'use strict';
var async = require('async');
var user = require('../user');
var categories = require('../categories');
var flags = require('../flags');
var analytics = require('../analytics');
var modsController = {
flags: {},
modsController.flags.list = function (req, res, next) {
isAdminOrGlobalMod: async.apply(user.isAdminOrGlobalMod, req.uid),
moderatedCids: async.apply(user.getModeratedCids, req.uid),
}, function (err, results) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
} else if (!(results.isAdminOrGlobalMod || !!results.moderatedCids.length)) {
return next(new Error('[[error:no-privileges]]'));
if (!results.isAdminOrGlobalMod && results.moderatedCids.length) {
res.locals.cids = results.moderatedCids;
// Parse query string params for filters
var hasFilter = false;
var valid = ['assignee', 'state', 'reporterId', 'type', 'targetUid', 'cid', 'quick'];
var filters = valid.reduce(function (memo, cur) {
if (req.query.hasOwnProperty(cur)) {
memo[cur] = req.query[cur];
return memo;
}, {});
hasFilter = !!Object.keys(filters).length;
if (res.locals.cids) {
if (!filters.cid) {
// If mod and no cid filter, add filter for their modded categories
filters.cid = res.locals.cids;
} else {
// Remove cids they do not moderate
if (Array.isArray(filters.cid)) {
filters.cid = filters.cid.filter(function (cid) {
return res.locals.cids.indexOf(String(cid)) !== -1;
} else if (res.locals.cids.indexOf(String(filters.cid)) === -1) {
filters.cid = res.locals.cids;
hasFilter = false;
flags: async.apply(flags.list, filters, req.uid),
analytics: async.apply(analytics.getDailyStatsForSet, 'analytics:flags', Date.now(), 30),
categories: async.apply(categories.buildForSelect, req.uid),
}, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
// If res.locals.cids is populated, then slim down the categories list
if (res.locals.cids) {
data.categories = data.categories.filter(function (category) {
return res.locals.cids.indexOf(String(category.cid)) !== -1;
// Minimal returned set for templates.js
data.categories = data.categories.reduce(function (memo, cur) {
if (!res.locals.cids) {
memo[cur.cid] = cur.name;
return memo;
// If mod, remove categories they can't moderate
if (res.locals.cids.indexOf(String(cur.cid)) !== -1) {
memo[cur.cid] = cur.name;
return memo;
}, {});
res.render('flags/list', {
flags: data.flags,
analytics: data.analytics,
categories: data.categories,
hasFilter: hasFilter,
filters: filters,
title: '[[pages:flags]]',
modsController.flags.detail = function (req, res, next) {
isAdminOrGlobalMod: async.apply(user.isAdminOrGlobalMod, req.uid),
moderatedCids: async.apply(user.getModeratedCids, req.uid),
flagData: async.apply(flags.get, req.params.flagId),
assignees: async.apply(user.getAdminsandGlobalModsandModerators),
}, function (err, results) {
if (err || !results.flagData) {
return next(err || new Error('[[error:invalid-data]]'));
} else if (!(results.isAdminOrGlobalMod || !!results.moderatedCids.length)) {
return next(new Error('[[error:no-privileges]]'));
res.render('flags/detail', Object.assign(results.flagData, {
assignees: results.assignees,
type_bool: ['post', 'user', 'empty'].reduce(function (memo, cur) {
if (cur !== 'empty') {
memo[cur] = results.flagData.type === cur && !!Object.keys(results.flagData.target).length;
} else {
memo[cur] = !Object.keys(results.flagData.target).length;
return memo;
}, {}),
title: '[[pages:flag-details, ' + req.params.flagId + ']]',
module.exports = modsController;