'use strict' ;
app = window . app || { } ;
app . isFocused = true ;
app . currentRoom = null ;
app . widgets = { } ;
app . cacheBuster = null ;
( function ( ) {
var params = utils . params ( ) ;
var showWelcomeMessage = ! ! params . loggedin ;
var registerMessage = params . register ;
var isTouchDevice = utils . isTouchDevice ( ) ;
require ( [ 'benchpress' ] , function ( Benchpress ) {
Benchpress . setGlobal ( 'config' , config ) ;
if ( Object . defineProperty ) {
Object . defineProperty ( window , 'templates' , {
configurable : true ,
enumerable : true ,
get : function ( ) {
console . warn ( '[deprecated] Accessing benchpress (formerly known as templates.js) globally is deprecated. Use `require(["benchpress"], function (Benchpress) { ... })` instead' ) ;
return Benchpress ;
} ,
} ) ;
} else {
window . templates = Benchpress ;
} ) ;
app . cacheBuster = config [ 'cache-buster' ] ;
bootbox . setDefaults ( {
locale : config . userLang ,
} ) ;
app . load = function ( ) {
app . loadProgressiveStylesheet ( ) ;
overrides . overrideTimeago ( ) ;
var url = ajaxify . start ( window . location . pathname . slice ( 1 ) + window . location . search + window . location . hash ) ;
ajaxify . updateHistory ( url , true ) ;
ajaxify . parseData ( ) ;
ajaxify . end ( url , app . template ) ;
handleStatusChange ( ) ;
if ( config . searchEnabled ) {
app . handleSearch ( ) ;
$ ( 'body' ) . on ( 'click' , '#new_topic' , function ( e ) {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
app . newTopic ( ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '#header-menu .container' ) . on ( 'click' , '[component="user/logout"]' , function ( ) {
app . logout ( ) ;
} ) ;
Visibility . change ( function ( event , state ) {
if ( state === 'visible' ) {
app . isFocused = true ;
app . alternatingTitle ( '' ) ;
} else if ( state === 'hidden' ) {
app . isFocused = false ;
} ) ;
createHeaderTooltips ( ) ;
app . showEmailConfirmWarning ( ) ;
app . showCookieWarning ( ) ;
socket . removeAllListeners ( 'event:nodebb.ready' ) ;
socket . on ( 'event:nodebb.ready' , function ( data ) {
if ( ( data . hostname === app . upstreamHost ) && ( ! app . cacheBuster || app . cacheBuster !== data [ 'cache-buster' ] ) ) {
app . cacheBuster = data [ 'cache-buster' ] ;
app . alert ( {
alert _id : 'forum_updated' ,
title : '[[global:updated.title]]' ,
message : '[[global:updated.message]]' ,
clickfn : function ( ) {
window . location . reload ( ) ;
} ,
type : 'warning' ,
} ) ;
} ) ;
socket . on ( 'event:livereload' , function ( ) {
if ( app . user . isAdmin && ! ajaxify . currentPage . match ( /admin/ ) ) {
window . location . reload ( ) ;
} ) ;
require ( [ 'taskbar' , 'helpers' , 'forum/pagination' ] , function ( taskbar , helpers , pagination ) {
taskbar . init ( ) ;
helpers . register ( ) ;
pagination . init ( ) ;
$ ( window ) . trigger ( 'action:app.load' ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
app . logout = function ( redirect ) {
redirect = redirect === undefined ? true : redirect ;
$ ( window ) . trigger ( 'action:app.logout' ) ;
$ . ajax ( config . relative _path + '/logout' , {
type : 'POST' ,
headers : {
'x-csrf-token' : config . csrf _token ,
} ,
success : function ( data ) {
$ ( window ) . trigger ( 'action:app.loggedOut' , data ) ;
if ( redirect ) {
if ( data . next ) {
window . location . href = data . next ;
} else {
window . location . reload ( ) ;
} ,
} ) ;
return false ;
} ;
app . alert = function ( params ) {
require ( [ 'alerts' ] , function ( alerts ) {
alerts . alert ( params ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
app . removeAlert = function ( id ) {
require ( [ 'alerts' ] , function ( alerts ) {
alerts . remove ( id ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
app . alertSuccess = function ( message , timeout ) {
app . alert ( {
title : '[[global:alert.success]]' ,
message : message ,
type : 'success' ,
timeout : timeout || 5000 ,
