You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

607 lines
17 KiB

8 years ago
'use strict';
define('settings', ['hooks', 'alerts'], function (hooks, alerts) {
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
let Settings;
let onReady = [];
let waitingJobs = 0;
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
let helper;
Returns the hook of given name that matches the given type or element.
@param type The type of the element to get the matching hook for, or the element itself.
@param name The name of the hook.
function getHook(type, name) {
if (typeof type !== 'string') {
type = $(type);
type ='type') || type.attr('type') || type.prop('tagName');
const plugin = Settings.plugins[type.toLowerCase()];
if (plugin == null) {
const hook = plugin[name];
if (typeof hook === 'function') {
return hook;
return null;
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
helper = {
@returns Object A deep clone of the given object.
deepClone: function (obj) {
if (typeof obj === 'object') {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
return obj;
Creates a new Element with given data.
@param tagName The tag-name of the element to create.
@param data The attributes to set.
@param text The text to add into the element.
@returns HTMLElement The created element.
createElement: function (tagName, data, text) {
const element = document.createElement(tagName);
for (const k in data) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
element.setAttribute(k, data[k]);
if (text) {
return element;
Calls the init-hook of the given element.
@param element The element to initialize.
initElement: function (element) {
const hook = getHook(element, 'init');
if (hook != null) {, $(element));
Calls the destruct-hook of the given element.
@param element The element to destruct.
destructElement: function (element) {
const hook = getHook(element, 'destruct');
if (hook != null) {, $(element));
Creates and initializes a new element.
@param type The type of the new element.
@param tagName The tag-name of the new element.
@param data The data to forward to create-hook or use as attributes.
@returns JQuery The created element.
createElementOfType: function (type, tagName, data) {
let element;
const hook = getHook(type, 'create');
if (hook != null) {
element = $(, type, tagName, data));
} else {
if (data == null) {
data = {};
if (type != null) {
data.type = type;
element = $(helper.createElement(tagName || 'input', data));
}'type', type);
return element;
Creates a new Array that contains values of given Array depending on trim and empty.
@param array The array to clean.
@param trim Whether to trim each value if it has a trim-function.
@param empty Whether empty values should get added.
@returns Array The filtered and/or modified Array.
cleanArray: function (array, trim, empty) {
const cleaned = [];
if (!trim && empty) {
return array;
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i += 1) {
let value = array[i];
if (trim) {
if (value === !!value) {
value = +value;
} else if (value && typeof value.trim === 'function') {
value = value.trim();
if (empty || (value != null && value.length)) {
return cleaned;
isTrue: function (value) {
return value === 'true' || +value === 1;
isFalse: function (value) {
return value === 'false' || +value === 0;
Calls the get-hook of the given element and returns its result.
If no hook is specified it gets treated as input-field.
@param element The element of that the value should get read.
@returns Object The value of the element.
readValue: function (element) {
let empty = !helper.isFalse('empty'));
const trim = !helper.isFalse('trim'));
const split ='split');
const hook = getHook(element, 'get');
let value;
if (hook != null) {
return, element, trim, empty);
if (split != null) {
empty = helper.isTrue('empty')); // default empty-value is false for arrays
value = element.val();
const array = (value != null && value.split(split || ',')) || [];
return helper.cleanArray(array, trim, empty);
value = element.val();
if (trim && value != null && typeof value.trim === 'function') {
value = value.trim();
if (empty || (value !== undefined && (value == null || value.length !== 0))) {
return value;
Calls the set-hook of the given element.
If no hook is specified it gets treated as input-field.
@param element The JQuery-Object of the element to fill.
@param value The value to set.
fillField: function (element, value) {
const hook = getHook(element, 'set');
let trim ='trim');
trim = trim !== 'false' && +trim !== 0;
if (hook != null) {
return, element, value, trim);
if (value instanceof Array) {
value = value.join('split') || (trim ? ', ' : ','));
if (trim && value && typeof value.trim === 'function') {
value = value.trim();
if (typeof value.toString === 'function') {
value = value.toString();
} else if (value != null) {
if (typeof value.toString === 'function') {
value = value.toString();
if (trim) {
value = value.trim();
} else {
value = '';
if (value !== undefined) {
Calls the init-hook and {@link helper.fillField} on each field within wrapper-object.
