'use strict' ;
var fs = require ( 'fs' ) ,
path = require ( 'path' ) ,
async = require ( 'async' ) ,
winston = require ( 'winston' ) ,
nconf = require ( 'nconf' ) ,
semver = require ( 'semver' ) ,
express = require ( 'express' ) ,
npm = require ( 'npm' ) ,
db = require ( './database' ) ,
emitter = require ( './emitter' ) ,
meta = require ( './meta' ) ,
translator = require ( '../public/src/translator' ) ,
utils = require ( '../public/src/utils' ) ,
hotswap = require ( './hotswap' ) ,
pkg = require ( '../package.json' ) ,
controllers = require ( './controllers' ) ,
app , middleware ;
( function ( Plugins ) {
Plugins . libraries = { } ;
Plugins . loadedHooks = { } ;
Plugins . staticDirs = { } ;
Plugins . cssFiles = [ ] ;
Plugins . lessFiles = [ ] ;
Plugins . clientScripts = [ ] ;
Plugins . customLanguages = [ ] ;
Plugins . libraryPaths = [ ] ;
Plugins . initialized = false ;
Plugins . init = function ( nbbApp , nbbMiddleware ) {
if ( Plugins . initialized ) {
return ;
app = nbbApp ;
middleware = nbbMiddleware ;
hotswap . prepare ( nbbApp ) ;
if ( global . env === 'development' ) {
winston . info ( '[plugins] Initializing plugins system' ) ;
Plugins . reload ( function ( err ) {
if ( err ) {
if ( global . env === 'development' ) {
winston . info ( '[plugins] NodeBB encountered a problem while loading plugins' , err . message ) ;
return ;
if ( global . env === 'development' ) {
winston . info ( '[plugins] Plugins OK' ) ;
Plugins . initialized = true ;
emitter . emit ( 'plugins:loaded' ) ;
} ) ;
Plugins . registerHook ( 'core' , {
hook : 'static:app.load' ,
method : addLanguages
} ) ;
} ;
Plugins . ready = function ( callback ) {
if ( ! Plugins . initialized ) {
emitter . once ( 'plugins:loaded' , callback ) ;
} else {
callback ( ) ;
} ;
Plugins . reload = function ( callback ) {
// Resetting all local plugin data
Plugins . libraries = { } ;
Plugins . loadedHooks = { } ;
Plugins . staticDirs = { } ;
Plugins . cssFiles . length = 0 ;
Plugins . lessFiles . length = 0 ;
Plugins . clientScripts . length = 0 ;
Plugins . libraryPaths . length = 0 ;
// Read the list of activated plugins and require their libraries
async . waterfall ( [
function ( next ) {
db . getSetMembers ( 'plugins:active' , next ) ;
} ,
function ( plugins , next ) {
if ( ! plugins || ! Array . isArray ( plugins ) ) {
return next ( ) ;
plugins . push ( meta . config [ 'theme:id' ] ) ;
plugins = plugins . filter ( function ( plugin ) {
return plugin && typeof plugin === 'string' ;
} ) . map ( function ( plugin ) {
return path . join ( _ _dirname , '../node_modules/' , plugin ) ;
} ) ;
async . filter ( plugins , fs . exists , function ( plugins ) {
async . each ( plugins , Plugins . loadPlugin , next ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
function ( next ) {
Object . keys ( Plugins . loadedHooks ) . forEach ( function ( hook ) {
var hooks = Plugins . loadedHooks [ hook ] ;
hooks = hooks . sort ( function ( a , b ) {
return a . priority - b . priority ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
next ( ) ;
} ,
async . apply ( Plugins . reloadRoutes )
] , callback ) ;
} ;
Plugins . reloadRoutes = function ( callback ) {
var router = express . Router ( ) ;
router . hotswapId = 'plugins' ;
router . render = function ( ) {
app . render . apply ( app , arguments ) ;
} ;
Plugins . fireHook ( 'static:app.load' , { app : app , router : router , middleware : middleware , controllers : controllers } , function ( ) {
hotswap . replace ( 'plugins' , router ) ;
winston . info ( '[plugins] All plugins reloaded and rerouted' ) ;
callback ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
Plugins . loadPlugin = function ( pluginPath , callback ) {
fs . readFile ( path . join ( pluginPath , 'plugin.json' ) , function ( err , data ) {
if ( err ) {
return callback ( pluginPath . match ( 'nodebb-theme' ) ? null : err ) ;
var pluginData , libraryPath , staticDir ;
try {
pluginData = JSON . parse ( data ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
var pluginDir = pluginPath . split ( path . sep ) ;
pluginDir = pluginDir [ pluginDir . length - 1 ] ;
winston . error ( '[plugins/' + pluginDir + '] Plugin not loaded - please check its plugin.json for errors' ) ;
return callback ( ) ;
/ *
Starting v0 . 5.0 , ` minver ` is deprecated in favour of ` compatibility ` .
