var config = require('../config.js'),
utils = require('./utils.js'),
RDB = require('./redis.js'),
crypto = require('crypto'),
emailjs = require('emailjs'),
emailjsServer = emailjs.server.connect(config.mailer),
bcrypt = require('bcrypt');
(function(User) {
User.getUserField = function(uid, field, callback) {
RDB.db.hget(String(uid), field, function(err, data){
if(err === null)
User.getUserFields = function(uid, fields, callback) {
RDB.db.hmget(String(uid), fields, function(err, data){
if(err === null) {
var returnData = {};
for(var i=0, ii=fields.length; i<ii; ++i) {
returnData[fields[i]] = data[i];
// a function I feel should be built in user not sure how baris is tackling this so oppa chicken wrapper here
User.getMultipleUserFields = function(uids, fields, callback) {
var uuids = uids.filter(function(value, index, self) {
return self.indexOf(value) === index;
var data = {},
loaded = 0;
for (var i=0, ii=uuids.length; i<ii; i++) {
(function(user_id) {
User.getUserFields(user_id, fields, function(user_data){
data[user_id] = user_data;
loaded ++;
if (loaded == uuids.length) callback(data);
User.getUserData = function(uid, callback) {
RDB.db.hgetall(String(uid), function(err, data){
if(err === null)
if(data && data['password'])
delete data['password'];
User.setUserField = function(uid, field, value) {
RDB.db.hset(String(uid), field, value);
User.loginViaLocal = function(username, password, next) {
if (!username || !password) {
return next({
status: 'error',
message: 'invalid-user'
} else {
RDB.get('username:' + username + ':uid', function(uid) {
if (uid == null) {
return next({
status: 'error',
message: 'invalid-user'
User.getUserField(uid, 'password', function(user_password) {
bcrypt.compare(password, user_password, function(err, res) {
if (res === true) {
status: "ok",
user: {
uid: uid
} else {
status: 'error',
message: 'invalid-password'
User.loginViaTwitter = function(twid, handle, callback) {
User.get_uid_by_twitter_id(twid, function(uid) {
if (uid !== null) {
// Existing User
callback(null, {
uid: uid
} else {
// New User
User.create(handle, null, null, function(err, uid) {
if (err !== null) {
} else {
// Save twitter-specific information to the user
RDB.set('uid:' + uid + ':twid', twid);
RDB.set('twid:' + twid + ':uid', uid);
callback(null, {
uid: uid
User.loginViaGoogle = function(gplusid, handle, email, callback) {
User.get_uid_by_google_id(gplusid, function(uid) {
if (uid !== null) {
// Existing User
callback(null, {
uid: uid
} else {
// New User
User.create(handle, null, email, function(err, uid) {
if (err !== null) {
} else {
// Save twitter-specific information to the user
RDB.set('uid:' + uid + ':gplusid', gplusid);
RDB.set('gplusid:' + gplusid + ':uid', uid);
callback(null, {
uid: uid
User.loginViaFacebook = function(fbid, name, email, callback) {
User.get_uid_by_fbid(fbid, function(uid) {
if (uid !== null) {
// Existing User
callback(null, {
uid: uid
} else {
// New User
User.create(name, null, email, function(err, uid) {
if (err !== null) {
} else {
// Save twitter-specific information to the user
RDB.set('uid:' + uid + ':fbid', fbid);
RDB.set('fbid:' + fbid + ':uid', uid);
callback(null, {
uid: uid
User.logout = function(sessionID, callback) {
User.get_uid_by_session(sessionID, function(uid) {
if (uid) {
RDB.del('sess:' + sessionID + ':uid');
RDB.del('uid:' + uid + ':session');
} else callback(false);
User.create = function(username, password, email, callback) {
if(!username) {
console.log("invalid registration data! username ["+username+"], password ["+password+"], email ["+email+"]");
// TODO : check if username email is unique!! -baris
RDB.incr('global:next_user_id', function(uid) {