} ) ;
} ;
app . alertError = function ( message , timeout ) {
message = message . message || message ;
if ( message === '[[error:invalid-session]]' ) {
app . logout ( false ) ;
return app . handleInvalidSession ( ) ;
app . alert ( {
title : '[[global:alert.error]]' ,
message : message ,
type : 'danger' ,
timeout : timeout || 10000 ,
} ) ;
} ;
app . handleInvalidSession = function ( ) {
socket . disconnect ( ) ;
bootbox . alert ( {
title : '[[error:invalid-session]]' ,
message : '[[error:invalid-session-text]]' ,
closeButton : false ,
callback : function ( ) {
window . location . reload ( ) ;
} ,
} ) ;
} ;
app . enterRoom = function ( room , callback ) {
callback = callback || function ( ) { } ;
if ( socket && app . user . uid && app . currentRoom !== room ) {
var previousRoom = app . currentRoom ;
app . currentRoom = room ;
socket . emit ( 'meta.rooms.enter' , {
enter : room ,
} , function ( err ) {
if ( err ) {
app . currentRoom = previousRoom ;
return app . alertError ( err . message ) ;
callback ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
app . leaveCurrentRoom = function ( ) {
if ( ! socket ) {
return ;
var previousRoom = app . currentRoom ;
app . currentRoom = '' ;
socket . emit ( 'meta.rooms.leaveCurrent' , function ( err ) {
if ( err ) {
app . currentRoom = previousRoom ;
return app . alertError ( err . message ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
function highlightNavigationLink ( ) {
$ ( '#main-nav li' )
. removeClass ( 'active' )
. find ( 'a' )
. filter ( function ( i , x ) { return window . location . pathname . startsWith ( x . getAttribute ( 'href' ) ) ; } )
. parent ( )
. addClass ( 'active' ) ;
app . createUserTooltips = function ( els , placement ) {
if ( isTouchDevice ) {
return ;
els = els || $ ( 'body' ) ;
els . find ( '.avatar,img[title].teaser-pic,img[title].user-img,div.user-icon,span.user-icon' ) . each ( function ( ) {
$ ( this ) . tooltip ( {
placement : placement || $ ( this ) . attr ( 'title-placement' ) || 'top' ,
title : $ ( this ) . attr ( 'title' ) ,
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
app . createStatusTooltips = function ( ) {
if ( ! isTouchDevice ) {
$ ( 'body' ) . tooltip ( {
selector : '.fa-circle.status' ,
placement : 'top' ,
} ) ;
} ;
app . processPage = function ( ) {
highlightNavigationLink ( ) ;
$ ( '.timeago' ) . timeago ( ) ;
utils . makeNumbersHumanReadable ( $ ( '.human-readable-number' ) ) ;
utils . addCommasToNumbers ( $ ( '.formatted-number' ) ) ;
app . createUserTooltips ( ) ;
app . createStatusTooltips ( ) ;
// Scroll back to top of page
if ( ! ajaxify . isCold ( ) ) {
window . scrollTo ( 0 , 0 ) ;
} ;
app . showMessages = function ( ) {
var messages = {
login : {
format : 'alert' ,
title : '[[global:welcome_back]] ' + app . user . username + '!' ,
message : '[[global:you_have_successfully_logged_in]]' ,
} ,
register : {
format : 'modal' ,
} ,
} ;
function showAlert ( type , message ) {
switch ( messages [ type ] . format ) {
case 'alert' :
app . alert ( {
type : 'success' ,
title : messages [ type ] . title ,
message : messages [ type ] . message ,
timeout : 5000 ,
} ) ;
break ;
case 'modal' :
require ( [ 'translator' ] , function ( translator ) {
translator . translate ( message || messages [ type ] . message , function ( translated ) {
bootbox . alert ( {
title : messages [ type ] . title ,
message : translated ,
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
break ;
if ( showWelcomeMessage ) {
showWelcomeMessage = false ;
$ ( document ) . ready ( function ( ) {
showAlert ( 'login' ) ;
} ) ;
if ( registerMessage ) {
$ ( document ) . ready ( function ( ) {
showAlert ( 'register' , utils . escapeHTML ( decodeURIComponent ( registerMessage ) ) ) ;
registerMessage = false ;
} ) ;
} ;
app . openChat = function ( roomId , uid ) {
if ( ! app . user . uid ) {
return app . alertError ( '[[error:not-logged-in]]' ) ;
require ( [ 'chat' ] , function ( chat ) {
