barisusakli c573d5f1c1 moved teaser out of user
account fix , and also added missing lib file for chats
categories closes
category Set localization in category instead of global
groups closes
modals upload picture modal parentheses
noscript fixed
topic don't display social options for deleted posts
breadcrumbs.tpl Changes for...
category_list.tpl init
chat_contact.tpl moved teaser out of user
chat_message.tpl changes for
chat_messages.tpl init :rage1: ghfw
fork_thread_modal.tpl removed topic modals from tpl
menu.tpl closes
move_post_modal.tpl removed topic modals from tpl
move_thread_modal.tpl removed topic modals from tpl
notifications_list.tpl fixing again
paginator.tpl moved thread tools list
post_bar.tpl moved thread tools list
posts_list.tpl category info for topic list
share_dropdown.tpl Changes to Android default.
tags_list.tpl set tag score as human-readable-number
thread_tools.tpl moved thread tools list
topics_list.tpl fixed user icons in teasers
users_list.tpl WIP user-icons
users_list_menu.tpl closes