'use strict' ;
const cronJob = require ( 'cron' ) . CronJob ;
const winston = require ( 'winston' ) ;
const nconf = require ( 'nconf' ) ;
const crypto = require ( 'crypto' ) ;
const LRU = require ( 'lru-cache' ) ;
const db = require ( './database' ) ;
const utils = require ( './utils' ) ;
const plugins = require ( './plugins' ) ;
const Analytics = module . exports ;
const counters = { } ;
let pageViews = 0 ;
let pageViewsRegistered = 0 ;
let pageViewsGuest = 0 ;
let pageViewsBot = 0 ;
let uniqueIPCount = 0 ;
let uniquevisitors = 0 ;
/ * *
* TODO : allow the cache ' s max value to be configurable . On high - traffic installs ,
* the cache could be exhausted continuously if there are more than 500 concurrently
* active users
* /
var ipCache = new LRU ( {
max : 500 ,
length : function ( ) { return 1 ; } ,
maxAge : 0 ,
} ) ;
new cronJob ( '*/10 * * * * *' , function ( ) {
Analytics . writeData ( ) ;
} , null , true ) ;
Analytics . increment = function ( keys , callback ) {
keys = Array . isArray ( keys ) ? keys : [ keys ] ;
plugins . fireHook ( 'action:analytics.increment' , { keys : keys } ) ;
keys . forEach ( function ( key ) {
counters [ key ] = counters [ key ] || 0 ;
counters [ key ] += 1 ;
} ) ;
if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) {
callback ( ) ;
} ;
Analytics . pageView = function ( payload ) {
pageViews += 1 ;
if ( payload . uid > 0 ) {
pageViewsRegistered += 1 ;
} else if ( payload . uid < 0 ) {
pageViewsBot += 1 ;
} else {
pageViewsGuest += 1 ;
if ( payload . ip ) {
// Retrieve hash or calculate if not present
let hash = ipCache . get ( payload . ip + nconf . get ( 'secret' ) ) ;
if ( ! hash ) {
hash = crypto . createHash ( 'sha1' ) . update ( payload . ip + nconf . get ( 'secret' ) ) . digest ( 'hex' ) ;
ipCache . set ( payload . ip + nconf . get ( 'secret' ) , hash ) ;
db . sortedSetScore ( 'ip:recent' , hash , function ( err , score ) {
if ( err ) {
return ;
if ( ! score ) {
uniqueIPCount += 1 ;
var today = new Date ( ) ;
today . setHours ( today . getHours ( ) , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( ! score || score < today . getTime ( ) ) {
uniquevisitors += 1 ;
db . sortedSetAdd ( 'ip:recent' , Date . now ( ) , hash ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
Analytics . writeData = async function ( ) {
const today = new Date ( ) ;
const month = new Date ( ) ;
const dbQueue = [ ] ;
today . setHours ( today . getHours ( ) , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
month . setMonth ( month . getMonth ( ) , 1 ) ;
month . setHours ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( pageViews > 0 ) {
dbQueue . push ( db . sortedSetIncrBy ( 'analytics:pageviews' , pageViews , today . getTime ( ) ) ) ;
dbQueue . push ( db . sortedSetIncrBy ( 'analytics:pageviews:month' , pageViews , month . getTime ( ) ) ) ;
pageViews = 0 ;
if ( pageViewsRegistered > 0 ) {
dbQueue . push ( db . sortedSetIncrBy ( 'analytics:pageviews:registered' , pageViewsRegistered , today . getTime ( ) ) ) ;
dbQueue . push ( db . sortedSetIncrBy ( 'analytics:pageviews:month:registered' , pageViewsRegistered , month . getTime ( ) ) ) ;
pageViewsRegistered = 0 ;
if ( pageViewsGuest > 0 ) {
dbQueue . push ( db . sortedSetIncrBy ( 'analytics:pageviews:guest' , pageViewsGuest , today . getTime ( ) ) ) ;
dbQueue . push ( db . sortedSetIncrBy ( 'analytics:pageviews:month:guest' , pageViewsGuest , month . getTime ( ) ) ) ;
pageViewsGuest = 0 ;
if ( pageViewsBot > 0 ) {
dbQueue . push ( db . sortedSetIncrBy ( 'analytics:pageviews:bot' , pageViewsBot , today . getTime ( ) ) ) ;
dbQueue . push ( db . sortedSetIncrBy ( 'analytics:pageviews:month:bot' , pageViewsBot , month . getTime ( ) ) ) ;
pageViewsBot = 0 ;
if ( uniquevisitors > 0 ) {
dbQueue . push ( db . sortedSetIncrBy ( 'analytics:uniquevisitors' , uniquevisitors , today . getTime ( ) ) ) ;
uniquevisitors = 0 ;
if ( uniqueIPCount > 0 ) {
dbQueue . push ( db . incrObjectFieldBy ( 'global' , 'uniqueIPCount' , uniqueIPCount ) ) ;
