"use strict";
closes #2792, closes #2791, closes #2788, closes #2787, closes #2786, closes #2785, closes #2784, closes #2783
Squashed commit of the following:
commit ca5064a4effa3904ce936b521b169bba8d24f1a1
Author: Julian Lam <[email protected]>
Date: Thu Feb 26 08:19:32 2015 -0500
Revert "added ajaxify popstate cache, so back/forward will just put back the already loaded page"
This reverts commit 77d154bb8b9549523e35c323dcb62f811c27dfb6.
commit ae07fc56c156074de8048bb627f5d9be849c8ad1
Author: Julian Lam <[email protected]>
Date: Thu Feb 26 08:19:24 2015 -0500
Revert "on click, topics are marked read from the unread page. Also fixed an issue where isPopState kept getting set to true, causing issues"
This reverts commit d8c9ec0d406147b4ac9631fcc7687073ee71ea8e.
commit 96ee3631d7e4e1fc2c1b7632d86684fecd1e430f
Author: Julian Lam <[email protected]>
Date: Thu Feb 26 08:18:25 2015 -0500
Revert "actually fixed isPopState error"
This reverts commit e6701c5a1f5a87a526c860f8e25e68ca1a65492d.
10 years ago
var ajaxify = ajaxify || {};
$(document).ready(function() {
/*global app, templates, utils, socket, config, RELATIVE_PATH*/
var location = document.location || window.location,
rootUrl = location.protocol + '//' + (location.hostname || location.host) + (location.port ? ':' + location.port : ''),
apiXHR = null,
// Dumb hack to fool ajaxify into thinking translator is still a global
// When ajaxify is migrated to a require.js module, then this can be merged into the "define" call
require(['translator'], function(_translator) {
translator = _translator;
$(window).on('popstate', function (ev) {
ev = ev.originalEvent;
if (ev !== null && ev.state && ev.state.url !== undefined) {
ajaxify.go(ev.state.url, function() {
$(window).trigger('action:popstate', {url: ev.state.url});
}, true);
ajaxify.currentPage = null;
ajaxify.go = function (url, callback, quiet, search) {
if (!socket.connected) {
if (ajaxify.reconnectAction) {
$(window).off('action:reconnected', ajaxify.reconnectAction);
ajaxify.reconnectAction = function(e) {
ajaxify.go(url, callback, quiet, search);
$(window).on('action:reconnected', ajaxify.reconnectAction);
if (ajaxify.handleRedirects(url)) {
return true;
if ($('#content').hasClass('ajaxifying') && apiXHR) {
url = ajaxify.start(url, quiet, search);
$('#footer, #content').removeClass('hide').addClass('ajaxifying');
ajaxify.loadData(url, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
return onAjaxError(err, url, callback, quiet);
app.template = data.template.name;
require(['translator'], function(translator) {
translator.load(config.defaultLang, data.template.name);
renderTemplate(url, data.template.name, data, callback);
return true;
ajaxify.handleRedirects = function(url) {
url = ajaxify.removeRelativePath(url.replace(/\/$/, '')).toLowerCase();
var isAdminRoute = url.startsWith('admin') && window.location.pathname.indexOf(RELATIVE_PATH + '/admin') !== 0;
var uploadsOrApi = url.startsWith('uploads') || url.startsWith('api');
if (isAdminRoute || uploadsOrApi) {
window.open(RELATIVE_PATH + '/' + url, '_blank');
return true;
return false;
ajaxify.start = function(url, quiet, search) {
url = ajaxify.removeRelativePath(url.replace(/^\/|\/$/g, ''));
var hash = window.location.hash;
search = search || '';
$(window).trigger('action:ajaxify.start', {url: url});
if (!window.location.pathname.match(/\/(403|404)$/g)) {
app.previousUrl = window.location.href;
ajaxify.currentPage = url;
if (window.history && window.history.pushState) {
window.history[!quiet ? 'pushState' : 'replaceState']({
url: url + search + hash
}, url, RELATIVE_PATH + '/' + url + search + hash);
return url;
function onAjaxError(err, url, callback, quiet) {
var data = err.data,
textStatus = err.textStatus;
if (data) {
var status = parseInt(data.status, 10);
if (status === 403 || status === 404 || status === 500 || status === 502) {
if (status === 502) {
status = 500;
$('#footer, #content').removeClass('hide').addClass('ajaxifying');