function loadAndCenter ( chatModal ) {
chat . load ( chatModal . attr ( 'data-uuid' ) ) ;
chat . center ( chatModal ) ;
chat . focusInput ( chatModal ) ;
if ( chat . modalExists ( roomId ) ) {
loadAndCenter ( chat . getModal ( roomId ) ) ;
} else {
socket . emit ( 'modules.chats.loadRoom' , { roomId : roomId , uid : uid || app . user . uid } , function ( err , roomData ) {
if ( err ) {
return app . alertError ( err . message ) ;
roomData . users = roomData . users . filter ( function ( user ) {
return user && parseInt ( user . uid , 10 ) !== parseInt ( app . user . uid , 10 ) ;
} ) ;
roomData . uid = uid || app . user . uid ;
roomData . isSelf = true ;
chat . createModal ( roomData , loadAndCenter ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
app . newChat = function ( touid , callback ) {
function createChat ( ) {
socket . emit ( 'modules.chats.newRoom' , { touid : touid } , function ( err , roomId ) {
if ( err ) {
return app . alertError ( err . message ) ;
if ( ! ajaxify . data . template . chats ) {
app . openChat ( roomId ) ;
} else {
ajaxify . go ( 'chats/' + roomId ) ;
callback ( false , roomId ) ;
} ) ;
callback = callback || function ( ) { } ;
if ( ! app . user . uid ) {
return app . alertError ( '[[error:not-logged-in]]' ) ;
if ( parseInt ( touid , 10 ) === parseInt ( app . user . uid , 10 ) ) {
return app . alertError ( '[[error:cant-chat-with-yourself]]' ) ;
socket . emit ( 'modules.chats.isDnD' , touid , function ( err , isDnD ) {
if ( err ) {
return app . alertError ( err . message ) ;
if ( ! isDnD ) {
return createChat ( ) ;
bootbox . confirm ( '[[modules:chat.confirm-chat-with-dnd-user]]' , function ( ok ) {
if ( ok ) {
createChat ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var titleObj = {
active : false ,
interval : undefined ,
titles : [ ] ,
} ;
app . alternatingTitle = function ( title ) {
if ( typeof title !== 'string' ) {
return ;
if ( title . length > 0 && ! app . isFocused ) {
if ( ! titleObj . titles [ 0 ] ) {
titleObj . titles [ 0 ] = window . document . title ;
require ( [ 'translator' ] , function ( translator ) {
translator . translate ( title , function ( translated ) {
titleObj . titles [ 1 ] = translated ;
if ( titleObj . interval ) {
clearInterval ( titleObj . interval ) ;
titleObj . interval = setInterval ( function ( ) {
var title = titleObj . titles [ titleObj . titles . indexOf ( window . document . title ) ^ 1 ] ;
if ( title ) {
window . document . title = $ ( '<div></div>' ) . html ( title ) . text ( ) ;
} , 2000 ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
if ( titleObj . interval ) {
clearInterval ( titleObj . interval ) ;
if ( titleObj . titles [ 0 ] ) {
window . document . title = $ ( '<div></div>' ) . html ( titleObj . titles [ 0 ] ) . text ( ) ;
} ;
app . refreshTitle = function ( title ) {
if ( ! title ) {
return ;
require ( [ 'translator' ] , function ( translator ) {
title = config . titleLayout . replace ( /{/g , '{' ) . replace ( /}/g , '}' )
. replace ( '{pageTitle}' , function ( ) { return title ; } )
. replace ( '{browserTitle}' , function ( ) { return config . browserTitle ; } ) ;
// Allow translation strings in title on ajaxify (#5927)
title = translator . unescape ( title ) ;
translator . translate ( title , function ( translated ) {
titleObj . titles [ 0 ] = translated ;
app . alternatingTitle ( '' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
app . toggleNavbar = function ( state ) {
var navbarEl = $ ( '.navbar' ) ;
if ( navbarEl ) {
navbarEl . toggleClass ( 'hidden' , ! state ) ;
} ;
function createHeaderTooltips ( ) {
var env = utils . findBootstrapEnvironment ( ) ;
if ( env === 'xs' || env === 'sm' || isTouchDevice ) {
return ;
$ ( '#header-menu li a[title]' ) . each ( function ( ) {
$ ( this ) . tooltip ( {
placement : 'bottom' ,
trigger : 'hover' ,
title : $ ( this ) . attr ( 'title' ) ,
} ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '#search-form' ) . parent ( ) . tooltip ( {
placement : 'bottom' ,
trigger : 'hover' ,
title : $ ( '#search-button i' ) . attr ( 'title' ) ,
} ) ;
$ ( '#user_dropdown' ) . tooltip ( {
placement : 'bottom' ,
trigger : 'hover' ,
title : $ ( '#user_dropdown' ) . attr ( 'title' ) ,
} ) ;
app . enableTopicSearch = function ( options ) {
var quickSearchResults = options . resultEl ;
var inputEl = options . inputEl ;
var searchTimeoutId = 0 ;
var currentVal = inputEl . val ( ) ;
inputEl . off ( 'keyup' ) . on ( 'keyup' , function ( ) {
if ( searchTimeoutId ) {
clearTimeout ( searchTimeoutId ) ;
searchTimeoutId = 0 ;
searchTimeoutId = setTimeout ( function ( ) {
if ( inputEl . val ( ) . length < 3 || inputEl . val ( ) === currentVal ) {
return ;
currentVal = inputEl . val ( ) ;
if ( ! inputEl . is ( ':focus' ) ) {
return quickSearchResults . addClass ( 'hidden' ) ;
require ( [ 'search' ] , function ( search ) {
search . quick ( {
term : inputEl . val ( ) ,
in : 'titles' ,
} , options ) ;
} ) ;
} , 250 ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
app . handleSearch = function ( ) {
var searchButton = $ ( '#search-button' ) ;
var searchFields = $ ( '#search-fields' ) ;
var searchInput = $ ( '#search-fields input' ) ;
var quickSearchContainer = $ ( '#quick-search-container' ) ;
$ ( '#search-form .advanced-search-link' ) . off ( 'mousedown' ) . on ( 'mousedown' , function ( ) {
ajaxify . go ( '/search' ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '#search-form' ) . off ( 'submit' ) . on ( 'submit' , function ( ) {
searchInput . blur ( ) ;
} ) ;
searchInput . off ( 'blur' ) . on ( 'blur' , dismissSearch ) ;
searchInput . off ( 'focus' ) . on ( 'focus' , function ( ) {
if ( searchInput . val ( ) && quickSearchContainer . find ( '#quick-search-results' ) . children ( ) . length ) {
quickSearchContainer . removeClass ( 'hidden' ) ;
} ) ;
app . enableTopicSearch ( {
inputEl : searchInput ,
resultEl : quickSearchContainer ,
} ) ;
function dismissSearch ( ) {
searchFields . addClass ( 'hidden' ) ;
searchButton . removeClass ( 'hidden' ) ;
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
quickSearchContainer . addClass ( 'hidden' ) ;
} , 200 ) ;
searchButton . off ( 'click' ) . on ( 'click' , function ( e ) {
if ( ! config . loggedIn && ! app . user . privileges [ 'search:content' ] ) {
app . alert ( {
message : '[[error:search-requires-login]]' ,
timeout : 3000 ,
} ) ;
ajaxify . go ( 'login' ) ;
return false ;
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
app . prepareSearch ( ) ;
return false ;
} ) ;
$ ( '#search-form' ) . off ( 'submit' ) . on ( 'submit' , function ( ) {
var input = $ ( this ) . find ( 'input' ) ;
require ( [ 'search' ] , function ( search ) {
var data = search . getSearchPreferences ( ) ;
data . term = input . val ( ) ;
$ ( window ) . trigger ( 'action:search.submit' , { data : data } ) ;
search . query ( data , function ( ) {
input . val ( '' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
return false ;
} ) ;
} ;
app . prepareSearch = function ( ) {
$ ( '#search-fields' ) . removeClass ( 'hidden' ) ;
$ ( '#search-button' ) . addClass ( 'hidden' ) ;
$ ( '#search-fields input' ) . focus ( ) ;
} ;
function handleStatusChange ( ) {
$ ( '[component="header/usercontrol"] [data-status]' ) . off ( 'click' ) . on ( 'click' , function ( e ) {
var status = $ ( this ) . attr ( 'data-status' ) ;
socket . emit ( 'user.setStatus' , status , function ( err ) {
if ( err ) {
return app . alertError ( err . message ) ;
$ ( '[data-uid="' + app . user . uid + '"] [component="user/status"], [component="header/profilelink"] [component="user/status"]' )
. removeClass ( 'away online dnd offline' )
. addClass ( status ) ;
$ ( '[component="header/usercontrol"] [data-status]' ) . each ( function ( ) {
$ ( this ) . find ( 'span' ) . toggleClass ( 'bold' , $ ( this ) . attr ( 'data-status' ) === status ) ;
} ) ;
