The current Ubuntu guide is not completely compatible with Debian and there are some specificities and especially the NodeJS installation, and how to get latest Redis.
NodeBB requires these software to be installed:
* Node.js at least 0.10 and greater
* Redis, version 2.6 or greater
* cURL installed, just do ``sudo apt-get install curl`` in order to install it
Node.js installation
Debian 7 and Debian 6 and older doesn't have `nodejs` packages included by default, but there are some solutions to install Node.js on your Debian distribution.
Wheezy Backport :
This solution is **ONLY for Debian 7**, simply run the following **as root** :
**Note:** If you NodeBB or your server crash, your NodeBB instance will not reboot (snap), this is why you should take a look at the other way to start your NodeBB instance with helper programs such as ``supervisor`` and ``forever``, just `take a look here <>`_ it's simple as a click!
You should use Nginx in order to reverse proxy your NodeBB installation on the port 80, `take a look here <>`_