You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
509 lines
18 KiB
509 lines
18 KiB
from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio
import sys
import time
import traceback
from api.model.toolkit_ui.conversation import ConversationHelper
from local import noawait
from typing import Optional, Callable, TypedDict
from aiohttp import web
from sqlalchemy import select
from api.model.chat_complete.conversation import ConversationChunkHelper, ConversationModel, ConversationChunkModel
from noawait import NoAwaitPool
from service.chat_complete import ChatCompleteService, ChatCompleteServiceResponse
from service.database import DatabaseService
from service.embedding_search import EmbeddingSearchArgs
from service.mediawiki_api import MediaWikiApi, MediaWikiPageNotFoundException, MediaWikiUserNoEnoughPointsException
from service.tiktoken import TikTokenService
import utils.web
chat_complete_tasks: dict[str, ChatCompleteTask] = {}
class ChatCompleteTask:
def __init__(self, dbs: DatabaseService, user_id: int, page_title: str, is_system = False):
self.task_id = utils.web.generate_uuid()
self.on_message: list[Callable] = []
self.on_finished: list[Callable] = []
self.on_error: list[Callable] = []
self.chunks: list[str] = []
self.chat_complete_service: ChatCompleteService
self.chat_complete: ChatCompleteService
self.dbs = dbs
self.user_id = user_id
self.page_title = page_title
self.is_system = is_system
self.transatcion_id: Optional[str] = None
self.point_cost: int = 0
self.is_finished = False
self.finished_time: Optional[float] = None
self.result: Optional[ChatCompleteServiceResponse] = None
self.error: Optional[Exception] = None
async def init(self, question: str, conversation_id: Optional[str] = None, edit_message_id: Optional[str] = None,
embedding_search: Optional[EmbeddingSearchArgs] = None):
self.tiktoken = await TikTokenService.create()
self.mwapi = MediaWikiApi.create()
self.chat_complete_service = ChatCompleteService(self.dbs, self.page_title)
self.chat_complete = await self.chat_complete_service.__aenter__()
if await self.chat_complete.page_index_exists():
question_tokens = await self.tiktoken.get_tokens(question)
extract_limit = embedding_search["limit"] or 10
self.transatcion_id: Optional[str] = None
self.point_cost: int = 0
if not self.is_system:
usage_res = await self.mwapi.ai_toolbox_start_transaction(self.user_id, "chatcomplete",
question_tokens, extract_limit)
self.transatcion_id = usage_res["transaction_id"]
self.point_cost = usage_res["point_cost"]
res = await self.chat_complete.prepare_chat_complete(question, conversation_id=conversation_id,
user_id=self.user_id, edit_message_id=edit_message_id, embedding_search=embedding_search)
return res
await self._exit()
raise MediaWikiPageNotFoundException("Page %s not found." % self.page_title)
async def _on_message(self, delta_message: str):
for callback in self.on_message:
await callback(delta_message)
except Exception as e:
print("Error while processing on_message callback: %s" % e, file=sys.stderr)
async def _on_finished(self):
for callback in self.on_finished:
await callback(self.result)
except Exception as e:
print("Error while processing on_finished callback: %s" % e, file=sys.stderr)
async def _on_error(self, err: Exception):
self.error = err
for callback in self.on_error:
await callback(err)
except Exception as e:
print("Error while processing on_error callback: %s" % e, file=sys.stderr)
async def run(self):
chat_res = await self.chat_complete.finish_chat_complete(self._on_message)
await self.chat_complete.set_latest_point_cost(self.point_cost)
self.result = chat_res
if self.transatcion_id:
await self.mwapi.ai_toolbox_end_transaction(self.transatcion_id, chat_res["total_tokens"])
await self._on_finished()
except Exception as e:
err_msg = f"Error while processing chat complete request: {e}"
print(err_msg, file=sys.stderr)
if self.transatcion_id:
await self.mwapi.ai_toolbox_cancel_transaction(self.transatcion_id, error=err_msg)
await self._on_error(e)
await self._exit()
async def _exit(self):
await self.chat_complete_service.__aexit__(None, None, None)
del chat_complete_tasks[self.task_id]
self.is_finished = True
self.finished_time = time.time()
async def chat_complete_task_gc():
now = time.time()
for task_id in chat_complete_tasks.keys():
task = chat_complete_tasks[task_id]
if task.is_finished and task.finished_time is not None and now > task.finished_time + TASK_EXPIRE_TIME:
del chat_complete_tasks[task_id]
noawait.add_timer(chat_complete_task_gc, 60)
class ChatComplete:
async def get_conversation_chunk_list(request: web.Request):
params = await utils.web.get_param(request, {
"user_id": {
"required": False,
"type": int
"id": {
"required": True,
"type": int
if request.get("caller") == "user":
user_id = request.get("user")
user_id = params.get("user_id")
conversation_id = params.get("id")
db = await DatabaseService.create(
async with ConversationHelper(db) as conversation_helper, ConversationChunkHelper(db) as conversation_chunk_helper:
conversation_info = await conversation_helper.find_by_id(conversation_id)
if conversation_info is None:
return await utils.web.api_response(-1, error={
"code": "conversation-not-found",
"message": "Conversation not found."
