'use strict' ;
( function ( factory ) {
if ( typeof module === 'object' && module . exports ) {
var winston = require ( 'winston' ) ;
module . exports = factory ( require ( 'xregexp' ) ) ;
module . exports . walk = function ( dir , done ) {
var file = require ( '../../src/file' ) ;
winston . warn ( '[deprecated] `utils.walk` is deprecated. Use `file.walk` instead.' ) ;
file . walk ( dir , done ) ;
} ;
process . profile = function ( operation , start ) {
console . log ( '%s took %d milliseconds' , operation , process . elapsedTimeSince ( start ) ) ;
} ;
process . elapsedTimeSince = function ( start ) {
var diff = process . hrtime ( start ) ;
return ( diff [ 0 ] * 1e3 ) + ( diff [ 1 ] / 1e6 ) ;
} ;
} else {
window . utils = factory ( window . XRegExp ) ;
} ( function ( XRegExp ) {
var utils = {
generateUUID : function ( ) {
return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' . replace ( /[xy]/g , function ( c ) {
var r = Math . random ( ) * 16 | 0 ;
var v = c === 'x' ? r : ( ( r & 0x3 ) | 0x8 ) ;
return v . toString ( 16 ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
invalidUnicodeChars : XRegExp ( '[^\\p{L}\\s\\d\\-_]' , 'g' ) ,
invalidLatinChars : /[^\w\s\d\-_]/g ,
trimRegex : /^\s+|\s+$/g ,
collapseWhitespace : /\s+/g ,
collapseDash : /-+/g ,
trimTrailingDash : /-$/g ,
trimLeadingDash : /^-/g ,
isLatin : /^[\w\d\s.,\-@]+$/ ,
languageKeyRegex : /\[\[[\w]+:.+\]\]/ ,
// http://dense13.com/blog/2009/05/03/converting-string-to-slug-javascript/
slugify : function ( str , preserveCase ) {
if ( ! str ) {
return '' ;
str = str . replace ( utils . trimRegex , '' ) ;
if ( utils . isLatin . test ( str ) ) {
str = str . replace ( utils . invalidLatinChars , '-' ) ;
} else {
str = XRegExp . replace ( str , utils . invalidUnicodeChars , '-' ) ;
str = ! preserveCase ? str . toLocaleLowerCase ( ) : str ;
str = str . replace ( utils . collapseWhitespace , '-' ) ;
str = str . replace ( utils . collapseDash , '-' ) ;
str = str . replace ( utils . trimTrailingDash , '' ) ;
str = str . replace ( utils . trimLeadingDash , '' ) ;
return str ;
} ,
cleanUpTag : function ( tag , maxLength ) {
if ( typeof tag !== 'string' || ! tag . length ) {
return '' ;
tag = tag . trim ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
// see https://github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB/issues/4378
tag = tag . replace ( /\u202E/gi , '' ) ;
tag = tag . replace ( /[,/#!$%^*;:{}=_`<>'"~()?|]/g , '' ) ;
tag = tag . substr ( 0 , maxLength || 15 ) . trim ( ) ;
var matches = tag . match ( /^[.-]*(.+?)[.-]*$/ ) ;
if ( matches && matches . length > 1 ) {
tag = matches [ 1 ] ;
return tag ;
} ,
removePunctuation : function ( str ) {
return str . replace ( /[.,-/#!$%^&*;:{}=\-_`<>'"~()?]/g , '' ) ;
} ,
isEmailValid : function ( email ) {
return typeof email === 'string' && email . length && email . indexOf ( '@' ) !== - 1 ;
} ,
isUserNameValid : function ( name ) {
return ( name && name !== '' && ( /^['"\s\-+.*0-9\u00BF-\u1FFF\u2C00-\uD7FF\w]+$/ . test ( name ) ) ) ;
} ,
isPasswordValid : function ( password ) {
return typeof password === 'string' && password . length ;
} ,
isNumber : function ( n ) {
return ! isNaN ( parseFloat ( n ) ) && isFinite ( n ) ;
} ,
hasLanguageKey : function ( input ) {
return utils . languageKeyRegex . test ( input ) ;
} ,
// shallow objects merge
merge : function ( ) {
var result = { } ;
var obj ;
var keys ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < arguments . length ; i += 1 ) {
obj = arguments [ i ] || { } ;
keys = Object . keys ( obj ) ;
for ( var j = 0 ; j < keys . length ; j += 1 ) {
result [ keys [ j ] ] = obj [ keys [ j ] ] ;
return result ;
} ,
