d7baf12171cffbd3af8914bef4e6297d1160d49
* fix: schema changes for 57bfb37c55a839662144e684875003ab52315ecc and be6bbabd0e2551fbe9571dcf3ee40ad721764543
* fix: schema changes for 6e86b4afa20d662af8b9f1c07518df2d8c258105 and 3efad2e13b7319eb9a1f4fda7af047be43ebc11f and 68f66223e73a72f378f193c83a9b5546bede2cda
* fix: allowing optional qs prop in pagination keys (not sure why this didn't break before)
* fix: re-login on email change
* fix: schema changes for c926358d734a2fa410de87f4e4a91744215fc14a
* fix: schema changes for 388a8270c9882892bad5c8141f65da8d59eac0fd
* fix: schema change for 2658bcc821c22e137a6eeb9bb74098856a642eaf
* fix: no need to call account middlewares for chats routes
* fix: schema changes for 71743affc3e58dc85d4ffa15ce043d4d9ddd3d67
* fix: final schema changes
* test: support for anyOf and oneOf
* fix: check thumb
* dont scroll to top on back press
* remove group log
* fix: add top margin to merged and deleted alerts
* chore: up widgets
* fix: improve fix-lists mixin
* chore: up harmony/composer
* feat: allow hiding quicksearch results during search
* dont record searches made by composer
* chore: up 54
* chore: up spam be gone
* feat: add prev/next page and page count into mobile paginator
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* use old style for IS
* fix: hide entire toolbar row if no posts or not singlePost
* fix: updated messaging for post-queue template, #11206
* fix: btn-sm on post queue back button
* fix: bump harmony, closes #11206
* fix: remove unused alert module import
* fix: bump harmony
* fix: bump harmony
* chore: up harmony
* refactor: IS scrolltop
* fix: update users:search-user-for-chat source string
* feat: support for mark-read toggle on chats dropdown and recent chats list
* feat: api v3 calls to mark chat read/unread
* feat: send event:chats.mark socket event on mark read or unread
* refactor: allow frontend to mark chats as unread, use new API v3 routes instead of socket calls, better frontend event handling
* docs: openapi schema updates for chat marking
* fix: allow unread state toggling in chats dropdown too
* fix: issue where repeated openings of the chats dropdown would continually add events for mark-read/unread
* fix: debug log
* refactor: move userSearch filter to a module
* feat(routes): allow remounting /categories (#11230)
* feat: send flags count to frontend on flags list page
* refactor: filter form client-side js to extract out some logic
* fix: applyFilters to not take any arguments, update selectedCids in updateButton instead of onHidden
* fix: use userFilter module for assignee, reporterId, targetUid
* fix(openapi): schema changes for updated flags page
* fix: dont allow adding duplicates to userFilter
* use same var
* remove log
* fix: closes #11282
* feat: lang key for x-topics
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up emoji
* chore: up harmony
* fix: update userFilter to allow new option `selectedBlock`
* fix: wrong block name passed to userFilter
* fix: https://github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB/issues/11283
* fix: chats, allow multiple dropdowns like in harmony
* chore: up harmony
* refactor: flag note adding/editing, closes #11285
* fix: remove old prepareEdit logic
* chore: add caveat about hacky code block in userFilter module
* fix: placeholders for userFilter module
* refactor: navigator so it works with multiple thumbs/navigators
* chore: up harmony
* fix: closes #11287, destroy quick reply autocomplete
on navigation
* fix: filter disabled categories on user categories page count
* chore: up harmony
* docs: update openapi spec to include info about passing in timestamps for topic creation, removing timestamp as valid request param for topic replying
* fix: send back null values on ACP search dashboard for startDate and endDate if not expicitly passed in, fix tests
* fix: tweak table order in ACP dash searches
* fix: only invoke navigator click drag on left mouse button
* feat: add back unread indicator to navigator
* clear bookmark on mark unread
* fix: navigator crash on ajaxify
* better thumb top calculation
* fix: reset user bookmark when topic is marked unread
* Revert "fix: reset user bookmark when topic is marked unread"
This reverts commit 9bcd85c2c6848c3d325d32027261809da6e11c9e.
