var fs = require('fs'),
path = require('path'),
async = require('async'),
winston = require('winston'),
nconf = require('nconf'),
utils = require('./../public/src/utils'),
db = require('./database'),
plugins = require('./plugins');
(function (Meta) {
Meta.config = {};
Meta.configs = {
init: function (callback) {
delete Meta.config;
Meta.configs.list(function (err, config) {
if(err) {
return callback(err);
Meta.config = config;
list: function (callback) {
db.getObject('config', function (err, config) {
if(err) {
return callback(err);
config = config || {};
config.status = 'ok';
callback(err, config);
get: function (field, callback) {
db.getObjectField('config', field, callback);
getFields: function (fields, callback) {
db.getObjectFields('config', fields, callback);
set: function (field, value, callback) {
db.setObjectField('config', field, value, function(err, res) {
if (callback) {
if(!err && Meta.config) {
Meta.config[field] = value;
callback(err, res);
// this might be a good spot to add a hook
if (field === 'defaultLang') {
var translator = require('../public/src/translator');
setOnEmpty: function (field, value, callback) {
Meta.configs.get(field, function (err, curValue) {
if (!curValue) {
Meta.configs.set(field, value, callback);
} else {
remove: function (field) {
db.deleteObjectField('config', field);
Meta.themes = {
get: function (callback) {
var themePath = path.join(__dirname, '../node_modules');
fs.readdir(themePath, function (err, files) {
async.filter(files, function (file, next) {
fs.stat(path.join(themePath, file), function (err, fileStat) {
if (err) {
return next(false);
next((fileStat.isDirectory() && file.slice(0, 13) === 'nodebb-theme-'));
}, function (themes) {
async.map(themes, function (theme, next) {
var config = path.join(themePath, theme, 'theme.json');
if (fs.existsSync(config)) {
fs.readFile(config, function (err, file) {
if (err) return next();
else {
var configObj = JSON.parse(file.toString());
next(err, configObj);
} else {
}, function (err, themes) {
themes = themes.filter(function (theme) {
return (theme !== undefined);
callback(null, themes);
set: function(data, callback) {
var themeData = {
'theme:type': data.type,
'theme:id': data.id,
'theme:staticDir': '',
'theme:templates': '',
'theme:src': ''
switch(data.type) {
case 'local':
function(next) {
fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, '../node_modules', data.id, 'theme.json'), function(err, config) {
if (!err) {
config = JSON.parse(config.toString());
next(null, config);
} else {
function(config, next) {
themeData['theme:staticDir'] = config.staticDir ? config.staticDir : '';
themeData['theme:templates'] = config.templates ? config.templates : '';
db.setObject('config', themeData, next);
], function(err) {
case 'bootswatch':
themeData['theme:src'] = data.src;
db.setObject('config', themeData, callback);
Meta.title = {
build: function (urlFragment, callback) {
var user = require('./user');
Meta.title.parseFragment(urlFragment, function(err, title) {
var title;
if (err) {
title = Meta.config.title || 'NodeBB';
} else {
title = (title ? title + ' | ' : '') + (Meta.config.title || 'NodeBB');
callback(null, title);
parseFragment: function (urlFragment, callback) {
if (urlFragment === '') {
callback(null, 'Index');
} else if (urlFragment === 'recent') {
callback(null, 'Recent Topics');
} else if (urlFragment === 'unread') {
callback(null, 'Unread Topics');
} else if (urlFragment === 'users') {
callback(null, 'Registered Users');
} else if (/^category\/\d+\/?/.test(urlFragment)) {
var cid = urlFragment.match(/category\/(\d+)/)[1];
require('./categories').getCategoryField(cid, 'name', function (err, name) {
callback(null, name);
} else if (/^topic\/\d+\/?/.test(urlFragment)) {
var tid = urlFragment.match(/topic\/(\d+)/)[1];
require('./topics').getTopicField(tid, 'title', function (err, title) {
callback(null, title);
} else {
Meta.js = {
scripts: [
minFile: path.join(__dirname, '..', 'public/src/nodebb.min.js'),
get: function (callback) {
plugins.fireHook('filter:scripts.get', this.scripts, function(err, scripts) {
var mtime,
jsPaths = scripts.map(function (jsPath) {
if (jsPath.substring(0, 7) === 'plugins') {
var paths = jsPath.split('/'),
pluginID = paths[1];
jsPath = jsPath.replace(path.join('plugins', pluginID), '');
return path.join(plugins.staticDirs[pluginID], jsPath);
} else {
return path.join(__dirname, '..', '/public', jsPath);
Meta.js.scripts = jsPaths;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development') {
mtime: function (next) {
async.map(jsPaths, fs.stat, function (err, stats) {
async.reduce(stats, 0, function (memo, item, callback) {
if(item) {
mtime = +new Date(item.mtime);
callback(null, mtime > memo ? mtime : memo);
} else {
callback(null, memo);
}, next);
minFile: function (next) {
if (!fs.existsSync(Meta.js.minFile)) {
winston.warn('No minified client-side library found');
return next(null, 0);
fs.stat(Meta.js.minFile, function (err, stat) {
next(err, +new Date(stat.mtime));
}, function (err, results) {
if (results.minFile > results.mtime) {
winston.info('No changes to client-side libraries -- skipping minification');
callback(null, [path.relative(path.join(__dirname, '../public'), Meta.js.minFile)]);
} else {
Meta.js.minify(function () {
callback(null, [
path.relative(path.join(__dirname, '../public'), Meta.js.minFile) + (meta.config['cache-buster'] ? '?vs=' + meta.config['cache-buster'] : '')
} else {
if (meta.config['cache-buster']) {
scripts = scripts.map(function(script) {
return script + '?v=' + meta.config['cache-buster'];
callback(null, scripts);
minify: function (callback) {
var uglifyjs = require('uglify-js'),
jsPaths = this.scripts,
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
winston.info('Minifying client-side libraries');
minified = uglifyjs.minify(jsPaths);
fs.writeFile(Meta.js.minFile, minified.code, function (err) {
if (!err) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
winston.info('Minified client-side libraries');
} else {
winston.error('Problem minifying client-side libraries, exiting.');
Meta.db = {
getFile: function (callback) {