var socket ,
config ,
app = { } ,
API _URL = null ;
// todo: cleanup,etc
( function ( ) {
$ . ajax ( {
url : '/config.json?v=' + new Date ( ) . getTime ( ) ,
success : function ( data ) {
API _URL = data . api _url ;
config = data ;
socket = io . connect ( 'http://' + config . socket . address + config . socket . port ? ':' + config . socket . port : '' ) ;
socket . on ( 'event:connect' , function ( data ) {
console . log ( 'connected to nodebb socket: ' , data ) ;
} ) ;
socket . on ( 'event:alert' , function ( data ) {
app . alert ( data ) ;
} ) ;
socket . on ( 'event:consolelog' , function ( data ) {
console . log ( data ) ;
} ) ;
socket . on ( 'api:posts.getRawPost' , function ( data ) {
var contentEl = document . getElementById ( 'post_content' ) ;
contentEl . value = data . post ;
} ) ;
socket . on ( 'disconnect' , function ( data ) {
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
$ ( '#disconnect-modal' ) . modal ( 'show' ) ;
$ ( '#reload-button' ) . on ( 'click' , function ( ) {
$ ( '#disconnect-modal' ) . modal ( 'hide' ) ;
window . location . reload ( ) ;
} ) ;
} , 500 ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
async : false
} ) ;
// takes a string like 1000 and returns 1,000
app . addCommas = function ( text ) {
return text . replace ( /(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g , "$1," ) ;
// Willingly stolen from:
app . strip _tags = function ( input , allowed ) {
allowed = ( ( ( allowed || "" ) + "" ) . toLowerCase ( ) . match ( /<[a-z][a-z0-9]*>/g ) || [ ] ) . join ( '' ) ; // making sure the allowed arg is a string containing only tags in lowercase (<a><b><c>)
var tags = /<\/?([a-z][a-z0-9]*)\b[^>]*>/gi ,
commentsAndPhpTags = /<!--[\s\S]*?-->|<\?(?:php)?[\s\S]*?\?>/gi ;
return input . replace ( commentsAndPhpTags , '' ) . replace ( tags , function ( $0 , $1 ) {
return allowed . indexOf ( '<' + $1 . toLowerCase ( ) + '>' ) > - 1 ? $0 : '' ;
} ) ;
// use unique alert_id to have multiple alerts visible at a time, use the same alert_id to fade out the current instance
// type : error, success, info, warning/notify
// title = bolded title text
// message = alert message content
// timeout default = permanent
// location : alert_window (default) or content
app . alert = function ( params ) {
var div = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ,
button = document . createElement ( 'button' ) ,
strong = document . createElement ( 'strong' ) ,
p = document . createElement ( 'p' ) ;
var alert _id = 'alert_button_' + ( ( params . alert _id ) ? params . alert _id : new Date ( ) . getTime ( ) ) ;
jQuery ( '#' + alert _id ) . fadeOut ( 500 , function ( ) {
this . remove ( ) ;
} ) ;
p . innerHTML = params . message ;
strong . innerHTML = params . title ;
div . className = "alert toaster-alert " + ( ( params . type == 'warning' ) ? '' : "alert-" + params . type ) ;
div . setAttribute ( 'id' , alert _id ) ;
div . appendChild ( button ) ;
div . appendChild ( strong ) ;
div . appendChild ( p ) ;
button . className = 'close' ;
button . innerHTML = '×' ;
button . onclick = function ( ev ) {
div . parentNode . removeChild ( div ) ;
if ( params . location == null ) params . location = 'alert_window' ;
jQuery ( '#' + params . location ) . prepend ( jQuery ( div ) . fadeIn ( '100' ) ) ;
if ( params . timeout ) {
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
jQuery ( div ) . fadeOut ( 1000 , function ( ) {
this . remove ( ) ;
} ) ;
} , params . timeout )
if ( params . clickfn ) {
div . onclick = function ( ) {
params . clickfn ( ) ;
jQuery ( div ) . fadeOut ( 500 , function ( ) {
this . remove ( ) ;
} ) ;
var post _window = null ,
submit _post _btn = null ,
post _title = null ,
reply _title = null ,
post _content = null ;
app . open _post _window = function ( post _mode , id , title , pid ) {
submit _post _btn = submit _post _btn || document . getElementById ( 'submit_post_btn' ) ;
post _title = post _title || document . getElementById ( 'post_title' ) ;
reply _title = reply _title || document . getElementById ( 'reply_title' ) ;
post _content = post _content || document . getElementById ( 'post_content' ) ;
