"use strict";
var async = require('async'),
winston = require('winston'),
nconf = require('nconf'),
templates = require('templates.js'),
nodemailer = require('nodemailer'),
htmlToText = require('html-to-text'),
url = require('url'),
User = require('./user'),
Plugins = require('./plugins'),
meta = require('./meta'),
translator = require('../public/src/modules/translator'),
transports = {
direct: nodemailer.createTransport('direct'),
gmail: undefined
(function(Emailer) {
Emailer.registerApp = function(expressApp) {
app = expressApp;
// Enable Gmail transport if enabled in ACP
if (parseInt(meta.config['email:GmailTransport:enabled'], 10) === 1) {
transports.gmail = nodemailer.createTransport('SMTP', {
service: 'Gmail',
auth: {
user: meta.config['email:GmailTransport:user'],
pass: meta.config['email:GmailTransport:pass']
return Emailer;
Emailer.send = function(template, uid, params, callback) {
callback = callback || function() {};
if (!app) {
winston.warn('[emailer] App not ready!');
return callback();
function(next) {
email: async.apply(User.getUserField, uid, 'email'),
settings: async.apply(User.getSettings, uid)
}, next);
function(results, next) {
if (!results.email) {
winston.warn('uid : ' + uid + ' has no email, not sending.');
return next();
params.uid = uid;
Emailer.sendToEmail(template, results.email, results.settings.userLang, params, next);
], callback);
Emailer.sendToEmail = function(template, email, language, params, callback) {
callback = callback || function() {};
var lang = language || meta.config.defaultLang || 'en_GB';
function (next) {
html: function(next) {
renderAndTranslate('emails/' + template, params, lang, next);
subject: function(next) {
translator.translate(params.subject, lang, function(translated) {
next(null, translated);
}, next);
function (results, next) {
var data = {
to: email,
from: meta.config['email:from'] || 'no-reply@' + getHostname(),
from_name: meta.config['email:from_name'] || 'NodeBB',
subject: results.subject,
html: results.html,
plaintext: htmlToText.fromString(results.html, {
ignoreImage: true
template: template,
uid: params.uid,
pid: params.pid,
fromUid: params.fromUid
Plugins.fireHook('filter:email.modify', data, next);
function (data, next) {
if (Plugins.hasListeners('filter:email.send')) {
Plugins.fireHook('filter:email.send', data, next);
} else {
Emailer.sendViaFallback(data, next);
], function (err) {
Emailer.sendViaFallback = function(data, callback) {
// Some minor alterations to the data to conform to nodemailer standard
data.text = data.plaintext;
delete data.plaintext;
winston.verbose('[emailer] Sending email to uid ' + data.uid);
transports[transports.gmail ? 'gmail' : 'direct'].sendMail(data, callback);
function render(tpl, params, next) {
if (meta.config['email:custom:' + tpl.replace('emails/', '')]) {
var text = templates.parse(meta.config['email:custom:' + tpl.replace('emails/', '')], params);
next(null, text);
} else {
app.render(tpl, params, next);
function renderAndTranslate(tpl, params, lang, callback) {
function(next) {
render('emails/partials/footer' + (tpl.indexOf('_plaintext') !== -1 ? '_plaintext' : ''), params, next);
function(footer, next) {
params.footer = footer;
render(tpl, params, next);
function(html, next) {
translator.translate(html, lang, function(translated) {
next(null, translated);
], callback);
function getHostname() {
var configUrl = nconf.get('url'),
parsed = url.parse(configUrl);
return parsed.hostname;