fileExtension : function ( path ) {
return ( '' + path ) . split ( '.' ) . pop ( ) ;
} ,
extensionMimeTypeMap : {
bmp : 'image/bmp' ,
cmx : 'image/x-cmx' ,
cod : 'image/cis-cod' ,
gif : 'image/gif' ,
ico : 'image/x-icon' ,
ief : 'image/ief' ,
jfif : 'image/pipeg' ,
jpe : 'image/jpeg' ,
jpeg : 'image/jpeg' ,
jpg : 'image/jpeg' ,
png : 'image/png' ,
pbm : 'image/x-portable-bitmap' ,
pgm : 'image/x-portable-graymap' ,
pnm : 'image/x-portable-anymap' ,
ppm : 'image/x-portable-pixmap' ,
ras : 'image/x-cmu-raster' ,
rgb : 'image/x-rgb' ,
svg : 'image/svg+xml' ,
tif : 'image/tiff' ,
tiff : 'image/tiff' ,
xbm : 'image/x-xbitmap' ,
xpm : 'image/x-xpixmap' ,
xwd : 'image/x-xwindowdump' ,
} ,
fileMimeType : function ( path ) {
return utils . extensionToMimeType ( utils . fileExtension ( path ) ) ;
} ,
extensionToMimeType : function ( extension ) {
return utils . extensionMimeTypeMap [ extension ] || '*' ;
} ,
isRelativeUrl : function ( url ) {
var firstChar = String ( url || '' ) . charAt ( 0 ) ;
return ( firstChar === '.' || firstChar === '/' ) ;
} ,
makeNumbersHumanReadable : function ( elements ) {
elements . each ( function ( ) {
$ ( this ) . html ( utils . makeNumberHumanReadable ( $ ( this ) . attr ( 'title' ) ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
makeNumberHumanReadable : function ( num ) {
var n = parseInt ( num , 10 ) ;
if ( ! n ) {
return num ;
if ( n > 999999 ) {
return ( n / 1000000 ) . toFixed ( 1 ) + 'm' ;
} else if ( n > 999 ) {
return ( n / 1000 ) . toFixed ( 1 ) + 'k' ;
return n ;
} ,
addCommasToNumbers : function ( elements ) {
elements . each ( function ( index , element ) {
$ ( element ) . html ( utils . addCommas ( $ ( element ) . html ( ) ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
// takes a string like 1000 and returns 1,000
addCommas : function ( text ) {
return text . replace ( /(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g , '$1,' ) ;
} ,
toISOString : function ( timestamp ) {
if ( ! timestamp || ! Date . prototype . toISOString ) {
return '' ;
// Prevent too-high values to be passed to Date object
timestamp = Math . min ( timestamp , 8640000000000000 ) ;
try {
return Date . prototype . toISOString ? new Date ( parseInt ( timestamp , 10 ) ) . toISOString ( ) : timestamp ;
} catch ( e ) {
return timestamp ;
} ,
tags : [ 'a' , 'abbr' , 'acronym' , 'address' , 'applet' , 'area' , 'article' , 'aside' , 'audio' , 'b' , 'base' , 'basefont' , 'bdi' , 'bdo' , 'big' , 'blockquote' , 'body' , 'br' , 'button' , 'canvas' , 'caption' , 'center' , 'cite' , 'code' , 'col' , 'colgroup' , 'command' , 'datalist' , 'dd' , 'del' , 'details' , 'dfn' , 'dialog' , 'dir' , 'div' , 'dl' , 'dt' , 'em' , 'embed' , 'fieldset' , 'figcaption' , 'figure' , 'font' , 'footer' , 'form' , 'frame' , 'frameset' , 'h1' , 'h2' , 'h3' , 'h4' , 'h5' , 'h6' , 'head' , 'header' , 'hr' , 'html' , 'i' , 'iframe' , 'img' , 'input' , 'ins' , 'kbd' , 'keygen' , 'label' , 'legend' , 'li' , 'link' , 'map' , 'mark' , 'menu' , 'meta' , 'meter' , 'nav' , 'noframes' , 'noscript' , 'object' , 'ol' , 'optgroup' , 'option' , 'output' , 'p' , 'param' , 'pre' , 'progress' , 'q' , 'rp' , 'rt' , 'ruby' , 's' , 'samp' , 'script' , 'section' , 'select' , 'small' , 'source' , 'span' , 'strike' , 'strong' , 'style' , 'sub' , 'summary' , 'sup' , 'table' , 'tbody' , 'td' , 'textarea' , 'tfoot' , 'th' , 'thead' , 'time' , 'title' , 'tr' , 'track' , 'tt' , 'u' , 'ul' , 'var' , 'video' , 'wbr' ] ,
stripTags : [ 'abbr' , 'acronym' , 'address' , 'applet' , 'area' , 'article' , 'aside' , 'audio' , 'base' , 'basefont' ,
'bdi' , 'bdo' , 'big' , 'blink' , 'body' , 'button' , 'canvas' , 'caption' , 'center' , 'cite' , 'code' , 'col' , 'colgroup' ,
