"use strict" ;
/* global define, app, socket */
define ( 'admin/extend/plugins' , function ( ) {
var Plugins = {
init : function ( ) {
var pluginsList = $ ( '.plugins' ) ,
numPlugins = pluginsList [ 0 ] . querySelectorAll ( 'li' ) . length ,
pluginID ;
if ( numPlugins > 0 ) {
pluginsList . on ( 'click' , 'button[data-action="toggleActive"]' , function ( ) {
pluginID = $ ( this ) . parents ( 'li' ) . attr ( 'data-plugin-id' ) ;
var btn = $ ( this ) ;
socket . emit ( 'admin.plugins.toggleActive' , pluginID , function ( err , status ) {
btn . html ( '<i class="fa fa-power-off"></i> ' + ( status . active ? 'Deactivate' : 'Activate' ) ) ;
btn . toggleClass ( 'btn-warning' , status . active ) . toggleClass ( 'btn-success' , ! status . active ) ;
app . alert ( {
alert _id : 'plugin_toggled' ,
title : 'Plugin ' + ( status . active ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled' ) ,
message : status . active ? 'Please reload your NodeBB to fully activate this plugin' : 'Plugin successfully deactivated' ,
type : status . active ? 'warning' : 'success' ,
timeout : 5000 ,
clickfn : function ( ) {
socket . emit ( 'admin.reload' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
pluginsList . on ( 'click' , 'button[data-action="toggleInstall"]' , function ( ) {
pluginID = $ ( this ) . parents ( 'li' ) . attr ( 'data-plugin-id' ) ;
Plugins . suggest ( pluginID , function ( err , payload ) {
if ( ! err ) {
require ( [ 'semver' ] , function ( semver ) {
if ( payload . version !== 'latest' ) {
Plugins . toggleInstall ( pluginID , payload . version ) ;
} else if ( payload . version === 'latest' ) {
bootbox . confirm (
'<div class="alert alert-warning"><p><strong>No Compatibility Infomation Found</strong></p><p>This plugin did not specify a specific version for installation given your NodeBB version. Full compatibility cannot be guaranteed, and may cause your NodeBB to no longer start properly.</p></div>' +
'<p>In the event that NodeBB cannot boot properly:</p>' +
'<pre><code>$ ./nodebb reset plugin="' + pluginID + '"</code></pre>' +
'<p>Continue installation of latest version of this plugin?</p>'
, function ( confirm ) {
if ( confirm ) {
Plugins . toggleInstall ( pluginID , 'latest' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
bootbox . confirm ( '<p>NodeBB could not reach the package manager, proceed with installation of latest version?</p><div class="alert alert-danger"><strong>Server returned (' + err . status + ')</strong>: ' + err . responseText + '</div>' , function ( confirm ) {
if ( confirm ) {
Plugins . toggleInstall ( pluginID , 'latest' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
pluginsList . on ( 'click' , 'button[data-action="upgrade"]' , function ( ) {
var btn = $ ( this ) ;
var parent = btn . parents ( 'li' ) ;
pluginID = parent . attr ( 'data-plugin-id' ) ;
Plugins . suggest ( pluginID , function ( err , payload ) {
if ( ! err ) {
require ( [ 'semver' ] , function ( semver ) {
if ( payload . version !== 'latest' && semver . gt ( payload . version , parent . find ( '.currentVersion' ) . text ( ) ) ) {
btn . attr ( 'disabled' , true ) . find ( 'i' ) . attr ( 'class' , 'fa fa-refresh fa-spin' ) ;
socket . emit ( 'admin.plugins.upgrade' , {
id : pluginID ,
version : payload . version
} , function ( err ) {
if ( err ) {
return app . alertError ( err . message ) ;
parent . find ( '.fa-exclamation-triangle' ) . remove ( ) ;
parent . find ( '.currentVersion' ) . text ( payload . version ) ;
btn . remove ( ) ;
} ) ;
} else if ( payload . version === 'latest' ) {
bootbox . confirm (
'<div class="alert alert-warning"><p><strong>No Compatibility Infomation Found</strong></p><p>This plugin did not specify a specific version for installation given your NodeBB version. Full compatibility cannot be guaranteed, and may cause your NodeBB to no longer start properly.</p></div>' +
'<p>In the event that NodeBB cannot boot properly:</p>' +
'<pre><code>$ ./nodebb reset plugin="' + pluginID + '"</code></pre>' +
'<p>Continue installation of latest version of this plugin?</p>'
, function ( confirm ) {
if ( confirm ) {
socket . emit ( 'admin.plugins.upgrade' , {
id : pluginID ,
version : payload . version
} , function ( err ) {
if ( err ) {
return app . alertError ( err . message ) ;
parent . find ( '.fa-exclamation-triangle' ) . remove ( ) ;
parent . find ( '.currentVersion' ) . text ( payload . version ) ;
btn . remove ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
bootbox . alert ( '<p>Your version of NodeBB (v' + app . config . version + ') is only cleared to upgrade to v' + payload . version + ' of this plugin. Please update your NodeBB if you wish to install a newer version of this plugin.' ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
bootbox . alert ( '<p>NodeBB could not reach the package manager, an upgrade is not suggested at this time.</p>' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '#plugin-search' ) . on ( 'input propertychange' , function ( ) {
var term = $ ( this ) . val ( ) ;
$ ( '.plugins li' ) . each ( function ( ) {
var pluginId = $ ( this ) . attr ( 'data-plugin-id' ) ;
$ ( this ) . toggleClass ( 'hide' , pluginId && pluginId . indexOf ( term ) === - 1 ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
pluginsList . append ( '<li><p><i>No plugins found.</i></p></li>' ) ;
} ,
toggleInstall : function ( pluginID , version , callback ) {
var btn = $ ( 'li[data-plugin-id="' + pluginID + '"] button[data-action="toggleInstall"]' ) ;
var activateBtn = btn . siblings ( '[data-action="toggleActive"]' ) ;
btn . html ( btn . html ( ) + 'ing' )
. attr ( 'disabled' , true )
. find ( 'i' ) . attr ( 'class' , 'fa fa-refresh fa-spin' ) ;
socket . emit ( 'admin.plugins.toggleInstall' , {
id : pluginID ,
version : version
} , function ( err , status ) {
if ( err ) {
return app . alertError ( err . message ) ;
if ( status . installed ) {
btn . html ( '<i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i> Uninstall' ) ;
} else {
btn . html ( '<i class="fa fa-download"></i> Install' ) ;
activateBtn . toggleClass ( 'hidden' , ! status . installed ) ;
btn . toggleClass ( 'btn-danger' , status . installed ) . toggleClass ( 'btn-success' , ! status . installed )
. attr ( 'disabled' , false ) ;
app . alert ( {
alert _id : 'plugin_toggled' ,
title : 'Plugin ' + ( status . installed ? 'Installed' : 'Uninstalled' ) ,
message : status . installed ? 'Plugin successfully installed, please activate the plugin.' : 'The plugin has been successfully deactivated and uninstalled.' ,
type : 'info' ,
timeout : 5000
} ) ;
if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) {
callback . apply ( this , arguments ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
suggest : function ( pluginId , callback ) {
var nbbVersion = app . config . version ;
$ . ajax ( 'https://packages.nodebb.org/api/v1/suggest' , {
type : 'GET' ,
data : {
package : pluginId ,
version : nbbVersion
} ,
dataType : 'json'
} ) . done ( function ( payload ) {
callback ( undefined , payload ) ;
} ) . fail ( callback ) ;
} ;
return Plugins ;
} ) ;