* fix: update unread indicator on scroll, add unread count
* chore: bump harmony
* fix: crash on navigator unread update when backing out of a topic
* fix: closes #11183
* fix: update topics:recent zset when rescheduling a topic
* fix: dupe quote button, increase delay, hide immediately on empty selection
* fix: navigator not showing up on first load
* refactor: remove glance
assorted fixes to navigator
dont reduce remaning count if user scrolls down and up quickly
only call topic.navigatorCallback when index changes
* more sanity checks for bookmark
dont allow setting bookmark higher than topic postcount
* closes #11218, :train:
* Revert "fix: update topics:recent zset when rescheduling a topic"
This reverts commit 737973cca9e94b6cb3867492a09e1e0b1af391d5.
* fix: #11306, show proper error if queued post doesn't exist
was showing no-privileges if someone else accepted the post
* https://github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB/issues/11307
dont use li
* chore: up harmony
* chore: bump version string
* fix: copy paste fail
* feat: closes #7382, tag filtering
add client side support for filtering by tags on /category, /recent and /unread
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* Revert "fix: add back req.query fallback for backwards compatibility" [breaking]
This reverts commit cf6cc2c454dc35c330393c62ee8ce67b42d8eefb.
This commit is no longer required as passing in a CSRF token via query parameter is no longer supported as of NodeBB v3.x
This is a breaking change.
* fix: pass csrf token in form data, re: NodeBB/NodeBB#11309
* chore: up deps
* fix: tests, use x-csrf-token query param removed
* test: fix csrf_token
* lint: remove unused
* feat: add itemprop="image" to avatar helper
* fix: get chat upload button in chat modal
* breaking: remove deprecated socket.io methods
* test: update messaging tests to not use sockets
* fix: parent post links
* fix: prevent post tooltip if mouse leaves before data/tpl is loaded
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* fix: nested replies indices
* fix(deps): bump 2factor
* feat: add loggedIn user to all api routes
* chore: up themes
* refactor: audit admin v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit category v3 write api routes as per #11321 [breaking]
docs: fix open api spec for #11321
* refactor: audit chat v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit files v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit flags v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit posts v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit topics v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit users v3 write api routes as per #11321
* fix: lang string
* remove min height
* fix: empty topic/labels taking up space
* fix: tag filtering when changing filter to watched topics
or changing popular time limit to month
* chore: up harmony
* fix: closes #11354, show no post error if queued post already accepted/rejected
* test: #11354
* test: #11354
* fix(deps): bump 2factor
* fix: #11357 clear cache on thumb remove
* fix: thumb remove on windows, closes #11357
* test: openapi for thumbs
* test: fix openapi
Co-authored-by: Julian Lam <julian@nodebb.org>
Co-authored-by: Opliko <opliko.reg@protonmail.com>
2 years ago
assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 403);
describe('email confirm', () => {
it('should error with invalid code', (done) => {
User.email.confirmByCode('asdasda', (err) => {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:invalid-data]]');
it('should confirm email of user', async () => {
const email = 'confirm@me.com';
const uid = await User.create({
username: 'confirme',
email: email,
const code = await User.email.sendValidationEmail(uid, { email, force: 1 });
const unverified = await groups.isMember(uid, 'unverified-users');
assert.strictEqual(unverified, true);
await User.email.confirmByCode(code);
const [confirmed, isVerified] = await Promise.all([
db.getObjectField(`user:${uid}`, 'email:confirmed'),
groups.isMember(uid, 'verified-users', uid),
assert.strictEqual(parseInt(confirmed, 10), 1);
assert.strictEqual(isVerified, true);
it('should confirm email of user by uid', async () => {
const email = 'confirm2@me.com';
const uid = await User.create({
username: 'confirme2',
await User.setUserField(uid, 'email', email);
const unverified = await groups.isMember(uid, 'unverified-users');