uniqueIPCount = 0 ;
if ( Object . keys ( counters ) . length > 0 ) {
for ( const key in counters ) {
if ( counters . hasOwnProperty ( key ) ) {
dbQueue . push ( db . sortedSetIncrBy ( 'analytics:' + key , counters [ key ] , today . getTime ( ) ) ) ;
delete counters [ key ] ;
try {
await Promise . all ( dbQueue ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
winston . error ( '[analytics] Encountered error while writing analytics to data store' , err ) ;
throw err ;
} ;
Analytics . getHourlyStatsForSet = async function ( set , hour , numHours ) {
// Guard against accidental ommission of `analytics:` prefix
if ( ! set . startsWith ( 'analytics:' ) ) {
set = 'analytics:' + set ;
const terms = { } ;
const hoursArr = [ ] ;
hour = new Date ( hour ) ;
hour . setHours ( hour . getHours ( ) , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
for ( let i = 0 , ii = numHours ; i < ii ; i += 1 ) {
hoursArr . push ( hour . getTime ( ) ) ;
hour . setHours ( hour . getHours ( ) - 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
const counts = await db . sortedSetScores ( set , hoursArr ) ;
hoursArr . forEach ( function ( term , index ) {
terms [ term ] = parseInt ( counts [ index ] , 10 ) || 0 ;
} ) ;
const termsArr = [ ] ;
hoursArr . reverse ( ) ;
hoursArr . forEach ( function ( hour ) {
termsArr . push ( terms [ hour ] ) ;
} ) ;
return termsArr ;
} ;
Analytics . getDailyStatsForSet = async function ( set , day , numDays ) {
// Guard against accidental ommission of `analytics:` prefix
if ( ! set . startsWith ( 'analytics:' ) ) {
set = 'analytics:' + set ;
const daysArr = [ ] ;
day = new Date ( day ) ;
day . setDate ( day . getDate ( ) + 2 ) ; // set the date to the day after tomorrow, because getHourlyStatsForSet steps *backwards* 24 hours to sum up the values, and we also want today's values
day . setHours ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
while ( numDays > 0 ) {
/* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */
const dayData = await Analytics . getHourlyStatsForSet ( set , day . getTime ( ) - ( 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * numDays ) , 24 ) ;
daysArr . push ( dayData . reduce ( ( cur , next ) => cur + next ) ) ;
numDays -= 1 ;
return daysArr ;
} ;
Analytics . getUnwrittenPageviews = function ( ) {
return pageViews ;
} ;
Analytics . getSummary = async function ( ) {
const today = new Date ( ) ;
today . setHours ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
const [ seven , thirty ] = await Promise . all ( [
Analytics . getDailyStatsForSet ( 'analytics:pageviews' , today , 7 ) ,
Analytics . getDailyStatsForSet ( 'analytics:pageviews' , today , 30 ) ,
] ) ;
return {
seven : seven . reduce ( ( sum , cur ) => sum + cur , 0 ) ,
thirty : thirty . reduce ( ( sum , cur ) => sum + cur , 0 ) ,
} ;
} ;
Analytics . getCategoryAnalytics = async function ( cid ) {
return await utils . promiseParallel ( {
'pageviews:hourly' : Analytics . getHourlyStatsForSet ( 'analytics:pageviews:byCid:' + cid , Date . now ( ) , 24 ) ,
'pageviews:daily' : Analytics . getDailyStatsForSet ( 'analytics:pageviews:byCid:' + cid , Date . now ( ) , 30 ) ,
'topics:daily' : Analytics . getDailyStatsForSet ( 'analytics:topics:byCid:' + cid , Date . now ( ) , 7 ) ,
'posts:daily' : Analytics . getDailyStatsForSet ( 'analytics:posts:byCid:' + cid , Date . now ( ) , 7 ) ,
} ) ;
} ;
Analytics . getErrorAnalytics = async function ( ) {
return await utils . promiseParallel ( {
'not-found' : Analytics . getDailyStatsForSet ( 'analytics:errors:404' , Date . now ( ) , 7 ) ,
toobusy : Analytics . getDailyStatsForSet ( 'analytics:errors:503' , Date . now ( ) , 7 ) ,
} ) ;
} ;
Analytics . getBlacklistAnalytics = async function ( ) {
return await utils . promiseParallel ( {
daily : Analytics . getDailyStatsForSet ( 'analytics:blacklist' , Date . now ( ) , 7 ) ,
hourly : Analytics . getHourlyStatsForSet ( 'analytics:blacklist' , Date . now ( ) , 24 ) ,
} ) ;
} ;
Analytics . async = require ( './promisify' ) ( Analytics ) ;