@param wrapper The wrapper-element to set settings within.
initFields: function (wrapper) {
$('[data-key]', wrapper).each(function (ignored, field) {
field = $(field);
const hook = getHook(field, 'init');
const keyParts ='key').split('.');
let value = Settings.get();
if (hook != null) {, field);
for (let i = 0; i < keyParts.length; i += 1) {
const part = keyParts[i];
if (part && value != null) {
value = value[part];
helper.fillField(field, value);
Increases the amount of jobs before settings are ready by given amount.
@param amount The amount of jobs to register.
registerReadyJobs: function (amount) {
waitingJobs += amount;
return waitingJobs;
Decreases the amount of jobs before settings are ready by given amount or 1.
If the amount is less or equal 0 all callbacks registered by {@link helper.whenReady} get called.
@param amount The amount of jobs that finished.
beforeReadyJobsDecreased: function (amount) {
if (amount == null) {
amount = 1;
if (waitingJobs > 0) {
waitingJobs -= amount;
if (waitingJobs <= 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < onReady.length; i += 1) {
onReady = [];
Calls the given callback when the settings are ready.
@param callback The callback.
whenReady: function (callback) {
if (waitingJobs <= 0) {
} else {
serializeForm: function (formEl) {
const values = formEl.serializeObject();
// "Fix" checkbox values, so that unchecked options are not omitted
formEl.find('input[type="checkbox"]').each(function (idx, inputEl) {
inputEl = $(inputEl);
if (!':checked')) {
values[inputEl.attr('name')] = 'off';
// save multiple selects as json arrays
formEl.find('select[multiple]').each(function (idx, selectEl) {
selectEl = $(selectEl);
values[selectEl.attr('name')] = JSON.stringify(selectEl.val());
return values;
Persists the given settings with given hash.
@param hash The hash to use as settings-id.
@param settings The settings-object to persist.
@param notify Whether to send notification when settings got saved.
@param callback The callback to call when done.
persistSettings: function (hash, settings, notify, callback) {
if (settings != null && settings._ != null && typeof settings._ !== 'string') {
settings = helper.deepClone(settings);
settings._ = JSON.stringify(settings._);
socket.emit('admin.settings.set', {
hash: hash,
values: settings,
}, function (err) {
if (notify) {
if (err) {
title: '[[admin/admin:changes-not-saved]]',
type: 'danger',
message: `[[admin/admin/changes-not-saved-message, ${err.message}]]`,
timeout: 5000,
} else {
title: '[[admin/admin:changes-saved]]',
type: 'success',
message: '[[admin/admin:changes-saved-message]]',
timeout: 2500,
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
Sets the settings to use to given settings.
@param settings The settings to use.
use: function (settings) {
try {
settings._ = JSON.parse(settings._);
} catch (_error) {}
Settings.cfg = settings;
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
Settings = {
helper: helper,
plugins: {},
cfg: {},
Returns the saved settings.
@returns Object The settings.
get: function () {
if (Settings.cfg != null && Settings.cfg._ !== undefined) {
return Settings.cfg._;
return Settings.cfg;
Registers a new plugin and calls its use-hook.
@param service The plugin to register.
@param types The types to bind the plugin to.
registerPlugin: function (service, types) {
if (types == null) {
types = service.types;
} else {
service.types = types;
if (typeof service.use === 'function') {;
for (let i = 0; i < types.length; i += 1) {
const type = types[i].toLowerCase();
if (Settings.plugins[type] == null) {
Settings.plugins[type] = service;
Sets the settings to given ones, resets the fields within given wrapper and saves the settings server-side.
@param hash The hash to use as settings-id.
@param settings The settings to set.
@param wrapper The wrapper-element to find settings within.
@param callback The callback to call when done.
@param notify Whether to send notification when settings got saved.
set: function (hash, settings, wrapper, callback, notify) {
if (notify == null) {
notify = true;
helper.whenReady(function () {
helper.initFields(wrapper || 'form');
helper.persistSettings(hash, settings, notify, callback);
Fetches the settings from server and calls {@link Settings.helper.initFields} once the settings are ready.
@param hash The hash to use as settings-id.
@param wrapper The wrapper-element to set settings within.