post _window = post _window || document . getElementById ( 'post_window' ) ;
jQuery ( post _window ) . slideDown ( 250 ) ;
$ ( document . body ) . addClass ( 'composing' ) ;
if ( post _mode == 'topic' ) {
post _title . style . display = "block" ;
reply _title . style . display = "none" ;
post _title . focus ( ) ;
submit _post _btn . onclick = function ( ) {
app . post _topic ( id ) ;
} else if ( post _mode === 'edit' ) {
reply _title . innerHTML = 'You are editing "' + title + '"' ;
socket . emit ( 'api:posts.getRawPost' , { pid : pid } ) ;
post _title . style . display = "none" ;
reply _title . style . display = "block" ;
post _content . focus ( ) ;
submit _post _btn . onclick = function ( ) {
app . edit _post ( pid ) ;
} else {
if ( post _mode == 'reply' ) {
reply _title . innerHTML = 'You are replying to "' + title + '"' ;
} else if ( post _mode == 'quote' ) {
reply _title . innerHTML = 'You are quoting "' + title + '"' ;
post _title . style . display = "none" ;
reply _title . style . display = "block" ;
post _content . focus ( ) ;
submit _post _btn . onclick = function ( ) {
app . post _reply ( id )
// If there was a saved draft, populate the post content with it now
if ( localStorage ) {
var draft = localStorage . getItem ( post _mode + '_' + id + '_draft' ) ;
if ( draft && draft . length > 0 ) {
post _content . value = draft ;
localStorage . removeItem ( post _mode + '_' + id + '_draft' ) ;
// Override post window behaviour if user is not logged in
if ( document . getElementById ( 'user_label' ) === null ) {
submit _post _btn . innerHTML = '<i class="icon-save"></i> Save & Login</i>' ;
submit _post _btn . onclick = function ( ) {
// Save the post content in localStorage and send the user to registration page
if ( localStorage && post _content . value . length > 0 ) {
localStorage . setItem ( post _mode + '_' + id + '_draft' , post _content . value ) ;
app . close _post _window ( ) ;
post _title . value = '' ;
reply _title . value = '' ;
post _content . value = '' ;
app . alert ( {
title : 'Post Saved' ,
message : 'We've saved your post as a draft. It will be available again when you log in and post again.' ,
type : 'notify' ,
timeout : 5000
} ) ;
ajaxify . go ( 'login' ) ;
} ;
app . close _post _window = function ( ) {
post _window = post _window || document . getElementById ( 'post_window' ) ;
jQuery ( post _window ) . slideUp ( 250 ) ;
$ ( document . body ) . removeClass ( 'composing' ) ;
app . post _reply = function ( topic _id ) {
var content = document . getElementById ( 'post_content' ) ;
if ( content . length < 5 ) {
app . alert ( {
title : 'Reply Failure' ,
message : 'You need to write more dude.' ,
type : 'error' ,
timeout : 2000
} ) ;
return ;
socket . emit ( 'api:posts.reply' , {
'topic_id' : topic _id ,
'content' : content . value
} ) ;
app . close _post _window ( ) ;
content . value = '' ;
} ;
app . post _topic = function ( category _id ) {
var title = $ ( '#post_title' ) ,
content = $ ( '#post_content' ) ;
if ( title . val ( ) . length < 5 || content . val ( ) . length < 5 ) {
app . alert ( {
title : 'Topic Post Failure' ,
message : 'You need to write more dude.' ,
type : 'error' ,
timeout : 2000
} ) ;
return ;
socket . emit ( '' , {
'title' : title . val ( ) ,
'content' : content . val ( ) ,
'category_id' : category _id
} ) ;
app . close _post _window ( ) ;
title . val ( '' ) ;
content . val ( '' ) ;
} ;
app . edit _post = function ( pid ) {
var content = $ ( '#post_content' ) ;
if ( content . val ( ) . length < 5 ) {
app . alert ( {
title : 'Topic Post Failure' ,
message : 'You need to write more dude.' ,
type : 'error' ,
timeout : 2000
} ) ;
return ;
socket . emit ( 'api:posts.edit' , { pid : pid , content : content . val ( ) } ) ;
app . close _post _window ( ) ;
content . val ( '' ) ;
app . current _room = null ;
app . enter _room = function ( room ) {
if ( app . current _room === room ) return ;
socket . emit ( 'event:enter_room' , {
'enter' : room ,
'leave' : app . current _room
} ) ;
app . current _room = room ;
} ;
app . process _page = function ( ) {
function populate _online _users ( ) {
