"use strict" ;
var db = require ( './database' ) ,
async = require ( 'async' ) ,
winston = require ( 'winston' ) ,
User = require ( './user' ) ,
Topics = require ( './topics' ) ,
Posts = require ( './posts' ) ,
Categories = require ( './categories' ) ,
Groups = require ( './groups' ) ,
Meta = require ( './meta' ) ,
Plugins = require ( './plugins' ) ,
Utils = require ( '../public/src/utils' ) ,
Upgrade = { } ,
minSchemaDate = Date . UTC ( 2014 , 1 , 14 , 21 , 50 ) , // This value gets updated every new MINOR version
schemaDate , thisSchemaDate ,
latestSchema = Date . UTC ( 2014 , 2 , 19 , 20 ) ;
Upgrade . check = function ( callback ) {
db . get ( 'schemaDate' , function ( err , value ) {
if ( ! value ) {
db . set ( 'schemaDate' , latestSchema , function ( err ) {
callback ( true ) ;
} ) ;
return ;
if ( parseInt ( value , 10 ) >= latestSchema ) {
callback ( true ) ;
} else {
callback ( false ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
Upgrade . update = function ( schemaDate , callback ) {
db . set ( 'schemaDate' , schemaDate , callback ) ;
} ;
Upgrade . upgrade = function ( callback ) {
var updatesMade = false ;
winston . info ( 'Beginning database schema update' ) ;
async . series ( [
function ( next ) {
// Prepare for upgrade & check to make sure the upgrade is possible
db . get ( 'schemaDate' , function ( err , value ) {
if ( ! value ) {
db . set ( 'schemaDate' , latestSchema , function ( err ) {
next ( ) ;
} ) ;
schemaDate = latestSchema ;
} else {
schemaDate = parseInt ( value , 10 ) ;
if ( schemaDate >= minSchemaDate ) {
next ( ) ;
} else {
next ( new Error ( 'upgrade-not-possible' ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
function ( next ) {
thisSchemaDate = Date . UTC ( 2014 , 1 , 19 , 18 , 15 ) ;
if ( schemaDate < thisSchemaDate ) {
db . setObjectField ( 'widgets:home.tpl' , 'motd' , JSON . stringify ( [
"widget" : "html" ,
"data" : {
"html" : Meta . config [ 'motd' ] || "Welcome to NodeBB, if you are an administrator of this forum visit the <a target='_blank' href='/admin/themes'>Themes</a> ACP to modify and add widgets."
] ) , function ( err ) {
Meta . configs . remove ( 'motd' ) ;
Meta . configs . remove ( 'motd_class' ) ;
Meta . configs . remove ( 'show_motd' ) ;
winston . info ( '[2014/2/19] Updated MOTD to use the HTML widget.' ) ;
if ( err ) {
next ( err ) ;
} else {
Upgrade . update ( thisSchemaDate , next ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
winston . info ( '[2014/2/19] Updating MOTD to use the HTML widget - skipped' ) ;
next ( ) ;
} ,
function ( next ) {
thisSchemaDate = Date . UTC ( 2014 , 1 , 20 , 15 , 30 ) ;
if ( schemaDate < thisSchemaDate ) {
var container = '<div class="panel panel-default"><div class="panel-heading">{title}</div><div class="panel-body">{body}</div></div>' ;
db . setObjectField ( 'widgets:category.tpl' , 'sidebar' , JSON . stringify ( [
"widget" : "recentreplies" ,
"data" : {
"title" : "Recent Replies" ,
"container" : container
} ,
"widget" : "activeusers" ,
"data" : {
"title" : "Active Users" ,
"container" : container
} ,
"widget" : "moderators" ,
"data" : {
"title" : "Moderators" ,
"container" : container
] ) , function ( err ) {
winston . info ( '[2014/2/20] Adding Recent Replies, Active Users, and Moderator widgets to category sidebar.' ) ;
if ( err ) {
next ( err ) ;
} else {
Upgrade . update ( thisSchemaDate , next ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
winston . info ( '[2014/2/20] Adding Recent Replies, Active Users, and Moderator widgets to category sidebar - skipped' ) ;
next ( ) ;
} ,
function ( next ) {
thisSchemaDate = Date . UTC ( 2014 , 1 , 20 , 16 , 15 ) ;
if ( schemaDate < thisSchemaDate ) {
db . setObjectField ( 'widgets:home.tpl' , 'footer' , JSON . stringify ( [
"widget" : "forumstats" ,
"data" : { }
] ) , function ( err ) {
winston . info ( '[2014/2/20] Adding Forum Stats Widget to the Homepage Footer.' ) ;