@param callback The callback to call when done.
sync: function (hash, wrapper, callback) {
socket.emit('admin.settings.get', {
hash: hash,
}, function (err, values) {
if (err) {
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
} else {
helper.whenReady(function () {
helper.initFields(wrapper || 'form');
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
Reads the settings from fields and saves them server-side.
@param hash The hash to use as settings-id.
@param wrapper The wrapper-element to find settings within.
@param callback The callback to call when done.
@param notify Whether to send notification when settings got saved.
persist: function (hash, wrapper, callback, notify) {
const notSaved = [];
const fields = $('[data-key]', wrapper || 'form').toArray();
if (notify == null) {
notify = true;
for (let i = 0; i < fields.length; i += 1) {
const field = $(fields[i]);
const value = helper.readValue(field);
let parentCfg = Settings.get();
const keyParts ='key').split('.');
const lastKey = keyParts[keyParts.length - 1];
if (keyParts.length > 1) {
for (let j = 0; j < keyParts.length - 1; j += 1) {
const part = keyParts[j];
if (part && parentCfg != null) {
parentCfg = parentCfg[part];
if (parentCfg != null) {
if (value != null) {
parentCfg[lastKey] = value;
} else {
delete parentCfg[lastKey];
} else {
if (notSaved.length) {
title: 'Attributes Not Saved',
message: "'" + (notSaved.join(', ')) + "' could not be saved. Please contact the plugin-author!",
type: 'danger',
timeout: 5000,
helper.persistSettings(hash, Settings.cfg, notify, callback);
11 years ago
load: function (hash, formEl, callback) {
callback = callback || function () {};
const call = formEl.attr('data-socket-get');
socket.emit(call || 'admin.settings.get', {
hash: hash,
11 years ago
}, function (err, values) {
11 years ago
if (err) {
return callback(err);
// multipe selects are saved as json arrays, parse them here
$(formEl).find('select[multiple]').each(function (idx, selectEl) {
const key = $(selectEl).attr('name');
if (key && values.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
try {
values[key] = JSON.parse(values[key]);
} catch (e) {
7 years ago
// Leave the value as is
8 years ago
// Save loaded settings into for use client-side[call ? hash : 'settings'] = values;
8 years ago
helper.whenReady(function () {
$(formEl).find('[data-sorted-list]').each(function (idx, el) {
getHook(el, 'get').call(Settings, $(el), hash);
11 years ago
11 years ago
9 years ago
// Handle unsaved changes
$(formEl).on('change', 'input, select, textarea', function () {
9 years ago
app.flags = app.flags || {};
app.flags._unsaved = true;
const saveEl = document.getElementById('save');
if (saveEl) {
require(['mousetrap'], function (mousetrap) {
mousetrap.bind('ctrl+s', function (ev) {;
11 years ago
callback(null, values);
11 years ago
save: function (hash, formEl, callback) {
formEl = $(formEl);
const controls = formEl.get(0).elements;
const ok = Settings.check(controls);
if (!ok) {
if (formEl.length) {
const values = helper.serializeForm(formEl);
helper.whenReady(function () {
const list = formEl.find('[data-sorted-list]');
if (list.length) {
list.each((idx, item) => {
getHook(item, 'set').call(Settings, $(item), values);
const call = formEl.attr('data-socket-set');
socket.emit(call || 'admin.settings.set', {
hash: hash,
values: values,
11 years ago
}, function (err) {
9 years ago
// Remove unsaved flag to re-enable ajaxify
app.flags._unsaved = false;
8 years ago
// Also save to local[call ? hash : 'settings'] = values;
8 years ago
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
} else if (err) {
title: '[[admin/admin:changes-not-saved]]',
message: `[[admin/admin:changes-not-saved-message, ${err.message}]]`,
type: 'error',
timeout: 2500,
} else {
