It is possible to transfer the files to your remote server using FTP, but you do require shell access to the server in order to actually "start" NodeBB. Here is `a handy guide for installing NodeBB on DigitalOcean <>`_
If you are using :doc:`nginx <../configuring/proxies/nginx>` or :doc:`Apache <../configuring/proxies/apache>` as a reverse proxy, you don't need the port to be shown. Simply run `./nodebb setup` and specify the base URL without a port number.
Alternatively, edit the ``config.json`` file using your favourite text editor and change ``use_port`` to ``false``.
NodeBBs running behind a proxy may have difficulties determining the original IP address that requests come from. It is important that the proxy server provides the referral IP header.
In nginx, ensure that the following line is present in your ``server`` block:
Before reporting bugs, please ensure that the issue has not already been filed on our `tracker <>`_, or has already been resolved on our `support forum <>`_. If it has not been filed, feel free to create an account on GitHub and `create a new issue <>`_.
Having trouble installing NodeBB? Or did something break? Don't hesitate to `join our forum <>`_ and ask for help. Hopefully one day you'll be able to help others too :)