'use strict';
var async = require('async');
var winston = require('winston');
var db = require('./database');
var user = require('./user');
var analytics = require('./analytics');
var topics = require('./topics');
var posts = require('./posts');
var utils = require('../public/src/utils');
var _ = require('underscore');
var Flags = {
_defaults: {
state: 'open',
assignee: null
Flags.get = function (flagId, callback) {
// First stage
async.apply(async.parallel, {
base: async.apply(db.getObject.bind(db), 'flag:' + flagId),
history: async.apply(Flags.getHistory, flagId),
notes: async.apply(Flags.getNotes, flagId)
function (data, next) {
// Second stage
userObj: async.apply(user.getUserFields, data.base.uid, ['username', 'userslug', 'picture']),
targetObj: async.apply(Flags.getTarget, data.base.type, data.base.targetId, data.base.uid)
}, function (err, payload) {
// Final object return construction
next(err, Object.assign(data.base, {
datetimeISO: new Date(data.base.datetime).toISOString(),
target_readable: data.base.type.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + data.base.type.slice(1) + ' ' + data.base.targetId,
target: payload.targetObj,
history: data.history,
notes: data.notes,
reporter: payload.userObj
], callback);
Flags.list = function (filters, callback) {
if (typeof filters === 'function' && !callback) {
callback = filters;
filters = {};
async.apply(db.getSortedSetRevRange.bind(db), 'flags:datetime', 0, 19),
function (flagIds, next) {
async.map(flagIds, function (flagId, next) {
async.apply(db.getObject, 'flag:' + flagId),
function (flagObj, next) {
user.getUserFields(flagObj.uid, ['username', 'picture'], function (err, userObj) {
next(err, Object.assign(flagObj, {
reporter: {
username: userObj.username,
picture: userObj.picture,
'icon:bgColor': userObj['icon:bgColor'],
'icon:text': userObj['icon:text']
], function (err, flagObj) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
switch(flagObj.state) {
case 'open':
flagObj.labelClass = 'info';
case 'wip':
flagObj.labelClass = 'warning';
case 'resolved':
flagObj.labelClass = 'success';
case 'rejected':
flagObj.labelClass = 'danger';
next(null, Object.assign(flagObj, {
target_readable: flagObj.type.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + flagObj.type.slice(1) + ' ' + flagObj.targetId,
datetimeISO: new Date(parseInt(flagObj.datetime, 10)).toISOString()
}, next);
], function (err, flags) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
return callback(null, flags);
Flags.getTarget = function (type, id, uid, callback) {
switch (type) {
case 'post':
async.apply(posts.getPostsByPids, [id], uid),
function (posts, next) {
topics.addPostData(posts, uid, next);
], function (err, posts) {
callback(err, posts[0]);
case 'user':
user.getUsersData([id], function (err, users) {
callback(err, users ? users[0] : undefined);
Flags.getNotes = function (flagId, callback) {
async.apply(db.getSortedSetRevRangeWithScores.bind(db), 'flag:' + flagId + ':notes', 0, -1),
function (notes, next) {
var uids = [];
var noteObj;
notes = notes.map(function (note) {
try {
noteObj = JSON.parse(note.value);
return {
uid: noteObj[0],
content: noteObj[1],
datetime: note.score,
datetimeISO: new Date(note.score).toISOString()
} catch (e) {
return next(e);
next(null, notes, uids);
function (notes, uids, next) {
user.getUsersFields(uids, ['username', 'userslug', 'picture'], function (err, users) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
next(null, notes.map(function (note, idx) {
note.user = users[idx];
return note;
], callback);
Flags.create = function (type, id, uid, reason, callback) {
function (next) {
// Sanity checks
async.apply(Flags.exists, type, id, uid),
async.apply(Flags.targetExists, type, id)
], function (err, checks) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
if (checks[0]) {
return next(new Error('[[error:already-flagged]]'));
} else if (!checks[1]) {
return next(new Error('[[error:invalid-data]]'));
} else {
async.apply(db.incrObjectField, 'global', 'nextFlagId'),
function (flagId, next) {
async.apply(db.setObject.bind(db), 'flag:' + flagId, Object.assign({}, Flags._defaults, {
flagId: flagId,
type: type,
targetId: id,
description: reason,
uid: uid,
datetime: Date.now()
async.apply(db.sortedSetAdd.bind(db), 'flags:datetime', Date.now(), flagId),
async.apply(db.setObjectField.bind(db), 'flagHash:flagId', [type, id, uid].join(':'), flagId)
