'use strict';
(function(Groups) {
var async = require('async'),
winston = require('winston'),
user = require('./user'),
meta = require('./meta'),
db = require('./database'),
utils = require('../public/src/utils'),
ephemeralGroups = ['guests'],
internals = {
filterGroups: function(groups, options) {
// Remove system, hidden, or deleted groups from this list
if (groups && !options.showAllGroups) {
return groups.filter(function (group) {
if (group.deleted || (group.hidden && !group.system) || (!options.showSystemGroups && group.system)) {
return false;
} else if (options.removeEphemeralGroups && ephemeralGroups.indexOf(group.name) !== -1) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
} else {
return groups;
getEphemeralGroup: function(groupName, options, callback) {
Groups.exists(groupName, function(err, exists) {
if (!err && exists) {
Groups.get.apply(null, arguments);
} else {
callback(null, {
name: groupName,
description: '',
deleted: '0',
hidden: '0',
system: '1'
removeEphemeralGroups: function(groups) {
var x = groups.length;
while(x--) {
if (ephemeralGroups.indexOf(groups[x]) !== -1) {
groups.splice(x, 1);
return groups;
Groups.list = function(options, callback) {
db.getSetMembers('groups', function (err, groupNames) {
groupNames = groupNames.concat(ephemeralGroups);
async.map(groupNames, function (groupName, next) {
Groups.get(groupName, options, next);
}, function (err, groups) {
callback(err, internals.filterGroups(groups, options));
Groups.get = function(groupName, options, callback) {
var truncated = false,
base: function (next) {
if (ephemeralGroups.indexOf(groupName) === -1) {
db.getObject('group:' + groupName, function(err, groupObj) {
if (err) {
} else if (!groupObj) {
} else {
next(err, groupObj);
} else {
internals.getEphemeralGroup(groupName, options, next);
users: function (next) {
db.getSetMembers('group:' + groupName + ':members', function (err, uids) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
if (options.truncateUserList) {
if (uids.length > 4) {
numUsers = uids.length;
uids.length = 4;
truncated = true;
if (options.expand) {
async.map(uids, user.getUserData, next);
} else {
next(err, uids);
}, function (err, results) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
// User counts
results.base.count = numUsers || results.users.length;
results.base.members = results.users;
results.base.memberCount = numUsers || results.users.length;
results.base.deleted = !!parseInt(results.base.deleted, 10);
results.base.hidden = !!parseInt(results.base.hidden, 10);
results.base.system = !!parseInt(results.base.system, 10);
results.base.deletable = !results.base.system;
results.base.truncated = truncated;
callback(err, results.base);
Groups.search = function(query, options, callback) {
if (query.length) {
db.getSetMembers('groups', function(err, groups) {
groups = groups.filter(function(groupName) {
return groupName.match(new RegExp(utils.escapeRegexChars(query), 'i'));
async.map(groups, function(groupName, next) {
Groups.get(groupName, options, next);
}, function(err, groups) {
callback(err, internals.filterGroups(groups, options));
} else {
callback(null, []);
Groups.isMember = function(uid, groupName, callback) {
db.isSetMember('group:' + groupName + ':members', uid, callback);
Groups.isMemberOfGroupList = function(uid, groupListKey, callback) {
db.getSetMembers('group:' + groupListKey + ':members', function(err, groupNames) {
groupNames = internals.removeEphemeralGroups(groupNames);
if (groupNames.length === 0) {
return callback(null, null);
async.some(groupNames, function(groupName, next) {
Groups.isMember(uid, groupName, function(err, isMember) {
if (!err && isMember) {
} else {
}, function(result) {
callback(null, result);
Groups.exists = function(name, callback) {
db.isSetMember('groups', name, callback);
Groups.create = function(name, description, callback) {
if (name.length === 0) {
return callback(new Error('[[error:group-name-too-short]]'));
if (name === 'administrators' || name === 'registered-users') {
var system = true;
meta.userOrGroupExists(name, function (err, exists) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
if (exists) {
return callback(new Error('[[error:group-already-exists]]'));
var groupData = {
name: name,
description: description,
deleted: '0',
hidden: '0',
system: system ? '1' : '0'
function(next) {
db.setAdd('groups', name, next);
function(next) {
db.setObject('group:' + name, groupData, function(err) {
Groups.get(name, {}, next);
], callback);
Groups.hide = function(groupName, callback) {
Groups.update(groupName, {
hidden: '1'
}, callback);
Groups.update = function(groupName, values, callback) {
db.exists('group:' + groupName, function (err, exists) {
if (!err && exists) {
// If the group was renamed, check for dupes
if (!values.name) {
db.setObject('group:' + groupName, values, callback);
} else {
if (callback) {
callback(new Error('[[error:group-name-change-not-allowed]]'));
} else {
if (callback) {
callback(new Error('[[error:no-group]]'));
Groups.destroy = function(groupName, callback) {
function(next) {
db.delete('group:' + groupName, next);
function(next) {
db.setRemove('groups', groupName, next);
function(next) {
db.delete('group:' + groupName + ':members', next);
], callback);
Groups.join = function(groupName, uid, callback) {
Groups.exists(groupName, function(err, exists) {
if (exists) {
db.setAdd('group:' + groupName + ':members', uid, callback);
} else {
Groups.create(groupName, '', function(err) {
if (err) {
winston.error('[groups.join] Could not create new hidden group: ' + err.message);
return callback(err);
db.setAdd('group:' + groupName + ':members', uid, callback);
Groups.leave = function(groupName, uid, callback) {
db.setRemove('group:' + groupName + ':members', uid, function(err) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
// If this is a hidden group, and it is now empty, delete it
Groups.get(groupName, {}, function(err, group) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
if (group.hidden && group.memberCount === 0) {
Groups.destroy(groupName, callback);
} else {
return callback();
Groups.leaveAllGroups = function(uid, callback) {
db.getSetMembers('groups', function(err, groups) {
async.each(groups, function(groupName, next) {
Groups.isMember(uid, groupName, function(err, isMember) {
if (!err && isMember) {
Groups.leave(groupName, uid, next);
} else {
}, callback);