assert.strictEqual(unverified, true);
await User.email.confirmByUid(uid);
const [confirmed, isVerified] = await Promise.all([
db.getObjectField(`user:${uid}`, 'email:confirmed'),
groups.isMember(uid, 'verified-users', uid),
assert.strictEqual(parseInt(confirmed, 10), 1);
assert.strictEqual(isVerified, true);
it('should remove the email from a different account if the email is already in use', async () => {
const email = 'confirm2@me.com';
const uid = await User.create({
username: 'confirme3',
const oldUid = await db.sortedSetScore('email:uid', email);
const code = await User.email.sendValidationEmail(uid, email);
await User.email.confirmByCode(code);
const oldUserData = await User.getUserData(oldUid);
assert.strictEqual((await db.sortedSetScore('email:uid', email)), uid);
assert.strictEqual(oldUserData.email, '');
describe('user jobs', () => {
it('should start user jobs', (done) => {
it('should stop user jobs', (done) => {
it('should send digest', (done) => {
db.sortedSetAdd('digest:day:uids', [Date.now(), Date.now()], [1, 2], (err) => {
User.digest.execute({ interval: 'day' }, (err) => {
describe('hideEmail/hideFullname', () => {
const COMMON_PW = '123456';
const hidingUser = {
username: 'hiddenemail',
email: 'should@be.hidden',
fullname: 'baris soner usakli',
password: COMMON_PW,
const regularUser = {
username: 'regularUser',
email: 'regular@example.com',
fullname: 'regular user',
password: COMMON_PW,
let hidingUserJar;
let adminUid;
let adminJar;
let globalModJar;
let regularUserJar;
before(async () => {
adminUid = await User.create({
username: 'adminhideemail',
password: COMMON_PW,
await groups.join('administrators', adminUid);
({ jar: adminJar } = await helpers.loginUser('adminhideemail', COMMON_PW));
// Edge case: In a grepped test, this user should not be created as the first user to have its email not confirmed
hidingUser.uid = await User.create(hidingUser);
({ jar: hidingUserJar } = await helpers.loginUser(hidingUser.username, COMMON_PW));
const globalModUid = await User.create({
username: 'globalmodhideemail',
password: COMMON_PW,
await groups.join('Global Moderators', globalModUid);
({ jar: globalModJar } = await helpers.loginUser('globalmodhideemail', COMMON_PW));
regularUser.uid = await User.create(regularUser);
({ jar: regularUserJar } = await helpers.loginUser(regularUser.username, COMMON_PW));
after((done) => {
meta.config.hideEmail = 0;
meta.config.hideFullname = 0;
async function assertPrivacy({ expectVisible, jar, v3Api, emailOnly }) {
const path = v3Api ? `v3/users/${hidingUser.uid}` : `user/${hidingUser.username}`;
const response = await requestAsync(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/${path}`, { json: true, jar });
const { response: userData } = v3Api ? response : { response };
assert.strictEqual(userData.email, expectVisible ? hidingUser.email : '');
if (!emailOnly) {
assert.strictEqual(userData.fullname, expectVisible ? hidingUser.fullname : '');
it('should hide unconfirmed emails on profile pages', async () => {
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: false, emailOnly: true });
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: false, jar: hidingUserJar, emailOnly: true });
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: false, jar: adminJar, emailOnly: true });
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: false, jar: globalModJar, emailOnly: true });
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: false, jar: regularUserJar, emailOnly: true });
// Let's confirm for afterwards
Bootstrap5 (#10894)
* chore: up deps
* chore: up composer
* fix(deps): bump 2factor to v7
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* fix: missing await
* feat: allow middlewares to pass in template values via res.locals
* feat: buildAccountData middleware automatically added ot all account routes
* fix: properly allow values in res.locals.templateValues to be added to the template data
* refactor: user/blocks
* refactor(accounts): categories and consent
* feat: automatically 404 if exposeUid or exposeGroupName come up empty
* refactor: remove calls to getUserDataByUserSlug for most account routes, since it is populated via middleware now
* fix: allow exposeUid and exposeGroupName to work with slugs with mixed capitalization
* fix: move reputation removal check to accountHelpers method
* test: skip i18n tests if ref branch when present is not develop
