(function(module) {
'use strict';
var Db = require('mongodb').Db,
mongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient,
Server = require('mongodb').Server,
winston = require('winston'),
nconf = require('nconf'),
express = require('express'),
mongoStore = require('connect-mongo')(express),
mongoHost = nconf.get('mongo:host'),
var db = new Db(nconf.get('mongo:database'), new Server(mongoHost, nconf.get('mongo:port')), {w:1});
db.open(function(err, _db) {
//mongoClient.connect('mongodb://'+ mongoHost + ':' + nconf.get('mongo:port') + '/' + nconf.get('mongo:database'), function(err, _db) {
console.log('WE ARE CONNECTED');
if(err) {
winston.error("NodeBB could not connect to your Mongo database. Mongo returned the following error: " + err.message);
// TODO: fill out settings.db
module.sessionStore = new mongoStore({
db: db
db.collection('objects').findOne({_key:'config'}, {timeout:true}, function(err, item) {
callback(err, item);
db.createCollection('objects', function(err, collection) {
console.log('collection created', err, collection);
db.createCollection('sets', function(err, collection) {
// look up how its done in mongo
/*if (nconf.get('mongo:password')) {
// Exported functions
module.getFileName = function(callback) {
throw new Error('not-implemented');
module.info = function(callback) {
throw new Error('not-implemented');
// key
module.exists = function(key, callback) {
throw new Error('not-implemented');
module.delete = function(key, callback) {
throw new Error('not-implemented');
module.get = function(key, callback) {
throw new Error('not-implemented');
module.set = function(key, callback) {
throw new Error('not-implemented');
module.setObject = function(key, data, callback) {
data['_key'] = key;
db.collection('objects').insert(data, {w:1}, function(err, result) {
callback(err, result);
module.setObjectField = function(key, field, value, callback) {
module.getObject = function(key, callback) {
console.log('calling findOne');
db.collection('objects').findOne({_key:key}, {timeout:true},function(err, item) {
callback(err, item);
module.getObjectField = function(key, field, callback) {
throw new Error('not-implemented');
module.getObjectFields = function(key, fields, callback) {
throw new Error('not-implemented');
module.getObjectValues = function(key, callback) {
throw new Error('not-implemented');
module.isObjectField = function(key, field, callback) {
throw new Error('not-implemented');
module.deleteObjectField = function(key, field, callback) {
throw new Error('not-implemented');
module.incrObjectField = function(key, field, callback) {
throw new Error('not-implemented');
module.decrObjectField = function(key, field, callback) {
throw new Error('not-implemented');
module.incrObjectFieldBy = function(key, field, value, callback) {
throw new Error('not-implemented');
// sets
module.setAdd = function(key, value, callback) {
throw new Error('not-implemented');
module.setRemove = function(key, value, callback) {
throw new Error('not-implemented');
module.isSetMember = function(key, value, callback) {
throw new Error('not-implemented');
module.isMemberOfSets = function(sets, value, callback) {
throw new Error('not-implemented');
module.getSetMembers = function(key, callback) {
console.log('getting set members');
db.collection('sets').findOne({_key:key}, function(err, data) {
console.log('derp', err, data);
callback(err, data);
module.setCount = function(key, callback) {
throw new Error('not-implemented');
module.setRemoveRandom = function(key, callback) {
throw new Error('not-implemented');
// sorted sets
module.sortedSetAdd = function(key, score, value, callback) {
throw new Error('not-implemented');
module.sortedSetRemove = function(key, value, callback) {
throw new Error('not-implemented');
module.getSortedSetRange = function(key, start, stop, callback) {
throw new Error('not-implemented');
module.getSortedSetRevRange = function(key, start, stop, callback) {
throw new Error('not-implemented');
module.getSortedSetRevRangeByScore = function(args, callback) {
throw new Error('not-implemented');
module.sortedSetCount = function(key, min, max, callback) {
throw new Error('not-implemented');
// lists
module.listPrepend = function(key, value, callback) {
throw new Error('not-implemented');
module.listAppend = function(key, value, callback) {
throw new Error('not-implemented');
module.getListRange = function(key, start, stop, callback) {
throw new Error('not-implemented');