}, http_status=404, request=request)
if conversation_info.user_id != user_id:
return await utils.web.api_response(-1, error={
"code": "permission-denied",
"message": "Permission denied."
}, http_status=403, request=request)
conversation_chunk_result = await conversation_chunk_helper.get_chunk_id_list(conversation_id)
conversation_chunk_list = []
for result in conversation_chunk_result:
return await utils.web.api_response(1, conversation_chunk_list, request=request)
async def get_conversation_chunk(request: web.Request):
params = await utils.web.get_param(request, {
"user_id": {
"required": False,
"type": int,
"chunk_id": {
"required": True,
"type": int,
if request.get("caller") == "user":
user_id = request.get("user")
user_id = params.get("user_id")
chunk_id = params.get("chunk_id")
db = await DatabaseService.create(
async with ConversationHelper(db) as conversation_helper, ConversationChunkHelper(db) as conversation_chunk_helper:
chunk_info = await conversation_chunk_helper.find_by_id(chunk_id)
if chunk_info is None:
return await utils.web.api_response(-1, error={
"code": "conversation-chunk-not-found",
"message": "Conversation chunk not found."
}, http_status=404, request=request)
conversation_info = await conversation_helper.find_by_id(chunk_info.conversation_id)
if conversation_info is not None and conversation_info.user_id != user_id:
return await utils.web.api_response(-1, error={
"code": "permission-denied",
"message": "Permission denied."
}, http_status=403, request=request)
chunk_dict = {
"conversation_id": chunk_info.conversation_id,
"message_data": chunk_info.message_data,
"tokens": chunk_info.tokens,
"updated_at": chunk_info.updated_at,
return await utils.web.api_response(1, chunk_dict, request=request)
async def get_tokens(request: web.Request):
params = await utils.web.get_param(request, {
"question": {
"type": str,
"required": True
question = params.get("question")
tiktoken = await TikTokenService.create()
tokens = await tiktoken.get_tokens(question)
return await utils.web.api_response(1, {"tokens": tokens}, request=request)
async def get_point_cost(request: web.Request):
params = await utils.web.get_param(request, {
"question": {
"type": str,
"required": True,
"extract_limit": {
"type": int,
"required": False,
"default": 10,
user_id = request.get("user")
caller = request.get("caller")
question = params.get("question")
extract_limit = params.get("extract_limit")
tiktoken = await TikTokenService.create()
mwapi = MediaWikiApi.create()
tokens = await tiktoken.get_tokens(question)
res = await mwapi.ai_toolbox_get_point_cost(user_id, "chatcomplete", tokens, extract_limit)
return await utils.web.api_response(1, {
"point_cost": res["point_cost"],
"tokens": tokens,
}, request=request)
except Exception as e:
err_msg = f"Error while get chat complete point cost: {e}"
return await utils.web.api_response(-1, error={
"code": "chat-complete-error",
"message": err_msg
}, http_status=500, request=request)
async def start_chat_complete(request: web.Request):
params = await utils.web.get_param(request, {
"title": {
"type": str,
"required": True,
"question": {
"type": str,
"required": True,
"conversation_id": {
"type": int,
"required": False,
"extract_limit": {
"type": int,
"required": False,
"default": 10,
"in_collection": {
"type": bool,
"required": False,
"default": False,
"edit_message_id": {
"type": str,
"required": False,
user_id = request.get("user")
caller = request.get("caller")
page_title = params.get("title")
question = params.get("question")
conversation_id = params.get("conversation_id")