* fix(deps): bump theme versions
* fix(deps): bump ntfy and 2factor
* chore: up harmony
* fix: add missing return
* fix: #11191, only focus on search input on md environments and up
* feat: allow file uploads on mobile chat
closes https://github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB/issues/11217
* chore: up themes
* chore: add lang string
* fix(deps): bump ntfy to 1.0.15
* refactor: use new if/each syntax
* chore: up composer
* fix: regression from user helper refactor
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up composer
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: fix composer version
* feat: add increment helper
* chore: up harmony
* fix: #11228 no timestamps in future :hourglass:
* chore: up harmony
* check config.theme as well
fire action:posts.loaded after processing dom
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up themes
* chore: up harmony
* remove extra class
* refactor: move these to core from harmony
* chore: up widgets
* chore: up widgets
* height auto
* fix: closes #11238
* dont focus inputs, annoying on mobile
* fix: dont focus twice, only focus on chat input on desktop
dont wrap widget footer in row
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* update chat window
* chore: up themes
* fix cache buster for skins
* chat fixes
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up composer
* refactor: change hook logs to debug
* fix: scroll to post right after adding to dom
* fix: hash scrolling and highlighting correct post
* test: re-enable read API schema tests
* fix: add back schema changes for 179faa2270f2ad955dcc4a7b04755acce59e6ffd and c3920ccb10d8ead2dcd9914bb1784bed3f6adfd4
* fix: schema changes from 488f0978a4aa1ca1e4d2a1f2e8c7ef7a681f2f27
* fix: schema changes for f4cf482a874701ce80c0f306c49d8788cec66f87
* fix: schema update for be6bbabd0e2551fbe9571dcf3ee40ad721764543
* fix: schema changes for 69c96078ea78ee2c45885a90a6f6a59f9042a33c
* fix: schema changes for d1364c313021e48a879a818b24947e1457c062f7
* fix: schema changes for 84ff1152f7552dd866e25a90972d970b9861107e
* fix: schema changes for b860c2605c209e0650ef98f4c80d842ea23a51ce
* fix: schema changes for 23cb67a1126481848fac39aafd1e253441e76d7f
* fix: schema changes for b916e42f400dac8aa51670b15e439f87f0eb8939
* fix: schema change for a9bbb586fcb3a1c61b5fb69052236e78cdf7d743
* fix: schema changes for 4b738c8cd36c936a1dbe2bb900c694bf6c5520ec
* fix: schema changes for 58b5781cea9acb129e6604a82ab5a5bfc0d8394d
* fix: schema changes for 794bf01b21709c4be06584d576d706b3d6342057
* fix: schema changes for 80ea12c1c1963f5b39fb64841e4f3c8da3c87af2, e368feef51e0766f119c9710fb4db8f64724725c, and 52ead114bec961c62fa2eb0786540e229f6e4873
* fix: composer-default object in config?
* fix: schema changes for 9acdc6808c070555352951c651921df181b10993 and 093093420027999df3c67bf0ea6024f6dbf81d2d
* fix: schema changes for c0a52924f1f7ef8caeaacda67363ac269b56042c
* fix: schema change for aba420a3f3b774e949c2539c73f3dc0e1ae79a38, move loggedInUser to optional props
* fix: schema changes for 8c67031609da30d788561459f8bb76e9a69253de
* fix: schema changes for 27e53b42f3ce48fa61d3754375715cd41ffe808d
* fix: schema changes for 28359665187b0a3b9ec6226dca1234ebdbd725a5
* fix: breaking test for email confirmation API call
* fix: schema changes for refactored search page
* fix: schema changes for user object
* fix: schema changes for 9f531f957e08eabb4bae844ddd67bde14d9b59f0
* fix: schema changes for c4042c70decd628e5b880bd109515b47e4e16164 and 23175110a29640e6fa052db1079bfedb34a61055
* fix: schema changes for 9b3616b10392e247974eb0c1e6225a1582bf6c69
* fix: schema changes for 5afd5de07d42fd33f039a6f85ded3b4992200e5a
* fix: schema change for 1d7baf12171cffbd3af8914bef4e6297d1160d49
* fix: schema changes for 57bfb37c55a839662144e684875003ab52315ecc and be6bbabd0e2551fbe9571dcf3ee40ad721764543
* fix: schema changes for 6e86b4afa20d662af8b9f1c07518df2d8c258105 and 3efad2e13b7319eb9a1f4fda7af047be43ebc11f and 68f66223e73a72f378f193c83a9b5546bede2cda
* fix: allowing optional qs prop in pagination keys (not sure why this didn't break before)
* fix: re-login on email change
* fix: schema changes for c926358d734a2fa410de87f4e4a91744215fc14a
* fix: schema changes for 388a8270c9882892bad5c8141f65da8d59eac0fd
* fix: schema change for 2658bcc821c22e137a6eeb9bb74098856a642eaf
* fix: no need to call account middlewares for chats routes