if ( err ) {
next ( err ) ;
} else {
Upgrade . update ( thisSchemaDate , next ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
winston . info ( '[2014/2/20] Adding Forum Stats Widget to the Homepage Footer - skipped' ) ;
next ( ) ;
} ,
function ( next ) {
thisSchemaDate = Date . UTC ( 2014 , 1 , 20 , 19 , 45 ) ;
if ( schemaDate < thisSchemaDate ) {
var container = '<div class="panel panel-default"><div class="panel-heading">{title}</div><div class="panel-body">{body}</div></div>' ;
db . setObjectField ( 'widgets:home.tpl' , 'sidebar' , JSON . stringify ( [
"widget" : "html" ,
"data" : {
"html" : Meta . config [ 'motd' ] || "Welcome to NodeBB, if you are an administrator of this forum visit the <a target='_blank' href='/admin/themes'>Themes</a> ACP to modify and add widgets." ,
"container" : container ,
"title" : "MOTD"
] ) , function ( err ) {
winston . info ( '[2014/2/20] Updating Lavender MOTD' ) ;
if ( err ) {
next ( err ) ;
} else {
Upgrade . update ( thisSchemaDate , next ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
winston . info ( '[2014/2/20] Updating Lavender MOTD - skipped' ) ;
next ( ) ;
} ,
function ( next ) {
thisSchemaDate = Date . UTC ( 2014 , 1 , 20 , 20 , 25 ) ;
if ( schemaDate < thisSchemaDate ) {
db . setAdd ( 'plugins:active' , 'nodebb-widget-essentials' , function ( err ) {
winston . info ( '[2014/2/20] Activating NodeBB Essential Widgets' ) ;
Plugins . reload ( function ( ) {
if ( err ) {
next ( err ) ;
} else {
Upgrade . update ( thisSchemaDate , next ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
winston . info ( '[2014/2/20] Activating NodeBB Essential Widgets - skipped' ) ;
next ( ) ;
} ,
function ( next ) {
thisSchemaDate = Date . UTC ( 2014 , 1 , 22 ) ;
if ( schemaDate < thisSchemaDate ) {
db . exists ( 'categories:cid' , function ( err , exists ) {
if ( err ) {
return next ( err ) ;
if ( ! exists ) {
winston . info ( '[2014/2/22] Added categories to sorted set - skipped' ) ;
return next ( ) ;
db . getListRange ( 'categories:cid' , 0 , - 1 , function ( err , cids ) {
// Naive type-checking, becaue DBAL does not have .type() support
if ( err ) {
// Most likely upgraded already. Skip.
winston . info ( '[2014/2/22] Added categories to sorted set - skipped' ) ;
return Upgrade . update ( thisSchemaDate , next ) ;
if ( ! Array . isArray ( cids ) ) {
winston . info ( '[2014/2/22] Add categories to sorted set - skipped (cant find any cids)' ) ;
return next ( ) ;
db . rename ( 'categories:cid' , 'categories:cid:old' , function ( err ) {
if ( err ) {
return next ( err ) ;
async . each ( cids , function ( cid , next ) {
Categories . getCategoryField ( cid , 'order' , function ( err , order ) {
if ( err ) {
return next ( err ) ;
// If there was no order present, put it at the end
if ( ! order ) {
order = cids . length ;
db . sortedSetAdd ( 'categories:cid' , order , cid , next ) ;
} ) ;
} , function ( err ) {
if ( err ) {
return next ( err ) ;
winston . info ( '[2014/2/22] Added categories to sorted set' ) ;
db . delete ( 'categories:cid:old' ) ;
Upgrade . update ( thisSchemaDate , next ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
winston . info ( '[2014/2/22] Added categories to sorted set - skipped' ) ;
next ( ) ;
} ,
function ( next ) {
thisSchemaDate = Date . UTC ( 2014 , 2 , 18 ) ;
if ( schemaDate < thisSchemaDate ) {
db . exists ( 'settings:markdown' , function ( err , exists ) {
if ( err || exists ) {
winston . info ( '[2014/3/18] Migrating Markdown settings to new configuration - skipped' ) ;
return next ( ) ;
var fields = [
'nodebb-plugin-markdown:options:gfm' ,
'nodebb-plugin-markdown:options:highlight' ,
'nodebb-plugin-markdown:options:tables' ,
'nodebb-plugin-markdown:options:breaks' ,
'nodebb-plugin-markdown:options:pedantic' ,
'nodebb-plugin-markdown:options:sanitize' ,
'nodebb-plugin-markdown:options:smartLists' ,
'nodebb-plugin-markdown:options:smartypants' ,
] ,