extract_limit = params.get("extract_limit")
in_collection = params.get("in_collection")
edit_message_id = params.get("edit_message_id")
dbs = await DatabaseService.create(
chat_complete_task = ChatCompleteTask(dbs, user_id, page_title, caller != "user")
init_res = await chat_complete_task.init(question, conversation_id=conversation_id, edit_message_id=edit_message_id,
"limit": extract_limit,
"in_collection": in_collection,
chat_complete_tasks[chat_complete_task.task_id] = chat_complete_task
return await utils.web.api_response(1, data={
"conversation_id": init_res["conversation_id"],
"chunk_id": init_res["chunk_id"],
"question_tokens": init_res["question_tokens"],
"extract_doc": init_res["extract_doc"],
"task_id": chat_complete_task.task_id,
}, request=request)
except MediaWikiPageNotFoundException as e:
error_msg = "Page \"%s\" not found." % page_title
return await utils.web.api_response(-1, error={
"code": "page-not-found",
"title": page_title,
"message": error_msg
}, http_status=404, request=request)
except MediaWikiUserNoEnoughPointsException as e:
error_msg = "Does not have enough points." % user_id
return await utils.web.api_response(-1, error={
"code": "no-enough-points",
"message": error_msg
}, http_status=403, request=request)
except Exception as e:
err_msg = f"Error while processing chat complete request: {e}"
return await utils.web.api_response(-1, error={
"code": "chat-complete-error",
"message": err_msg
}, http_status=500, request=request)
async def chat_complete_stream(request: web.Request):
if not utils.web.is_websocket(request):
return await utils.web.api_response(-1, error={
"code": "websocket-required",
"message": "This API only accept websocket connection."
}, http_status=400, request=request)
params = await utils.web.get_param(request, {
"task_id": {
"type": str,
"required": True,
ws = web.WebSocketResponse()
await ws.prepare(request)
task_id = params.get("task_id")
task = chat_complete_tasks.get(task_id)
if task is None:
await ws.send_json({
'event': 'error',
'status': -1,
'message': "Task not found.",
'error': {
'code': "task-not-found",
'info': "Task not found.",
if request.get("caller") == "user":
user_id = request.get("user")
if task.user_id != user_id:
await ws.send_json({
'event': 'error',
'status': -1,
'message': "Permission denied.",
'error': {
'code': "permission-denied",
'info': "Permission denied.",
if task.is_finished:
if task.error is not None:
await ws.send_json({
'event': 'error',
'status': -1,
'message': str(task.error),
'error': {
'code': "internal-error",
'info': str(task.error),
await ws.close()
elif task.result is not None:
await ws.send_json({
'event': 'connected',
'status': 1,
'outputed_message': "".join(task.chunks),
await ws.send_json({
'event': 'finished',
'status': 1,
'result': task.result
await ws.close()
async def on_message(delta_message: str):
await ws.send_str("+" + delta_message)
async def on_finished(result: ChatCompleteServiceResponse):
ignored_keys = ["message"]
response_result = {
"point_cost": task.point_cost,
for k, v in result.items():
if k not in ignored_keys:
response_result[k] = v
await ws.send_json({
'event': 'finished',
'status': 1,
'result': response_result
await ws.close()
async def on_error(err: Exception):
await ws.send_json({
'event': 'error',
'status': -1,
'message': str(err),
'error': {
'code': "internal-error",
'info': str(err),
await ws.close()
# Send received message
await ws.send_json({
'event': 'connected',
'status': 1,
'outputed_message': "".join(task.chunks),
while True:
if ws.closed:
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)