* fix: schema changes for 71743affc3e58dc85d4ffa15ce043d4d9ddd3d67
* fix: final schema changes
* test: support for anyOf and oneOf
* fix: check thumb
* dont scroll to top on back press
* remove group log
* fix: add top margin to merged and deleted alerts
* chore: up widgets
* fix: improve fix-lists mixin
* chore: up harmony/composer
* feat: allow hiding quicksearch results during search
* dont record searches made by composer
* chore: up 54
* chore: up spam be gone
* feat: add prev/next page and page count into mobile paginator
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* use old style for IS
* fix: hide entire toolbar row if no posts or not singlePost
* fix: updated messaging for post-queue template, #11206
* fix: btn-sm on post queue back button
* fix: bump harmony, closes #11206
* fix: remove unused alert module import
* fix: bump harmony
* fix: bump harmony
* chore: up harmony
* refactor: IS scrolltop
* fix: update users:search-user-for-chat source string
* feat: support for mark-read toggle on chats dropdown and recent chats list
* feat: api v3 calls to mark chat read/unread
* feat: send event:chats.mark socket event on mark read or unread
* refactor: allow frontend to mark chats as unread, use new API v3 routes instead of socket calls, better frontend event handling
* docs: openapi schema updates for chat marking
* fix: allow unread state toggling in chats dropdown too
* fix: issue where repeated openings of the chats dropdown would continually add events for mark-read/unread
* fix: debug log
* refactor: move userSearch filter to a module
* feat(routes): allow remounting /categories (#11230)
* feat: send flags count to frontend on flags list page
* refactor: filter form client-side js to extract out some logic
* fix: applyFilters to not take any arguments, update selectedCids in updateButton instead of onHidden
* fix: use userFilter module for assignee, reporterId, targetUid
* fix(openapi): schema changes for updated flags page
* fix: dont allow adding duplicates to userFilter
* use same var
* remove log
* fix: closes #11282
* feat: lang key for x-topics
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up emoji
* chore: up harmony
* fix: update userFilter to allow new option `selectedBlock`
* fix: wrong block name passed to userFilter
* fix: https://github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB/issues/11283
* fix: chats, allow multiple dropdowns like in harmony
* chore: up harmony
* refactor: flag note adding/editing, closes #11285
* fix: remove old prepareEdit logic
* chore: add caveat about hacky code block in userFilter module
* fix: placeholders for userFilter module
* refactor: navigator so it works with multiple thumbs/navigators
* chore: up harmony
* fix: closes #11287, destroy quick reply autocomplete
on navigation
* fix: filter disabled categories on user categories page count
* chore: up harmony
* docs: update openapi spec to include info about passing in timestamps for topic creation, removing timestamp as valid request param for topic replying
* fix: send back null values on ACP search dashboard for startDate and endDate if not expicitly passed in, fix tests
* fix: tweak table order in ACP dash searches
* fix: only invoke navigator click drag on left mouse button
* feat: add back unread indicator to navigator
* clear bookmark on mark unread
* fix: navigator crash on ajaxify
* better thumb top calculation
* fix: reset user bookmark when topic is marked unread
* Revert "fix: reset user bookmark when topic is marked unread"
This reverts commit 9bcd85c2c6848c3d325d32027261809da6e11c9e.
* fix: update unread indicator on scroll, add unread count
* chore: bump harmony
* fix: crash on navigator unread update when backing out of a topic
* fix: closes #11183
* fix: update topics:recent zset when rescheduling a topic
* fix: dupe quote button, increase delay, hide immediately on empty selection
* fix: navigator not showing up on first load
* refactor: remove glance
assorted fixes to navigator
dont reduce remaning count if user scrolls down and up quickly
only call topic.navigatorCallback when index changes
* more sanity checks for bookmark
dont allow setting bookmark higher than topic postcount
* closes #11218, :train:
* Revert "fix: update topics:recent zset when rescheduling a topic"
This reverts commit 737973cca9e94b6cb3867492a09e1e0b1af391d5.
