'use strict';
var ajaxify = ajaxify || {};
$(document).ready(function () {
var location = document.location || window.location;
var rootUrl = location.protocol + '//' + (location.hostname || location.host) + (location.port ? ':' + location.port : '');
var apiXHR = null;
var ajaxifyTimer;
var translator;
var retry = true;
var previousBodyClass = '';
// Dumb hack to fool ajaxify into thinking translator is still a global
// When ajaxify is migrated to a require.js module, then this can be merged into the "define" call
require(['translator'], function (_translator) {
translator = _translator;
$(window).on('popstate', function (ev) {
ev = ev.originalEvent;
if (ev !== null && ev.state) {
if (ev.state.url === null && ev.state.returnPath !== undefined) {
url: ev.state.returnPath,
}, ev.state.returnPath, config.relative_path + '/' + ev.state.returnPath);
} else if (ev.state.url !== undefined) {
ajaxify.go(ev.state.url, function () {
$(window).trigger('action:popstate', {url: ev.state.url});
}, true);
ajaxify.currentPage = null;
ajaxify.go = function (url, callback, quiet) {
if (!socket.connected) {
if (ajaxify.reconnectAction) {
$(window).off('action:reconnected', ajaxify.reconnectAction);
ajaxify.reconnectAction = function (e) {
ajaxify.go(url, callback, quiet);
$(window).on('action:reconnected', ajaxify.reconnectAction);
// Abort subsequent requests if clicked multiple times within a short window of time
if (ajaxifyTimer && (Date.now() - ajaxifyTimer) < 500) {
return true;
ajaxifyTimer = Date.now();
if (ajaxify.handleRedirects(url)) {
return true;
if ($('#content').hasClass('ajaxifying') && apiXHR) {
app.previousUrl = window.location.href;
url = ajaxify.start(url);
// If any listeners alter url and set it to an empty string, abort the ajaxification
if (url === null) {
$(window).trigger('action:ajaxify.end', {url: url, tpl_url: ajaxify.data.template.name, title: ajaxify.data.title});
return false;
previousBodyClass = ajaxify.data.bodyClass;
$('#footer, #content').removeClass('hide').addClass('ajaxifying');
ajaxify.loadData(url, function (err, data) {
if (!err || (err && err.data && (parseInt(err.data.status, 10) !== 302 && parseInt(err.data.status, 10) !== 308))) {
ajaxify.updateHistory(url, quiet);
if (err) {
return onAjaxError(err, url, callback, quiet);
retry = true;
app.template = data.template.name;
renderTemplate(url, data.template.name, data, callback);
return true;
ajaxify.handleRedirects = function (url) {
url = ajaxify.removeRelativePath(url.replace(/\/$/, '')).toLowerCase();
var isClientToAdmin = url.startsWith('admin') && window.location.pathname.indexOf(RELATIVE_PATH + '/admin') !== 0;
var isAdminToClient = !url.startsWith('admin') && window.location.pathname.indexOf(RELATIVE_PATH + '/admin') === 0;
var uploadsOrApi = url.startsWith('uploads') || url.startsWith('api');
if (isClientToAdmin || isAdminToClient || uploadsOrApi) {
window.open(RELATIVE_PATH + '/' + url, '_top');
return true;
return false;
ajaxify.start = function (url) {
url = ajaxify.removeRelativePath(url.replace(/^\/|\/$/g, ''));
var payload = {
url: url,
$(window).trigger('action:ajaxify.start', payload);
return payload.url;
ajaxify.updateHistory = function (url, quiet) {
ajaxify.currentPage = url.split(/[?#]/)[0];
if (window.history && window.history.pushState) {
window.history[!quiet ? 'pushState' : 'replaceState']({
url: url,
}, url, RELATIVE_PATH + '/' + url);
function onAjaxError(err, url, callback, quiet) {
var data = err.data;
var textStatus = err.textStatus;
if (data) {
var status = parseInt(data.status, 10);
if (status === 403 || status === 404 || status === 500 || status === 502 || status === 503) {
if (status === 502 && retry) {
retry = false;
ajaxifyTimer = undefined;
return ajaxify.go(url, callback, quiet);
if (status === 502) {
status = 500;
if (data.responseJSON) {
data.responseJSON.config = config;
$('#footer, #content').removeClass('hide').addClass('ajaxifying');
return renderTemplate(url, status.toString(), data.responseJSON || {}, callback);
} else if (status === 401) {
app.previousUrl = url;
window.location.href = config.relative_path + '/login';
} else if (status === 302 || status === 308) {
if (data.responseJSON && data.responseJSON.external) {
window.location.href = data.responseJSON.external;
} else if (typeof data.responseJSON === 'string') {
ajaxifyTimer = undefined;
ajaxify.go(data.responseJSON.slice(1), callback, quiet);
} else if (textStatus !== 'abort') {
function renderTemplate(url, tpl_url, data, callback) {
$(window).trigger('action:ajaxify.loadingTemplates', {});
templates.parse(tpl_url, data, function (template) {
translator.translate(template, function (translatedTemplate) {
translatedTemplate = translator.unescape(translatedTemplate);
