/ *
NodeBB - A forum powered by node in development by designcreateplay
Copyright ( C ) 2013 DesignCreatePlay Inc .
This program is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program . If not , see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* /
( function ( ) {
"use strict" ;
// Configuration setup
var nconf = require ( 'nconf' ) ;
nconf . argv ( ) . env ( ) ;
var fs = require ( 'fs' ) ,
async = require ( 'async' ) ,
winston = require ( 'winston' ) ,
pkg = require ( './package.json' ) ,
path = require ( 'path' ) ,
meta ;
// Runtime environment
global . env = process . env . NODE _ENV || 'production' ;
winston . remove ( winston . transports . Console ) ;
winston . add ( winston . transports . Console , {
colorize : true
} ) ;
winston . add ( winston . transports . File , {
filename : 'error.log' ,
level : 'error'
} ) ;
// TODO: remove once https://github.com/flatiron/winston/issues/280 is fixed
winston . err = function ( err ) {
winston . error ( err . stack ) ;
} ;
// Log GNU copyright info along with server info
winston . info ( 'NodeBB v' + pkg . version + ' Copyright (C) 2013 DesignCreatePlay Inc.' ) ;
winston . info ( 'This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.' ) ;
winston . info ( 'This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.' ) ;
winston . info ( '' ) ;
if ( fs . existsSync ( _ _dirname + '/config.json' ) && ( ! nconf . get ( 'setup' ) && ! nconf . get ( 'upgrade' ) ) ) {
// Load server-side configs
nconf . file ( {
file : _ _dirname + '/config.json'
} ) ;
meta = require ( './src/meta.js' ) ;
nconf . set ( 'url' , nconf . get ( 'base_url' ) + ( nconf . get ( 'use_port' ) ? ':' + nconf . get ( 'port' ) : '' ) + nconf . get ( 'relative_path' ) + '/' ) ;
nconf . set ( 'upload_url' , nconf . get ( 'url' ) + 'uploads/' ) ;
winston . info ( 'Initializing NodeBB v' + pkg . version + ', on port ' + nconf . get ( 'port' ) + ', using Redis store at ' + nconf . get ( 'redis:host' ) + ':' + nconf . get ( 'redis:port' ) + '.' ) ;
winston . info ( 'NodeBB instance bound to: ' + ( nconf . get ( 'bind_address' ) || 'Any address' ) ) ;
if ( process . env . NODE _ENV === 'development' ) {
winston . info ( 'Base Configuration OK.' ) ;
meta . configs . init ( function ( ) {
// Initial setup for Redis & Reds
var reds = require ( 'reds' ) ,
RDB = require ( './src/redis.js' ) ;
reds . createClient = function ( ) {
return reds . client || ( reds . client = RDB ) ;
} ;
var templates = require ( './public/src/templates.js' ) ,
translator = require ( './public/src/translator.js' ) ,
webserver = require ( './src/webserver.js' ) ,
SocketIO = require ( 'socket.io' ) . listen ( global . server , { log : false , transports : [ 'websocket' , 'xhr-polling' , 'jsonp-polling' , 'flashsocket' ] } ) ,
websockets = require ( './src/websockets.js' ) ,
posts = require ( './src/posts.js' ) ,
plugins = require ( './src/plugins' ) , // Don't remove this - plugins initializes itself
Notifications = require ( './src/notifications' ) ;
websockets . init ( SocketIO ) ;
global . templates = { } ;
global . translator = translator ;
translator . loadServer ( ) ;
// todo: replace below with read directory code, derp.
templates . init ( [
'header' , 'footer' , 'logout' , 'outgoing' , 'admin/header' , 'admin/footer' , 'admin/index' ,
'emails/reset' , 'emails/reset_plaintext' , 'emails/email_confirm' , 'emails/email_confirm_plaintext' ,
'emails/header' , 'emails/footer' ,
'noscript/header' , 'noscript/home' , 'noscript/category' , 'noscript/topic'
] ) ;
templates . ready ( webserver . init ) ;
Notifications . init ( ) ;
} ) ;
} else if ( nconf . get ( 'upgrade' ) ) {
nconf . file ( {
file : _ _dirname + '/config.json'
} ) ;
meta = require ( './src/meta.js' ) ;
meta . configs . init ( function ( ) {
require ( './src/upgrade' ) . upgrade ( ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
// New install, ask setup questions
if ( nconf . get ( 'setup' ) ) {
winston . info ( 'NodeBB Setup Triggered via Command Line' ) ;
} else {
winston . warn ( 'Configuration not found, starting NodeBB setup' ) ;
var install = require ( './src/install' ) ;
winston . info ( 'Welcome to NodeBB!' ) ;
winston . info ( 'This looks like a new installation, so you\'ll have to answer a few questions about your environment before we can proceed.' ) ;
winston . info ( 'Press enter to accept the default setting (shown in brackets).' ) ;
install . setup ( function ( err ) {
if ( err ) {
winston . error ( 'There was a problem completing NodeBB setup: ' , err . message ) ;
} else {
winston . info ( 'NodeBB Setup Completed.' ) ;
process . exit ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ( ) ) ;