'command' , 'datalist' , 'dd' , 'del' , 'details' , 'dfn' , 'dialog' , 'dir' , 'div' , 'dl' , 'dt' , 'em' , 'embed' ,
'fieldset' , 'figcaption' , 'figure' , 'font' , 'footer' , 'form' , 'frame' , 'frameset' , 'h1' , 'h2' , 'h3' , 'h4' , 'h5' , 'h6' ,
'head' , 'header' , 'hr' , 'html' , 'iframe' , 'input' , 'ins' , 'kbd' , 'keygen' , 'label' , 'legend' , 'li' , 'link' ,
'map' , 'mark' , 'marquee' , 'menu' , 'meta' , 'meter' , 'nav' , 'noframes' , 'noscript' , 'object' , 'ol' , 'optgroup' , 'option' ,
'output' , 'param' , 'pre' , 'progress' , 'q' , 'rp' , 'rt' , 'ruby' , 's' , 'samp' , 'script' , 'section' , 'select' ,
'source' , 'span' , 'strike' , 'style' , 'sub' , 'summary' , 'sup' , 'table' , 'tbody' , 'td' , 'textarea' , 'tfoot' ,
'th' , 'thead' , 'time' , 'title' , 'tr' , 'track' , 'tt' , 'u' , 'ul' , 'var' , 'video' , 'wbr' ] ,
escapeRegexChars : function ( text ) {
return text . replace ( /[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g , '\\$&' ) ;
} ,
escapeHTML : function ( raw ) {
return raw . replace ( /&/gm , '&' ) . replace ( /</gm , '<' ) . replace ( />/gm , '>' ) ;
} ,
isAndroidBrowser : function ( ) {
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9286355/how-to-detect-only-the-native-android-browser
var nua = navigator . userAgent ;
return ( ( nua . indexOf ( 'Mozilla/5.0' ) > - 1 && nua . indexOf ( 'Android ' ) > - 1 && nua . indexOf ( 'AppleWebKit' ) > - 1 ) && ! ( nua . indexOf ( 'Chrome' ) > - 1 ) ) ;
} ,
isTouchDevice : function ( ) {
return 'ontouchstart' in document . documentElement ;
} ,
findBootstrapEnvironment : function ( ) {
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14441456/how-to-detect-which-device-view-youre-on-using-twitter-bootstrap-api
var envs = [ 'xs' , 'sm' , 'md' , 'lg' ] ;
var $el = $ ( '<div>' ) ;
$el . appendTo ( $ ( 'body' ) ) ;
for ( var i = envs . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -= 1 ) {
var env = envs [ i ] ;
$el . addClass ( 'hidden-' + env ) ;
if ( $el . is ( ':hidden' ) ) {
$el . remove ( ) ;
return env ;
} ,
isMobile : function ( ) {
var env = utils . findBootstrapEnvironment ( ) ;
return [ 'xs' , 'sm' ] . some ( function ( targetEnv ) {
return targetEnv === env ;
} ) ;
} ,
getHoursArray : function ( ) {
var currentHour = new Date ( ) . getHours ( ) ;
var labels = [ ] ;
for ( var i = currentHour , ii = currentHour - 24 ; i > ii ; i -= 1 ) {
var hour = i < 0 ? 24 + i : i ;
labels . push ( hour + ':00' ) ;
return labels . reverse ( ) ;
} ,
getDaysArray : function ( from , amount ) {
var currentDay = new Date ( from || Date . now ( ) ) . getTime ( ) ;
var months = [ 'Jan' , 'Feb' , 'Mar' , 'Apr' , 'May' , 'Jun' , 'Jul' , 'Aug' , 'Sep' , 'Oct' , 'Nov' , 'Dec' ] ;
var labels = [ ] ;
var tmpDate ;
for ( var x = ( amount || 30 ) - 1 ; x >= 0 ; x -= 1 ) {
tmpDate = new Date ( currentDay - ( 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * x ) ) ;
labels . push ( months [ tmpDate . getMonth ( ) ] + ' ' + tmpDate . getDate ( ) ) ;
return labels ;
} ,
/* Retrieved from http://stackoverflow.com/a/7557433 @ 27 Mar 2016 */
isElementInViewport : function ( el ) {
// special bonus for those using jQuery
if ( typeof jQuery === 'function' && el instanceof jQuery ) {
el = el [ 0 ] ;
var rect = el . getBoundingClientRect ( ) ;
return (
rect . top >= 0 &&
rect . left >= 0 &&
rect . bottom <= ( window . innerHeight || document . documentElement . clientHeight ) && /* or $(window).height() */
rect . right <= ( window . innerWidth || document . documentElement . clientWidth ) /* or $(window).width() */
) ;
} ,
// get all the url params in a single key/value hash
params : function ( options ) {
var a ;
