You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

242 lines
6.0 KiB

(function (module) {
var ready_callback,
config = {},
fs = null;
module.exports = templates = {};
try {
fs = require('fs');
} catch (e) {}
templates.force_refresh = function(tpl) {
return !!config.force_refresh[tpl];
templates.get_custom_map = function(tpl) {
if (config['custom_mapping'] && tpl) {
for (var pattern in config['custom_mapping']) {
if (tpl.match(pattern)) {
return (config['custom_mapping'][pattern]);
return false;
templates.ready = function(callback) {
if (callback == null && ready_callback) ready_callback();
else ready_callback = callback;
templates.prepare = function(raw_tpl, data) {
var template = {};
template.html = raw_tpl;
template.parse = parse;
template.blocks = {};
return template;
function loadTemplates(templatesToLoad) {
function loadServer() {
var loaded = templatesToLoad.length;
for (var t in templatesToLoad) {
(function(file) {
fs.readFile(global.configuration.ROOT_DIRECTORY + '/public/templates/' + file + '.tpl', function(err, html) {
var template = function() {
this.toString = function() {
return this.html;
template.prototype.file = file;
template.prototype.parse = parse;
template.prototype.html = String(html);
global.templates[file] = new template;
if (loaded == 0) templates.ready();
function loadClient() {
var timestamp = new Date().getTime();
var loaded = templatesToLoad.length;
jQuery.getJSON('/templates/config.json', function(data) {
config = data;
for (var t in templatesToLoad) {
(function(file) {
jQuery.get('/templates/' + file + '.tpl?v=' + timestamp, function(html) {
var template = function() {
this.toString = function() {
return this.html;
template.prototype.parse = parse;
template.prototype.html = String(html);
template.prototype.blocks = {};
templates[file] = new template;
if (loaded == 0) templates.ready();
}).fail(function() {
if (loaded == 0) templates.ready();
if (fs === null) loadClient();
else loadServer();
templates.init = function() {
12 years ago
'header', 'footer', 'register', 'home', 'topic','account', 'category', 'users', 'accountedit', 'friends',
'login', 'reset', 'reset_code', 'account',
'confirm', '403', 'logout',
'emails/reset', 'emails/reset_plaintext', 'emails/email_confirm', 'emails/email_confirm_plaintext',
'admin/index', 'admin/categories', 'admin/users', 'admin/topics', 'admin/settings', 'admin/themes', 'admin/twitter', 'admin/facebook', 'admin/gplus'
//modified from
var parse = function(data) {
var self = this;
function replace(key, value, template) {
var searchRegex = new RegExp('{' + key + '}', 'g');
return template.replace(searchRegex, value);
function makeRegex(block) {
return new RegExp("<!-- BEGIN " + block + " -->[^]*<!-- END " + block + " -->", 'g');
function getBlock(regex, block, template) {
data = template.match(regex);
if (data == null) return;
if (block !== undefined) self.blocks[block] = data[0];
data = data[0]
.replace("<!-- BEGIN " + block + " -->", "")
.replace("<!-- END " + block + " -->", "");
return data;
function setBlock(regex, block, template) {
return template.replace(regex, block);
var template = this.html, regex, block;
return (function parse(data, namespace, template) {
if (!data || data.length == 0) {
template = '';
for (var d in data) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(d)) {
if (data[d] === null) {
template = replace(namespace + d, '', template);
} else if (data[d].constructor == Array) {
namespace += d;
regex = makeRegex(d),
block = getBlock(regex, namespace, template)
if (block == null) continue;
var numblocks = data[d].length - 1, i = 0, result = "";
do {
result += parse(data[d][i], namespace + '.', block);
} while (i++ < numblocks);
namespace = namespace.replace(d, '');
template = setBlock(regex, result, template);
} else if (data[d] instanceof Object) {
namespace += d + '.';
regex = makeRegex(d),
block = getBlock(regex, namespace, template)
if (block == null) continue;
block = parse(data[d], namespace, block);
template = setBlock(regex, block, template);
} else {
template = replace(namespace + d, data[d], template);
if (namespace) {
var regex = new RegExp("{" + namespace + "[^]*?}", 'g');
template = template.replace(regex, '');
return template;
})(data, "", template);
if ('undefined' !== typeof window) {
window.templates = module.exports;
})('undefined' === typeof module ? {module:{exports:{}}} : module)
function load_template(callback, url, template) {
var location = document.location || window.location,
rootUrl = location.protocol + '//' + (location.hostname || + (location.port ? ':' + location.port : '');
url = (url === '' || url === '/') ? 'home' : url;
jQuery.get(API_URL + url, function(data) {
if(!data) {
window.location.href = '/403';
var tpl = templates.get_custom_map(url);
if (tpl == false && !templates[url]) {
tpl = (url === '' || url === '/') ? 'home' : url.split('/')[0];
} else if (templates[url]) {
tpl = url;
document.getElementById('content').innerHTML = templates[tpl].parse(JSON.parse(data));
if (callback) callback();