var express = require ( 'express' ) ,
express _namespace = require ( 'express-namespace' ) ,
WebServer = express ( ) ,
server = require ( 'http' ) . createServer ( WebServer ) ,
RedisStore = require ( 'connect-redis' ) ( express ) ,
path = require ( 'path' ) ,
redis = require ( 'redis' ) ,
redisServer = redis . createClient ( global . nconf . get ( 'redis:port' ) , global . nconf . get ( 'redis:host' ) ) ,
marked = require ( 'marked' ) ,
utils = require ( '../public/src/utils.js' ) ,
pkg = require ( '../package.json' ) ,
fs = require ( 'fs' ) ,
user = require ( './user.js' ) ,
categories = require ( './categories.js' ) ,
posts = require ( './posts.js' ) ,
topics = require ( './topics.js' ) ,
notifications = require ( './notifications.js' ) ,
admin = require ( './routes/admin.js' ) ,
userRoute = require ( './routes/user.js' ) ,
installRoute = require ( './routes/install.js' ) ,
testBed = require ( './routes/testbed.js' ) ,
auth = require ( './routes/authentication.js' ) ,
meta = require ( './meta.js' ) ;
( function ( app ) {
var templates = null ;
app . build _header = function ( res ) {
return templates [ 'header' ] . parse ( {
cssSrc : global . config [ 'theme:src' ] || global . nconf . get ( 'relative_path' ) + '/vendor/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css' ,
title : global . config [ 'title' ] || 'NodeBB' ,
csrf : res . locals . csrf _token ,
relative _path : global . nconf . get ( 'relative_path' )
} ) ;
} ;
// Middlewares
app . use ( express . favicon ( path . join ( _ _dirname , '../' , 'public' , 'favicon.ico' ) ) ) ;
app . use ( require ( 'less-middleware' ) ( { src : path . join ( _ _dirname , '../' , 'public' ) } ) ) ;
//app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, '../', 'public')));
app . use ( global . nconf . get ( 'relative_path' ) , express . static ( path . join ( _ _dirname , '../' , 'public' ) ) ) ;
app . use ( express . bodyParser ( ) ) ; // Puts POST vars in request.body
app . use ( express . cookieParser ( ) ) ; // If you want to parse cookies (res.cookies)
app . use ( express . compress ( ) ) ;
app . use ( express . session ( {
store : new RedisStore ( {
client : redisServer ,
ttl : 60 * 60 * 24 * 14
} ) ,
secret : global . nconf . get ( 'secret' ) ,
key : 'express.sid'
} ) ) ;
app . use ( express . csrf ( ) ) ;
app . use ( function ( req , res , next ) {
res . locals . csrf _token = req . session . _csrf ;
next ( ) ;
} ) ;
module . exports . init = function ( ) {
templates = global . templates ;
auth . initialize ( app ) ;
app . use ( function ( req , res , next ) {
global . nconf . set ( 'https' , req . secure ) ;
// Don't bother with session handling for API requests
if ( /^\/api\// . test ( req . url ) ) return next ( ) ;
if ( req . user && req . user . uid ) {
user . session _ping ( req . sessionID , req . user . uid ) ;
// (Re-)register the session as active
user . active . register ( req . sessionID ) ;
next ( ) ;
} ) ;
app . use ( app . router ) ;
app . use ( function ( req , res , next ) {
res . status ( 404 ) ;
// respond with html page
if ( req . accepts ( 'html' ) ) {
//res.json('404', { url: req.url });
res . redirect ( global . nconf . get ( 'relative_path' ) + '/404' ) ;
return ;
// respond with json
if ( req . accepts ( 'json' ) ) {
console . log ( 'sending 404 json' ) ;
res . send ( { error : 'Not found' } ) ;
return ;
// default to plain-text. send()
res . type ( 'txt' ) . send ( 'Not found' ) ;
} ) ;
app . use ( function ( err , req , res , next ) {
// we may use properties of the error object
// here and next(err) appropriately, or if
// we possibly recovered from the error, simply next().