var hash = { } ;
var params ;
options = options || { } ;
options . skipToType = options . skipToType || { } ;
if ( options . url ) {
a = utils . urlToLocation ( options . url ) ;
params = ( a ? a . search : window . location . search ) . substring ( 1 ) . split ( '&' ) ;
params . forEach ( function ( param ) {
var val = param . split ( '=' ) ;
var key = decodeURI ( val [ 0 ] ) ;
var value = options . skipToType [ key ] ? decodeURI ( val [ 1 ] ) : utils . toType ( decodeURI ( val [ 1 ] ) ) ;
if ( key ) {
if ( key . substr ( - 2 , 2 ) === '[]' ) {
key = key . slice ( 0 , - 2 ) ;
if ( ! hash [ key ] ) {
hash [ key ] = value ;
} else {
if ( ! $ . isArray ( hash [ key ] ) ) {
hash [ key ] = [ hash [ key ] ] ;
hash [ key ] . push ( value ) ;
} ) ;
return hash ;
} ,
param : function ( key ) {
return this . params ( ) [ key ] ;
} ,
urlToLocation : function ( url ) {
var a = document . createElement ( 'a' ) ;
a . href = url ;
return a ;
} ,
// return boolean if string 'true' or string 'false', or if a parsable string which is a number
// also supports JSON object and/or arrays parsing
toType : function ( str ) {
var type = typeof str ;
if ( type !== 'string' ) {
return str ;
var nb = parseFloat ( str ) ;
if ( ! isNaN ( nb ) && isFinite ( str ) ) {
return nb ;
if ( str === 'false' ) {
return false ;
if ( str === 'true' ) {
return true ;
try {
str = JSON . parse ( str ) ;
} catch ( e ) { }
return str ;
} ,
// Safely get/set chained properties on an object
// set example: utils.props(A, 'a.b.c.d', 10) // sets A to {a: {b: {c: {d: 10}}}}, and returns 10
// get example: utils.props(A, 'a.b.c') // returns {d: 10}
// get example: utils.props(A, 'a.b.c.foo.bar') // returns undefined without throwing a TypeError
// credits to github.com/gkindel
props : function ( obj , props , value ) {
if ( obj === undefined ) {
obj = window ;
if ( props == null ) {
return undefined ;
var i = props . indexOf ( '.' ) ;
if ( i === - 1 ) {
if ( value !== undefined ) {
obj [ props ] = value ;
return obj [ props ] ;
var prop = props . slice ( 0 , i ) ;
var newProps = props . slice ( i + 1 ) ;
if ( props !== undefined && ! ( obj [ prop ] instanceof Object ) ) {
obj [ prop ] = { } ;
return utils . props ( obj [ prop ] , newProps , value ) ;
} ,
isInternalURI : function ( targetLocation , referenceLocation , relative _path ) {
return targetLocation . host === '' || // Relative paths are always internal links
targetLocation . host === referenceLocation . host && targetLocation . protocol === referenceLocation . protocol && // Otherwise need to check if protocol and host match
( relative _path . length > 0 ? targetLocation . pathname . indexOf ( relative _path ) === 0 : true ) // Subfolder installs need this additional check
) ;
} ,
rtrim : function ( str ) {
return str . replace ( /\s+$/g , '' ) ;
} ,
} ;
/* eslint "no-extend-native": "off" */
if ( typeof String . prototype . startsWith !== 'function' ) {
String . prototype . startsWith = function ( prefix ) {
if ( this . length < prefix . length ) {
return false ;
return this . slice ( 0 , prefix . length ) === prefix ;
} ;
if ( typeof String . prototype . endsWith !== 'function' ) {
String . prototype . endsWith = function ( suffix ) {
if ( this . length < suffix . length ) {
return false ;
if ( suffix . length === 0 ) {
return true ;
return this . slice ( - suffix . length ) === suffix ;
} ;
// DEPRECATED: remove in 1.6
if ( typeof String . prototype . rtrim !== 'function' ) {
String . prototype . rtrim = function ( ) {
console . warn ( '[deprecated] `String.prototype.rtrim` is deprecated as of NodeBB v1.5; use `utils.rtrim` instead.' ) ;
return utils . rtrim ( this ) ;
} ;
return utils ;
} ) ) ;