` minver ` will be transparently parsed to ` compatibility ` until v0 . 6.0 ,
at which point ` minver ` will not be parsed altogether .
Please see NodeBB / NodeBB # 1437 for more details
* /
if ( pluginData . minver && ! pluginData . compatibility ) {
pluginData . compatibility = '~' + pluginData . minver ;
// End backwards compatibility block (#1437)
if ( pluginData . compatibility && semver . validRange ( pluginData . compatibility ) ) {
if ( ! semver . gtr ( pkg . version , pluginData . compatibility ) ) {
// NodeBB may not be new enough to run this plugin
process . stdout . write ( '\n' ) ;
winston . warn ( '[plugins/' + pluginData . id + '] This plugin may not be compatible with your version of NodeBB. This may cause unintended behaviour or crashing.' ) ;
winston . warn ( '[plugins/' + pluginData . id + '] In the event of an unresponsive NodeBB caused by this plugin, run ./nodebb reset plugin="' + pluginData . id + '".' ) ;
process . stdout . write ( '\n' ) ;
async . parallel ( [
function ( next ) {
if ( pluginData . library ) {
libraryPath = path . join ( pluginPath , pluginData . library ) ;
fs . exists ( libraryPath , function ( exists ) {
if ( exists ) {
if ( ! Plugins . libraries [ pluginData . id ] ) {
Plugins . libraries [ pluginData . id ] = require ( libraryPath ) ;
Plugins . libraryPaths . push ( libraryPath ) ;
// Register hooks for this plugin
if ( pluginData . hooks && Array . isArray ( pluginData . hooks ) && pluginData . hooks . length > 0 ) {
async . each ( pluginData . hooks , function ( hook , next ) {
Plugins . registerHook ( pluginData . id , hook , next ) ;
} , next ) ;
} else {
next ( null ) ;
} else {
winston . warn ( '[plugins.reload] Library not found for plugin: ' + pluginData . id ) ;
next ( ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
winston . warn ( '[plugins.reload] Library not found for plugin: ' + pluginData . id ) ;
next ( ) ;
} ,
function ( next ) {
// Static Directories for Plugins
var realPath ,
validMappedPath = /^[\w\-_]+$/ ;
pluginData . staticDirs = pluginData . staticDirs || { } ;
// Deprecated, to be removed v0.5
if ( pluginData . staticDir ) {
winston . warn ( '[plugins/' + pluginData . id + '] staticDir is deprecated, use staticDirs instead' ) ;
Plugins . staticDirs [ pluginData . id ] = path . join ( pluginPath , pluginData . staticDir ) ;
function mapStaticDirs ( mappedPath ) {
if ( Plugins . staticDirs [ mappedPath ] ) {
winston . warn ( '[plugins/' + pluginData . id + '] Mapped path (' + mappedPath + ') already specified!' ) ;
} else if ( ! validMappedPath . test ( mappedPath ) ) {
winston . warn ( '[plugins/' + pluginData . id + '] Invalid mapped path specified: ' + mappedPath + '. Path must adhere to: ' + validMappedPath . toString ( ) ) ;
} else {
realPath = pluginData . staticDirs [ mappedPath ] ;
staticDir = path . join ( pluginPath , realPath ) ;
( function ( staticDir ) {
fs . exists ( staticDir , function ( exists ) {
if ( exists ) {
Plugins . staticDirs [ pluginData . id + '/' + mappedPath ] = staticDir ;
} else {
winston . warn ( '[plugins/' + pluginData . id + '] Mapped path \'' + mappedPath + ' => ' + staticDir + '\' not found.' ) ;
} ) ;
} ( staticDir ) ) ;
for ( var key in pluginData . staticDirs ) {
if ( pluginData . staticDirs . hasOwnProperty ( key ) ) {
mapStaticDirs ( key ) ;
next ( ) ;
} ,
function ( next ) {
// CSS Files for plugins
if ( pluginData . css && pluginData . css instanceof Array ) {
if ( global . env === 'development' ) {
winston . info ( '[plugins] Found ' + pluginData . css . length + ' CSS file(s) for plugin ' + pluginData . id ) ;
