psychobunny 7e857a6a01
bootstrap reapplied changes to variables.less for Persona
bootstrap-rtl init
modules added back follow button to profile page
account.less closes
categories.less Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into user-icons
category.less unnecessary !important screwing me over
chats.less fix textarea height
footer.less init
groups.less closes
helpers.less init
keyframes.less animations for new taskbar
mixins.less Moved "fix-lists" mixin out to core, and added a bit of margin to the right of the chat messages.
mobile.less Revert "closes #183"
noscript.less init
notifications.less missed a couple mixin use cases
outgoing.less init
persona.less its about time I styled the alerts...
posts_list.less fixes
rtl.less init
search.less missed a couple mixin use cases
style.less use real ™️ colours for status indicators
tags.less styled tags
topic.less tweaked paginator-block with css3 transition and ready class instead of invisible class
unread.less closes
users.less missed a couple mixin use cases