"use strict" ;
/* global socket, define, templates, bootbox, app, ajaxify */
define ( 'admin/manage/users' , [ 'admin/modules/selectable' ] , function ( selectable ) {
var Users = { } ;
Users . init = function ( ) {
selectable . enable ( '#users-container' , '.users-box' ) ;
function getSelectedUids ( ) {
var uids = [ ] ;
$ ( '#users-container .users-box.ui-selected' ) . each ( function ( ) {
uids . push ( this . getAttribute ( 'data-uid' ) ) ;
} ) ;
return uids ;
function update ( className , state ) {
$ ( '#users-container .users-box.ui-selected .labels' ) . find ( className ) . each ( function ( ) {
$ ( this ) . toggleClass ( 'hide' , ! state ) ;
} ) ;
function unselectAll ( ) {
$ ( '#users-container .users-box.ui-selected' ) . removeClass ( 'ui-selected' ) ;
function removeSelected ( ) {
$ ( '#users-container .users-box.ui-selected' ) . remove ( ) ;
function done ( successMessage , className , flag ) {
return function ( err ) {
if ( err ) {
return app . alertError ( err . message ) ;
app . alertSuccess ( successMessage ) ;
if ( className ) {
update ( className , flag ) ;
unselectAll ( ) ;
} ;
$ ( '.ban-user' ) . on ( 'click' , function ( ) {
var uids = getSelectedUids ( ) ;
if ( ! uids . length ) {
app . alertError ( '[[error:no-users-selected]]' ) ;
return false ; // specifically to keep the menu open
bootbox . confirm ( 'Do you really want to ban ' + ( uids . length > 1 ? 'these users' : 'this user' ) + ' <strong>permanently</strong>?' , function ( confirm ) {
if ( confirm ) {
socket . emit ( 'user.banUsers' , { uids : uids } , done ( 'User(s) banned!' , '.ban' , true ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '.ban-user-temporary' ) . on ( 'click' , function ( ) {
var uids = getSelectedUids ( ) ;
if ( ! uids . length ) {
app . alertError ( '[[error:no-users-selected]]' ) ;
return false ; // specifically to keep the menu open
templates . parse ( 'admin/partials/temporary-ban' , { } , function ( html ) {
bootbox . dialog ( {
className : 'ban-modal' ,
title : '[[user:ban_account]]' ,
message : html ,
show : true ,
buttons : {
close : {
label : '[[global:close]]' ,
className : 'btn-link'
} ,
submit : {
label : 'Ban ' + uids . length + ( uids . length > 1 ? ' users' : ' user' ) ,
callback : function ( ) {
var formData = $ ( '.ban-modal form' ) . serializeArray ( ) . reduce ( function ( data , cur ) {
data [ cur . name ] = cur . value ;
return data ;
} , { } ) ;
var until = formData . length ? ( Date . now ( ) + formData . length * 1000 * 60 * 60 * ( parseInt ( formData . unit , 10 ) ? 24 : 1 ) ) : 0 ;
socket . emit ( 'user.banUsers' , { uids : uids , until : until } , done ( 'User(s) banned!' , '.ban' , true ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '.unban-user' ) . on ( 'click' , function ( ) {
var uids = getSelectedUids ( ) ;
if ( ! uids . length ) {
app . alertError ( '[[error:no-users-selected]]' ) ;
return false ; // specifically to keep the menu open
socket . emit ( 'user.unbanUsers' , uids , done ( 'User(s) unbanned!' , '.ban' , false ) ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '.reset-lockout' ) . on ( 'click' , function ( ) {
var uids = getSelectedUids ( ) ;
if ( ! uids . length ) {
return ;
socket . emit ( 'admin.user.resetLockouts' , uids , done ( 'Lockout(s) reset!' ) ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '.reset-flags' ) . on ( 'click' , function ( ) {
var uids = getSelectedUids ( ) ;
if ( ! uids . length ) {
return ;
socket . emit ( 'admin.user.resetFlags' , uids , done ( 'Flags(s) reset!' ) ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '.admin-user' ) . on ( 'click' , function ( ) {
var uids = getSelectedUids ( ) ;
if ( ! uids . length ) {
return ;
if ( uids . indexOf ( app . user . uid . toString ( ) ) !== - 1 ) {
app . alertError ( 'You can\'t remove yourself as Administrator!' ) ;
} else {
socket . emit ( 'admin.user.makeAdmins' , uids , done ( 'User(s) are now administrators.' , '.administrator' , true ) ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '.remove-admin-user' ) . on ( 'click' , function ( ) {
var uids = getSelectedUids ( ) ;
if ( ! uids . length ) {
return ;
if ( uids . indexOf ( app . user . uid . toString ( ) ) !== - 1 ) {
app . alertError ( 'You can\'t remove yourself as Administrator!' ) ;
} else {
bootbox . confirm ( 'Do you really want to remove admins?' , function ( confirm ) {
if ( confirm ) {
socket . emit ( 'admin.user.removeAdmins' , uids , done ( 'User(s) are no longer administrators.' , '.administrator' , false ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '.validate-email' ) . on ( 'click' , function ( ) {
var uids = getSelectedUids ( ) ;
if ( ! uids . length ) {
return ;
bootbox . confirm ( 'Do you want to validate email(s) of these user(s)?' , function ( confirm ) {
if ( confirm ) {
socket . emit ( 'admin.user.validateEmail' , uids , done ( 'Emails validated' , '.notvalidated' , false ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '.send-validation-email' ) . on ( 'click' , function ( ) {
var uids = getSelectedUids ( ) ;
if ( ! uids . length ) {
return ;
socket . emit ( 'admin.user.sendValidationEmail' , uids , function ( err ) {
if ( err ) {