Plugins . cssFiles = Plugins . cssFiles . concat ( pluginData . css . map ( function ( file ) {
return path . join ( pluginData . id , file ) ;
} ) ) ;
next ( ) ;
} ,
function ( next ) {
// LESS files for plugins
if ( pluginData . less && pluginData . less instanceof Array ) {
if ( global . env === 'development' ) {
winston . info ( '[plugins] Found ' + pluginData . less . length + ' LESS file(s) for plugin ' + pluginData . id ) ;
Plugins . lessFiles = Plugins . lessFiles . concat ( pluginData . less . map ( function ( file ) {
return path . join ( pluginData . id , file ) ;
} ) ) ;
next ( ) ;
} ,
function ( next ) {
// Client-side scripts
if ( pluginData . scripts && pluginData . scripts instanceof Array ) {
if ( global . env === 'development' ) {
winston . info ( '[plugins] Found ' + pluginData . scripts . length + ' js file(s) for plugin ' + pluginData . id ) ;
Plugins . clientScripts = Plugins . clientScripts . concat ( pluginData . scripts . map ( function ( file ) {
return path . join ( _ _dirname , '../node_modules/' , pluginData . id , file ) ;
} ) ) ;
next ( ) ;
} ,
function ( next ) {
if ( pluginData . languages && typeof pluginData . languages === 'string' ) {
var pathToFolder = path . join ( _ _dirname , '../node_modules/' , pluginData . id , pluginData . languages ) ;
utils . walk ( pathToFolder , function ( err , languages ) {
var arr = [ ] ;
async . each ( languages , function ( pathToLang , next ) {
fs . readFile ( pathToLang , function ( err , file ) {
var json ;
try {
json = JSON . parse ( file . toString ( ) ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
winston . error ( '[plugins] Unable to parse custom language file: ' + pathToLang + '\r\n' + err . stack ) ;
return next ( err ) ;
arr . push ( {
file : json ,
route : pathToLang . replace ( pathToFolder , '' )
} ) ;
next ( err ) ;
} ) ;
} , function ( err ) {
Plugins . customLanguages = Plugins . customLanguages . concat ( arr ) ;
next ( err ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
next ( ) ;
] , function ( err ) {
if ( ! err ) {
if ( global . env === 'development' ) {
winston . info ( '[plugins] Loaded plugin: ' + pluginData . id ) ;
callback ( ) ;
} else {
callback ( new Error ( 'Could not load plugin system' ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
Plugins . registerHook = function ( id , data , callback ) {
/ *
` data ` is an object consisting of ( * is required ) :
` data.hook ` * , the name of the NodeBB hook
` data.method ` * , the method called in that plugin
` data.priority ` , the relative priority of the method when it is eventually called ( default : 10 )
* /
var method ;
if ( data . hook && data . method ) {
data . id = id ;
if ( ! data . priority ) {
data . priority = 10 ;
if ( typeof data . method === 'string' && data . method . length > 0 ) {
method = data . method . split ( '.' ) . reduce ( function ( memo , prop ) {
if ( memo !== null && memo [ prop ] ) {
return memo [ prop ] ;
} else {
// Couldn't find method by path, aborting
return null ;
} , Plugins . libraries [ data . id ] ) ;
// Write the actual method reference to the hookObj
data . method = method ;
register ( ) ;
} else if ( typeof data . method === 'function' ) {
register ( ) ;
} else {
winston . warn ( '[plugins/' + id + '] Hook method mismatch: ' + data . hook + ' => ' + data . method ) ;
function register ( ) {
Plugins . loadedHooks [ data . hook ] = Plugins . loadedHooks [ data . hook ] || [ ] ;
Plugins . loadedHooks [ data . hook ] . push ( data ) ;
if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) {
