'use strict';
const validator = require('validator');
const db = require('../database');
const user = require('../user');
const topics = require('../topics');
const categories = require('../categories');
const flags = require('../flags');
const analytics = require('../analytics');
const plugins = require('../plugins');
const pagination = require('../pagination');
const privileges = require('../privileges');
const utils = require('../utils');
const helpers = require('./helpers');
const modsController = module.exports;
modsController.flags = {};
modsController.flags.list = async function (req, res, next) {
const validFilters = ['assignee', 'state', 'reporterId', 'type', 'targetUid', 'cid', 'quick', 'page', 'perPage'];
const validSorts = ['newest', 'oldest', 'reports', 'upvotes', 'downvotes', 'replies'];
const results = await Promise.all([
plugins.hooks.fire('filter:flags.validateFilters', { filters: validFilters }),
plugins.hooks.fire('filter:flags.validateSort', { sorts: validSorts }),
const [isAdminOrGlobalMod, moderatedCids,, { sorts }] = results;
let [,, { filters }] = results;
if (!(isAdminOrGlobalMod || !!moderatedCids.length)) {
return next(new Error('[[error:no-privileges]]'));
if (!isAdminOrGlobalMod && moderatedCids.length) {
res.locals.cids = moderatedCids.map(cid => String(cid));
// Parse query string params for filters, eliminate non-valid filters
filters = filters.reduce((memo, cur) => {
if (req.query.hasOwnProperty(cur)) {
if (req.query[cur] !== '') {
memo[cur] = req.query[cur];
return memo;
}, {});
let hasFilter = !!Object.keys(filters).length;
if (res.locals.cids) {
if (!filters.cid) {
// If mod and no cid filter, add filter for their modded categories
filters.cid = res.locals.cids;
} else if (Array.isArray(filters.cid)) {
// Remove cids they do not moderate
filters.cid = filters.cid.filter(cid => res.locals.cids.includes(String(cid)));
} else if (!res.locals.cids.includes(String(filters.cid))) {
filters.cid = res.locals.cids;
hasFilter = false;
// Pagination doesn't count as a filter
if (
(Object.keys(filters).length === 1 && filters.hasOwnProperty('page')) ||
(Object.keys(filters).length === 2 && filters.hasOwnProperty('page') && filters.hasOwnProperty('perPage'))
) {
hasFilter = false;
// Parse sort from query string
let sort;
if (req.query.sort) {
sort = sorts.includes(req.query.sort) ? req.query.sort : null;
if (sort === 'newest') {
sort = undefined;
hasFilter = hasFilter || !!sort;
const [flagsData, analyticsData, selectData] = await Promise.all([
filters: filters,
sort: sort,
uid: req.uid,
analytics.getDailyStatsForSet('analytics:flags', Date.now(), 30),
res.render('flags/list', {
flags: flagsData.flags,
analytics: analyticsData,
selectedCategory: selectData.selectedCategory,
hasFilter: hasFilter,
filters: filters,
sort: sort || 'newest',
title: '[[pages:flags]]',
pagination: pagination.create(flagsData.page, flagsData.pageCount, req.query),
breadcrumbs: helpers.buildBreadcrumbs([{ text: '[[pages:flags]]' }]),
modsController.flags.detail = async function (req, res, next) {
const results = await utils.promiseParallel({
isAdminOrGlobalMod: user.isAdminOrGlobalMod(req.uid),
moderatedCids: user.getModeratedCids(req.uid),
flagData: flags.get(req.params.flagId),
assignees: user.getAdminsandGlobalModsandModerators(),
privileges: Promise.all(['global', 'admin'].map(async type => privileges[type].get(req.uid))),
results.privileges = { ...results.privileges[0], ...results.privileges[1] };
if (!results.flagData) {
return next(new Error('[[error:invalid-data]]'));
} else if (!(results.isAdminOrGlobalMod || !!results.moderatedCids.length)) {
return next(new Error('[[error:no-privileges]]'));
if (results.flagData.type === 'user') {
results.flagData.type_path = 'uid';
} else if (results.flagData.type === 'post') {
results.flagData.type_path = 'post';
res.render('flags/detail', Object.assign(results.flagData, {
assignees: results.assignees,
type_bool: ['post', 'user', 'empty'].reduce((memo, cur) => {
if (cur !== 'empty') {
memo[cur] = results.flagData.type === cur && (
!results.flagData.target ||
} else {
memo[cur] = !Object.keys(results.flagData.target).length;
return memo;
}, {}),
title: `[[pages:flag-details, ${req.params.flagId}]]`,
privileges: results.privileges,
breadcrumbs: helpers.buildBreadcrumbs([
{ text: '[[pages:flags]]', url: '/flags' },
{ text: `[[pages:flag-details, ${req.params.flagId}]]` },
modsController.postQueue = async function (req, res, next) {
// Admins, global mods, and individual mods only
const isPrivileged = await user.isPrivileged(req.uid);
if (!isPrivileged) {
return next();
const { cid } = req.query;
const page = parseInt(req.query.page, 10) || 1;
const postsPerPage = 20;
const [ids, isAdminOrGlobalMod, moderatedCids, categoriesData] = await Promise.all([
db.getSortedSetRange('post:queue', 0, -1),
if (cid && !moderatedCids.includes(String(cid)) && !isAdminOrGlobalMod) {
return next();
let postData = await getQueuedPosts(ids);
postData = postData.filter(p => p &&
(!categoriesData.selectedCids.length || categoriesData.selectedCids.includes(p.category.cid)) &&
(isAdminOrGlobalMod || moderatedCids.includes(String(p.category.cid))));
({ posts: postData } = await plugins.hooks.fire('filter:post-queue.get', {
posts: postData,
req: req,
const pageCount = Math.max(1, Math.ceil(postData.length / postsPerPage));
const start = (page - 1) * postsPerPage;
const stop = start + postsPerPage - 1;
postData = postData.slice(start, stop + 1);
res.render('post-queue', {
title: '[[pages:post-queue]]',
posts: postData,
allCategoriesUrl: `post-queue${helpers.buildQueryString(req.query, 'cid', '')}`,
pagination: pagination.create(page, pageCount),
breadcrumbs: helpers.buildBreadcrumbs([{ text: '[[pages:post-queue]]' }]),
async function getQueuedPosts(ids) {
const keys = ids.map(id => `post:queue:${id}`);
const postData = await db.getObjects(keys);
postData.forEach((data) => {
if (data) {
data.data = JSON.parse(data.data);
data.data.timestampISO = utils.toISOString(data.data.timestamp);
const uids = postData.map(data => data && data.uid);
const userData = await user.getUsersFields(uids, ['username', 'userslug', 'picture']);
postData.forEach((postData, index) => {
if (postData) {
postData.user = userData[index];
postData.data.rawContent = validator.escape(String(postData.data.content));
postData.data.title = validator.escape(String(postData.data.title || ''));
await Promise.all(postData.map(p => addMetaData(p)));
return postData;
async function addMetaData(postData) {
if (!postData) {
postData.topic = { cid: 0 };
if (postData.data.cid) {
postData.topic = { cid: parseInt(postData.data.cid, 10) };
} else if (postData.data.tid) {
postData.topic = await topics.getTopicFields(postData.data.tid, ['title', 'cid']);
postData.category = await categories.getCategoryData(postData.topic.cid);
const result = await plugins.hooks.fire('filter:parse.post', { postData: postData.data });
postData.data.content = result.postData.content;