], function (err, data) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
next(null, flagId);
], callback);
// if (!parseInt(uid, 10) || !reason) {
// return callback();
// }
// async.waterfall([
// function (next) {
// async.parallel({
// hasFlagged: async.apply(Flags.isFlaggedByUser, post.pid, uid),
// exists: async.apply(Posts.exists, post.pid)
// }, next);
// },
// function (results, next) {
// if (!results.exists) {
// return next(new Error('[[error:no-post]]'));
// }
// if (results.hasFlagged) {
// return next(new Error('[[error:already-flagged]]'));
// }
// var now = Date.now();
// async.parallel([
// function (next) {
// db.sortedSetAdd('posts:flagged', now, post.pid, next);
// },
// function (next) {
// db.sortedSetIncrBy('posts:flags:count', 1, post.pid, next);
// },
// function (next) {
// db.incrObjectField('post:' + post.pid, 'flags', next);
// },
// function (next) {
// db.sortedSetAdd('pid:' + post.pid + ':flag:uids', now, uid, next);
// },
// function (next) {
// db.sortedSetAdd('pid:' + post.pid + ':flag:uid:reason', 0, uid + ':' + reason, next);
// },
// function (next) {
// if (parseInt(post.uid, 10)) {
// async.parallel([
// async.apply(db.sortedSetIncrBy, 'users:flags', 1, post.uid),
// async.apply(db.incrObjectField, 'user:' + post.uid, 'flags'),
// async.apply(db.sortedSetAdd, 'uid:' + post.uid + ':flag:pids', now, post.pid)
// ], next);
// } else {
// next();
// }
// }
// ], next);
// },
// function (data, next) {
// openNewFlag(post.pid, uid, next); // removed, used to just update flag to open state if new flag
// }
// ], function (err) {
// if (err) {
// return callback(err);
// }
// analytics.increment('flags');
// callback();
// });
Flags.exists = function (type, id, uid, callback) {
db.isObjectField('flagHash:flagId', [type, id, uid].join(':'), callback);
Flags.targetExists = function (type, id, callback) {
switch (type) {
case 'topic':
topics.exists(id, callback);
case 'post':
posts.exists(id, callback);
Flags.update = function (flagId, uid, changeset, callback) {
// Retrieve existing flag data to compare for history-saving purposes
var fields = ['state', 'assignee'];
var history = [];
async.apply(db.getObjectFields.bind(db), 'flag:' + flagId, fields),
function (current, next) {
for (var prop in changeset) {
if (changeset.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
if (current[prop] === changeset[prop]) {
delete changeset[prop];
} else {
// Append to history payload
history.push(prop + ':' + changeset[prop]);
if (!Object.keys(changeset).length) {
// No changes
return next();
// Save new object to db (upsert)
async.apply(db.setObject, 'flag:' + flagId, changeset),
// Append history
async.apply(Flags.appendHistory, flagId, uid, history)
], function (err, data) {
return next(err);
], callback);
Flags.getHistory = function (flagId, callback) {
var history;
var uids = [];
async.apply(db.getSortedSetRevRangeWithScores.bind(db), 'flag:' + flagId + ':history', 0, -1),
function (_history, next) {
history = _history.map(function (entry) {
try {
entry.value = JSON.parse(entry.value);
} catch (e) {
return callback(e);
// Deserialise field object
var fields = entry.value[1].map(function (field) {
field = field.toString().split(':');
switch (field[0]) {
case 'state':
field[1] = field[1] === undefined ? null : '[[flags:state-' + field[1] + ']]';
field[1] = field[1] === undefined ? null : field[1];
return {
"attribute": field[0],
"value": field[1]
return {
uid: entry.value[0],
fields: fields,
datetime: entry.score,
datetimeISO: new Date(entry.score).toISOString()
user.getUsersFields(uids, ['username', 'userslug', 'picture'], next);
], function (err, users) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
// Append user data to each history event
history = history.map(function (event, idx) {
event.user = users[idx];
return event;
callback(null, history);
Flags.appendHistory = function (flagId, uid, changeset, callback) {
var payload;
try {
payload = JSON.stringify([uid, changeset, Date.now()]);
} catch (e) {
return callback(e);
db.sortedSetAdd('flag:' + flagId + ':history', Date.now(), payload, callback);
Flags.appendNote = function (flagId, uid, note, callback) {
var payload;
try {
payload = JSON.stringify([uid, note]);
} catch (e) {
return callback(e);
async.apply(db.sortedSetAdd, 'flag:' + flagId + ':notes', Date.now(), payload),
async.apply(Flags.appendHistory, flagId, uid, ['notes'])
], callback);
module.exports = Flags;