callback ( ) ;
} ;
Plugins . hasListeners = function ( hook ) {
return ! ! ( Plugins . loadedHooks [ hook ] && Plugins . loadedHooks [ hook ] . length > 0 ) ;
} ;
Plugins . fireHook = function ( hook , params , callback ) {
callback = typeof callback === 'function' ? callback : function ( ) { } ;
var hookList = Plugins . loadedHooks [ hook ] ;
if ( ! Array . isArray ( hookList ) || ! hookList . length ) {
return callback ( null , params ) ;
// if (global.env === 'development') winston.info('[plugins] Firing hook: \'' + hook + '\'');
var hookType = hook . split ( ':' ) [ 0 ] ;
switch ( hookType ) {
case 'filter' :
fireFilterHook ( hook , hookList , params , callback ) ;
break ;
case 'action' :
fireActionHook ( hook , hookList , params , callback ) ;
break ;
case 'static' :
fireStaticHook ( hook , hookList , params , callback ) ;
break ;
default :
winston . warn ( '[plugins] Unknown hookType: ' + hookType + ', hook : ' + hook ) ;
break ;
} ;
function fireFilterHook ( hook , hookList , params , callback ) {
async . reduce ( hookList , params , function ( params , hookObj , next ) {
if ( typeof hookObj . method !== 'function' ) {
if ( global . env === 'development' ) {
winston . warn ( '[plugins] Expected method for hook \'' + hook + '\' in plugin \'' + hookObj . id + '\' not found, skipping.' ) ;
return next ( null , params ) ;
hookObj . method ( params , next ) ;
} , function ( err , values ) {
if ( err ) {
winston . error ( '[plugins] Problem executing hook: ' + hook + ' err: ' + err . stack ) ;
callback ( err , values ) ;
} ) ;
function fireActionHook ( hook , hookList , params , callback ) {
async . each ( hookList , function ( hookObj , next ) {
if ( typeof hookObj . method !== 'function' ) {
if ( global . env === 'development' ) {
winston . warn ( '[plugins] Expected method for hook \'' + hook + '\' in plugin \'' + hookObj . id + '\' not found, skipping.' ) ;
return next ( ) ;
hookObj . method ( params ) ;
next ( ) ;
} , callback ) ;
function fireStaticHook ( hook , hookList , params , callback ) {
async . each ( hookList , function ( hookObj , next ) {
if ( typeof hookObj . method === 'function' ) {
hookObj . method ( params , next ) ;
} else {
next ( ) ;
} , callback ) ;
Plugins . isActive = function ( id , callback ) {
db . isSetMember ( 'plugins:active' , id , callback ) ;
} ;
Plugins . toggleActive = function ( id , callback ) {
Plugins . isActive ( id , function ( err , active ) {
if ( err ) {
if ( global . env === 'development' ) {
winston . info ( '[plugins] Could not toggle active state on plugin \'' + id + '\'' ) ;
return callback ( err ) ;
db [ ( active ? 'setRemove' : 'setAdd' ) ] ( 'plugins:active' , id , function ( err , success ) {
if ( err ) {
if ( global . env === 'development' ) {
winston . info ( '[plugins] Could not toggle active state on plugin \'' + id + '\'' ) ;
return callback ( err ) ;
meta . restartRequired = true ;
if ( active ) {
Plugins . fireHook ( 'action:plugin.deactivate' , id ) ;
if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) {
callback ( null , {
id : id ,
active : ! active
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
Plugins . toggleInstall = function ( id , version , callback ) {
Plugins . isInstalled ( id , function ( err , installed ) {
if ( err ) {
return callback ( err ) ;
async . waterfall ( [
function ( next ) {
Plugins . isActive ( id , next ) ;
} ,
function ( active , next ) {
if ( active ) {
Plugins . toggleActive ( id , function ( err , status ) {
next ( err ) ;
} ) ;
return ;
next ( ) ;
} ,
function ( next ) {