console.log("Registering uid : " + uid);
User.hashPassword(password, function(hash) {
RDB.db.hmset(String(uid), {
'username' : username,
'email' : email,
'joindate' : new Date().getTime(),
'password' : hash,
'picture' : User.createGravatarURLFromEmail(email),
'reputation': 0,
'postcount': 0
RDB.set('username:' + username + ':uid', uid);
RDB.set('email:' + email +':uid', uid);
RDB.incr('user:count', function(count) {
io.sockets.emit('user.count', {count: count});
RDB.lpush('user:users', username);
io.sockets.emit('user.latest', {username: username});
callback(null, uid);
User.createGravatarURLFromEmail = function(email) {
if(email) {
var md5sum = crypto.createHash('md5');
md5sum.update((email || '').toLowerCase());
var gravatarURL = 'http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/' + md5sum.digest('hex');
return gravatarURL;
else {
return "http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e";
User.hashPassword = function(password, callback) {
if(!password) {
bcrypt.genSalt(10, function(err, salt) {
bcrypt.hash(password, salt, function(err, hash) {
User.sendConfirmationEmail = function (email) {
var confirm_code = utils.generateUUID(),
confirm_link = config.url + 'confirm/' + confirm_code,
confirm_email = global.templates['emails/header'] + global.templates['emails/email_confirm'].parse({'CONFIRM_LINK': confirm_link}) + global.templates['emails/footer'],
confirm_email_plaintext = global.templates['emails/email_confirm_plaintext'].parse({ 'CONFIRM_LINK': confirm_link });
// Email confirmation code
RDB.set('email:' + email + ':confirm', confirm_code, 60*60*2);
RDB.set('confirm:' + confirm_code + ':email', email, 60*60*2); // Expire after 2 hours
// Send intro email w/ confirm code
var message = emailjs.message.create({
text: confirm_email_plaintext,
from: config.mailer.from,
to: email,
subject: '[NodeBB] Registration Email Verification',
attachment: [
data: confirm_email,
alternative: true
emailjsServer.send(message, function(err, success) {
if (err)
User.exists = function(socket, username, callback) {
User.get_uid_by_username(username, function(exists) {
exists = !!exists;
if (callback)
socket.emit('user.exists', {exists: exists});
User.count = function(socket) {
RDB.get('user:count', function(count) {
socket.emit('user.count', {count: (count === null) ? 0 : count});
User.latest = function(socket) {
RDB.lrange('user:users', 0, 0, function(username) {
socket.emit('user.latest', {username: username});
User.get_uid_by_username = function(username, callback) {
RDB.get('username:' + username + ':uid', callback);
User.get_username_by_uid = function(uid, callback) {
User.getUserField(uid, 'username', callback);
User.get_usernames_by_uids = function(uids, callback) {
var usernames = [];
for(var i=0, ii=uids.length; i<ii; ++i) {
User.get_username_by_uid(uids[i], function(username){
if(usernames.length >= uids.length)
User.get_uid_by_email = function(email, callback) {
RDB.get('email:' + email + ':uid', callback)
User.get_uid_by_session = function(session, callback) {
RDB.get('sess:' + session + ':uid', callback);
User.get_uid_by_twitter_id = function(twid, callback) {
RDB.get('twid:' + twid + ':uid', function(uid) {
User.get_uid_by_google_id = function(gplusid, callback) {
RDB.get('gplusid:' + gplusid + ':uid', function(uid) {
User.get_uid_by_fbid = function(fbid, callback) {
RDB.get('fbid:' + fbid + ':uid', function(uid) {
User.session_ping = function(sessionID, uid) {
// Start, replace, or extend a session
RDB.get('sess:' + sessionID, function(session) {
RDB.set('sess:' + sessionID + ':uid', uid, 60*60*24*14); // Login valid for two weeks
RDB.set('uid:' + uid + ':session', sessionID, 60*60*24*14);