ajaxify.end(url, tpl_url);
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
$('#content, #footer').removeClass('ajaxifying');
ajaxify.end = function (url, tpl_url) {
function done() {
count -= 1;
if (count === 0) {
$(window).trigger('action:ajaxify.end', {url: url, tpl_url: tpl_url, title: ajaxify.data.title});
var count = 2;
ajaxify.loadScript(tpl_url, done);
ajaxify.widgets.render(tpl_url, url, done);
$(window).trigger('action:ajaxify.contentLoaded', {url: url, tpl: tpl_url});
var timeElapsed = Date.now() - ajaxifyTimer;
if (config.environment === 'development' && !isNaN(timeElapsed)) {
console.info('[ajaxify /' + url + '] Time elapsed:', timeElapsed + 'ms');
ajaxify.parseData = function () {
var dataEl = $('#ajaxify-data');
if (dataEl.length) {
ajaxify.data = JSON.parse(dataEl.text());
ajaxify.removeRelativePath = function (url) {
if (url.startsWith(RELATIVE_PATH.slice(1))) {
url = url.slice(RELATIVE_PATH.length);
return url;
ajaxify.refresh = function (callback) {
ajaxify.go(ajaxify.currentPage + window.location.search + window.location.hash, callback, true);
ajaxify.loadScript = function (tpl_url, callback) {
var location = !app.inAdmin ? 'forum/' : '';
if (tpl_url.startsWith('admin')) {
location = '';
var data = {
tpl_url: tpl_url,
scripts: [location + tpl_url],
$(window).trigger('action:script.load', data);
// Require and parse modules
var outstanding = data.scripts.length;
data.scripts.map(function (script) {
if (typeof script === 'function') {
return function (next) {
if (typeof script === 'string') {
return function (next) {
require([script], function (script) {
if (script && script.init) {
}, function () {
// ignore 404 error
return null;
}).filter(Boolean).forEach(function (fn) {
fn(function () {
outstanding -= 1;
if (outstanding === 0) {
ajaxify.loadData = function (url, callback) {
url = ajaxify.removeRelativePath(url);
$(window).trigger('action:ajaxify.loadingData', {url: url});
apiXHR = $.ajax({
url: RELATIVE_PATH + '/api/' + url,
cache: false,
headers: {
'X-Return-To': app.previousUrl,
success: function (data) {
if (!data) {
ajaxify.data = data;
data.config = config;
$(window).trigger('action:ajaxify.dataLoaded', {url: url, data: data});
callback(null, data);
error: function (data, textStatus) {
if (data.status === 0 && textStatus === 'error') {
data.status = 500;
data: data,
textStatus: textStatus,
ajaxify.loadTemplate = function (template, callback) {
if (templates.cache[template]) {
} else {
url: config.relative_path + '/assets/templates/' + template + '.tpl' + '?' + config['cache-buster'],
type: 'GET',
success: function (data) {
error: function (error) {
throw new Error('Unable to load template: ' + template + ' (' + error.statusText + ')');
function ajaxifyAnchors() {
function hrefEmpty(href) {
return href === undefined || href === '' || href === 'javascript:;';
var contentEl = document.getElementById('content');
// Enhancing all anchors to ajaxify...
$(document.body).on('click', 'a', function (e) {
var _self = this;
var process = function () {
if (!e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey && !e.metaKey && e.which === 1) {
if (internalLink) {
var pathname = this.href.replace(rootUrl + RELATIVE_PATH + '/', '');
// Special handling for urls with hashes
if (window.location.pathname === this.pathname && this.hash.length) {
window.location.hash = this.hash;
} else {
if (ajaxify.go(pathname)) {
} else if (window.location.pathname !== '/outgoing') {
if (config.openOutgoingLinksInNewTab && $.contains(contentEl, this)) {
window.open(this.href, '_blank');
} else if (config.useOutgoingLinksPage) {
ajaxify.go('outgoing?url=' + encodeURIComponent(this.href));
if (this.target !== '' || (this.protocol !== 'http:' && this.protocol !== 'https:')) {
var internalLink = utils.isInternalURI(this, window.location, RELATIVE_PATH);
if ($(this).attr('data-ajaxify') === 'false') {
if (!internalLink) {
} else {
return e.preventDefault();
// Default behaviour for rss feeds
if (internalLink && $(this).attr('href') && $(this).attr('href').endsWith('.rss')) {
if (hrefEmpty(this.href) || this.protocol === 'javascript:' || $(this).attr('href') === '#') {
return e.preventDefault();
if (app.flags && app.flags.hasOwnProperty('_unsaved') && app.flags._unsaved === true) {
translator.translate('[[global:unsaved-changes]]', function (text) {
bootbox.confirm(text, function (navigate) {
if (navigate) {
app.flags._unsaved = false;
return e.preventDefault();
if (window.history && window.history.pushState) {
// Progressive Enhancement, ajaxify available only to modern browsers
$('[type="text/tpl"][data-template]').each(function () {
templates.cache[$(this).attr('data-template')] = $('<div/>').html($(this).html()).text();