var uids = [ ] ;
jQuery ( '.post-row' ) . each ( function ( ) {
uids . push ( this . getAttribute ( 'data-uid' ) ) ;
} ) ;
socket . emit ( 'api:user.get_online_users' , uids ) ;
populate _online _users ( ) ;
socket . on ( 'api:user.get_online_users' , function ( users ) {
jQuery ( '.username-field' ) . each ( function ( ) {
var uid = jQuery ( this ) . parents ( 'li' ) . attr ( 'data-uid' ) ;
if ( uid && jQuery . inArray ( uid , users ) !== - 1 ) {
jQuery ( this ) . prepend ( '<i class="icon-circle"></i>' ) ;
} else {
jQuery ( this ) . prepend ( '<i class="icon-circle-blank"></i>' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
jQuery ( 'document' ) . ready ( function ( ) {
app . enter _room ( 'global' ) ;
// On menu click, change "active" state
var menuEl = document . querySelector ( '.nav' ) ,
liEls = menuEl . querySelectorAll ( 'li' ) ,
logoutEl = document . getElementById ( 'logout' ) ,
parentEl ;
menuEl . addEventListener ( 'click' , function ( e ) {
parentEl = e . target . parentNode ;
if ( parentEl . nodeName === 'LI' ) {
for ( var x = 0 , numLis = liEls . length ; x < numLis ; x ++ ) {
if ( liEls [ x ] !== parentEl ) liEls [ x ] . className = '' ;
else parentEl . className = 'active' ;
} , false ) ;
// Posting
var formattingBar = document . querySelector ( '.formatting-bar' ) ,
postContentEl = document . getElementById ( 'post_content' ) ;
jQuery ( '#post_window' ) . slideToggle ( 0 ) ;
if ( formattingBar ) {
formattingBar . addEventListener ( 'click' , function ( e ) {
if ( e . target . nodeName === 'I' || e . target . nodeName === 'SPAN' ) {
var cursorEnd = postContentEl . value . length ,
selectionStart = postContentEl . selectionStart ,
selectionEnd = postContentEl . selectionEnd ,
selectionLength = selectionEnd - selectionStart ,
target ;
if ( e . target . nodeName === 'I' ) target = e . target ;
else if ( e . target . nodeName === 'SPAN' ) target = e . target . querySelector ( 'i' ) ;
switch ( target . className ) {
case 'icon-bold' :
if ( selectionStart === selectionEnd ) {
// Nothing selected
postContentEl . value = postContentEl . value + '**bolded text**' ;
postContentEl . selectionStart = cursorEnd + 2 ;
postContentEl . selectionEnd = postContentEl . value . length - 2 ;
} else {
// Text selected
postContentEl . value = postContentEl . value . slice ( 0 , selectionStart ) + '**' + postContentEl . value . slice ( selectionStart , selectionEnd ) + '**' + postContentEl . value . slice ( selectionEnd ) ;
postContentEl . selectionStart = selectionStart + 2 ;
postContentEl . selectionEnd = selectionEnd + 2 ;
break ;
case 'icon-italic' :
if ( selectionStart === selectionEnd ) {
// Nothing selected
postContentEl . value = postContentEl . value + '*italicised text*' ;
postContentEl . selectionStart = cursorEnd + 1 ;
postContentEl . selectionEnd = postContentEl . value . length - 1 ;
} else {
// Text selected
postContentEl . value = postContentEl . value . slice ( 0 , selectionStart ) + '*' + postContentEl . value . slice ( selectionStart , selectionEnd ) + '*' + postContentEl . value . slice ( selectionEnd ) ;
postContentEl . selectionStart = selectionStart + 1 ;
postContentEl . selectionEnd = selectionEnd + 1 ;
break ;
case 'icon-list' :
// Nothing selected
postContentEl . value = postContentEl . value + "\n\n* list item" ;
postContentEl . selectionStart = cursorEnd + 4 ;
postContentEl . selectionEnd = postContentEl . value . length ;
break ;
case 'icon-link' :
if ( selectionStart === selectionEnd ) {
// Nothing selected
postContentEl . value = postContentEl . value + '[link text](link url)' ;
postContentEl . selectionStart = cursorEnd + 12 ;
postContentEl . selectionEnd = postContentEl . value . length - 1 ;
} else {
// Text selected
postContentEl . value = postContentEl . value . slice ( 0 , selectionStart ) + '[' + postContentEl . value . slice ( selectionStart , selectionEnd ) + '](link url)' + postContentEl . value . slice ( selectionEnd ) ;
postContentEl . selectionStart = selectionStart + selectionLength + 3 ;
postContentEl . selectionEnd = selectionEnd + 11 ;
break ;
} , false ) ;
} ) ;
} ( ) ) ;