psychobunny 010bbe6e4f added "moved" icon to moved topics
account theme changes re:
admin/plugins add switch for last posts in category view ()
groups set proper width for search and sort on mobile
modules don't show follow and chat for banned users
partials added "moved" icon to moved topics
alert.tpl toaster components + deprecated alert.location
categories.tpl Add widget areas
category.tpl renamed post/guest component to category/post/guest, added another component for category/post
chat.tpl chat controls on mobile
chats.tpl mark room unread on new message
footer.tpl toaster components + deprecated alert.location
header.tpl add skin class to body tag
login.tpl no autocomplete if username is filled
notifications.tpl Fix bug where clicking on user icon in notifications does not work
popular.tpl popular/tab component
recent.tpl renamed post/guest component to category/post/guest, added another component for category/post
register.tpl updated to handle terms of use changes
registerComplete.tpl updated to handle terms of use changes
reset.tpl fix reset msgs
reset_code.tpl remove variables
search.tpl change timestamps
tags.tpl closes
topic.tpl added "moved" icon to moved topics
users.tpl i fail at this