'use strict';
var async = require('async');
var nconf = require('nconf');
var crypto = require('crypto');
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var winston = require('winston');
var db = require('../database');
const image = require('../image');
module.exports = function (Posts) {
Posts.uploads = {};
const md5 = filename => crypto.createHash('md5').update(filename).digest('hex');
const pathPrefix = path.join(nconf.get('upload_path'), 'files');
const searchRegex = /\/assets\/uploads\/files\/([^\s")]+\.?[\w]*)/g;
Posts.uploads.sync = async function (pid) {
// Scans a post's content and updates sorted set of uploads
const [content, currentUploads] = await Promise.all([
Posts.getPostField(pid, 'content'),
// Extract upload file paths from post content
let match = searchRegex.exec(content);
const uploads = [];
while (match) {
uploads.push(match[1].replace('-resized', ''));
match = searchRegex.exec(content);
// Create add/remove sets
const add = uploads.filter(path => !currentUploads.includes(path));
const remove = currentUploads.filter(path => !uploads.includes(path));
await Promise.all([
Posts.uploads.associate(pid, add),
Posts.uploads.dissociate(pid, remove),
Posts.uploads.list = async function (pid) {
return await db.getSortedSetRange('post:' + pid + ':uploads', 0, -1);
Posts.uploads.listWithSizes = async function (pid) {
const paths = await Posts.uploads.list(pid);
const sizes = await db.getObjects(paths.map(path => 'upload:' + md5(path))) || [];
return sizes.map((sizeObj, idx) => ({
name: paths[idx],
Posts.uploads.isOrphan = async function (filePath) {
const length = await db.sortedSetCard('upload:' + md5(filePath) + ':pids');
return length === 0;
Posts.uploads.getUsage = async function (filePaths) {
// Given an array of file names, determines which pids they are used in
if (!Array.isArray(filePaths)) {
filePaths = [filePaths];
const keys = filePaths.map(fileObj => 'upload:' + md5(fileObj.name.replace('-resized', '')) + ':pids');
return await Promise.all(keys.map(k => db.getSortedSetRange(k, 0, -1)));
Posts.uploads.associate = async function (pid, filePaths) {
// Adds an upload to a post's sorted set of uploads
filePaths = !Array.isArray(filePaths) ? [filePaths] : filePaths;
if (!filePaths.length) {
filePaths = await async.filter(filePaths, function (filePath, next) {
// Only process files that exist
fs.access(path.join(pathPrefix, filePath), fs.constants.F_OK | fs.constants.R_OK, function (err) {
next(null, !err);
const now = Date.now();
const scores = filePaths.map(() => now);
const bulkAdd = filePaths.map(path => ['upload:' + md5(path) + ':pids', now, pid]);
await Promise.all([
db.sortedSetAdd('post:' + pid + ':uploads', scores, filePaths),
Posts.uploads.dissociate = async function (pid, filePaths) {
// Removes an upload from a post's sorted set of uploads
filePaths = !Array.isArray(filePaths) ? [filePaths] : filePaths;
if (!filePaths.length) {
const bulkRemove = filePaths.map(path => ['upload:' + md5(path) + ':pids', pid]);
await Promise.all([
db.sortedSetRemove('post:' + pid + ':uploads', filePaths),
Posts.uploads.saveSize = async filePaths => {
await Promise.all(filePaths.map(async function (fileName) {
try {
const size = await image.size(path.join(pathPrefix, fileName));
winston.verbose('[posts/uploads/' + fileName + '] Saving size');
await db.setObject('upload:' + md5(fileName), {
width: size.width,
height: size.height,
} catch (err) {
winston.error('[posts/uploads] Error while saving post upload sizes (' + fileName + '): ' + err.message);