npm . load ( { } , next ) ;
} ,
function ( res , next ) {
npm . commands [ installed ? 'uninstall' : 'install' ] ( installed ? id : [ id + '@' + ( version || 'latest' ) ] , next ) ;
] , function ( err ) {
callback ( err , {
id : id ,
installed : ! installed
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
Plugins . upgrade = function ( id , version , callback ) {
async . waterfall ( [
function ( next ) {
npm . load ( { } , next ) ;
} ,
function ( res , next ) {
npm . commands . install ( [ id + '@' + ( version || 'latest' ) ] , next ) ;
] , callback ) ;
} ;
Plugins . getTemplates = function ( callback ) {
var templates = { } ;
Plugins . showInstalled ( function ( err , plugins ) {
async . each ( plugins , function ( plugin , next ) {
if ( plugin . templates && plugin . id && plugin . active ) {
var templatesPath = path . join ( _ _dirname , '../node_modules' , plugin . id , plugin . templates ) ;
utils . walk ( templatesPath , function ( err , pluginTemplates ) {
if ( pluginTemplates ) {
pluginTemplates . forEach ( function ( pluginTemplate ) {
templates [ "/" + pluginTemplate . replace ( templatesPath , '' ) . substring ( 1 ) ] = pluginTemplate ;
} ) ;
} else {
winston . warn ( '[plugins/' + plugin . id + '] A templates directory was defined for this plugin, but was not found.' ) ;
next ( err ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
next ( false ) ;
} , function ( err ) {
callback ( err , templates ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
Plugins . getAll = function ( callback ) {
var request = require ( 'request' ) ;
request ( 'https://packages.nodebb.org/api/v1/plugins' , function ( err , res , body ) {
var plugins = [ ] ;
try {
plugins = JSON . parse ( body ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
winston . error ( 'Error parsing plugins : ' + err . message ) ;
plugins = [ ] ;
var pluginMap = { } ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < plugins . length ; ++ i ) {
plugins [ i ] . id = plugins [ i ] . name ;
plugins [ i ] . installed = false ;
plugins [ i ] . active = false ;
plugins [ i ] . url = plugins [ i ] . repository ? plugins [ i ] . repository . url : '' ;
plugins [ i ] . latest = getLatestVersion ( plugins [ i ] . versions ) ;
pluginMap [ plugins [ i ] . name ] = plugins [ i ] ;
Plugins . showInstalled ( function ( err , installedPlugins ) {
if ( err ) {
return callback ( err ) ;
async . each ( installedPlugins , function ( plugin , next ) {
pluginMap [ plugin . id ] = pluginMap [ plugin . id ] || { } ;
pluginMap [ plugin . id ] . id = pluginMap [ plugin . id ] . id || plugin . id ;
pluginMap [ plugin . id ] . name = plugin . name || pluginMap [ plugin . id ] . name ;
pluginMap [ plugin . id ] . description = plugin . description ;
pluginMap [ plugin . id ] . url = pluginMap [ plugin . id ] . url || plugin . url ;
pluginMap [ plugin . id ] . installed = true ;
pluginMap [ plugin . id ] . active = plugin . active ;
pluginMap [ plugin . id ] . version = plugin . version ;
pluginMap [ plugin . id ] . latest = pluginMap [ plugin . id ] . latest || plugin . version ;
pluginMap [ plugin . id ] . outdated = semver . gt ( pluginMap [ plugin . id ] . latest , pluginMap [ plugin . id ] . version ) ;
next ( ) ;
} , function ( err ) {
if ( err ) {
return callback ( err ) ;
var pluginArray = [ ] ;
for ( var key in pluginMap ) {
if ( pluginMap . hasOwnProperty ( key ) ) {
pluginArray . push ( pluginMap [ key ] ) ;
pluginArray . sort ( function ( a , b ) {
if ( a . name > b . name ) {
return 1 ;
} else if ( a . name < b . name ) {
return - 1 ;
} else {