console . error ( err . stack ) ;
res . status ( err . status || 500 ) ;
res . json ( '500' , { error : err . message } ) ;
} ) ;
app . create _route = function ( url , tpl ) { // to remove
return '<script>templates.ready(function(){ajaxify.go("' + url + '", null, "' + tpl + '");});</script>' ;
} ;
app . namespace ( global . nconf . get ( 'relative_path' ) , function ( ) {
auth . create _routes ( app ) ;
admin . create _routes ( app ) ;
userRoute . create _routes ( app ) ;
installRoute . create _routes ( app ) ;
testBed . create _routes ( app ) ;
// Basic Routes (entirely client-side parsed, goal is to move the rest of the crap in this file into this one section)
( function ( ) {
var routes = [ 'login' , 'register' , 'account' , 'recent' , 'popular' , 'active' , '403' , '404' ] ;
for ( var i = 0 , ii = routes . length ; i < ii ; i ++ ) {
( function ( route ) {
app . get ( '/' + route , function ( req , res ) {
if ( ( route === 'login' || route === 'register' ) && ( req . user && req . user . uid > 0 ) ) {
user . getUserField ( req . user . uid , 'userslug' , function ( userslug ) {
res . redirect ( '/users/' + userslug ) ;
} ) ;
return ;
res . send ( app . build _header ( res ) + app . create _route ( route ) + templates [ 'footer' ] ) ;
} ) ;
} ( routes [ i ] ) ) ;
} ( ) ) ;
app . get ( '/' , function ( req , res ) {
categories . getAllCategories ( function ( returnData ) {
res . send (
app . build _header ( res ) +
'\n\t<noscript>\n' + templates [ 'noscript/header' ] + templates [ 'noscript/home' ] . parse ( returnData ) + '\n\t</noscript>' +
app . create _route ( '' ) +
templates [ 'footer' ]
) ;
} , 0 ) ;
} ) ;
app . get ( '/topic/:topic_id/:slug?' , function ( req , res ) {
var tid = req . params . topic _id ;
if ( tid . match ( /^\d+\.rss$/ ) ) {
fs . readFile ( 'feeds/topics/' + tid , function ( err , data ) {
if ( err ) {
res . type ( 'text' ) . send ( 404 , "Unable to locate an rss feed at this location." ) ;
return ;
res . type ( 'xml' ) . set ( 'Content-Length' , data . length ) . send ( data ) ;
} ) ;
return ;
var topic _url = tid + ( req . params . slug ? '/' + req . params . slug : '' ) ;
topics . getTopicWithPosts ( tid , ( ( req . user ) ? req . user . uid : 0 ) , function ( err , topic ) {
if ( err ) return res . redirect ( '404' ) ;
res . send (
app . build _header ( res ) +
'\n\t<noscript>\n' + templates [ 'noscript/header' ] + templates [ 'noscript/topic' ] . parse ( topic ) + '\n\t</noscript>' +
'\n\t<script>templates.ready(function(){ajaxify.go("topic/' + topic _url + '");});</script>' +
templates [ 'footer' ]
) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
app . get ( '/category/:category_id/:slug?' , function ( req , res ) {
var cid = req . params . category _id ;
if ( cid . match ( /^\d+\.rssgg$/ ) ) {
fs . readFile ( 'feeds/categories/' + cid , function ( err , data ) {
if ( err ) {
res . type ( 'text' ) . send ( 404 , "Unable to locate an rss feed at this location." ) ;
return ;
res . type ( 'xml' ) . set ( 'Content-Length' , data . length ) . send ( data ) ;
} ) ;
return ;
var category _url = cid + ( req . params . slug ? '/' + req . params . slug : '' ) ;
categories . getCategoryById ( cid , 0 , function ( returnData ) {
if ( ! returnData ) {
res . redirect ( '404' ) ;
return ;
res . send (
app . build _header ( res ) +
'\n\t<noscript>\n' + templates [ 'noscript/header' ] + templates [ 'noscript/category' ] . parse ( returnData ) + '\n\t</noscript>' +
'\n\t<script>templates.ready(function(){ajaxify.go("category/' + category _url + '");});</script>' +
templates [ 'footer' ]
) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
app . get ( '/confirm/:code' , function ( req , res ) {
res . send ( app . build _header ( res ) + '<script>templates.ready(function(){ajaxify.go("confirm/' + req . params . code + '");});</script>' + templates [ 'footer' ] ) ;
} ) ;
app . get ( '/sitemap.xml' , function ( req , res ) {
var sitemap = require ( './sitemap.js' ) ;
sitemap . render ( function ( xml ) {
res . type ( 'xml' ) . set ( 'Content-Length' , xml . length ) . send ( xml ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
app . get ( '/robots.txt' , function ( req , res ) {
res . set ( 'Content-Type' , 'text/plain' ) ;
res . send ( "User-agent: *\n" +
"Disallow: \n" +
"Disallow: /admin/\n" +
"Sitemap: " + global . nconf . get ( 'url' ) + "sitemap.xml" ) ;
} ) ;
app . get ( '/api/:method' , api _method ) ;
app . get ( '/api/:method/:id' , api _method ) ;
// ok fine MUST ADD RECURSION style. I'll look for a better fix in future but unblocking baris for this:
app . get ( '/api/:method/:id/:section?' , api _method ) ;
