var RDB = require('./redis.js'),
async = require('async'),
utils = require('../public/src/utils.js'),
notifications = {
get: function(nid, uid, callback) {
.hmget('notifications:' + nid, 'text', 'score', 'path', 'datetime', 'uniqueId')
.zrank('uid:' + uid + ':notifications:read', nid)
.exec(function(err, results) {
var notification = results[0]
readIdx = results[1];
nid: nid,
text: notification[0],
score: notification[1],
path: notification[2],
datetime: notification[3],
uniqueId: notification[4],
read: readIdx !== null ? true : false
create: function(text, path, uniqueId, callback) {
* uniqueId is used solely to override stale nids.
* If a new nid is pushed to a user and an existing nid in the user's
* (un)read list contains the same uniqueId, it will be removed, and
* the new one put in its place.
RDB.incr('notifications:next_nid', function(err, nid) {
RDB.hmset('notifications:' + nid, {
text: text || '',
path: path || null,
datetime: Date.now(),
uniqueId: uniqueId || utils.generateUUID()
}, function(err, status) {
if (!err) callback(nid);
push: function(nid, uids, callback) {
if (!Array.isArray(uids)) uids = [uids];
var numUids = uids.length,
notifications.get(nid, null, function(notif_data) {
for (x = 0; x < numUids; x++) {
if (parseInt(uids[x]) > 0) {
(function(uid) {
notifications.remove_by_uniqueId(notif_data.uniqueId, uid, function() {
RDB.zadd('uid:' + uid + ':notifications:unread', notif_data.datetime, nid);
global.io.sockets.in('uid_' + uid).emit('event:new_notification');
if (callback) callback(true);
remove_by_uniqueId: function(uniqueId, uid, callback) {
function(next) {
RDB.zrange('uid:' + uid + ':notifications:unread', 0, -1, function(err, nids) {
if (nids && nids.length > 0) {
async.each(nids, function(nid, next) {
notifications.get(nid, uid, function(nid_info) {
if (nid_info.uniqueId === uniqueId) RDB.zrem('uid:' + uid + ':notifications:unread', nid);
}, function(err) {
} else next();
function(next) {
RDB.zrange('uid:' + uid + ':notifications:read', 0, -1, function(err, nids) {
if (nids && nids.length > 0) {
async.each(nids, function(nid, next) {
notifications.get(nid, uid, function(nid_info) {
if (nid_info.uniqueId === uniqueId) RDB.zrem('uid:' + uid + ':notifications:read', nid);
}, function(err) {
} else next();
], function(err) {
if (!err) callback(true);
mark_read: function(nid, uid, callback) {
if (parseInt(uid) > 0) {
notifications.get(nid, uid, function(notif_data) {
RDB.zrem('uid:' + uid + ':notifications:unread', nid);
RDB.zadd('uid:' + uid + ':notifications:read', notif_data.datetime, nid);
if (callback) callback();
mark_read_multiple: function(nids, uid, callback) {
if (!Array.isArray(nids) && parseInt(nids, 10) > 0) nids = [nids];
async.each(nids, function(nid, next) {
notifications.mark_read(nid, uid, function(err) {
if (!err) next(null);
}, function(err) {
if (callback) callback(err);
mark_all_read: function(uid, callback) {
RDB.zrange('uid:' + uid + ':notifications:unread', 0, 10, function(err, nids) {
if (err) return callback(err);
if (nids.length > 0) {
notifications.mark_read_multiple(nids, uid, function(err) {
} else callback();
module.exports = {
get: notifications.get,
create: notifications.create,
push: notifications.push,
mark_read: notifications.mark_read_multiple,
mark_all_read: notifications.mark_all_read