
57 lines
3.7 KiB

"installed": "Instalirano",
"active": "Aktivno",
"inactive": "Neaktivan",
"out-of-date": "Izvan datuma",
"none-found": "Dodatci nisu pronađeni.",
"none-active": "Nema aktivnih dodataka",
"find-plugins": "Pronađi dodatke",
"plugin-search": "Pretraga dodataka",
"plugin-search-placeholder": "Pretraži za dodatak ...",
"submit-anonymous-usage": "Submit anonymous plugin usage data.",
"reorder-plugins": "Promjenite redosljed dodataka",
"order-active": "Posloži aktivne dodatke",
"dev-interested": "Interesira vas pisanje dodataka za NodeBB?",
"docs-info": "Full documentation regarding plugin authoring can be found in the <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">NodeBB Docs Portal</a>.",
"order.description": "Određeni dodatci rade idealno kada su pokrenuti prije/poslije drugih dodataka.",
"order.explanation": "Dodatci se učitavaju u slijedu zadanom ovdje,od vrha prema dnu.",
"plugin-item.themes": "Predlošci",
"plugin-item.deactivate": "Deaktiviraj",
"plugin-item.activate": "Aktiviraj",
"plugin-item.install": "Instaliraj",
"plugin-item.uninstall": "Deinstaliraj",
"plugin-item.settings": "Postavke",
"plugin-item.installed": "Instalirano",
"plugin-item.latest": "Najnovije",
"plugin-item.upgrade": "Nadogradnja",
"plugin-item.more-info": "Za više informacija:",
"plugin-item.unknown": "Nepoznato",
"plugin-item.unknown-explanation": "Stanje ovog dodatka se nemože utvrditi, vjerovatno zbog greške u konfiguraciji.",
"plugin-item.compatible": "This plugin works on NodeBB %1",
"plugin-item.not-compatible": "This plugin has no compatibility data, make sure it works before installing on your production environment.",
"alert.enabled": "Dodatak omogućen",
"alert.disabled": "Dodatak onemogućen",
"alert.upgraded": "Dodatak nadograđen",
"alert.installed": "Dodatak instaliran",
"alert.uninstalled": "Dodatak deinstaliran",
"alert.activate-success": "Pokrenite NodeBB za aktivaciju dodataka",
"alert.deactivate-success": "Dodatak uspjepno deaktiviran",
"alert.upgrade-success": "Please rebuild and restart your NodeBB to fully upgrade this plugin.",
"alert.install-success": "Dodatak instaliran, aktivirajte ga.",
"alert.uninstall-success": "Dodatak je uspješno deaktiviran i deinstaliran.",
"alert.suggest-error": "<p>NodeBB could not reach the package manager, proceed with installation of latest version?</p><div class=\"alert alert-danger\"><strong>Server returned (%1)</strong>: %2</div>",
"alert.package-manager-unreachable": "<p>NodeBB nemože uspostaviti komunikaciju sa upraviteljem paketa, nadogradnja se ne preporučuje u ovom trenutku.</p>",
"alert.incompatible": "<p>Your version of NodeBB (v%1) is only cleared to upgrade to v%2 of this plugin. Please update your NodeBB if you wish to install a newer version of this plugin.</p>",
"alert.possibly-incompatible": "<div class=\"alert alert-warning\"><p><strong>No Compatibility Information Found</strong></p><p>This plugin did not specify a specific version for installation given your NodeBB version. Full compatibility cannot be guaranteed, and may cause your NodeBB to no longer start properly.</p></div><p>In the event that NodeBB cannot boot properly:</p><pre><code>$ ./nodebb reset plugin=\"%1\"</code></pre><p>Continue installation of latest version of this plugin?</p>",
"alert.reorder": "Plugins Re-ordered",
"alert.reorder-success": "Please rebuild and restart your NodeBB to fully complete the process.",
"license.title": "Plugin License Information",
"license.intro": "The plugin <strong>%1</strong> is licensed under the %2. Please read and understand the license terms prior to activating this plugin.",
"license.cta": "Do you wish to continue with activating this plugin?"