app . get ( '/api/:method/:id*' , api _method ) ;
app . get ( '/cid/:cid' , function ( req , res ) {
categories . getCategoryData ( req . params . cid , function ( data ) {
if ( data )
res . send ( data ) ;
res . send ( 404 , "Category doesn't exist!" ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
app . get ( '/tid/:tid' , function ( req , res ) {
topics . getTopicData ( req . params . tid , function ( data ) {
if ( data )
res . send ( data ) ;
res . send ( 404 , "Topic doesn't exist!" ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
app . get ( '/pid/:pid' , function ( req , res ) {
posts . getPostData ( req . params . pid , function ( data ) {
if ( data )
res . send ( data ) ;
res . send ( 404 , "Post doesn't exist!" ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
// These functions are called via ajax once the initial page is loaded to populate templates with data
function api _method ( req , res ) {
var uid = ( req . user ) ? req . user . uid : 0 ;
switch ( req . params . method ) {
case 'get_templates_listing' :
utils . walk ( global . configuration . ROOT _DIRECTORY + '/public/templates' , function ( err , data ) {
res . json ( data ) ;
} ) ;
break ;
case 'home' :
categories . getAllCategories ( function ( data ) {
var async = require ( 'async' ) ;
function iterator ( category , callback ) {
categories . getRecentReplies ( category . cid , 2 , function ( posts ) {
category [ "posts" ] = posts ;
category [ "post_count" ] = posts . length > 2 ? 2 : posts . length ;
callback ( null ) ;
} ) ;
async . each ( data . categories , iterator , function ( err ) {
data . motd _class = ( config . show _motd === '1' || config . show _motd === undefined ) ? '' : 'none' ;
data . motd = marked ( config . motd || "# NodeBB v" + pkg . version + "\nWelcome to NodeBB, the discussion platform of the future.\n\n<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"btn btn-large\"><i class=\"icon-comment\"></i> Get NodeBB</a> <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"btn btn-large\"><i class=\"icon-github-alt\"></i> Fork us on Github</a> <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"btn btn-large\"><i class=\"icon-twitter\"></i> @dcplabs</a>" ) ;
res . json ( data ) ;
} ) ;
} , uid ) ;
break ;
case 'login' :
var data = { } ,
login _strategies = auth . get _login _strategies ( ) ,
num _strategies = login _strategies . length ;
if ( num _strategies == 0 ) {
data = {
'login_window:spansize' : 'span12' ,
'alternate_logins:display' : 'none'
} ;
} else {
data = {
'login_window:spansize' : 'span6' ,
'alternate_logins:display' : 'block'
for ( var i = 0 , ii = num _strategies ; i < ii ; i ++ ) {
data [ login _strategies [ i ] + ':display' ] = 'active' ;
data . token = res . locals . csrf _token ;
res . json ( data ) ;
break ;
case 'register' :
var data = { } ,
login _strategies = auth . get _login _strategies ( ) ,
num _strategies = login _strategies . length ;
if ( num _strategies == 0 ) {
data = {
'register_window:spansize' : 'span12' ,
'alternate_logins:display' : 'none'
} ;
} else {
data = {
'register_window:spansize' : 'span6' ,
'alternate_logins:display' : 'block'
for ( var i = 0 , ii = num _strategies ; i < ii ; i ++ ) {
data [ login _strategies [ i ] + ':display' ] = 'active' ;
data . token = res . locals . csrf _token ;
res . json ( data ) ;
break ;
case 'topic' :
topics . getTopicWithPosts ( req . params . id , uid , function ( err , data ) {
res . json ( data ) ;
} ) ;
break ;
case 'category' :
categories . getCategoryById ( req . params . id , uid , function ( data ) {
res . json ( data ) ;
} , req . params . id , uid ) ;
break ;
case 'recent' :
categories . getLatestTopics ( uid , 0 , 9 , function ( data ) {
res . json ( data ) ;
} ) ;
break ;
case 'popular' :
categories . getLatestTopics ( uid , 0 , 9 , function ( data ) {
res . json ( data ) ;
} ) ;
break ;
case 'active' :
categories . getLatestTopics ( uid , 0 , 9 , function ( data ) {
res . json ( data ) ;
} ) ;
break ;
case 'confirm' :
user . email . confirm ( req . params . id , function ( data ) {
if ( data . status === 'ok' ) {
res . json ( {
'alert-class' : 'alert-success' ,
title : 'Email Confirmed' ,
text : 'Thank you for vaidating your email. Your account is now fully activated.'
} ) ;
} else {
res . json ( {
'alert-class' : 'alert-error' ,
title : 'An error occurred...' ,
text : 'There was a problem validating your email address. Perhaps the code was invalid or has expired.'
} ) ;
} ) ;
break ;
default :
res . json ( 404 , { error : 'unrecognized API endpoint' } ) ;
break ;
} ( WebServer ) ) ;
server . listen ( nconf . get ( 'port' ) ) ;
global . server = server ;