'use strict';
const _ = require('lodash');
const nconf = require('nconf');
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const util = require('util');
let mkdirp = require('mkdirp');
mkdirp = mkdirp.hasOwnProperty('native') ? mkdirp : util.promisify(mkdirp);
const rimraf = require('rimraf');
const rimrafAsync = util.promisify(rimraf);
const file = require('../file');
const Plugins = require('../plugins');
const { paths } = require('../constants');
const buildLanguagesPath = path.join(paths.baseDir, 'build/public/language');
const coreLanguagesPath = path.join(paths.baseDir, 'public/language');
async function getTranslationMetadata() {
const paths = await file.walk(coreLanguagesPath);
let languages = [];
let namespaces = [];
paths.forEach(function (p) {
if (!p.endsWith('.json')) {
var rel = path.relative(coreLanguagesPath, p).split(/[/\\]/);
var language = rel.shift().replace('_', '-').replace('@', '-x-');
var namespace = rel.join('/').replace(/\.json$/, '');
if (!language || !namespace) {
languages = _.union(languages, Plugins.languageData.languages).sort().filter(Boolean);
namespaces = _.union(namespaces, Plugins.languageData.namespaces).sort().filter(Boolean);
const configLangs = nconf.get('languages');
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' && Array.isArray(configLangs) && configLangs.length) {
languages = configLangs;
// save a list of languages to `${buildLanguagesPath}/metadata.json`
// avoids readdirs later on
await mkdirp(buildLanguagesPath);
const result = {
languages: languages,
namespaces: namespaces,
await fs.promises.writeFile(path.join(buildLanguagesPath, 'metadata.json'), JSON.stringify(result));
return result;
async function writeLanguageFile(language, namespace, translations) {
const dev = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development';
const filePath = path.join(buildLanguagesPath, language, namespace + '.json');
await mkdirp(path.dirname(filePath));
await fs.promises.writeFile(filePath, JSON.stringify(translations, null, dev ? 2 : 0));
// for each language and namespace combination,
// run through core and all plugins to generate
// a full translation hash
async function buildTranslations(ref) {
const namespaces = ref.namespaces;
const languages = ref.languages;
const plugins = _.values(Plugins.pluginsData).filter(function (plugin) {
return typeof plugin.languages === 'string';
const promises = [];
namespaces.forEach(function (namespace) {
languages.forEach(function (language) {
promises.push(buildNamespaceLanguage(language, namespace, plugins));
await Promise.all(promises);
async function buildNamespaceLanguage(lang, namespace, plugins) {
const translations = {};
// core first
await assignFileToTranslations(translations, path.join(coreLanguagesPath, lang, namespace + '.json'));
await Promise.all(plugins.map(pluginData => addPlugin(translations, pluginData, lang, namespace)));
if (Object.keys(translations).length) {
await writeLanguageFile(lang, namespace, translations);
async function addPlugin(translations, pluginData, lang, namespace) {
const pluginLanguages = path.join(paths.nodeModules, pluginData.id, pluginData.languages);
const defaultLang = pluginData.defaultLang || 'en-GB';
// for each plugin, fallback in this order:
// 1. correct language string (en-GB)
// 2. old language string (en_GB)
// 3. corrected plugin defaultLang (en-US)
// 4. old plugin defaultLang (en_US)
const langs = _.uniq([
defaultLang.replace('-', '_').replace('-x-', '@'),
defaultLang.replace('_', '-').replace('@', '-x-'),
lang.replace('-', '_').replace('-x-', '@'),
for (const language of langs) {
/* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */
await assignFileToTranslations(translations, path.join(pluginLanguages, language, namespace + '.json'));
async function assignFileToTranslations(translations, path) {
try {
const fileData = await fs.promises.readFile(path, 'utf8');
Object.assign(translations, JSON.parse(fileData));
} catch (err) {
if (err.code !== 'ENOENT') {
throw err;
exports.build = async function buildLanguages() {
await rimrafAsync(buildLanguagesPath);
const data = await getTranslationMetadata();
await buildTranslations(data);