* fix: #11306, show proper error if queued post doesn't exist
was showing no-privileges if someone else accepted the post
* https://github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB/issues/11307
dont use li
* chore: up harmony
* chore: bump version string
* fix: copy paste fail
* feat: closes #7382, tag filtering
add client side support for filtering by tags on /category, /recent and /unread
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* Revert "fix: add back req.query fallback for backwards compatibility" [breaking]
This reverts commit cf6cc2c454dc35c330393c62ee8ce67b42d8eefb.
This commit is no longer required as passing in a CSRF token via query parameter is no longer supported as of NodeBB v3.x
This is a breaking change.
* fix: pass csrf token in form data, re: NodeBB/NodeBB#11309
* chore: up deps
* fix: tests, use x-csrf-token query param removed
* test: fix csrf_token
* lint: remove unused
* feat: add itemprop="image" to avatar helper
* fix: get chat upload button in chat modal
* breaking: remove deprecated socket.io methods
* test: update messaging tests to not use sockets
* fix: parent post links
* fix: prevent post tooltip if mouse leaves before data/tpl is loaded
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* chore: up harmony
* fix: nested replies indices
* fix(deps): bump 2factor
* feat: add loggedIn user to all api routes
* chore: up themes
* refactor: audit admin v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit category v3 write api routes as per #11321 [breaking]
docs: fix open api spec for #11321
* refactor: audit chat v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit files v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit flags v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit posts v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit topics v3 write api routes as per #11321
* refactor: audit users v3 write api routes as per #11321
* fix: lang string
* remove min height
* fix: empty topic/labels taking up space
* fix: tag filtering when changing filter to watched topics
or changing popular time limit to month
* chore: up harmony
* fix: closes #11354, show no post error if queued post already accepted/rejected
* test: #11354
* test: #11354
* fix(deps): bump 2factor
* fix: #11357 clear cache on thumb remove
* fix: thumb remove on windows, closes #11357
* test: openapi for thumbs
* test: fix openapi
Co-authored-by: Julian Lam <julian@nodebb.org>
Co-authored-by: Opliko <opliko.reg@protonmail.com>
2 years ago
await User.setUserField(hidingUser.uid, 'email', 'should@be.hidden');
await User.email.confirmByUid(hidingUser.uid);
it('should hide from guests by default', async () => {
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: false });
it('should hide from unprivileged users by default', async () => {
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: false, jar: regularUserJar });
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: true, jar: regularUserJar });
it('should be visible to self by default', async () => {
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: false, jar: hidingUserJar, expectVisible: true });
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: true, jar: hidingUserJar, expectVisible: true });
it('should be visible to privileged users by default', async () => {
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: false, jar: adminJar, expectVisible: true });
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: true, jar: adminJar, expectVisible: true });
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: false, jar: globalModJar, expectVisible: true });
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: true, jar: globalModJar, expectVisible: true });
it('should hide from guests (system-wide: hide, by-user: hide)', async () => {
meta.config.hideEmail = 1;
meta.config.hideFullname = 1;
// Explicitly set user's privacy settings to hide its email and fullname
const data = { uid: hidingUser.uid, settings: { showemail: 0, showfullname: 0 } };
await apiUser.updateSettings({ uid: hidingUser.uid }, data);
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: false });
it('should hide from unprivileged users (system-wide: hide, by-user: hide)', async () => {
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: false, jar: regularUserJar });
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: true, jar: regularUserJar });
it('should be visible to self (system-wide: hide, by-user: hide)', async () => {
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: false, jar: hidingUserJar, expectVisible: true });
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: true, jar: hidingUserJar, expectVisible: true });
it('should be visible to privileged users (system-wide: hide, by-user: hide)', async () => {
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: false, jar: adminJar, expectVisible: true });