settings = { } ,
newFieldName ;
async . series ( [
function ( next ) {
db . getObjectFields ( 'config' , fields , function ( err , values ) {
if ( err ) {
return next ( ) ;
for ( var field in values ) {
if ( values . hasOwnProperty ( field ) ) {
newFieldName = field . slice ( 31 ) ;
settings [ newFieldName ] = values [ field ] === '1' ? 'on' : values [ field ] ;
next ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
function ( next ) {
db . setObject ( 'settings:markdown' , settings , next ) ;
} ,
function ( next ) {
async . each ( fields , function ( field , next ) {
db . deleteObjectField ( 'config' , field , next ) ;
} , next ) ;
] , function ( err ) {
if ( err ) {
winston . error ( '[2014/3/18] Problem migrating Markdown settings.' ) ;
next ( ) ;
} else {
winston . info ( '[2014/3/18] Migrated Markdown settings to new configuration' ) ;
Upgrade . update ( thisSchemaDate , next ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
winston . info ( '[2014/3/18] Migrating Markdown settings to new configuration - skipped' ) ;
next ( ) ;
} ,
function ( next ) {
thisSchemaDate = Date . UTC ( 2014 , 2 , 19 , 20 ) ;
if ( schemaDate < thisSchemaDate ) {
db . getObject ( 'group:gid' , function ( err , mapping ) {
if ( err ) {
return next ( err ) ;
if ( ! err && ! mapping ) {
// Done already, skip
return next ( ) ;
var names = Object . keys ( mapping ) ;
async . each ( names , function ( name , next ) {
async . series ( [
function ( next ) {
// Remove the gid from the hash
db . deleteObjectField ( 'gid:' + mapping [ name ] , 'gid' , next ) ;
} ,
function ( next ) {
db . rename ( 'gid:' + mapping [ name ] , 'group:' + name , next ) ;
} ,
function ( next ) {
db . exists ( 'gid:' + mapping [ name ] + ':members' , function ( err , exists ) {
if ( err ) {
return next ( err ) ;
if ( exists ) {
db . rename ( 'gid:' + mapping [ name ] + ':members' , 'group:' + name + ':members' , next ) ;
} else {
// No members, do nothing
next ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
function ( next ) {
// Add groups to a directory (set)
db . setAdd ( 'groups' , name , next ) ;
] , next ) ;
} , function ( err ) {
// Clean-up
async . series ( [
function ( next ) {
// Mapping
db . delete ( 'group:gid' , next ) ;
} ,
function ( next ) {
// Incrementor
db . deleteObjectField ( 'global' , 'nextGid' , next ) ;
} ,
function ( next ) {
// Set 'administrators' and 'registered-users' as system groups
db . setObjectField ( 'group:administrators' , 'system' , '1' ) ;
db . setObjectField ( 'group:registered-users' , 'system' , '1' ) ;
next ( ) ;
} ,
function ( next ) {
// Delete empty groups
Groups . list ( { showAllGroups : true } , function ( err , groups ) {
async . each ( groups , function ( group , next ) {
if ( group . members . length === 0 ) {
// Delete the group
Groups . destroy ( group . name , next ) ;
} else {
next ( ) ;
} , next ) ;
} ) ;
] , function ( err ) {
console . log ( 'so far so good' ) ;
process . exit ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
winston . info ( '[2014/3/19] Removing gids and pruning groups - skipped' ) ;
next ( ) ;
// Add new schema updates here
] , function ( err ) {
if ( ! err ) {
if ( updatesMade ) {
winston . info ( '[upgrade] Schema update complete!' ) ;
} else {
winston . info ( '[upgrade] Schema already up to date!' ) ;
process . exit ( ) ;
} else {
switch ( err . message ) {
case 'upgrade-not-possible' :
winston . error ( '[upgrade] NodeBB upgrade could not complete, as your database schema is too far out of date.' ) ;
winston . error ( '[upgrade] Please ensure that you did not skip any minor version upgrades.' ) ;
winston . error ( '[upgrade] (e.g. v0.1.x directly to v0.3.x)' ) ;
process . exit ( ) ;
break ;
default :
winston . error ( '[upgrade] Errors were encountered while updating the NodeBB schema: ' + err . message ) ;
process . exit ( ) ;
break ;
} ) ;
} ;
module . exports = Upgrade ;