Bootstrap5 (#10894) * chore: up deps * chore: up composer * fix(deps): bump 2factor to v7 * chore: up harmony * chore: up harmony * fix: missing await * feat: allow middlewares to pass in template values via res.locals * feat: buildAccountData middleware automatically added ot all account routes * fix: properly allow values in res.locals.templateValues to be added to the template data * refactor: user/blocks * refactor(accounts): categories and consent * feat: automatically 404 if exposeUid or exposeGroupName come up empty * refactor: remove calls to getUserDataByUserSlug for most account routes, since it is populated via middleware now * fix: allow exposeUid and exposeGroupName to work with slugs with mixed capitalization * fix: move reputation removal check to accountHelpers method * test: skip i18n tests if ref branch when present is not develop * fix(deps): bump theme versions * fix(deps): bump ntfy and 2factor * chore: up harmony * fix: add missing return * fix: #11191, only focus on search input on md environments and up * feat: allow file uploads on mobile chat closes * chore: up themes * chore: add lang string * fix(deps): bump ntfy to 1.0.15 * refactor: use new if/each syntax * chore: up composer * fix: regression from user helper refactor * chore: up harmony * chore: up composer * chore: up harmony * chore: up harmony * chore: up harmony * chore: fix composer version * feat: add increment helper * chore: up harmony * fix: #11228 no timestamps in future :hourglass: * chore: up harmony * check config.theme as well fire action:posts.loaded after processing dom * chore: up harmony * chore: up harmony * chore: up harmony * chore: up themes * chore: up harmony * remove extra class * refactor: move these to core from harmony * chore: up widgets * chore: up widgets * height auto * fix: closes #11238 * dont focus inputs, annoying on mobile * fix: dont focus twice, only focus on chat input on desktop dont wrap widget footer in row * chore: up harmony * chore: up harmony * update chat window * chore: up themes * fix cache buster for skins * chat fixes * chore: up harmony * chore: up composer * refactor: change hook logs to debug * fix: scroll to post right after adding to dom * fix: hash scrolling and highlighting correct post * test: re-enable read API schema tests * fix: add back schema changes for 179faa2270f2ad955dcc4a7b04755acce59e6ffd and c3920ccb10d8ead2dcd9914bb1784bed3f6adfd4 * fix: schema changes from 488f0978a4aa1ca1e4d2a1f2e8c7ef7a681f2f27 * fix: schema changes for f4cf482a874701ce80c0f306c49d8788cec66f87 * fix: schema update for be6bbabd0e2551fbe9571dcf3ee40ad721764543 * fix: schema changes for 69c96078ea78ee2c45885a90a6f6a59f9042a33c * fix: schema changes for d1364c313021e48a879a818b24947e1457c062f7 * fix: schema changes for 84ff1152f7552dd866e25a90972d970b9861107e * fix: schema changes for b860c2605c209e0650ef98f4c80d842ea23a51ce * fix: schema changes for 23cb67a1126481848fac39aafd1e253441e76d7f * fix: schema changes for b916e42f400dac8aa51670b15e439f87f0eb8939 * fix: schema change for a9bbb586fcb3a1c61b5fb69052236e78cdf7d743 * fix: schema changes for 4b738c8cd36c936a1dbe2bb900c694bf6c5520ec * fix: schema changes for 58b5781cea9acb129e6604a82ab5a5bfc0d8394d * fix: schema changes for 794bf01b21709c4be06584d576d706b3d6342057 * fix: schema changes for 80ea12c1c1963f5b39fb64841e4f3c8da3c87af2, e368feef51e0766f119c9710fb4db8f64724725c, and 52ead114bec961c62fa2eb0786540e229f6e4873 * fix: composer-default object in config? * fix: schema changes for 9acdc6808c070555352951c651921df181b10993 and 093093420027999df3c67bf0ea6024f6dbf81d2d * fix: schema changes for c0a52924f1f7ef8caeaacda67363ac269b56042c * fix: schema change for aba420a3f3b774e949c2539c73f3dc0e1ae79a38, move loggedInUser to optional props * fix: schema changes for 8c67031609da30d788561459f8bb76e9a69253de * fix: schema changes for 27e53b42f3ce48fa61d3754375715cd41ffe808d * fix: schema changes for 28359665187b0a3b9ec6226dca1234ebdbd725a5 * fix: breaking test for email confirmation API call * fix: schema changes for refactored search page * fix: schema changes for user object * fix: schema changes for 9f531f957e08eabb4bae844ddd67bde14d9b59f0 * fix: schema changes for c4042c70decd628e5b880bd109515b47e4e16164 and 23175110a29640e6fa052db1079bfedb34a61055 * fix: schema changes for 9b3616b10392e247974eb0c1e6225a1582bf6c69 * fix: schema changes for 5afd5de07d42fd33f039a6f85ded3b4992200e5a * fix: schema change for 1d7baf12171cffbd3af8914bef4e6297d1160d49 * fix: schema changes for 57bfb37c55a839662144e684875003ab52315ecc and be6bbabd0e2551fbe9571dcf3ee40ad721764543 * fix: schema changes for 6e86b4afa20d662af8b9f1c07518df2d8c258105 and 3efad2e13b7319eb9a1f4fda7af047be43ebc11f and 68f66223e73a72f378f193c83a9b5546bede2cda * fix: allowing optional qs prop in pagination keys (not sure why this didn't break before) * fix: re-login on email change * fix: schema changes for c926358d734a2fa410de87f4e4a91744215fc14a * fix: schema changes for 388a8270c9882892bad5c8141f65da8d59eac0fd * fix: schema