[server] port = 8144 host = "www.isekai.cn" debug = false [database] host = "" port = 5432 user = "" password = "" database = "" [mediawiki] api_endpoint = "http://dev.isekai.cn/api.php" bot_username = "" bot_password = "" [request] proxy = "" [authorization] isekaiwiki = "sk-123456" [chatcomplete] enabled = true bot_name = "寫作助手" embedding_vector_size = 1536 embedding_type = "openai" max_memory_tokens = 1280 max_input_tokens = 128 api_type = "azure" [chatcomplete.openai] api_endpoint = "https://api.openai.com" key = "sk-" [chatcomplete.azure] api_endpoint = "https://your-instance.openai.azure.com" key = "" [chatcomplete.azure.deployments] chatcomplete = "" embedding = "" [chatcomplete.bert] model = "bert-base-chinese" [chatcomplete.replace.output] "OpenAI" = "オーペンエーアイ" "ChatGPT" = "チャットジーピーティー" "GPT" = "ジーピーティー" "上下文" = "消息" "AI" = "虛擬人物程序" "语言模型" = "虛擬人物程序" "人工智能程序" = "虛擬人物程序" "語言模型" = "虛擬人物程序" "人工智能程式" = "虛擬人物程序" [chatcomplete.prompts.chat] system = "You are a writer. You are the writing assistant of the '異世界百科'. Your name is '{bot_name}'. You need to help users complete the characters and settings in their novel." [chatcomplete.prompts.make_title] system = "You are a writing assistant, you only need to assist in writing, do not express your opinion." prompt = "Write a short title in Chinese for the following conversation, don't use quotes:\n\n{content}" [chatcomplete.prompts.make_summary] system = "You are a writing assistant, you only need to assist in writing, do not express your opinion. Reply in Chinese." prompt = "為“{bot_name}”概括下面的聊天記錄,排除不重要的對話,不要表明自己的意見,儘量簡潔。使用中文輸出,對話中的“User”是同一個人。\n\n{content}" [chatcomplete.prompts.extracted_doc] prompt = "Here are some relevant informations:\n\n{content}"