app . user . status = status ;
} ) ;
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
} ) ;
app . updateUserStatus = function ( el , status ) {
if ( ! el . length ) {
return ;
require ( [ 'translator' ] , function ( translator ) {
translator . translate ( '[[global:' + status + ']]' , function ( translated ) {
el . removeClass ( 'online offline dnd away' )
. addClass ( status )
. attr ( 'title' , translated )
. attr ( 'data-original-title' , translated ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
app . newTopic = function ( cid , tags ) {
$ ( window ) . trigger ( 'action:composer.topic.new' , {
cid : cid || ajaxify . data . cid || 0 ,
tags : tags || ( ajaxify . data . tag ? [ ajaxify . data . tag ] : [ ] ) ,
} ) ;
} ;
app . loadJQueryUI = function ( callback ) {
if ( typeof $ ( ) . autocomplete === 'function' ) {
return callback ( ) ;
var scriptEl = document . createElement ( 'script' ) ;
scriptEl . type = 'text/javascript' ;
scriptEl . src = config . relative _path + '/assets/vendor/jquery/js/jquery-ui.js?' + config [ 'cache-buster' ] ;
scriptEl . onload = callback ;
document . head . appendChild ( scriptEl ) ;
} ;
app . showEmailConfirmWarning = function ( err ) {
if ( ! config . requireEmailConfirmation || ! app . user . uid ) {
return ;
var msg = {
alert _id : 'email_confirm' ,
type : 'warning' ,
timeout : 0 ,
} ;
if ( ! app . user . email ) {
msg . message = '[[error:no-email-to-confirm]]' ;
msg . clickfn = function ( ) {
app . removeAlert ( 'email_confirm' ) ;
ajaxify . go ( 'user/' + app . user . userslug + '/edit' ) ;
} ;
app . alert ( msg ) ;
} else if ( ! app . user [ 'email:confirmed' ] && ! app . user . isEmailConfirmSent ) {
msg . message = err ? err . message : '[[error:email-not-confirmed]]' ;
msg . clickfn = function ( ) {
app . removeAlert ( 'email_confirm' ) ;
socket . emit ( 'user.emailConfirm' , { } , function ( err ) {
if ( err ) {
return app . alertError ( err . message ) ;
app . alertSuccess ( '[[notifications:email-confirm-sent]]' ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
app . alert ( msg ) ;
} else if ( ! app . user [ 'email:confirmed' ] && app . user . isEmailConfirmSent ) {
msg . message = '[[error:email-not-confirmed-email-sent]]' ;
app . alert ( msg ) ;
} ;
app . parseAndTranslate = function ( template , blockName , data , callback ) {
require ( [ 'translator' , 'benchpress' ] , function ( translator , Benchpress ) {
function translate ( html , callback ) {
translator . translate ( html , function ( translatedHTML ) {
translatedHTML = translator . unescape ( translatedHTML ) ;
callback ( $ ( translatedHTML ) ) ;
} ) ;
if ( typeof blockName === 'string' ) {
Benchpress . parse ( template , blockName , data , function ( html ) {
translate ( html , callback ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
callback = data ;
data = blockName ;
Benchpress . parse ( template , data , function ( html ) {
translate ( html , callback ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
app . loadProgressiveStylesheet = function ( ) {
var linkEl = document . createElement ( 'link' ) ;
linkEl . rel = 'stylesheet' ;
linkEl . href = config . relative _path + '/assets/js-enabled.css?' + app . cacheBuster ;
document . head . appendChild ( linkEl ) ;
} ;
app . showCookieWarning = function ( ) {
require ( [ 'translator' , 'storage' ] , function ( translator , storage ) {
if ( ! config . cookies . enabled || ! navigator . cookieEnabled ) {
// Skip warning if cookie consent subsystem disabled (obviously), or cookies not in use
return ;
} else if ( window . location . pathname . startsWith ( config . relative _path + '/admin' ) ) {
// No need to show cookie consent warning in ACP
return ;
} else if ( storage . getItem ( 'cookieconsent' ) === '1' ) {
return ;
config . cookies . message = translator . unescape ( config . cookies . message ) ;
config . cookies . dismiss = translator . unescape ( config . cookies . dismiss ) ;