change for 2658bcc821c22e137a6eeb9bb74098856a642eaf * fix: no need to call account middlewares for chats routes * fix: schema changes for 71743affc3e58dc85d4ffa15ce043d4d9ddd3d67 * fix: final schema changes * test: support for anyOf and oneOf * fix: check thumb * dont scroll to top on back press * remove group log * fix: add top margin to merged and deleted alerts * chore: up widgets * fix: improve fix-lists mixin * chore: up harmony/composer * feat: allow hiding quicksearch results during search * dont record searches made by composer * chore: up 54 * chore: up spam be gone * feat: add prev/next page and page count into mobile paginator * chore: up harmony * chore: up harmony * use old style for IS * fix: hide entire toolbar row if no posts or not singlePost * fix: updated messaging for post-queue template, #11206 * fix: btn-sm on post queue back button * fix: bump harmony, closes #11206 * fix: remove unused alert module import * fix: bump harmony * fix: bump harmony * chore: up harmony * refactor: IS scrolltop * fix: update users:search-user-for-chat source string * feat: support for mark-read toggle on chats dropdown and recent chats list * feat: api v3 calls to mark chat read/unread * feat: send event:chats.mark socket event on mark read or unread * refactor: allow frontend to mark chats as unread, use new API v3 routes instead of socket calls, better frontend event handling * docs: openapi schema updates for chat marking * fix: allow unread state toggling in chats dropdown too * fix: issue where repeated openings of the chats dropdown would continually add events for mark-read/unread * fix: debug log * refactor: move userSearch filter to a module * feat(routes): allow remounting /categories (#11230) * feat: send flags count to frontend on flags list page * refactor: filter form client-side js to extract out some logic * fix: applyFilters to not take any arguments, update selectedCids in updateButton instead of onHidden * fix: use userFilter module for assignee, reporterId, targetUid * fix(openapi): schema changes for updated flags page * fix: dont allow adding duplicates to userFilter * use same var * remove log * fix: closes #11282 * feat: lang key for x-topics * chore: up harmony * chore: up emoji * chore: up harmony * fix: update userFilter to allow new option `selectedBlock` * fix: wrong block name passed to userFilter * fix: * fix: chats, allow multiple dropdowns like in harmony * chore: up harmony * refactor: flag note adding/editing, closes #11285 * fix: remove old prepareEdit logic * chore: add caveat about hacky code block in userFilter module * fix: placeholders for userFilter module * refactor: navigator so it works with multiple thumbs/navigators * chore: up harmony * fix: closes #11287, destroy quick reply autocomplete on navigation * fix: filter disabled categories on user categories page count * chore: up harmony * docs: update openapi spec to include info about passing in timestamps for topic creation, removing timestamp as valid request param for topic replying * fix: send back null values on ACP search dashboard for startDate and endDate if not expicitly passed in, fix tests * fix: tweak table order in ACP dash searches * fix: only invoke navigator click drag on left mouse button * feat: add back unread indicator to navigator * clear bookmark on mark unread * fix: navigator crash on ajaxify * better thumb top calculation * fix: reset user bookmark when topic is marked unread * Revert "fix: reset user bookmark when topic is marked unread" This reverts commit 9bcd85c2c6848c3d325d32027261809da6e11c9e. * fix: update unread indicator on scroll, add unread count * chore: bump harmony * fix: crash on navigator unread update when backing out of a topic * fix: closes #11183 * fix: update topics:recent zset when rescheduling a topic * fix: dupe quote button, increase delay, hide immediately on empty selection * fix: navigator not showing up on first load * refactor: remove glance assorted fixes to navigator dont reduce remaning count if user scrolls down and up quickly only call topic.navigatorCallback when index changes * more sanity checks for bookmark dont allow setting bookmark higher than topic postcount * closes #11218, :train: * Revert "fix: update topics:recent zset when rescheduling a topic" This reverts commit 737973cca9e94b6cb3867492a09e1e0b1af391d5. * fix: #11306, show proper error if queued post