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: true, jar: adminJar, expectVisible: true });
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: false, jar: globalModJar, expectVisible: true });
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: true, jar: globalModJar, expectVisible: true });
it('should hide from guests (system-wide: show, by-user: hide)', async () => {
meta.config.hideEmail = 0;
meta.config.hideFullname = 0;
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: false });
it('should hide from unprivileged users (system-wide: show, by-user: hide)', async () => {
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: false, jar: regularUserJar });
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: true, jar: regularUserJar });
it('should be visible to self (system-wide: show, by-user: hide)', async () => {
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: false, jar: hidingUserJar, expectVisible: true });
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: true, jar: hidingUserJar, expectVisible: true });
it('should be visible to privileged users (system-wide: show, by-user: hide)', async () => {
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: false, jar: adminJar, expectVisible: true });
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: true, jar: adminJar, expectVisible: true });
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: false, jar: globalModJar, expectVisible: true });
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: true, jar: globalModJar, expectVisible: true });
it('should be visible to guests (system-wide: show, by-user: show)', async () => {
meta.config.hideEmail = 0;
meta.config.hideFullname = 0;
// Set user's individual privacy settings to show its email and fullname
const data = { uid: hidingUser.uid, settings: { showemail: 1, showfullname: 1 } };
await apiUser.updateSettings({ uid: hidingUser.uid }, data);
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: false, expectVisible: true });
it('should be visible to unprivileged users (system-wide: show, by-user: show)', async () => {
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: false, jar: regularUserJar, expectVisible: true });
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: true, jar: regularUserJar, expectVisible: true });
// System-wide "hide" prioritized over individual users' settings
it('should hide from guests (system-wide: hide, by-user: show)', async () => {
meta.config.hideEmail = 1;
meta.config.hideFullname = 1;
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: false });
it('should hide from unprivileged users (system-wide: hide, by-user: show)', async () => {
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: false, jar: regularUserJar });
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: true, jar: regularUserJar });
it('should be visible to self (system-wide: hide, by-user: show)', async () => {
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: false, jar: hidingUserJar, expectVisible: true });
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: true, jar: hidingUserJar, expectVisible: true });
it('should be visible to privileged users (system-wide: hide, by-user: show)', async () => {
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: false, jar: adminJar, expectVisible: true });
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: true, jar: adminJar, expectVisible: true });
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: false, jar: globalModJar, expectVisible: true });
await assertPrivacy({ v3Api: true, jar: globalModJar, expectVisible: true });
it('should handle array of user data (system-wide: hide)', async () => {
const userData = await User.hidePrivateData([hidingUser, regularUser], hidingUser.uid);
assert.strictEqual(userData[0].fullname, hidingUser.fullname);
assert.strictEqual(userData[0].email, hidingUser.email);
assert.strictEqual(userData[1].fullname, '');
assert.strictEqual(userData[1].email, '');
it('should hide fullname in topic list and topic', (done) => {
uid: hidingUser.uid,
title: 'Topic hidden',
content: 'lorem ipsum',
cid: testCid,
}, (err) => {
request(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/recent`, { json: true }, (err, res, body) => {
request(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/topic/${body.topics[0].slug}`, { json: true }, (err, res, body) => {
describe('user blocking methods', (done) => {
let blockeeUid;
before((done) => {
username: 'blockee',
email: 'blockee@example.org',
fullname: 'Block me',
}, (err, uid) => {
blockeeUid = uid;
describe('.toggle()', () => {
it('should toggle block', (done) => {
socketUser.toggleBlock({ uid: 1 }, { blockerUid: 1, blockeeUid: blockeeUid }, (err) => {
User.blocks.is(blockeeUid, 1, (err, blocked) => {
it('should toggle block', (done) => {