return renderTemplate(url, status.toString(), data.responseJSON, (new Date()).getTime(), callback);
} else if (status === 401) {
app.previousUrl = url;
return ajaxify.go('login');
} else if (status === 302) {
if (data.responseJSON.external) {
window.location.href = data.responseJSON.external;
} else if (typeof data.responseJSON === 'string') {
ajaxify.go(data.responseJSON.slice(1), callback, quiet);
} else if (textStatus !== 'abort') {
function renderTemplate(url, tpl_url, data, callback) {
$(window).trigger('action:ajaxify.loadingTemplates', {});
templates.parse(tpl_url, data, function(template) {
translator.translate(template, function(translatedTemplate) {
ajaxify.end(url, tpl_url);
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
$('#content, #footer').removeClass('ajaxifying');
ajaxify.end = function(url, tpl_url) {
function done() {
if (--count === 0) {
$(window).trigger('action:ajaxify.end', {url: url});
var count = 2;
ajaxify.loadScript(tpl_url, done);
ajaxify.widgets.render(tpl_url, url, done);
$(window).trigger('action:ajaxify.contentLoaded', {url: url, tpl: tpl_url});
ajaxify.removeRelativePath = function(url) {
if (url.startsWith(RELATIVE_PATH.slice(1))) {
url = url.slice(RELATIVE_PATH.length);
return url;
ajaxify.refresh = function(e) {
if (e && e instanceof jQuery.Event) {
ajaxify.loadScript = function(tpl_url, callback) {
var location = !app.inAdmin ? 'forum/' : '';
require([location + tpl_url], function(script) {
if (script && script.init) {
if (callback) {
ajaxify.loadData = function(url, callback) {
url = ajaxify.removeRelativePath(url);
$(window).trigger('action:ajaxify.loadingData', {url: url});
apiXHR = $.ajax({
url: RELATIVE_PATH + '/api/' + url,
cache: false,
success: function(data) {
if (!data) {
ajaxify.data = data;
data.relative_path = RELATIVE_PATH;
$(window).trigger('action:ajaxify.dataLoaded', {url: url, data: data});
if (callback) {
callback(null, data);
error: function(data, textStatus) {
if (data.status === 0 && textStatus === 'error') {
data.status = 500;
data: data,
textStatus: textStatus
ajaxify.loadTemplate = function(template, callback) {
if (templates.cache[template]) {
} else {
url: RELATIVE_PATH + '/templates/' + template + '.tpl' + (config['cache-buster'] ? '?v=' + config['cache-buster'] : ''),
type: 'GET',
success: function(data) {
error: function(error) {
throw new Error("Unable to load template: " + template + " (" + error.statusText + ")");
function ajaxifyAnchors() {
if (!window.history || !window.history.pushState) {
return; // no ajaxification for old browsers
function hrefEmpty(href) {
return href === undefined || href === '' || href === 'javascript:;' || href === window.location.href + "#" || href.slice(0, 1) === "#";
// Enhancing all anchors to ajaxify...
$(document.body).on('click', 'a', function (e) {
if (this.target !== '') {
} else if (hrefEmpty(this.href) || this.protocol === 'javascript:' || $(this).attr('data-ajaxify') === 'false') {
return e.preventDefault();
if (!e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey && !e.metaKey && e.which === 1) {
if (
this.host === '' || // Relative paths are always internal links...
(this.host === window.location.host && this.protocol === window.location.protocol && // Otherwise need to check that protocol and host match
(RELATIVE_PATH.length > 0 ? this.pathname.indexOf(RELATIVE_PATH) === 0 : true)) // Subfolder installs need this additional check
) {
// Internal link
var url = this.href.replace(rootUrl + RELATIVE_PATH + '/', '');
if(window.location.pathname !== this.pathname) {
if (ajaxify.go(url)) {
} else {
// Special handling for urls with hashes
if (this.hash !== window.location.hash) {
window.location.hash = this.hash;
} else if (window.location.pathname !== '/outgoing') {
// External Link
if (config.openOutgoingLinksInNewTab) {
window.open(this.href, '_blank');
} else if (config.useOutgoingLinksPage) {
ajaxify.go('outgoing?url=' + encodeURIComponent(this.href));
templates.cache['500'] = $('.tpl-500').html();