config . cookies . link = translator . unescape ( config . cookies . link ) ;
config . cookies . link _url = translator . unescape ( config . cookies . link _url ) ;
app . parseAndTranslate ( 'partials/cookie-consent' , config . cookies , function ( html ) {
$ ( document . body ) . append ( html ) ;
$ ( document . body ) . addClass ( 'cookie-consent-open' ) ;
var warningEl = $ ( '.cookie-consent' ) ;
var dismissEl = warningEl . find ( 'button' ) ;
dismissEl . on ( 'click' , function ( ) {
// Save consent cookie and remove warning element
storage . setItem ( 'cookieconsent' , '1' ) ;
warningEl . remove ( ) ;
$ ( document . body ) . removeClass ( 'cookie-consent-open' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
app . reskin = function ( skinName ) {
var clientEl = Array . prototype . filter . call ( document . querySelectorAll ( 'link[rel="stylesheet"]' ) , function ( el ) {
return el . href . indexOf ( config . relative _path + '/assets/client' ) !== - 1 ;
} ) [ 0 ] || null ;
if ( ! clientEl ) {
return ;
var currentSkinClassName = $ ( 'body' ) . attr ( 'class' ) . split ( /\s+/ ) . filter ( function ( className ) {
return className . startsWith ( 'skin-' ) ;
} ) ;
if ( ! currentSkinClassName [ 0 ] ) {
return ;
var currentSkin = currentSkinClassName [ 0 ] . slice ( 5 ) ;
currentSkin = currentSkin !== 'noskin' ? currentSkin : '' ;
// Stop execution if skin didn't change
if ( skinName === currentSkin ) {
return ;
var linkEl = document . createElement ( 'link' ) ;
linkEl . rel = 'stylesheet' ;
linkEl . type = 'text/css' ;
linkEl . href = config . relative _path + '/assets/client' + ( skinName ? '-' + skinName : '' ) + '.css' ;
linkEl . onload = function ( ) {
clientEl . parentNode . removeChild ( clientEl ) ;
// Update body class with proper skin name
$ ( 'body' ) . removeClass ( currentSkinClassName . join ( ' ' ) ) ;
$ ( 'body' ) . addClass ( 'skin-' + ( skinName || 'noskin' ) ) ;
} ;
document . head . appendChild ( linkEl ) ;
} ;
app . updateTags = function ( ) {
var metaWhitelist = [ 'title' , 'description' , /og:.+/ , /article:.+/ ] . map ( function ( val ) {
return new RegExp ( val ) ;
} ) ;
var linkWhitelist = [ 'canonical' , 'alternate' , 'up' ] ;
// Delete the old meta tags
Array . prototype . slice
. call ( document . querySelectorAll ( 'head meta' ) )
. filter ( function ( el ) {
var name = el . getAttribute ( 'property' ) || el . getAttribute ( 'name' ) ;
return metaWhitelist . some ( function ( exp ) {
return ! ! exp . test ( name ) ;
} ) ;
} )
. forEach ( function ( el ) {
document . head . removeChild ( el ) ;
} ) ;
// Add new meta tags
ajaxify . data . _header . tags . meta
. filter ( function ( tagObj ) {
var name = tagObj . name || tagObj . property ;
return metaWhitelist . some ( function ( exp ) {
return ! ! exp . test ( name ) ;
} ) ;
} )
. forEach ( function ( tagObj ) {
var metaEl = document . createElement ( 'meta' ) ;
Object . keys ( tagObj ) . forEach ( function ( prop ) {
metaEl . setAttribute ( prop , tagObj [ prop ] ) ;
} ) ;
document . head . appendChild ( metaEl ) ;
} ) ;
// Delete the old link tags
Array . prototype . slice
. call ( document . querySelectorAll ( 'head link' ) )
. filter ( function ( el ) {
var name = el . getAttribute ( 'rel' ) ;
return linkWhitelist . some ( function ( item ) {
return item === name ;
} ) ;
} )
. forEach ( function ( el ) {
document . head . removeChild ( el ) ;
} ) ;
// Add new link tags
ajaxify . data . _header . tags . link
. filter ( function ( tagObj ) {
return linkWhitelist . some ( function ( item ) {
return item === tagObj . rel ;
} ) ;
} )
. forEach ( function ( tagObj ) {
var linkEl = document . createElement ( 'link' ) ;
Object . keys ( tagObj ) . forEach ( function ( prop ) {
linkEl . setAttribute ( prop , tagObj [ prop ] ) ;
} ) ;
document . head . appendChild ( linkEl ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
} ( ) ) ;