doesn't exist was showing no-privileges if someone else accepted the post * dont use li * chore: up harmony * chore: bump version string * fix: copy paste fail * feat: closes #7382, tag filtering add client side support for filtering by tags on /category, /recent and /unread * chore: up harmony * chore: up harmony * Revert "fix: add back req.query fallback for backwards compatibility" [breaking] This reverts commit cf6cc2c454dc35c330393c62ee8ce67b42d8eefb. This commit is no longer required as passing in a CSRF token via query parameter is no longer supported as of NodeBB v3.x This is a breaking change. * fix: pass csrf token in form data, re: NodeBB/NodeBB#11309 * chore: up deps * fix: tests, use x-csrf-token query param removed * test: fix csrf_token * lint: remove unused * feat: add itemprop="image" to avatar helper * fix: get chat upload button in chat modal * breaking: remove deprecated methods * test: update messaging tests to not use sockets * fix: parent post links * fix: prevent post tooltip if mouse leaves before data/tpl is loaded * chore: up harmony * chore: up harmony * chore: up harmony * chore: up harmony * fix: nested replies indices * fix(deps): bump 2factor * feat: add loggedIn user to all api routes * chore: up themes * refactor: audit admin v3 write api routes as per #11321 * refactor: audit category v3 write api routes as per #11321 [breaking] docs: fix open api spec for #11321 * refactor: audit chat v3 write api routes as per #11321 * refactor: audit files v3 write api routes as per #11321 * refactor: audit flags v3 write api routes as per #11321 * refactor: audit posts v3 write api routes as per #11321 * refactor: audit topics v3 write api routes as per #11321 * refactor: audit users v3 write api routes as per #11321 * fix: lang string * remove min height * fix: empty topic/labels taking up space * fix: tag filtering when changing filter to watched topics or changing popular time limit to month * chore: up harmony * fix: closes #11354, show no post error if queued post already accepted/rejected * test: #11354 * test: #11354 * fix(deps): bump 2factor * fix: #11357 clear cache on thumb remove * fix: thumb remove on windows, closes #11357 * test: openapi for thumbs * test: fix openapi --------- Co-authored-by: Julian Lam <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: Opliko <[email protected]>
2 years ago
const saveBtn = document.getElementById('save');
saveBtn.classList.toggle('saved', true);
setTimeout(() => {
saveBtn.classList.toggle('saved', false);
}, 5000);
check: function (controls) {
const onTrigger = (e) => {
const wrapper ='.form-group');
if (wrapper) {
}'invalid', onTrigger);
return, (controlEl) => {
const wrapper = controlEl.closest('.form-group');
if (wrapper) {
controlEl.addEventListener('invalid', onTrigger);
return controlEl.reportValidity();
Webpack5 (#10311) * feat: webpack 5 part 1 * fix: gruntfile fixes * fix: fix taskbar warning add app.importScript copy public/src/modules to build folder * refactor: remove commented old code * feat: reenable admin * fix: acp settings pages, fix sortable on manage categories embedded require in html not allowed * fix: bundle serialize/deserizeli so plugins dont break * test: fixe util tests * test: fix require path * test: more test fixes * test: require correct utils module * test: require correct utils * test: log stack * test: fix db require blowing up tests * test: move and disable bundle test * refactor: add aliases * test: disable testing route * fix: move webpack modules necessary for build, into `dependencies` * test: fix one more test remove 500-embed.tpl * fix: restore use of assets/nodebb.min.js, at least for now * fix: remove unnecessary line break * fix: point to proper ACP bundle * test: maybe fix build test * test: composer * refactor: dont need dist * refactor: more cleanup use everything from build/public folder * get rid of conditional import in app.js * fix: ace * refactor: cropper alias * test: lint and test fixes * lint: fix * refactor: rename function to app.require * refactor: go back to using app.require * chore: use github branch * chore: use webpack branch * feat: webpack webinstaller * feat: add chunkFile name with contenthash * refactor: move hooks to top * refactor: get rid of template500Function * fix(deps): use webpack5 branch of 2factor plugin * chore: tagging v2.0.0-beta.0 pre-release version :boom: :shipit: :tada: :rocket: * refactor: disable cache on templates loadTemplate is called once by benchpress and the result is cache internally * refactor: add server side helpers.js * feat: deprecate /plugins shorthand route, closes #10343 * refactor: use build/public for webpack * test: fix filename * fix: more specific selector * lint: ignore * refactor: fix comments * test: add debug for random failing test * refactor: cleanup remove test page, remove dupe functions in utils.common * lint: use relative path for now * chore: bump prerelease version * feat: add translateKeys * fix: optional params * fix: get rid of extra timeago files * refactor: cleanup, require timeago locale earlier remove translator.prepareDOM, it is in header.tpl html tag * refactor: privileges system to use a Map in the backend instead of separate objects for keys and labels (#10378) * refactor: privileges system to use a Map in the backend instead of separate objects for keys and labels - Existing hooks are preserved (to be deprecated at a later date, possibly) - New init hooks are called on NodeBB start, and provide a one-stop shop to add new privileges, instead of having to add to four different hooks * docs: fix typo in comment * test: spec changes * refactor: privileges system to use a Map in the backend instead of separate objects for keys and labels (#10378) * refactor: privileges system to use a Map in the backend instead of separate objects for keys and labels - Existing hooks are preserved (to be deprecated at a later date, possibly) - New init hooks are called on NodeBB start, and provide a one-stop shop to add new privileges, instead of having to add to four different hooks * docs: fix typo in comment * test: spec changes * feat: allow app.require('bootbox'/'benchpressjs') * refactor: require server side utils * test: jquery ready * change istaller to use build/public * test: use document.addEventListener * refactor: closes #10301 * refactor: generateTopicClass * fix: column counts for other privileges * fix: #10443, regression where sorted-list items did not render into the DOM in the predicted order [breaking] * fix: typo in hook name * refactor: introduce a generic autocomplete.init() method that can be called to add nodebb-style autocompletion but using different data sources (e.g. not user/groups/tags) * fix: crash if `delay` not passed in (as it cannot be destructured) * refactor: replace substr * feat: set --panel-offset style in html element based on stored value in localStorage * refactor: addDropupHandler() logic to be less naive - Take into account height of the menu - Don't apply dropUp logic if there's nothing in the dropdown - Remove 'hidden' class (added by default in Persona for post tools) when menu items are added closes #10423 * refactor: simplify utils.params [breaking] Retrospective analysis of the usage of this method suggests that the options passed in are superfluous, and that only `url` is required. Using a browser built-in makes more sense to accomplish what this method sets out to do. * feat: add support for returning full URLSearchParams for utils.params * fix: utils.params() fallback handling * fix: default empty obj for params() * fix: remove \'loggedin\' and \'register\' qs parameters once they have been used, delay invocation of messages until ajaxify.end * fix: utils.params() not allowing relative paths to be passed in * refactor(DRY): new assertPasswordValidity utils method * fix: incorrect error message returned on insufficient privilege on flag edit * fix: read/update/delete access to flags API should be limited for moderators to only post flags in categories they moderate - added failing tests and patched up middleware.assert.flags to fix * refactor: flag api v3 tests to create new post and flags on every round * fix: missing error:no-flag language key * refactor: flags.canView to check flag existence, simplify middleware.assert.flag * feat: flag deletion API endpoint, #10426 * feat: UI for flag deletion, closes #10426 * chore: update plugin versions * chore: up emoji * chore: update markdown * chore: up emoji-android * fix: regression caused by utils.params() refactor, supports arrays and pipes all values through utils.toType, adjusts tests to type check Co-authored-by: Julian Lam <[email protected]>
3 years ago
], function () {
for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i += 1) {
return Settings;