return app . alertError ( err . message ) ;
app . alertSuccess ( '[[notifications:email-confirm-sent]]' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '.password-reset-email' ) . on ( 'click' , function ( ) {
var uids = getSelectedUids ( ) ;
if ( ! uids . length ) {
return ;
bootbox . confirm ( 'Do you want to send password reset email(s) to these user(s)?' , function ( confirm ) {
if ( confirm ) {
socket . emit ( 'admin.user.sendPasswordResetEmail' , uids , done ( 'Emails sent' ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '.delete-user' ) . on ( 'click' , function ( ) {
var uids = getSelectedUids ( ) ;
if ( ! uids . length ) {
return ;
bootbox . confirm ( '<b>Warning!</b><br/>Do you really want to delete user(s)?<br/> This action is not reversable, only the user account will be deleted, their posts and topics will not be deleled!' , function ( confirm ) {
if ( confirm ) {
socket . emit ( 'admin.user.deleteUsers' , uids , function ( err ) {
if ( err ) {
return app . alertError ( err . message ) ;
app . alertSuccess ( 'User(s) Deleted!' ) ;
removeSelected ( ) ;
unselectAll ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '.delete-user-and-content' ) . on ( 'click' , function ( ) {
var uids = getSelectedUids ( ) ;
if ( ! uids . length ) {
return ;
bootbox . confirm ( '<b>Warning!</b><br/>Do you really want to delete user(s) and their content?<br/> This action is not reversable, all user data and content will be erased!' , function ( confirm ) {
if ( confirm ) {
socket . emit ( 'admin.user.deleteUsersAndContent' , uids , function ( err ) {
if ( err ) {
return app . alertError ( err . message ) ;
app . alertSuccess ( 'User(s) Deleted!' ) ;
removeSelected ( ) ;
unselectAll ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
function handleUserCreate ( ) {
$ ( '#createUser' ) . on ( 'click' , function ( ) {
templates . parse ( 'admin/partials/create_user_modal' , { } , function ( html ) {
translator . translate ( html , function ( html ) {
bootbox . dialog ( {
message : html ,
title : 'Create User' ,
onEscape : true ,
buttons : {
cancel : {
label : 'Cancel' ,
className : 'btn-link'
} ,
create : {
label : 'Create' ,
className : 'btn-primary' ,
callback : function ( e ) {
createUser . call ( this ) ;
return false ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
function createUser ( ) {
var modal = this ;
var username = document . getElementById ( 'create-user-name' ) . value ;
var email = document . getElementById ( 'create-user-email' ) . value ;
var password = document . getElementById ( 'create-user-password' ) . value ;
var passwordAgain = document . getElementById ( 'create-user-password-again' ) . value ;
var errorEl = $ ( '#create-modal-error' ) ;
if ( password !== passwordAgain ) {
return errorEl . html ( '<strong>Error</strong><p>Passwords must match!</p>' ) . removeClass ( 'hide' ) ;
var user = {
username : username ,
email : email ,
password : password
} ;
socket . emit ( 'admin.user.createUser' , user , function ( err ) {
if ( err ) {
return errorEl . translateHtml ( '<strong>Error</strong><p>' + err . message + '</p>' ) . removeClass ( 'hide' ) ;
modal . modal ( 'hide' ) ;
modal . on ( 'hidden.bs.modal' , function ( ) {
ajaxify . refresh ( ) ;
} ) ;
app . alertSuccess ( 'User created!' ) ;
} ) ;
var timeoutId = 0 ;
$ ( '.nav-pills li' ) . removeClass ( 'active' ) . find ( 'a[href="' + window . location . pathname + '"]' ) . parent ( ) . addClass ( 'active' ) ;
$ ( '#search-user-name, #search-user-email, #search-user-ip' ) . on ( 'keyup' , function ( ) {
if ( timeoutId !== 0 ) {
clearTimeout ( timeoutId ) ;
timeoutId = 0 ;
var $this = $ ( this ) ;
var type = $this . attr ( 'data-search-type' ) ;
timeoutId = setTimeout ( function ( ) {
$ ( '.fa-spinner' ) . removeClass ( 'hidden' ) ;
socket . emit ( 'admin.user.search' , { searchBy : type , query : $this . val ( ) } , function ( err , data ) {
if ( err ) {
return app . alertError ( err . message ) ;
templates . parse ( 'admin/manage/users' , 'users' , data , function ( html ) {
$ ( '#users-container' ) . html ( html ) ;
$ ( '.fa-spinner' ) . addClass ( 'hidden' ) ;
if ( data && data . users . length === 0 ) {
$ ( '#user-notfound-notify' ) . html ( 'User not found!' )
. show ( )
. addClass ( 'label-danger' )
. removeClass ( 'label-success' ) ;
} else {
$ ( '#user-notfound-notify' ) . html ( data . users . length + ' user' + ( data . users . length > 1 ? 's' : '' ) + ' found! Search took ' + data . timing + ' ms.' )
. show ( )
. addClass ( 'label-success' )
. removeClass ( 'label-danger' ) ;
selectable . enable ( '#users-container' , '.users-box' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} , 250 ) ;
} ) ;
handleUserCreate ( ) ;
handleInvite ( ) ;
} ;
function handleInvite ( ) {
$ ( '[component="user/invite"]' ) . on ( 'click' , function ( ) {
bootbox . prompt ( 'Email: ' , function ( email ) {
if ( ! email ) {
return ;
socket . emit ( 'user.invite' , email , function ( err ) {
if ( err ) {
return app . alertError ( err . message ) ;
app . alertSuccess ( 'An invitation email has been sent to ' + email ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
return Users ;
} ) ;