return 0 ;
} ) ;
callback ( null , pluginArray ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
function getLatestVersion ( versions ) {
for ( var version in versions ) {
if ( versions . hasOwnProperty ( version ) && versions [ version ] === 'latest' ) {
return version ;
return '' ;
Plugins . isInstalled = function ( id , callback ) {
var pluginDir = path . join ( _ _dirname , '../node_modules' , id ) ;
fs . stat ( pluginDir , function ( err , stats ) {
callback ( null , err ? false : stats . isDirectory ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
Plugins . showInstalled = function ( callback ) {
var npmPluginPath = path . join ( _ _dirname , '../node_modules' ) ;
async . waterfall ( [
async . apply ( fs . readdir , npmPluginPath ) ,
function ( dirs , next ) {
dirs = dirs . filter ( function ( dir ) {
return dir . substr ( 0 , 14 ) === 'nodebb-plugin-' || dir . substr ( 0 , 14 ) === 'nodebb-widget-' ;
} ) . map ( function ( dir ) {
return path . join ( npmPluginPath , dir ) ;
} ) ;
async . filter ( dirs , function ( dir , callback ) {
fs . stat ( dir , function ( err , stats ) {
if ( err ) {
return callback ( false ) ;
callback ( stats . isDirectory ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
} , function ( plugins ) {
next ( null , plugins ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
function ( files , next ) {
var plugins = [ ] ;
async . each ( files , function ( file , next ) {
var configPath ;
async . waterfall ( [
function ( next ) {
async . parallel ( {
packageJSON : function ( next ) {
fs . readFile ( path . join ( file , 'package.json' ) , next ) ;
} ,
pluginJSON : function ( next ) {
fs . readFile ( path . join ( file , 'plugin.json' ) , next ) ;
} , next ) ;
} ,
function ( results , next ) {
var packageInfo , pluginInfo ;
try {
packageInfo = JSON . parse ( results . packageJSON ) ;
pluginInfo = JSON . parse ( results . pluginJSON ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
winston . warn ( "Plugin: " + file + " is corrupted or invalid. Please check plugin.json for errors." ) ;
return next ( err , null ) ;
Plugins . isActive ( packageInfo . name , function ( err , active ) {
if ( err ) {
next ( new Error ( 'no-active-state' ) ) ;
delete pluginInfo . hooks ;
delete pluginInfo . library ;
pluginInfo . active = active ;
pluginInfo . installed = true ;
pluginInfo . version = packageInfo . version ;
next ( null , pluginInfo ) ;
} ) ;
] , function ( err , config ) {
if ( err ) {
return next ( ) ; // Silently fail
plugins . push ( config ) ;
next ( ) ;
} ) ;
} , function ( err ) {
next ( null , plugins ) ;
} ) ;
] , function ( err , plugins ) {
callback ( err , plugins ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
Plugins . clearRequireCache = function ( next ) {
async . map ( Plugins . libraryPaths , fs . realpath , function ( err , paths ) {
for ( var x = 0 , numPaths = paths . length ; x < numPaths ; x ++ ) {
delete require . cache [ paths [ x ] ] ;
winston . info ( '[plugins] Plugin libraries removed from Node.js cache' ) ;
next ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
function addLanguages ( params , callback ) {
Plugins . customLanguages . forEach ( function ( lang ) {
params . router . get ( '/language' + lang . route , function ( req , res , next ) {
res . json ( lang . file ) ;
} ) ;
var components = lang . route . split ( '/' ) ,
language = components [ 1 ] ,
filename = components [ 2 ] . replace ( '.json' , '' ) ;
translator . addTranslation ( language , filename , lang . file ) ;
} ) ;
callback ( null ) ;
} ( exports ) ) ;