socketUser.toggleBlock({ uid: 1 }, { blockerUid: 1, blockeeUid: blockeeUid }, (err) => {
User.blocks.is(blockeeUid, 1, (err, blocked) => {
describe('.add()', () => {
it('should block a uid', (done) => {
User.blocks.add(blockeeUid, 1, (err) => {
User.blocks.list(1, (err, blocked_uids) => {
assert.strictEqual(Array.isArray(blocked_uids), true);
assert.strictEqual(blocked_uids.length, 1);
assert.strictEqual(blocked_uids.includes(blockeeUid), true);
it('should automatically increment corresponding user field', (done) => {
db.getObjectField('user:1', 'blocksCount', (err, count) => {
assert.strictEqual(parseInt(count, 10), 1);
it('should error if you try to block the same uid again', (done) => {
User.blocks.add(blockeeUid, 1, (err) => {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:already-blocked]]');
describe('.remove()', () => {
it('should unblock a uid', (done) => {
User.blocks.remove(blockeeUid, 1, (err) => {
User.blocks.list(1, (err, blocked_uids) => {
assert.strictEqual(Array.isArray(blocked_uids), true);
assert.strictEqual(blocked_uids.length, 0);
it('should automatically decrement corresponding user field', (done) => {
db.getObjectField('user:1', 'blocksCount', (err, count) => {
assert.strictEqual(parseInt(count, 10), 0);
it('should error if you try to unblock the same uid again', (done) => {
User.blocks.remove(blockeeUid, 1, (err) => {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:already-unblocked]]');
describe('.is()', () => {
before((done) => {
User.blocks.add(blockeeUid, 1, done);
it('should return a Boolean with blocked status for the queried uid', (done) => {
User.blocks.is(blockeeUid, 1, (err, blocked) => {
assert.strictEqual(blocked, true);
describe('.list()', () => {
it('should return a list of blocked uids', (done) => {
User.blocks.list(1, (err, blocked_uids) => {
assert.strictEqual(Array.isArray(blocked_uids), true);
assert.strictEqual(blocked_uids.length, 1);
assert.strictEqual(blocked_uids.includes(blockeeUid), true);
describe('.filter()', () => {
it('should remove entries by blocked uids and return filtered set', (done) => {
User.blocks.filter(1, [{
foo: 'foo',
uid: blockeeUid,
}, {
foo: 'bar',
uid: 1,
}, {
foo: 'baz',
uid: blockeeUid,
}], (err, filtered) => {
assert.strictEqual(Array.isArray(filtered), true);
assert.strictEqual(filtered.length, 1);
assert.equal(filtered[0].uid, 1);
it('should allow property argument to be passed in to customise checked property', (done) => {
User.blocks.filter(1, 'fromuid', [{
foo: 'foo',
fromuid: blockeeUid,
}, {
foo: 'bar',
fromuid: 1,
}, {
foo: 'baz',
fromuid: blockeeUid,
}], (err, filtered) => {
assert.strictEqual(Array.isArray(filtered), true);
assert.strictEqual(filtered.length, 1);
assert.equal(filtered[0].fromuid, 1);
it('should not process invalid sets', (done) => {
User.blocks.filter(1, [{ foo: 'foo' }, { foo: 'bar' }, { foo: 'baz' }], (err, filtered) => {
assert.strictEqual(Array.isArray(filtered), true);
assert.strictEqual(filtered.length, 3);
filtered.forEach((obj) => {
assert.strictEqual(obj.hasOwnProperty('foo'), true);
it('should process plain sets that just contain uids', (done) => {
User.blocks.filter(1, [1, blockeeUid], (err, filtered) => {
assert.strictEqual(filtered.length, 1);
assert.strictEqual(filtered[0], 1);
it('should filter uids that are blocking targetUid', (done) => {
User.blocks.filterUids(blockeeUid, [1, 2], (err, filtered) => {
assert.deepEqual(filtered, [2]);
describe('status/online', () => {
it('should return offline if user is guest', (done) => {
const status = User.getStatus({ uid: 0 });
assert.strictEqual(status, 'offline');
it('should return offline if user is guest', async () => {
assert.strictEqual(await User.isOnline(0), false);
it('should return true', async () => {
assert.strictEqual(await User.isOnline(testUid), true);
describe('isPrivilegedOrSelf', () => {
it('should return not error if self', (done) => {
User.isPrivilegedOrSelf(1, 1, (err) => {
it('should not error if privileged', (done) => {
User.create({ username: 'theadmin' }, (err, uid) => {
groups.join('administrators', uid, (err) => {
User.isPrivilegedOrSelf(uid, 2, (err) => {
it('should error if not privileged', (done) => {
User.isPrivilegedOrSelf(0, 1, (err) => {
assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:no-privileges]]');
it('should get admins and mods', (done) => {
User.getAdminsandGlobalMods((err, data) => {
it('should allow user to login even if password is weak', async () => {
await User.create({ username: 'weakpwd', password: '123456' });
const oldValue = meta.config.minimumPasswordStrength;
meta.config.minimumPasswordStrength = 3;
await helpers.loginUser('weakpwd', '123456');
meta.config.minimumPasswordStrength = oldValue;
describe('User\'s', async () => {
let files;
before(async () => {
files = await file.walk(path.resolve(__dirname, './user'));
it('subfolder tests', () => {
files.forEach((filePath) => {