User.reset = {
validate: function(socket, code, callback) {
if (typeof callback !== 'function') callback = undefined;
RDB.get('reset:' + code + ':uid', function(uid) {
if (uid !== null) {
RDB.get('reset:' + code + ':expiry', function(expiry) {
if (expiry >= +new Date()/1000|0) {
if (!callback) socket.emit('user:reset.valid', { valid: true });
else callback(true);
} else {
// Expired, delete from db
RDB.del('reset:' + code + ':uid');
RDB.del('reset:' + code + ':expiry');
if (!callback) socket.emit('user:reset.valid', { valid: false });
else callback(false);
} else {
if (!callback) socket.emit('user:reset.valid', { valid: false });
else callback(false);
send: function(socket, email) {
User.get_uid_by_email(email, function(uid) {
if (uid !== null) {
// Generate a new reset code
var reset_code = utils.generateUUID();
RDB.set('reset:' + reset_code + ':uid', uid);
RDB.set('reset:' + reset_code + ':expiry', (60*60)+new Date()/1000|0); // Active for one hour
var reset_link = config.url + 'reset/' + reset_code,
reset_email = global.templates['emails/reset'].parse({'RESET_LINK': reset_link}),
reset_email_plaintext = global.templates['emails/reset_plaintext'].parse({ 'RESET_LINK': reset_link });
var message = emailjs.message.create({
text: reset_email_plaintext,
from: config.mailer.from,
to: email,
subject: 'Password Reset Requested',
attachment: [
data: reset_email,
alternative: true
emailjsServer.send(message, function(err, success) {
if (err === null) {
socket.emit('user.send_reset', {
status: "ok",
message: "code-sent",
email: email
} else {
socket.emit('user.send_reset', {
status: "error",
message: "send-failed"
throw new Error(err);
} else {
socket.emit('user.send_reset', {
status: "error",
message: "invalid-email",
email: email
commit: function(socket, code, password) {
this.validate(code, function(validated) {
if (validated) {
RDB.get('reset:' + code + ':uid', function(uid) {
RDB.db.hset(String(uid), 'password', password);
RDB.del('reset:' + code + ':uid');
RDB.del('reset:' + code + ':expiry');
socket.emit('user:reset.commit', { status: 'ok' });
User.email = {
exists: function(socket, email, callback) {
User.get_uid_by_email(email, function(exists) {
exists = !!exists;
if (typeof callback !== 'function') socket.emit('user.email.exists', { exists: exists });
else callback(exists);
confirm: function(code, callback) {
RDB.get('confirm:' + code + ':email', function(email) {
if (email !== null) {
RDB.set('email:' + email + ':confirm', true);
RDB.del('confirm:' + code + ':email');
status: 'ok'
} else {
status: 'not_ok'
User.active = {
get_record : function(socket) {
RDB.mget(['global:active_user_record', 'global:active_user_record_date'], function(data) {
socket.emit('api:user.active.get_record', {record: data[0], timestamp: data[1]});
get: function(callback) {
function user_record(total) {
RDB.get('global:active_user_record', function(record) {
if (total > record) {
RDB.set('global:active_user_record', total);
RDB.set('global:active_user_record_date', new Date().getTime());
RDB.keys('active:*', function(active) {
var returnObj = {
users: 0,
anon: 0,
uids: []
keys = [];
if (active.length > 0) {
for(var a in active) {
keys.push('sess:' + active[a].split(':')[1] + ':uid');
RDB.mget(keys, function(uids) {
for(var u in uids) {
if (uids[u] !== null) {
if (returnObj.uids.indexOf(uids[u]) === -1) {
} else {
user_record(returnObj.anon + returnObj.users);
if (callback === undefined) {
io.sockets.emit('api:user.active.get', returnObj)
} else {
} else {
io.sockets.emit('api:user.active.get', returnObj)
register: function(sessionID) {
RDB.set('active:' + sessionID, '', 60*10); // Active state persists for 10 minutes