You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

224 lines
6.8 KiB

"use strict";
var path = require('path'),
async = require('async'),
fs = require('fs'),
11 years ago
db = require('../database'),
user = require('../user'),
topics = require('../topics'),
posts = require('../posts'),
categories = require('../categories'),
meta = require('../meta'),
plugins = require('../plugins'),
utils = require('../../public/src/utils'),
pkg = require('../../package.json');
12 years ago
module.exports = function(app, middleware, controllers) {
app.namespace('/api', function () {
app.all('*', function(req, res, next) {
if(req.user) {
db.sortedSetAdd('ip:recent',, req.ip || 'Unknown');
res.locals.isAPI = true;
app.get('/user/uid/:uid', middleware.checkGlobalPrivacySettings, controllers.accounts.getUserByUID);
app.get('/get_templates_listing', function (req, res) {
utils.walk(path.join(__dirname, '../../', 'public/templates'), function (err, data) {
res.json(data.concat(app.get_custom_templates()).filter(function(value, index, self) {
return self.indexOf(value) === index;
12 years ago
app.get('/config', function (req, res, next) {
var config = require('../../public/config.json');
config.version = pkg.version;
config.postDelay = meta.config.postDelay;
config.minimumTitleLength = meta.config.minimumTitleLength;
config.maximumTitleLength = meta.config.maximumTitleLength;
config.minimumPostLength = meta.config.minimumPostLength;
config.hasImageUploadPlugin = plugins.hasListeners('filter:uploadImage');
config.maximumProfileImageSize = meta.config.maximumProfileImageSize;
config.minimumUsernameLength = meta.config.minimumUsernameLength;
config.maximumUsernameLength = meta.config.maximumUsernameLength;
config.minimumPasswordLength = meta.config.minimumPasswordLength;
config.maximumSignatureLength = meta.config.maximumSignatureLength;
config.useOutgoingLinksPage = parseInt(meta.config.useOutgoingLinksPage, 10) === 1;
config.allowGuestPosting = parseInt(meta.config.allowGuestPosting, 10) === 1;
config.allowFileUploads = parseInt(meta.config.allowFileUploads, 10) === 1;
config.allowTopicsThumbnail = parseInt(meta.config.allowTopicsThumbnail, 10) === 1;
config.usePagination = parseInt(meta.config.usePagination, 10) === 1;
config.disableSocialButtons = parseInt(meta.config.disableSocialButtons, 10) === 1;
config.topicsPerPage = meta.config.topicsPerPage || 20;
config.postsPerPage = meta.config.postsPerPage || 20;
config.maximumFileSize = meta.config.maximumFileSize;
config.defaultLang = meta.config.defaultLang || 'en_GB';
config.environment = process.env.NODE_ENV;
if (!req.user) {
return res.json(200, config);
if(req.user) {
user.getSettings(req.user.uid, function(err, settings) {
if(err) {
return next(err);
config.usePagination = settings.usePagination;
config.topicsPerPage = settings.topicsPerPage;
config.postsPerPage = settings.postsPerPage;
res.json(200, config);
app.get('/notifications', function(req, res) {
if (req.user && req.user.uid) {
user.notifications.getAll(req.user.uid, null, null, function(err, notifications) {
notifications: notifications
} else {
app.get('/search/:term', function (req, res, next) {
if (!plugins.hasListeners('filter:search.query')) {
return res.redirect('/404');
function searchPosts(callback) {
plugins.fireHook('filter:search.query', {
index: 'post',
query: req.params.term
}, function(err, pids) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
11 years ago
posts.getPostSummaryByPids(pids, false, callback);
11 years ago
function searchTopics(callback) {
plugins.fireHook('filter:search.query', {
index: 'topic',
query: req.params.term
}, function(err, tids) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
topics.getTopicsByTids(tids, 0, callback);
11 years ago
if ((req.user && req.user.uid) || meta.config.allowGuestSearching === '1') {
async.parallel([searchPosts, searchTopics], function (err, results) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
11 years ago
if(!results) {
results = [];
results[0] = results[1] = [];
11 years ago
return res.json({
show_no_topics: results[1].length ? 'hide' : '',
show_no_posts: results[0].length ? 'hide' : '',
show_results: '',
search_query: req.params.term,
posts: results[0],
topics: results[1],
post_matches : results[0].length,
topic_matches : results[1].length
11 years ago
} else {
function upload(req, res, filesIterator, next) {
if(!req.user) {
return res.json(403, {message:'not allowed'});
var files = req.files.files;
if(!Array.isArray(files)) {
return res.json(500, {message: 'invalid files'});
// multiple files
if(Array.isArray(files[0])) {
files = files[0];
function deleteTempFiles() {
for(var i=0; i<files.length; ++i) {
}, filesIterator, function(err, images) {
if(err) {
return res.send(500, err.message);
// if this was not a XMLHttpRequest (hence the req.xhr check
// then most likely it's submit via the iFrame workaround, via the jquery.form plugin's ajaxSubmit()
// we need to send it as text/html so IE8 won't trigger a file download for the json response
// Also, req.send is safe for both types, if the response was an object, res.send will automatically submit as application/json
res.send(200, req.xhr ? images : JSON.stringify(images));
}'/post/upload', function(req, res, next) {
upload(req, res, function(file, next) {
if(file.type.match(/image./)) {
posts.uploadPostImage(file, next);
} else {
posts.uploadPostFile(file, next);
}, next);
});'/topic/thumb/upload', function(req, res, next) {
upload(req, res, function(file, next) {
if(file.type.match(/image./)) {
topics.uploadTopicThumb(file, next);
} else {
res.json(500, {message: 'Invalid File'});
}, next);
app.get('/categories/:cid/moderators', function(req, res) {
categories.getModerators(req.params.cid, function(err, moderators) {
res.json({moderators: moderators});
// this should have been in the API namespace
// also, perhaps pass in :userslug so we can use checkAccountPermissions middleware - in future will allow admins to upload a picture for a user'/user/uploadpicture', middleware.checkGlobalPrivacySettings, /*middleware.checkAccountPermissions,*/ controllers.accounts.uploadPicture);